Would You Rather?

Truth or Dare
Kris smiles as he closes the door behind which Baekhyun and Chanyeol are sleeping.
They're the last pair Kris has checked on, after he'd spotted Tao and Chen, Kai and Kyungsoo, and Xiumin sleeping in the living room, and then found Suho and Lay, Sehun and Luhan, and now Baekhyun and Chanyeol in their own bedrooms.
"Playing matchmaker?" Kris spins around when he hears the voice, and spots Xiumin leaning against the doorway to the living room with a smirk.
"Oh, hey there Hyung, just checking on everyone" Kris whispers back, running a hand through his hair with a chuckle.
Xiumin chuckles too, and then pouts.
"I couldn't go to sleep, and then I noticed you were gone so I got up to find you," he starts, and then adds "sorry if I scared you, by the way, I was just amused at your creeper 'watching you while you sleep' methods" he finishes in a teasing tone while Kris splutters.
"Just kidding, come on, let's go back to sleep" Xiumin says with a laugh, and he grabs one of Kris' large hands in his own small one and drags them back.
Kris can't seem to say anything as Xiumin drags him back into the living room, and they lay down on the floor, not far away from each other but not touching either.
Eventually, they fall asleep.
Xiumin wakes when he feels something kick his leg, and he turns around to see Kris significantly closer to him than before and curled into a fetal position.
Kris whimpers in his sleep, breathing coming faster as his chest rises and falls rapidly.
Xiumin's eyes widen as he takes in the younger, and he quickly reaches out to shake Kris' shoulder.
But Kris just lets out another whimper as his brow furrows.
'Crap' Xiumin thinks before he literally grabs Kris to his chest and pats his back.
"Kris, Kris, Yifan, wake up, it's just a bad dream, come on" Xiumin whispers into Kris' hair as he rocks them back and forth.
Kris wakes with a jolt, gasping as tears fill his eyes until he realizes where he is again.
Feeling shaky, Kris just lets Xiumin continue rocking them while he wraps his arms around the other's small torso.
His breathing eventually calms down and Kris chuckles nervously at their position.
"I hate scary movies" Kris mutters with a smile, and whether or not that's the reason behind Kris' nightmare, Xiumin doesn't know, but he pulls away to look at Kris.
"Come on, let's do something so we can get tired and go to sleep" Xiumin whispers, and then he's pulling Kris by his hand once again, this time into the kitchen.
"Hmm, what to do, what to d- I know!" Xiumin whispers loudly, and then he sits Kris down in one of the chairs before sitting across from him.
Xiumin just wanted something fun to do, and he immediately had one game pop in his mind.
"Alright, Kris, we're going to play a game called 'Would you rather', I don't know if you've played it before" Xiumin whispers with a grin, and Kris quickly shakes his head because, no, he's never played this game before.
Xiumin just grins more as he explains the game.
Basically, they just ask each other questions, like, would you rather do this or do this, etc.
Kris is starting to feel excited for the game so he sits up a little straighter in his chair, returning the grin Xiumin has on his face.
"Alright, I'll go first," Xiumin whispers, "would you rather...read fanfiction about exo or watch one of those couple videos on YouTube?" 
Kris makes a face before replying.
"Fanfiction, I feel like that would be funnier"
"Alright, your turn" Xiumin replies with a quiet snicker.
"Umm...would you rather have the power you have for Exo or have powers like a wizard, like Harry Potter?" Kris asks with a wave of his imaginary wand, and Xiumin feels relieved that he doesn't seem to be thinking about the nightmare anymore.
"Ah, wizard power wizard power" Xiumin says in excitement, thinking of all the possibilities there could be if he were a wizard. (not that he thinks about it often)
Xiumin rubs his hands together, thinking hard, before an idea comes to him with a look at Kris' face.
"Would you rather have no eyebrows or a permanent unibrow?" Xiumin asks, and Kris' gasp of horror as he brings his hands up to his eyebrows makes Xiumin bend over in laughter.
Kris starts laughing too, and in between gasps he manages out an answer.
"No eyebrows, oh god, a unibrow would look terrible on my face" he says dramatically, eyes still wide in horror at the thought.
"Ok, ok, I got one" Kris holds his hands up as they catch their breath.
"Would you rather have fingers the length of your legs or legs the length of your fingers?"
The two stare at each other for a moment, eyes widening as they think of the images.
And then they're gone, bursting out into quiet giggles that wrack their bodies.
Xiumin falls out of his chair, soon followed by Kris as they roll around on the floor, clutching their stomachs as tears stream down their faces.
