
Something Indelible (something that is you)


Out of all the days the sky could have poured its wrath on the universe, it chose now, today, at this very moment. Three hours of staying behind to do some personal routines, and Jongin decided he’s had enough. He kicked invisible dusts from SM’s impeccable dance floor and took one last look at the familiar cloud wallpaper starting to peel off at the edges. He slung his backpack on his shoulders, carrying an enormous burden on his back that is the weight of his own body.

He trudged down the empty corridor of the building and cursed inwardly when the sky didn’t seem to have shown some mercy on his poor soul. Today had been a fairly productive day. After their photo shoot on some prestige high school he didn’t have the heart remembering what name was, he decided to go over the whole choreography of Growl again just so he won’t mess up anything on their live performances. Everybody knew he doesn’t, couldn’t mess up anything. Because to Kim Jongin, or Kai, dancing comes as easily as breathing, and if he stopped, life wouldn’t have meaning for him anymore.


It was seven o’clock in the evening and Chanyeol and Baekhyun had resorted to continue their little game on their bedroom, Suho decided to do the dishes, and manager hyung retreated on the solace of his room right after dinner. That left Jongin with Sehun, to which he could not decide whether the boy’s face denotes tiredness or sleepiness, or if his state right now is just of normalcy.

“What is it you dimwit,” Sehun grumbled from his bed, seeing the older boy peeking through the door of his room like a scared little kid.

“Nothing really,” Jongin mumbled. “Just checking out on you is all.”

Sehun, feet up high planted on the wall, snorted. “Come here.”

Jongin did as he’s told, closing the door with a soft click. When he reached the bed, he saw that Sehun had brought his legs down and is now sitting on top of his pillows.

“Does your back hurt?” he asked but he’s already reaching to his bedside drawer to get the tube of cream they always use after every practice anyway.

“You could’ve gone home early and joined us in the food fight,” Sehun said, hands rolling the older male’s shirt up. “Hold it.” He said once it’s rolled over until his neck. Jongin just hummed to let Sehun know he heard but didn’t attempt to say anything other than that.

“Do you miss school?” Sehun had asked after a beat of silence, still quietly applying the cream and pressing weight on his shoulder blades and the upper right part of his back.

“Not really, no. Why?”

“I miss school,” Sehun answered, voice quiet, and from the tone of his voice, Jongin knew Sehun doesn’t need to hear anything so he kept his mouth shut.

When Sehun had finished applying the cream all over Jongin’s back, and Jongin had asked if he needs cream too, only for Sehun to decline, Jongin got up from the bed, leaving his shirt rolled up on his back so it won’t mess up the cream spread all over his back. Jongin patted Sehun’s cheek and gave him a small smile, “You’ll be fine.”

Sehun smiled and lifted his legs on the wall once more.


It was after catching a few blinks of sleep that Jongin realized there’s something missing in his daily life. He turned his pillows upside down and peered under the bed in search of the familiar device he hadn’t seen since the afternoon. He made a grab for his backpack and spilled all the contents on his bed, only to find nothing –not even a trace of his white iPhone.

“, , , ,” he cursed nonstop, other colourful obscenities flowing begrudgingly from his mouth; because , he couldn’t have left it inside the SM building when he never really brought it there with him in the first place, right? So that left him with only one place to look at –that prestige high school they went to for their photo shoot. On other cases, he might have let it go as that because he’ll rather spend 60k for a replacement than to get mobbed by crazy fangirls in search of his phone, plus, there’s no guarantee that he’ll ever find it. But the memories stuffed in there are something no amount of money could ever give back. There is Junmyeon’s photo when he cried his out because of the surprise birthday party they threw for him; Kyungsoo’s horrified face when he saw Jongin had eaten the cream puffs he’s about to give Minseok personally; Sehun with drool on his mouth upon seeing the latest bubble tea shop three corners from SM building; Kris when Yixing accidentally used Ace as his pillow –and other endless memories that won’t fit even hundreds of filmstrips.

