
2 Cats, 1 Man
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"Son of a . Urgh!" Yongguk smashes the ballpoint pen onto the studio wall, groaning in frustration when it only replied him in a noisy clatter before ceasing to a silence on the hardwood floor. He leans back on the office chair, looking up at the blinding lights.


He's been sleeping at the studio for so many days now. It has already been two rows of dates in the calendar. His back is hurting from the hard couch but he has no choice.


Two weeks ago Himchan confused him with a heaty exchange of lips and tongues and he had no idea what to do after they were finished. He can't believe his incompetent had actually reduced him to take advantage of Himchan, his cat, for 's sakes, his cat!


God, what is he going to do now? He made out with his cat and sure it does sound as ed up as it really is. Yongguk mourns for his sanity and grabs another cup of coffee to toll through the night. He'll just finish another composition for the sake of his mind overheating from irrational thoughts--


Ring ring ring--


He was afraid it would be Himchan breaking th silence in between the two of them ever since that awkward thing happened. But he sighed instead when it was just Junhong on the other end.


"Hyung! Come back! Something's wrong with Himchannie!"

"What? What's wrong with him?"

"He seems to be sick... but he won't let me in, he shut himself inside the room!"


Shut himself in? Oh god, that ing cat's not planning to do something stupid after what they did, is he?


"Don't panic, Junhong. I'm coming back right now."





Yongguk races home to find the room door really locked from inside without a single word from Himchan.


"Come out, Himchan! What's wrong?"


"Hyung! Come out please! Or did he faint inside?! Oh my god!!"


"Calm down Junhong..." but he may be right. Who knows what is Himchan doing in there. Yongguk was just about to break the door when he couldn't find the keys until they hear Himchan's voice from the other side.


"I'm fine! Don't bother me!"


Both of them sigh in relief when Himchan's voice was heard. But they can only be reassured after the feline comes out from the room after a whole day of shutting himself in.


"Yah! Himchan, come out before I break in!"


"Don't come in!"


"Aish... I am coming in!"


"No, no, no! If you must, just come in by yourself... without Junhong..."

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Chapter 30: owwww to bad its alreading the End
thank you soo much for your adorable story Author-nim :>
Aimensi_2402 #2
Chapter 22: I ship BangHim so hard, but nobody beats the level of cuteness which belongs to the JongLo couple~! There I said it, sue me for loving JongLo more than BangHim~!
Chapter 29: Banghim's relationship in this reminds me of Alvin and the Chipmunks. You know, when Alvin does something bad, misbehaves and Dave yells 'ALVIN!' XD
Jinislife #4
Chapter 29: I want more!!!! Wahh!!! I love it so much.
Kaelynnmiller223 #5
Chapter 29: awwwww himchan is cute and funny in this chapter
Chapter 29: Himchan is being hilarious xD This story is totally funny and cutee~~ I really want to pinch their cheek now!
JulyChans #7
Chapter 29: Omg, your story is super cute and fun, i love the two couples, i hope that you can update soon, thank you! :3
ojichans #8
Chapter 29: jonglo is the cutest thing ever!!! so sweet so cute so fluffy cotton candy and all gahhhhh
and banghiiiim is just everything ofc my fav otp im so happy just by having them together *blessed*