
Good night, Woohyun-ssi

It's only twelve, or exactly a brand new day, but all of Infinite members already back into their dorm. They spent their day with practicing more and more for their come back. Compare to the time when they still a rookie, at this time they would probably struggling in their practice room. Since they already adapt with the dance and all kind of moves, it easier for them to understand and did it. But still, they already exhausted for 10 hours non-stop dance practice.


It’s not taking a long time until they reach their dorm. And without any command, all of the members are going to their own room, absolutely going to sleep. Some of them didn’t bother to take a bath, or at least wash their feet, they just going straight to their room, push their body to the bed. So does the elder.


Woohyun, who owns his own room, enjoying sleeping only when he  is lying next him. That man is already sleeping, exhausted for sure. His mouth is half open. Woohyun is enjoying what he see now. He looks so beautiful. Woohyun has no plan to sleep soon. He just watching the other man sleeps, the rhytm of his controlled breath, and the sound of the clock accompany him watching over the sleeping one.


He can't help him self but to touch the other's cheek, nose, and lips. He plays with his long finger, make a pattern over the other's face. The finger soon reach the brown-black hair. There's nothing much hair left since the other cut it a while ago. It reachs his ear when finally the sleeping man starts to regain his consciusness.


"Ya...! What are you doing?" he grumbles, not open his eyes.


"Uh.. oh nothing Hyung. Go back to sleep." He answered slowly, more like whisper.


"You too." It's not taking much time until he fall asleep, again.


Woohyun wants to hug him, cuddle, and burry his face into the other's chest and sleep. But he knows he can't. He is already sleeping. I can't wake him up, he'll probably kicks me or move to his own room. Woohyun is drowning to his own though until that man is change his position facing him.


That man, now, is sleeping facing Woohyun. He can see all of the tiredness all over the elder’s face.  His small eyes are closed, perfectly. His mouth is not half open like before, it is totally closed, make a small round shape, more like a baby’s lips.


Damn it, Kim Sunggyu. You are such a tease. Damn it.


Woohyun can help but looking into Sunggyu's face. He is surely sleeps in peace. He hugs a pillow. His loose old tshirt showing his white milky skin. It expose his neck and his collarbone. It's not like it's the first time Woohyun see it, he actually see it many times before, but being in this situation, facing each other, in bed, make Woohyun's heart beats faster.


He misses Kim Sunggyu so much. He always do, actually. It just his reason to make the elder agree to sleep in his room so they can cuddle, at least he wish. Sunggyu can't refuse the younger's wish. How can he actually when Woohyun use his best cute face and asks him like a puppy. Sunggyu doesn't have a heart to reject him. And Woohyun knows it.


Woohyun still have no intention to sleep. He still watches the elder sleeps. He knows he should be sleeping by now, but who can resist the cutest person alive (for Woohyun of course) sleeping in front of you. He smiles. Smile turns into chuckles. Chuckles turns into giggling. Woohyun can’t help, but laugh.


He soon stops his laugh when Sunggyu moves his body. Do not turn around Kim Sunggyu. Don’t you dare. Like what Woohyun just wish, Sunggyu just moves his body to find a better position to sleep, still facing Woohyun. The younger sighs in relief. I should be more careful. He thought to his self.


Woohyun remembers today practice. He likes to practice with the leader (the others members too!) because no one can steal him. Not stealing like kidnapped, it just he feels so irritated with other people trying to get close with his leader. He throws his best smile to him just to see the elder’s flustered face. Woohyun found it so cute. He really likes it when the leader shyly smiles back until his eyes gone. They kept going like that, smiles exchanged the word. They didn’t need to say anything. Both of them already know.


Woohyun gets back to what in front of him. He, unconsciously, starts to pinch the elder’s cheek, lightly tho. Then he just basically touches every where. Cheeks, forehead, nose, lips. He stares at the elder silently. How I wish we can be like this forever, can’t we. He pulls his hands from the elder face.


Woohyun now is trying to sleep because he doesn’t want the elder awaken again. He knows he might squish the elder’s bunny cheek and get kicks from the bed.


“I love you.” He whispers as he close his eyes.


“Nam Woohyun.”


I am already dreaming or its morning already?


“You sleep?”


Sunggyu is awake?  


“You really sleep?”


Woohyun opens his eyes. Barely to see Sunggyu, with his eyes opened.


“You awake? Since when?” Did he, by any chance, hear me


“You won’t let me sleep in your arms? Nam-ssi?” there’s a teasing sound in the elder’s voice. He is half way to turn around.


“Since when you are awake?” Woohyun still surprised.


“I am asking you first.” Now he already back facing Woohyun.


“I…I… if you want, of course.” He blush.


“Good” He turns around, again.


“So since when you awake, Hyung?”


“Since I love you ?” He teases.


“Hyung,  you hear that?” He can feel that his cheek is going to burst.


“How can I miss something like that, Woohyun-ssi?” He smiles, enjoying the shy Woohyun.


“Let just sleep…” Sunggyu closer his body to the youngers. “…baby.”


Woohyun, who caught red handed, blushes. The only sound left this night is only Woohyun’s fast heartbeat.




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Chapter 1: This was soooo fluffy :)
Chapter 1: TuT they are so perfect together
Chapter 1: Awww super cute!
Chapter 1: this is so cutee <33 makes me want to watch sunggyu sleep as well ;)
Chapter 1: whoaah so cute!!!
Chapter 1: awww... so cute..hahaha
Chapter 1: Awwww >.< <3
MissBunnyGyu #8
Chapter 1: so sweet ;D
Chapter 1: how sweet they are >.<
Chapter 1: So cute >_<