There are a lot of things he could’ve done to search for that damned phone, like ask the management if they found a white iPhone with a Pororo chain on the right side, yet, he found himself sliding in his tight jeans and pulling a plain black shirt over his head. He grabbed a loose cap hanging on the wall next to his belt and picked up his wallet.

Walking slowly so he doesn’t wake the others up, he passed by a snoring Kyungsoo and closed the door behind him softly.

He got to the school which he found out as Seoul International Academy (he just told the driver ‘where that boyband EXO did their photoshoot’ and was surprised that he knew even though he had to supress the urge to snap at the lazy smirk playing on his face), and was greeted by expensive cars parked everywhere in the large open ground. He gave a generous amount to the driver and was thankful that he hadn’t been recognized.

When he got near the main entrance of the building, he noticed a grey Sedan parked right in front of the entryway like a boss. There’s a girl leaning on it, holding something he couldn’t quite make out in her hands from the distance. As he got closer to where the girl was, he realized that she is definitely one of the resident students in here. Not just with the indication of the elegant school uniform hugging the curves of her body perfectly, but also the way she carried herself that denotes aristocracy and a high status in the society. He vaguely wondered if this girl ever knew about EXO aside from the fact that they dared enter the school as per management’s order.

Each side of her jet black hair was braided loosely in half, while the remaining part of her hair flew easily on her back. There was a gemmed flower pin on the left side of her bangs, probably to keep it from falling, but there were lose strands that escaped its captivity anyway. Her face was the reincarnation of a Cheshire cat, sharp jaws and cheeks, almond eyes glistening in the dark. Only when he got closer within fifty centimetres distance did he noticed the full, luscious lips that contrasted everything on her dainty face.  Her white long sleeves were ed on the wrist part, even though the rest of her uniform looked fairly tidy by the way it was tucked in neatly on her red plaid skirt.

Only when Jongin heard something like ‘took you long enough’ did he snapped out of his trance and tilted his head to the side. “I’m sorry?”

The girl frowned at him and showed the thing on her hand Jongin had noticed she’s been holding. “I knew you’d come looking for this,” she held out the white iPhone he’s in search of, and there, dangling on the left side is the Pororo keychain a fan had given him back in Changsha airport.

He almost, almost, cried in relief upon realizing that he doesn’t have to go through the process of looking for his phone anymore.  But then the relief was short-lived when he realized the girl was not making any move that will indicate she’s giving the phone back. He cleared his throat. “Umm, yeah. Hand it over please?”

Just then, she slowly shook her head like a five-year old kid refusing to leave a store without candies, a sly smile grazing her feline features. “No.”

Jongin frowned, perplexed. “No?”

She nodded and pocketed the phone on her skirt. “No, or at least not until you teach me how to dance.”

Jongin’s mind had listed down hundreds of reasons why he shouldn’t be doing this, ranging from ‘what if you’ve been mobbed by fangirls’ to ‘what if manager-hyung woke up and realized you’re not in the dorm’ to ‘what if this girl’s a saesang and she’s here to kidnap you’. Although the last thought almost seemed funny because what would an elite high school girl want from an idol like him? Besides, aside from her intimidating features, she looked pretty harmless, someone who looks like she just really wanted to learn how to dance.

The girl, however, upon seeing his panicked expression, laughed –a soft melody of chimes in a cold breeze of the evening ringing on his ears. “Relax; I’m not going to harass you or anything. I just want to dance. Besides, I’m not your fangirl. I don’t even like Korean boy bands.”

Jongin had wanted to counter, ‘you’re rich and everything why don’t you just hire a dance instructor to teach you how to dance’ but decided against it. He figured out that the determined look on her face indicated she’s not going to take bullcrap and it’s best to just do what she wants.

Rich, spoiled brats, he cursed in his head.