"What's--it gonna be--ahahaha" Kris manages out through giggles, getting the weirdest images of Xiumin running towards him on tiny little legs.
"I don't know, I pass--please--I pass this one" Xiumin cries out, holding his stomach as he shakes with laughter.
They almost pull it together, but then one look at each other and they're on the floor again, images of Kris with stubby, almost nonexistent legs or Xiumin with freakishly long fingers running through their sleepy minds.
"Ok, ok, new game or else we might wake the others" Xiumin manages out, and Kris smiles evilly mischievously.
"Truth or dare"
Xiumin pauses for a moment, he hasn't played this since his first year as a trainee, but Kris looks so eager, not behind the tough mask he usually wears.
And, in all honesty, he loves the game too.
"Ok, your game, you go first. Truth or dare?" Xiumin asks with a grin once they're seated back in their chairs.
"Umm, dare" Kris says and then cringes when Xiumin's grin grows larger.
"Let me do your makeup" Xiumin proposes with a challenge in his eyes.
Kris closes his previously hanging open mouth and gulps. Everyone knows he doesn't wear makeup often, and when he does it's only a little bit, but he's not losing to Xiumin now.
"Ughh fine, do it" Kris says with a fearful look in his eyes, and Xiumin runs from the room.
He returns not a minute later, clutching maybe Baekhyun's makeup bag in hand.
"Alright, close your eyes" Xiumin says, wielding a dangerous looking eyeliner pencil.
Kris closes his eyes and almost chokes when he feels Xiumin nudge his knees apart with a leg and then stand directly in between them. 
But then Xiumin's tilting his head back with a finger under his chin and it's all Kris can do to not blink as he feels the soft glide of the pencil on his eyelid.
He's never felt so...exposed in his life, with his legs parted, throat bare and tilted, and eyes closed to the world.
But then again, it's Xiumin, and Kris more than trusts Xiumin, so he just tries to relax.
Xiumin's breath ghosts over Kris' face as he continues with the other eye, and he smiles when he observes the finished product.
"Ok, open them" Xiumin instructs, and Kris slowly opens his eyes to look up at the boy in front of him.
"Try not to blink, now, we're almost done" Xiumin says with a wag of the pencil, and then he's cupping Kris' jaw with one hand to tilt his head back and softly lining Kris' bottom waterline with the other.
Kris tries to look at the ceiling instead of Xiumin's face, and the other's almost done with the second eye when Kris glances at his face.
That was a mistake.
Because Xiumin's got the most focused look on his face; eyes wide and mouth slightly open, that Kris can't hold in the surprised laugh that comes out of his mouth.
Xiumin breaks his focus to look at Kris, but his eyes are still huge and slightly scary, so Kris starts shaking with laughter as he tries to keep a straight face for Xiumin to work with.
"What?" Xiumin asks innocently, and Kris' laughter must be contagious because he starts chuckling for no reason too.
"Your face--is--scary--but hilarious" Kris wheezes out through giggles.
He must be really slap-happy today, because he doesn't usually laugh, or giggle, this much.
Xiumin's laughing so hard now that he has to rest a hand against Kris' shoulder.
"Sorry, I've been told I look deranged when I get focused, but this is the first time I've done someone else's makeup" Xiumin says and he blushes.
"Yeah, you were super duper focused for a second there" Kris says, snorting when he remembers Xiumin's 'focused' face.
Xiumin sticks his tongue out at Kris and then slaps his stomach lightly.
"Ok, I'm done. You should wear eyeliner more often, by the way. My turn, ask me" Xiumin says, still standing in between Kris' legs.
"Truth or dare?" Kris asks.
"Dare!" Xiumin says, and he's got so much excitement on his face from the game that Kris forgets that he's younger than the other for a second.
But Xiumin's excitement quickly goes out when Kris voices his dare.
"Get in the shower, all of your clothes still on, and soak yourself in cold water"
Now it's Xiumin's turn to cringe when he sees Kris' challenging expression.
"Kris, please" Xiumin pleads with a whimper, goosebumps spreading over his arms at the thought.
But Kris just smirks up at him from his spot on the chair and pokes Xiumin's stomach.
"Sorry, Hyung, but you have to do it" Kris says with a fake pout, and then he's standing and ushering Xiumin out of the room with a grin on his face.
They reach the bathroom, and Kris looks at Xiumin's handiwork in the mirror.
"You're sooo cute" Xiumin teases, reaching up to pinch his cheek, and Kris swats his hand away.
"Shower, now" Kris orders, the sweet feeling of revenge washing over him when Xiumin gulps and turns to the shower.
