Chapter 12

Faithfully Yours

Charmaine stretched her arms upright and turned to look at the offensive bright red numbers illuminating from the alarm clock on her nightstand. Seeing the time, she quickly jumped out of bed. She had overslept which left her only fifteen minutes to get ready and leave for her appointment. Strange that Raymond didn’t wake her up. He was usually up by now making a racket. He was more punctual than her alarm clock. Putting on a robe, she went across the hall to his door. She knocked softly, “Raymond?” Hearing no answer, she was about to turn around when she heard a faint noise from within. “Raymond?” Again that faint moan. Turning the knob she entered and saw Raymond still in bed with the blanket pulled up high against his chin. “Raymond, are you okay?” She placed a hand on his forehead and it was hot to the touch, “You’re burning up.”

Raymond opened his eyes slightly and peered at her, “I don’t feel too good. I feel as if I’ve been hit by a truck. I’m aching everywhere.”

Charmaine surveyed his pale complexion, dazed eyes and dry mouth, “I think you have the flu.” Pushing his covers aside she took his arm, “I'll take you to the doctor.”

Raymond kept his eyes closed and shook his head slowly, “Too tired. I can barely keep my eyes open.”

Charmaine covered him up again with the blanket, “I’m going to get you some medication.”

Raymond didn’t respond for he drifted into sleep. It was hours later when he regained consciousness. Opening his eyes, he saw Charmaine sitting next to him reading a book. Turning to her he inquired, “What time s is it?”

Charmaine put down the book and got up from the bed, “It’s almost 1:00. Are you up for something light to eat?”

Raymond felt his stomach clench at the mention of food, “I’m actually starving.”

Happy that he was feeling better, Charmaine went to the door, “I’ve made some congee. After you eat I’ll give you some medication.”

Raymond looked up at her with a soft expression, “Thanks.”

Charmaine left and returned minutes later holding a small bowl with a spoon sticking out from it. She placed the bowl carefully on the side and helped Raymond sit up. His body still radiated heat and she knew that his fever was not going away any time soon.

Raymond looked at the bowl and made several attempts to lift his hand but he felt weak and exhausted. Charmaine took the bowl and shyly brought the spoon to his mouth. With her head bent, she waited expectantly for him to open his mouth. When he didn’t, she lifted her eyes to his. He was staring at her with a tender expression that caused her stomach to flutter. In a hoarse voice, Raymond whispered, “Thank you for taking care of me.”

Smiling, Charmaine pushed the spoon forward and softly commanded, “Thank me by finishing this.”


Ron walked to the edge of the curb and looked up the street for an available cab. His car was in the shop and he had to take alternative means of transportation till his car was repaired. He saw a vacant cab approach and swiftly waved the cab over. Getting into the back seat he saw a young woman enter from the other side. “Excuse me Miss, but I hailed the cab first.”

Tavia looked him up and down and sneered, “You must be mistaken. I hailed the cab first.”

With disbelief, Ron stared at her, “You better get your eyes checked. I’ve been standing here for a while and I saw this cab first.”

Tavia sat back against the seat and crossed her arms, “I hailed it first and I’m not getting out.”

Looking at her with growing annoyance, Ron snickered, “You’re being unreasonable here.” He leaned forward and tapped the driver on the shoulder, “Would you tell this lady here who you were stopping for?”

The cab driver turned around and looked a Tavia, “Sorry Miss, but I was pulling over for him. I didn’t even see you.”

With triumph, Ron haughtily said, “Now would you please get out so that I can be on my way.”

Tavia lowered her face and within seconds a tear slid down her cheek. She looked up at Ron with tear glazed eyes and wailed, “My brother just got into an accident and it’s very critical. I have to get to the hospital. If I don’t get there soon I may never see him again.”

Ron saw the hidden tears welling in her eyes and felt like a class A jerk for arguing with her just now. With sympathy, he softly said, “You can take the cab. I’ll get another one.”

Tavia nodded sadly, “Thank you so much.”

Getting out of the cab, Ron said, “No problem.”

When the car pulled away, Tavia quickly wiped away her tears. The cab driver looked at her through the rearview mirror, “Which hospital Miss?”

Smiling, Tavia informed the driver, “Not hospital. Take me to Ocean Park.”  

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 31: Reading a charray fic every night for my bedtime story is the bestttt!
This one was so cute. ; ~ ;
charray #3
Oh Simcon, seeing you uploading this fics made me amazed, I hope you had a good night sleep, I don't know where are you, but in Canada where I am it's night time, I hope you had a good night sleep last night or if you are at the same time zone with me, hope you will sleep well. I'm so happy and surprised and really appreciate what you are doing for us today. <br />
<br />
It feels so good to be a Charray fan, to have such a great writer friend like you, Simcon. Thanks so much!!! Sure that I and Charray's fans will keep supporting you and your fanfics, I know I say many thanks but if I could I would give you big big hugs for such a great effort and devotion!!!