
Please Stay

Hakyeon’s childhood was very normal. You could say he was the average kid. No particular grades. Nothing out of the ordinary. That’s how it had always been. He figured that’s how it would always be.

If there was anything special about him, it would surely be his interest in the art of dance. Hakyeon was timid to commence his trials but they went smoothly. His teacher even praised him, recommending that he become a member of the dance team. He accepted the offer in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, this meant moving thousands of miles away from his home to travel from city to city. He truly wanted this.

And so it happened. Hakyeon bid his parents farewell and let his destiny steer him into the future. Except that there was a problem- even with his dance partners, he felt lonely. They were all very nice to him but it couldn’t cure that particular emptiness in his chest. What he needed was a friend. A lover. Someone to care for.

He now sits on the windowsill in his room located in the apartment he shares with the others. Four women and three men including himself. They are doing well with their promotions, currently in Paris, although he isn’t exactly satisfied with some of his moves. At the moment, that isn’t what’s clouding his mind. Hakyeon presses his forehead to the glass and simply listens.

I’m not upset. I feel… unfulfilled.

He realizes that his life has only just begun. He is twenty years old and on his way to discover himself. There never seemed to be enough time in the day to remain like this- thoughtful and reflective. He appreciates the silence because it isn’t something he often can enjoy. From the window, foggy and stained by the sky’s misery, he views the city. She is dressed to impress for a black tie event, donning a sequined gown. She looks lovely tonight. Perhaps she is inviting him to join her.

May I have this dance? She whispers softly to him. Hakyeon cannot refuse. He throws on a jacket and leaves the apartment alone for the first time in nearly a year.

It is exactly those words that he hears precisely an hour and twenty five minutes later in a club he somehow stumbled into. He doesn’t drink, which he hopes doesn’t make him stand out too much amongst the others. Truthfully, he doesn’t comprehend a word of what anyone in the room is saying until he hears someone trying to grab his attention.

“What?” Hakyeon asks, spinning around to face the man that has addressed him. He is rather tall with large defined eyes and messy dark hair. Every crinkle and crease that his expression shapes into only makes him appear friendlier. This is surprisingly comforting in a foreign country.

“You.” The man points to Hakyeon.

“Me.” He points to himself.

“Dancing.” He demonstrates the word by pretending to waltz with an invisible partner. Hakyeon giggles. It doesn’t matter at this moment how he understands. Just that he takes the opportunity on his only night out by himself.

“I’d love to.” He later discovers that the man’s name is Wonshik. Along with this, he discovers that it is 7 in the morning and he’d been out far longer than he’d thought he would. He’d used up all of that time getting to know this enticing man named Wonshik. Hakyeon already likes him too much. The language barrier was hardly a problem between the two. After tiring from dancing, they hung out around the bar, even though neither of them favored alcohol, and chatted for hours. Perhaps the most refreshing moments were when Wonshik would lean propped up on his elbow, staring intently as Hakyeon told a story, with such an endearing gaze. Maybe even when he would ‘accidentally’ let his hand linger on the other’s thigh for a few seconds longer than he should have.

Of course, he is nothing short of a gentleman. When Hakyeon tells him that he must hurry back to his apartment, Wonshik does not complain. Instead, he leads the other man outside and onto the streets where the rain continues to pelt down onto the pavement.

“I should have worn a thicker coat.” Hakyeon frets, rubbing his arms and brushing shoulders with Wonshik as they walk on. He isn’t sure where they’re going but he’s certain that it isn’t to where he’d indicated.

“We’ll be there soon!” Wonshik stops to offer a smile and his sweatshirt. Apparently, he’d been taking Hakyeon to his own apartment. They arrive moments later. Hakyeon blinks twice and looks over uncertainly at the man he had met last night.

“I only mean kindness. You tell me you live far from here, so you shouldn’t go by foot. It’s dangerous! You can rest at my place for now and I’ll bring you back another time.” Wonshik reasons, going so far as to kneel on the wet sidewalk and chastely kiss Hakyeon’s knuckles.

“It’s not just me feeling this way, is it?”

“Of course not.” The dancer tiptoes up to peck Wonshik’s cheek. How bad could it be to enjoy the company of such an attractive stranger? Hakyeon is half-way asleep by the time they enter the apartment complex and he’s already dreaming when his head sinks into the distinctively Paris-scented duvet that Wonshik prepared for him.

His dance team had the shock of their lives when he returned a week later with a golden band on his ring finger.



Why do I post things that I don't even bother to read over?

Hoping to have further chapters.

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Chapter 1: It sounds really good~ romantic and dramatic~
Are you french ? cause i am, so i like the fact that you insert french things in your story c:
Please continue~
Chapter 2: unf. I ship both Navi and Neo, so I don't honestly care how this story turns out XD
Chapter 2: Something is going on between N and Leo towards the end, eh? ^_^
Chapter 1: ..........Things that can only happen in fanfics.....sigh.....
Will b waiting for more :)
Chapter 1: omg in a week? Wow we'll all know how this is gonna end lol =)) Can't wait to see TaekWoon's appearance <3 <3 It's a great start. Keep up the good work author-nim ^o^