“How come you can still use the school at an ungodly hour such as right now?” Jongin asked, eyes gliding from the immaculate white paint of the walls, down to the spotless glass covering the whole studio, and to the smooth floors he knew he could glide on easily. Oh, if only SM’s rehearsal room was like this.

The girl, who he still did not know the name, looked at him funny and said, “We own the school,” as if she’s just reciting the capital of countries in the world.

Jongin flexed his arms and was thankful because he let Sehun rub cream on his back. The scent of their dorm feels light years away, drowned out by the suave scent of jasmine everywhere. But maybe, it wasn’t so bad. He did some basic stretching, telling the girl to do the same.

“How am I supposed to do the same? I can’t even make out what you’re doing,” She complained, eyebrows raised, one hand on her right hip.

“That’s why you’re supposed to copy me –oh dammit,” rather than explaining with words, Jongin decided it’s best to demonstrate through actions. So he raised her right arm (and was surprised that she’s even thinner than Soojung) and put it on her left shoulder by the back. “Count up to sixteen and do the same thing with your left arm.”

“Don’t you ever do it in your P.E. classes?” Jongin complained.

“We do,” the girl replied immediately. “But I don’t.”

Jongin cursed inwardly because, really, rich kids were a pain in the .

“Don’t get the wrong idea, I have heart problems,” she said when she saw the incredulous look on Jongin’s face. Jongin’s face fell, but before he could get out another word, the girl beat her to it, “But it’s okay now.”

Jongin did not look convinced, he frowned. “Are you sure?”

He most definitely didn’t want to be accused of murdering a high school student by teaching her how to dance.

“Yeah, well. Are we gonna do basic stretching only? Because I think I can manage,” She brought her skirts up and Jongin’s closed his eyes shut because, “What the hell are you doing?!”

“What?” the girl asked, perplexed.

“You –you are you going to strip in front of me?” Jongin shrieked, his hands covering his entire face. Maybe agreeing to this was a bad idea after all. He didn’t see this coming.

“What are you talking about and why are you squeezing your eyes shut you look constipated,” she huffed, walking over to where the dancer was and brought his hands down.

Jongin opened his eyes and saw that she just rolled her leggings down. He sighed in relief. “You could have told me.”

The girl blinked at him adorably, and he thought she looks so cute when confused. “You didn’t look like someone who would care so I thought it was okay.”

“What does that mean?”

She gave him a wide grin, her eyes almost turning into line from the stretching of muscles and he thought, that maybe, maybe this wasn’t a bad idea after all.


At approximately thirty minutes after they started dancing, Jongin didn’t know if he’ll lean all his weight on the sterile white wall of the room or just sprawl his body on the floor because the walls are unblemished and he doesn’t want to stain it with his sticky sweat. The girl looked at the odd sight in front of her and smiled when she seemed to understand Jongin’s dilemma. “It won’t stain, promise,” she smiled. The little dimple on her left cheek that he only came to notice when he went on a close proximity with her as per the call of the dance step, appeared more prominent now that he knew about it. Not that he’s thinking about it.

He leaned on the wall and was welcomed by the cool surface of the wall. Three minutes of catching his breath and he’s ready to make small conversations.

“How did you know that I’ll come looking for it?” Jongin asked, savouring the flavour of blueberry yoghurt drink the girl offered her before even starting their routines. And he remembered, he still didn’t know her name.

“I don’t know, it’s just a gut feeling, you know. I’m not so sure myself either,” she replied, playing on the carton of her empty strawberry yoghurt drink.

“What if I didn’t come back for it? Will you keep on waiting?” he asked and he didn’t know why his heart was beating a little faster upon seeing her teeth toying with her bottom lip, probably a mindless habit.

There’s a pink tint staining her cheeks and he thought he’d never seen something pink this adorable. “Yeah, probably,”

“Why?” he scooted over to her side and she moved slightly, as if to give more space form him.

“Why what?” she said, still not meeting his gaze.

“Why would you wait for me to come back for it?”