Xiumin just eyes the shower for a couple seconds, so Kris reaches across him and twists the knob, just enough for a steady stream of water to come out but not enough for it to be warm.
"In you go" Kris bows and sweeps a hand towards the freezing cold stream of water.
Xiumin kicks off his socks before turning around to Kris.
"How long?" he asks with a fearful look.
"Until your soaked" Kris singsongs back, unable to resist the grin that tugs at his mouth.
"Ugghh this is a terrible dare" Xiumin says with a shiver, and then he steps into the shower.
Xiumin hops around under the spray, yelping occasionally when the cold water hits the sensitive skin of his stomach or back. Soon, his pajamas are soaked and Xiumin looks at Kris through wet hair.
"I-is this g-good enough?" Xiumin makes out through chattering teeth.
"Umm, let me see..." Kris says teasingly, and Xiumin jumps out of the shower, shaking himself and sending water spraying in Kris' direction.
Kris gives a small scream and darts out of the way.
When he looks back at Xiumin, however, he sees the other shivering in the center of the bathroom, wet pajamas clinging to his small frame.
So Kris turns around and grabs a towel from the rack before walking back over to Xiumin.
Wrapping the towel around Xiumin, Kris suddenly swoops the other up in his arms and Xiumin gasps.
"I feel bad that your so cold now, so I'll walk you back in return" Kris mumbles as an excuse, and Xiumin relaxes and chatters out a "thanks" along with something about "stupid dares".
Kris pauses on the way to the kitchen, and then turns back and carries Xiumin into Kyungsoo's room.
"Look for another pair of pajamas...D.O.'s should work" Kris says as he sets Xiumin down, not wanting Xiumin to have to stay in the wet clothes.
Kris closes the door and heads back towards the kitchen, a now dry Xiumin soon following afterwards.
"Well, I feel refreshed" Xiumin says sarcastically, shaking his damp hair around and scowling at Kris.
"Truth or dare?" Xiumin asks, sitting down across from Kris.
"Truth, because I don't trust you anymore" Kris answers with a suspicious look, but Xiumin only smiles wider.
"Girls or boys?" Xiumin questions with a raised brow.
"Excuse me?" Kris squeaks out.
"Do you like girls...or boys?" Xiumin says again, slower this time.
"Come on, Kris, you have to play the game" Xiumin singsongs at him, echoing Kris' previous words.
"Fine, boys" Kris answers defiantly, and something flickers across Xiumin's face in response before Kris can decipher it.
"What about you?" Kris asks, but Xiumin just wags a finger in his face.
"Uh uh, can't do that," Xiumin starts, "and I choose dare, so I guess you'll never know" he finishes with a sly smile.
'Ok, I can play this game. Challenge. Accepted' Kris thinks to himself as he narrows his eyes at Xiumin's grinning face.
"Ok, you have to draw 'I love Xiumin-hyung' on one of the member's face in the living room, and if they wake up, you have to kiss them" Kris says, chuckling under his breath when Xiumin makes a face.
"What the-is this because I didn't answer your truth?" Xiumin accuses, pointing a finger at Kris.
"Who said that?" Kris says in mock surprise, before waving his hands at the living room door.
"Or do you want to give up?" Kris adds, looking smug, and Xiumin huffs out a breath and stalks into the living room.
The only members out in the living room are Tao, Chen, Kai, and Kyungsoo, and Xiumin knows Tao and Chen are both light sleepers. He doesn't know about Kyungsoo and Kai, but Kai's face is pressed against Kyungsoo's back, so drawing on him is near impossible.
That leaves Kyungsoo.
Xiumin gulps and glances back at Kris, who just waves cockily and mouths, "Take your pick" at Xiumin.
And then Kris is right next to him, slipping a bright blue marker into his hand and whispering "good luck" into his ear.
Xiumin walks slowly over to where Kyungsoo's sleeping and slowly kneels next to him.
He's never kissed any of the members although he's wanted to kiss a certain, tall, blonde, lead- and he sees Kyungsoo as more of a younger brother, which makes Xiumin hold his breath as he hovers over the boy.
Slowly tracing the marker over Kyungsoo's cheek, Xiumin's halfway through his own name when Kyungsoo moves.
Xiumin freezes as Kyungsoo turns his head more into the pillow, and then lets out a breath when the other's deep breathing continues.
'Come on come on come on' Xiumin thinks, starting on 'hyung'.
He's on the last character in the word when it happens. Xiumin forgot about his wet hair, and a drop of water falls off of his wet bangs.
