Chapter 1.

This Is for You

My name is IU.

I was born on MAY 16, 1993.

I had a pretty awesome life. Until...

school came. That word sends shivers

down my SPINE. 


" WAHH! TEACHER IU STOLE MY CRAYON! "    I suddenly looked up at Hyuna. I didn't take her crayon. The teacher came over to me and I look at her innocently.

" IU dear...please hand back Hyuna her crayon." I sighed.

" I didn't take it."

" IU we have discussed this issue before. No lying."

I sighed again. Of course she wouldn't believe me! Hyuna that girl just has the PERFECT attendance. She was just so PERFECT.

I looked at my share of crayons. I looked at the teacher and Hyuna. I sighed and handed her a random crayon.

" Very good IU." the teacher said.

I shook my head and continued my drawing.


I look around and see my father smiling at me when I got out of that stupid place.

" Hi Appa! "

" Hello IU." He took my hand and we walked home.

Then I took my backpack off and umma came out and ...

" IU...Your teacher called and said you came back to your habit of lying? "

I looked at umma wide-eyed. Appa nodded in agreement.

" Umma! I didn't lie! Hyuna just hates me! " I couldn't bottle it inside me anymore I bursted out crying.

Umma shook her head and said " IU you are lying, Hyuna is so sweet! IU you know what that means."

I cried even harder. Then appa took me by the hand and locked me in the my room.

I cried until I had no more tears. Then I slowly crawled to my friend...her name is Jin. I clutched Jin tightly.

I wasn't alone. Jin understood everything. I took a slow breath.

'' Jin, Hyuna is a fake."

Jin just stared back because Jin was just a big fluffy pink toy.

IU thought long and hard.

Hyuna hates me for a reason, I won't let that get to me because



Then IU felt stronger more powerful because NOBODY is alone. If you think you are you just didn't try hard enough to find that person who cares about you and loves the way you are.


Hello !!!!!!

Keep on reading it might be all sad now...but trust me it will make you feel stronger.


If you see someone feeling down...

lend one of your brightest smiles.




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