“Why not?” she shrugged, still shaking the empty carton of her drink

Jongin took a sideway glance, frowning when he saw what she had been doing. “Do you want mine?” Jongin asked, handing over his half-drunk beverage.

She looked at the outstretched hand and frowned. “You don’t like it?”

“No, it’s just that you seem to want this drink more than I do,” he said, his hand still offering the drink in front of her. She looked at his sincere face and then at the beverage, but then her face had suddenly turned a bright red. She looked away, mumbling, “No, thanks you can have it,”

Jongin snorted. “I don’t have a disease okay. I know you want it, go on, take it,” he said shoving the drink on her face. She frowned at him and pursed her lips. “It’s not that.”


Again, she looked away, and the bright colour red dominated her face once more. “It’s an indirect kiss.” She whispered softly.

And this time, it’s Jongin’s face that turned a bright shade of crimson. He retracted the drink immediately and brought the straw on his lips. “I really don’t think so but yeah,”

The small beat of silence engulfed them once more. At the small distance he had put between them, he could almost match her own heart beating against his, can see how elegant her nose is and can see her eyelashes flutter on her cheeks whenever she blinks her eyes. He was thoroughly convinced no one should be allowed to look this beautiful.

“You haven’t told me your name,” he blurted out.

She tilted her head and looked up to him. “You never asked.”

“Well, I’m asking now, aren’t I?”

She rolled her eyes and her lips. “Shin Soo Yun.”

“How old are you?”


“When’s your birthday?”

“Are you going to say ‘describe yourself’ and ‘what’s your ambition’ next?” Soo Yun laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. Jongin looked away indignantly. “We should get back to dancing.” He mumbled.



“You know that I’m just teaching you the whole choreography of Growl, right?” Jongin asked, wiping his forehead with the palm of his hand. Soo Yun handed her a tissue. “Thanks.”

“Yeah, whatever, I just want to dance.”

“Well, the thing is, there are parts there that wouldn’t look good when danced by a girl…” Jongin scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward that he has to describe this part.


“Just because,” he mumbled.

“You won’t teach it to me?” she pouted.

“You’re so pretty, you know,” Jongin blurted, looking at her without blinking. Her eyes widened and she looked away, face heating up for the hundredth time this night. Jongin cursed inwardly (again) because damn, why do those words need to get out from his mouth and make him sound like a e?

“Thanks, I guess,” he heard her say.

“Umm, yeah…” he bit his lower lip and laughed.

“Why don’t you dance the whole Growl then?” Soo Yun offered, doing the first steps of the song, bobbing her head up and down just like how Jongin showed him.

Jongin laughed. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Soo Yun repeated.

“Yeah, okay,” Jongin can’t stop laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” she turned around, moving her head to the side, then turned around again along her closed fist thumping on air.

“It just looks weird on a girl like you,” Jongin said. Soo Yun glared at him. “Am I that bad?”

“No, it’s just that, I think you’ll look better on I Got A boy than Growl,” he smiled widely at him, all teeth and toothy grin. She bit the bottom of her lip and sulked.

Jongin’s rationality failed him again.

“You really look cute when you’re upset.”

And it earned him a hard kick on the shin. He still thought it’s worth it.


From the playful, irritable geezer Soo Yun had named Kim Jongin to be, the moment the familiar beat of Growl filled the entire room, it’s like she’s being dragged in a different world along with Kim Jongin, seeming to be in his grey uniform again, wearing the NY cap on his head. There were those different expressions on his face, such as of pure sinful iness, to a childish playfulness, and down to a cool guy who earns piercing scream from fans. Jongin danced like he’ll never be able to dance again tomorrow, but at the same time, it looks so effortless and easy that you can sit back and relax and bask in the beauty of such a show. Every sway of his body was in contrast with the next move he’ll make. After a sharp turn and a strong throwing of his body, a soft turn of his hips will come, accentuating the sharp bones and smooth glide of his moves in contrast to his previous ones.