Right on Kyungsoo's face.
Kyungsoo's eyes open and Xiumin's stomach drops.
"Hyung?" Kyungsoo croaks out, eyes still hazy with sleep.
But before Xiumin can do anything, there's a strong grip on his arm, pulling him away from Kyungsoo and back into the kitchen.
When Xiumin lands back in his chair, he looks up at Kris, who looks uneasy and slightly flustered.
"Sorry, bad dare, you were basically finished when he woke anyways" Kris says quickly, and then he chuckles and runs a hand through his hair.
Xiumin's eyes narrow in suspicion, Kris had been so cocky earlier and now he's acting weird, but he has an idea in mind.
It's a risky idea, but he goes for it anyways.
"Truth or dare?" Xiumin asks, hoping Kris chooses the latter. 
"Dare" Kris replies, and Xiumin cheers in his head.
'Here it goes' Xiumin thinks, before blurting out his dare.
"If there is anyone in this dorm that you are attracted to, you have to kiss them, even if they're sleeping" Xiumin says quickly, and Kris nearly falls out of his chair.
"Seriously?" Kris whispers, looking horrified.
"Hey, you almost made me kiss Kyungsoo!" Xiumin says in indignation.
"Yeah but I didn't!" Kris whispers back loudly, leaning forward.
"It's the thought that counts, stupid" Xiumin replies with a roll of his eyes.
"You didn't even get near him!" Kris cries, hitting the table lightly with his fists.
"Just do it, Kris, unless you want to lose" Xiumin says, eyes challenging.
They're faces are close, both boys leaning forward across the table, breathing ever so slightly harder.
So Kris wraps one large hand around the back of Xiumin's neck and drags him closer to crash their lips together.
Xiumin gasps and Kris pulls back.
"There, happy no-" he's cut off as Xiumin leans further and captures his mouth again.
Kris' eyes widen in shock, but he places his hand back on Xiumin's neck and kisses back.
They're both pressing against the table in between them, and Xiumin makes a small noise before standing up and taking a step over to Kris' chair, not breaking the kiss along the way.
And now they're back in the position they were in when Xiumin did Kris' makeup, with the smaller standing in between Kris' legs.
Xiumin tilts Kris' head back with a gentle hand on his jaw, the other tangled in blonde, disheveled hair.
Kris' hand is still on the back of Xiumin's neck, and the other slips around the smaller's waist as Kris pulls him closer.
Xiumin lets out a small whimper and Kris' eyes fly open, taking in the situation before pulling away.
They're both breathing heavier than before and Kris flushes as he glances up at Xiumin.
"You told me to do it, Hyung, sorry" he whispers softly, head tilted down.
Xiumin's eyes widen and he whacks Kris' shoulder.
"Hey I gave you the dare on purpose, I wanted to know if you liked me" Xiumin says and Kris looks up in surprise.
"Well, obviously I like you, but I didn't mean to...jump you like that" he mutters quietly.
"Did you not notice me kissing ba-" but Xiumin stops himself with a groan before leaning down to kiss Kris again, hoping the other gets the message this time.
Kris' little "oh" after he hears Xiumin's previous statement is lost in between them, and they both smile against each others' lips.
Kris and Xiumin make it back out into the living room and they squeeze together on the couch, limbs tangling together, before closing their eyes and drifting off to a nightmare-less sleep.
But not before a loud "Now!" rings through the room and ten marker-wielding members rush into the room, some from the bedrooms and some from the floor, and dog-pile the pair on the couch.
Kris lets out a high pitched scream and falls to the ground, where half the members collapse on top of him, laughing, while the rest attack Xiumin on the couch.
Yelps and laughter ring loudly through the room as they all wrestle amongst themselves, and eventually, they're just a big whipped-cream covered, shaving-cream splattered, soda-scented, giggling pile in the living room.
And they all fall asleep that way, too.
Yaaay!! Side story mission: complete;) Hope everyone enjoyed Krismin with a dash of everyone at the end, byyeee!!
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Chapter 1: its so cute,,!! first time reading KrisMin.... I've never really shipped them but its really adorable
Chapter 1: Well done :) definitely an adorable KrisMin story
Chapter 1: This is just so adorable ^^

I ♥ KrisMin xx
bananaicecream #4
Chapter 1: good~! (´∀`)♡
Chapter 1: Awwww this is so cute !
Love it so much !
Chapter 1: I wish I could play truth or dare with Kris and Xiumin...all of exo really
Chapter 1: hehe that's a funny story author-nim! *says with innocent little girl voice*