give me love

What if I told you...?

Sulli was right in front of him, she walked up to him and kissed him, he dropped the umbrella like he had completely forgotten about me standing behind him. I stepped back and then I ran away as my tears fell off my eyes, I went home and locked myself in my bedroom, I couldn't stop crying and I didn't care if I was completely soaked from the rain. After a while I took a shower and changed my clothes, then I went to the kitchen to eat something before I went to sleep but that was when Minho came back. He got closer to me and stood in front of me.

"We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Shinyoung, I'm sorry for letting you get soaked in the rain."

"You don't get to apologize Minho, I confessed and then you completely forget about me to kiss your girlfriend."

"Shinyoung, I didn't mean to."

"But still, you stayed there for another hour!"

"Let me explain."

He tried to get a hold of my hand but I pushed his away.

"I want you to get out of my house."


"Go away!"

I pushed him away and ran to my room, I locked myself in again but he kept on knocking the door so I opened it.

"If you're not going to leave then don't ever talk to me again, if I had known you were going to forget about me so easily I wouldn't have fallen for you!"

I slammed the door on his face and locked it again, I started sobbing and then I fell asleep. The next day I felt terrible, I was very sick and I couldn't get up; Minho managed to get in my room and saw me on the floor.

"Oh my God, Shinyeong!"

He laid me on my bed, he touched my forehead.

"'re burning. I guess I'll have to stay with you today."


I was very weak and I could barely talk but I gathered my strength to say something.

"Just call the doctor and go away."

" I won't leave you alone like this."

''You already did, and I don't need you."

"You need me."

He called Sulli and told her that he had to take care of me, afterwards he called the doctor and once he checked me he told me I had caught a cold and that I just needed to rest for a whole day, he told Minho all the medicine I had to take. When the doctor left, Minho rushed to the pharmacy to get all the medicines, I slept until he came back. With a tray on his hands he brought me breakfast and the pills I needed, I didn't say a word.

What I hated the most was that he remained by my side all the time, it made my chest hurt and my head hurt, he would look at me everytime I coughed and he would ask right away if I was alright, the answer was always just yes. Throughout the day I cried myself to sleep trying to keep quiet so he didn't notice but in the afternoon I just couldn't hold it in anymore so I cried out loud.

"What's wrong Shinyeong?"

"Leave me alone!"


"Because everytime you look at me it hurts me more, please just go away..."

"I won't leave you alone."

"Just go!"

"I'm not leaving Shinyeong!"

"Then I'm going back to sleep."

He remained silent and I closed my eyes, I wiped my tears and slept for 2 hours, Minho woke me up to eat and to take my medicine, we didn't talk at all and I didn't try to ask him to leave again. During the night he talked to me again.

"I just realized I didn't answer."


"To your question."

"Let's just pretend I didn't ask, it doesn't matter anymore."

"But I have to answer, it's the first rule to our game."

That rule said that if the other refused to answer the question then he would have to buy something for the person that asked.

"I don't want to buy anything because I don't have any money."

"You don't have to."

"I'll just answer."


"It depends...If you had told me a year ago I would have accepted your confession but now I have to say that I'm sorry, I don't have those kind of feelings for you now, I want to keep our friendship."

When he said a year ago I wondered how I was unable to notice the way he felt, I never noticed him showing any signs. I wondered if he actually show any. He told me that he felt it was wrong for him to feel that way about me and that he tried his best to act like he didn't like me, then he met Sulli because she had lost her bag at a park when he was wondering what to do about his feelings. He found it and gave it back to her but he kept her phone because he picked it up from the floor when he found her bag. He placed it in the same pocket his phone was, so they technically exchanged numbers. She called him and they agreed they would meet in the park to return each other's phones, after that they kept talking until they fell in love with each other. I didn't want to hear their "love story" but I ended up listening to the whole thing calmly, I couldn't get it, a few moments ago I was a crying mess because I was hurt but now I was able to hold back my tears, he apologized for getting me sick and for telling me everything about her when I didn't ask him to do so. Acceptance...for me, it wasn't real, I convinced myself I was ok with it because I really didn't know.


Short update guys! Thanks for reading, I'm finally back!

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Shwetha #1
Chapter 9: Update plz..
Chapter 8: Can't wait for more
Chapter 8: No words........Really great......waiting for update. Update it soon author-nim^_^
mongjihyo77 #4
I can imagine how cute Minho would if its so real..update soon authornim..
Chapter 6: Wow.......update it soon. I am eagerly waiting for next update.^_^
Sakura_24 #6
Chapter 4: I like her better with taemin.. Well I am his fan!! Go Taemints!!
Chapter 3: :3 awwww! please update soon!
Chapter 3: Update more