This is the Kai, she thought. y and hot and perfect and seductive –but then the second verse came, and Jongin looked at him from his cap and smiled, a sheepish one then looked away, cheeks suddenly stained with pink. And maybe, maybe there’s a part of Kim Jongin in every Kai all along. She decided to snap a picture of that smile in her memory and tuck it in her heart, knowing it’ll last forever.

And when Jongin finished by pointing at the cap on his hand, it’s like Soo Yun’s feet had decided to make a movement of its own and she went up to him, eyes bright as she say, “You really look cute when you dance.”


“Just skip that part where you have to be on the floor and kick and fist on the air okay. You’ll look like a flailing cockroach,” Jongin said, laughing when it earned him a punch on his biceps.

“You don’t have to point it out you know,” she glared at him, bangs sticking on her forehead. She bended down to tie her shoelace and she didn’t notice the gemmed clip fall from her hair.

When she looked up, Jongin’s studying her with a frown. “What?”

Jongin looked down the floor, eyes seeming to look for something. “What are you looking for?”

Jongin picked something right beside her right foot, muttering a ‘gotcha’ and grinning wildly at her. “It fell,” He gestured to the flower clip on his hand.

“Oh.” She held out her hand for the clip but Jongin looks as if he’s examining it. Then he looked up and faced Soo Yun, expectant face looking at him intently. Jongin smelled of cucumber and sweat, and she decided that it might probably be her favourite scent from now on. He swept the bangs on her forehead and brought it to one side, then moved his hand up to put the clip back into its original place. “There, better,” he said, stepping back a little to examine his work.

The scene is a little cliché, and okay, it’s a little cheesy, and Soo Yun would like to believe she hated cheesy stuff. But somehow, the pink tint creeping on her cheeks seems appropriate.

“Thanks,” she looked away and slid her hand on her pocket. She brought the white iPhone out and handed it back tentatively on Jongin’s direction. “Here,”

“Don’t lose your phone next time. Who knows what other people will make you do.” She snickered, giving him a half-hearted smirk.

“Yeah well,”

They walked down the building in complete silence. Their arms brushed occasionally, and sign of goose bumps started appearing on her arms whenever it did. The clock screamed one o’clock in the morning and Jongin checked his phone to look for any indication that his escape has been busted. None so far.

“How’d you get here?” Soo Yun asked him the moment the cold breeze of August hit him directly in the face. He considered lying, but then thought better of it. He put on his cap and said, “Taxi.”

Soo Yun eyed him curiously, “Really? You weren’t recognized?”

Jongin shrugged and motioned to his cap. Soo Yun looked doubtful, seeming to contemplate on something. Then she said, “We’ll take you home.”

Jongin’s head snapped in her direction. “What?”

“I said,” she bit her lower lip and shifted her weight from foot to foot, “that we’re just going to take you to home. Or dorm, right?”

Jongin’s sleepy and tired and beaten, and his brain is starting to malfunction. “Why?”

Soo Yun brought her hands on her hips. “Because obviously, it’ll be dangerous for you to pick up a taxi cab at this hour of the night, right? And don’t worry; I don’t have any interest on stalking you on your dorm.”

And so, Jongin found himself agreeing because he was just so tired, and wanted nothing but to get back on the comfort of his sheets.

In between his sleepy state, Jongin saw a sharp eye looking at him through the front mirror. He just recoiled from his seat in an attempt to make himself small when he heard a girl’s voice say, “No. Not my boyfriend. That’s the stupid idol who forgot his phone and I asked him to teach me how to dance in return,”

He should’ve reacted on the word ‘stupid’ and ‘asked’ because really, she didn’t even asked, she forced, but was too tired to give two s about it so he leaned back on the comfortable seat of the Sedan and tried catching a few eye shut. Then the car was halting to a stop and he felt a tentative nudge beside him.

“Umm, Jongin can you stand?” he heard a voice say. When he opened his eyes, a pair of cat-like eye is staring down at him, eyebrows pulled together.  He must’ve moved his head a little too abrupt when he banged on something hard and he heard an ‘ouch!’ and his vision felt like swimming in his head.

