Cozy When Cold ❅ (Ch. 4 "Once In A Lifetime")

Cozy When Cold ❅

Chapter Four

"Once In A Lifetime"

The next morning, I woke up with a stretch and realized that I was late for school! They passed me off with a warning yesterday, but I’d get into big trouble if I was late again. I quickly put on my uniform, brushed my teeth, got all my things together, and grabbed my bike. As if I was an olympic professional I pedaled as fast as I could through the city, probably several miles an hour. I threw my bike at the sidewalk and ran to my homeroom.  I slid the door and sat down, panting as if I had just finished a marathon.

The homeroom teacher wasn’t even here.

    I am the school captain here at South Cloud High. I knew most of the kids here, but I didn’t have any close friends. Most of the kids felt that they were obligated to be nice to me, so I did them a favor and only spoke when needed. It didn’t help much that I had several part-time jobs to help pay for my apartment and college. I sat in the middle of the room and pulled out my notebook and pencil case.

     When the teacher finally arrived, she announced a raffle that would be taking place at each of the high schools in Seoul. There were four high schools in Seoul, West Flame, East River, North Wood and South Cloud. “Like the hunger games?” A student yelled and the class laughed and then shushed him.

    “Yes, the event will take place on Christmas Eve, and unlike the Hunger Games, it will be held at a luxuries cabin near the shore called Steaming Resorts. The people chosen will go hiking up a mountain to a waterfall, take a tour in the art museum, and visit the local hot springs that are heated by the nearby volcanoes. Only two lucky winners from each school is chosen. The result will be posted on the bulletin near the office after school.”

    I didn’t have much time for the event, as I decided, it would take too much of my time and I didn’t want to miss work. I probably wouldn’t get chosen anyway. After school, the kids crowded the bulletins to see who the winner was. It’s hard to admit, but I actually wanted to get away from this place, I wanted to visit that museum, go on an adventure, and relax in the springs. My hopes high, I peeked at the name on the bulletin.

    To my surprise, It wasn’t me.

    Some freshmen girl was chosen, and she jumped up and down in excitement. I hung my head low and made my way to the Chicken Restaurant down the street. I worked here delivering food to people for about three hours. Afterwards, I went to the Music Store beside the restaurant as a cashier for two hours. Then, I took the bus to the cupcake and waffle diner and worked the rest of the day as a dishwasher. Finally, at eleven I trudged my feet home to the apartment and worked on my homework while I snacked on pocky. Somehow, I found myself awake as the alarm yelled at five in the morning.

    I smile as I realized that it was the weekend.

    The sun shined on my face through the white curtains and I pushed myself up to go to the minimarket to pick up eggs and fruits. I sat on the bench in front of the store and took a deep breath. I loved the mornings, it felt so nice. I pulled out my book and began reading. When I had just gotten to the best part, my phone rang. Annoyed, I answer, “Hello?”

    “Hi. Is this Skyla Kim?”

    “Yes, who is this?”

    “I’m the coordinator of the trip to Steaming Resorts, and you have won the raffle!”

    “What? There must be some mistake. Someone already won.”

    “Yes, but they couldn’t go because they had to stay with their parents.”

    “I’m sorry, I believe I have work.”

    “Don’t worry, I had already talked to your employers, they already had plans for Christmas and

was more than happy to let you off on a vacation.”

    I didn’t believe it. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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