Jongin considered telling her that her face is a little too close than necessary, but he didn’t because he didn’t’ really mind. Instead, he muttered a half-hearted, “Sorry,” and got out of the car to survey his surroundings. The car is parked right in front of the dorm and he thanks the heavens for this luck because at least he doesn’t have to walk a mile to get home. He turned to the man and bowed 90 degrees. “Thank you sir,” the man didn’t say anything, just gave him a smile.

Soo Yun was leaning back against the Sedan again, just like the first time he saw her, twirling something on her hand. “Bye.” She said in a small voice, and when she looked up to him, there’s a weird glint on her eyes that Jongin couldn’t put a finger on. Maybe it’s the trick of the light, or maybe it’s just him feeling very tired. He settled with, “Yeah,” but somehow, it feels as if his iPhone had suddenly gained a hundred pounds and it burned on his jeans, the heat searing on his skin. Soo Yun looked as if she’s not sure why she’s still standing there, as if waiting for something, Jongin thought about asking her what it is, but then she turned around, hands poised on the door handle of the car saying, “Thanks. Be well.” And then she’s out of his sight, only the slow whirr of the machine being left on his ears, and the scent of jasmine lingering on his nose, wafting into the chilly air of late August.

And on the back of his mind, he would be lying if he said he didn’t regret asking for her number.


One and a half year after Growl and they just returned to their dorm after the fan signing of their latest album ‘Lantern’; fans gave them gifts, all sorts of letters written in expensive stationeries and ear-piercing screams that they only return with grateful smiles. Some fans even cried, got super hysterical, while some weren’t even able to talk because of too much excitement.

The twelve members are all in the living room, checking out the gifts fans had given them (not without SM’s inspection of course). A fan gave Wu Fan an expensive sketchbook which made him retreat on the solace of his room (probably to try it) immediately. Tao got a new polaroid camera, Jongdae a stack of t-shirt with memes printed on it, Sehun got a new Nintendo DS (and Chanyeol almost cried of enviousness okay), Suho got a fan art of him and Krystal in a wedding ceremony and had even tried hiding it from the members sight but was unsuccessful because Jongdae, what kind of eyes do you have; Baekhyun got a set of eye liners in different colours and the members laughed because he can’t disguise his disgust in the cosmetics further. For some reason, a fan had given Lu Han cufflinks and Sehun later found out that he has a matching one. They facepalmed in unison.  Jongin got a lot, as usual. He has a new mini iPad, some expensive bb cream that he later on gave to Wu Fan, there is also a fan art of him that made him shriek because why did SM accepted this and ohmigod my is not that big okay, in which Sehun only answered with, “I didn’t knew SM has their moments. They probably want to humiliate you and that big is the effect of the your fans always catch on fan taken photos.”

And then the gruesome reading of letters began. One fan sent Minseok an account of her ual desires for the man and Minseok almost cried in embarrassment when Chanyeol took the liberty of reading the letter aloud and deciding that why don’t I voice act this that ended up with the 11 members (because apparently Kris came running back from his room when he heard Chanyeol’s voice doing a mhhm and aaah and faster I’m coming) sniggering on the living room because really, Chanyeol you should consider dubbing .

Somehow, Yixing cried for a whole different reason because his letter had been written in blood, the scent wafting in the air, making each one of them nauseous. Lu Han decided that Yixing had enough and he shouldn’t go on further so they left the living room earlier so that he can tuck Yixing into sleep. Jongin was almost done reading his letters when he saw a white envelope totally different from all the others he just read. While the other letters seem to be in competition of who’s going to have the flashiest one, this letter was neat and almost business like, almost not a fan letter. When he took hold of the envelope, he thought it smelled something of odd familiarity, something at the back of his head but couldn’t be grasped completely.

He opened it out of curiosity and simply because it’s there, so it might probably be his. There’s a small sheet of paper, and even before reading it, he can see the neat handwriting enclosed in it –something with an aristocratic elegance, he thinks.

He started reading it, and his heart almost dropped. He recognised the scent.




Kim Jongin, you still are amazing. I remember seeing a tired boy who just wanted to get his phone back. I got selfish back then, I guess. I wanted you to stomp your feet and demand the phone back. I wanted you to about it like a diva. But you didn’t. I wondered why. But now I realized that that’s who Kim Jongin is. He leaves and breathes for dancing. And to share his talent whether to a crowd or a single random girl, you wouldn’t think twice. Because dance is who you are. Thank you for sharing that with me.

I’m sorry I couldn’t get this letter in a more presentable way. I’m in the hospital and this is the only paper I can get. Remember that heart problem? Unfortunately, it came back. But I was so glad it was right after I learned the steps to Growl. And you’re right; a girl shouldn’t really be dancing that uhm, floor part. Just saying, because I tried.

That short moment we spent together –it is tucked safely in my heart.

Expensive shoes get worn out, cell phone stickers fade, a busy coffee shop loses its customers after a year of good business, but an imprint left by a beautiful soul always starts a fire of warmth inside an icy heart. Because beautiful memories never leave, they stay and become the kind of spark that makes fresh tears linger at the corner of one’s eyes in an unexplainable feeling of joy. Sometimes, it threatens to burst your heart out of longing. Most of the times, it leaves an indelible mark inside your heart and covers your entire soul.

YOU, Kim Jongin, are that beautiful soul.

P.S. I lied. I’ve always been an EXOtic ;-)


Shin Soo Yun

In the brink of tears, something fell from the envelope he’s holding. It’s the gemmed flower clip she was wearing that day when he saw her. And inside the envelope, in the same handwriting, written,

This is my favourite clip of all times and had even become my most favourite clip when you had put it on my hair. I always kept it ever since but I’m giving it now to you, hoping that you’ll always remember me somehow.

And at that, the tears really did fall, and he’s under the concerned looks of his hyungs. Everyone surrounded him asking, does anything hurt and is that a scary letter like Yixing’s because Jongin never cried this much out in the open, and seeing it for the first time didn’t seem to be a pleasant sight.

“Hyung? Do we have a telephone directory of all the hospitals in Seoul?” he asked to no one in particular, swallowing down the sobs because crying wouldn’t really change a thing. Suho and Kris exchanged a look before Suho answered, “Yeah, it’s under all the magazines in the cabinet,”

Jongin grabbed the letter and clutched the clip firmly on his hand.

Today, he’s not going to make a mistake.

Today, he’s not just going to be a mark.

Today, Kim Jongin isn’t going to be just a distant memory.

[A/N]: SOBS BECAUSE WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING? I have too many on-going stories and look I prioritized this one and damn I told Marie that ‘this will be 2k at most’ but look 5k++ ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Marie’s plots are killing me and SHE IS THAT AWESOME and next time I really shouldn’t ask her for plots because this will be the death of me. Thank you for reading. This is sort of my ‘come-back het fic’ and I’m not really sure if I still know how to het (because why you so tempting) so comments would be lovely and WOW CAN I GET AN AWARD FOR THE LONGEST AUTHOR’S NOTE IN THE WORLD? I just have a lot of things to say T_T



P.P.P.S. This had been Growl’s time and OTL. Orz orz



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Keihomi #1
Chapter 1: Honestly, this is one of the best OS with Jongin I've read so far. Well done.
-purplebunny #2
Chapter 1: And yes, cheers to hinted Sekai and Fanxing. LOL.
I loved that short Sekai scene. Sigh. My heart.
-purplebunny #3
Chapter 1: OMG. YOU, WOMAN. I am now a teary-eyed mess. This is just so beautiful and I realized how much I haven't read het fics, or just fics in general in a really long time.
janikkaxx #4
Chapter 1: This is such a great and heart warming story < 3