Prompts (Round 1)

❝ Laugh.Out.Loud ❞ graphic contest - (ROUND 2 OFFICIALLY BEGINS!!)
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Prompt 2: PRETTY MAN  TiTLE: date me! CHARACTERs: up2u GENRE: romcom QUOTE: up2u BONUS - 5 PTS: use any member from b1a4 or b.a.p.



Prompt 3: WE WERE THERE  TiTLE: those days, were we happy? CHARACTErs: suzy and any guy GENRE: romance QUOTE: up2u BONUS - 10 PTS: use an actor.



Prompt 4: THAT WINTER  TiTLE: GOODBYE TO MY ROMANCE CHARACTERs: two of "the heirs" cast GENRE: angst QUOTE: "like a dream last night, farewell." BONUS - 7 PTS: use yoo rachel and choi young do.


Prompt 5: DEATH BELL  TiTLE: sins, struggle and blood CHARACTERs: up2u GENRE: horror QUOTE: up2u BONUS - 10 PTS: make an animation poster.



Prompt 6: GOSSIP GIRL  TiTLE: mean girls CHARACTERs: Two girls and two guys GENRE: up2u QUOTE: "i'm fabulous, es." BONUS - 7 PTS: use 94-line idols.



Prompt 7: IS ZERO  TiTLE: on the bed CHARACTERs: troublemaker GENRE: up2u QUOTE: up2u BONUS - 5 PTS: make it romcom yet y.



Prompt 8: ARCHITECTURE 101  TiTLE: etude of memories CHARACTERs: up2u GENRE: romance QUOTE: "my name is han ji ri, and this is my story." BONUS - 5 PTS: use this picture for the female oc.


Prompt 9: NO BREATHING  TiTLE: in the wate
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Chapter 9: apologies for being so late >//<
ajsldkf the other entries are so beautiful, lovely work everybody! :)

Prompt 1: Natural/True Beauty

In a society devoured in beauty standards and societal expectations, individuals are increasingly pressured to focus their attention outwardly. True beauty lies internally though and is based upon our own hearts. This natural and true beauty is much more enthralling than the masks modern day technology can pioneer. To place more value on one's virtues would encourage a community of growth - one of pure intentions.
Chapter 9: Being busy lately until I forgot I have a contest to do ; w ;
Just made this simple poster <3

Graphic :
Story : Prompt 1 : Being Different.
Reason : Being different is not a mistake. Being different is what one person does alone. Be different so that people can see you clearly amongst the crowds. Just because a person chooses to express themselves in an extreme way doesn't mean they have an extreme personality.
Okay, I seriously don't like the result of my work but I was rushing for the deadline, so I'm sorry...if it didn't turn out fine like how it did for me.

Story: Prompt 2: Abandonment means a lot of things, and it means more than one thing to those children who are abandoned by their parents. They sometimes don't have food, clothes, shelter, education and most importantly love in their lives. They did not deserve to be put into this misery, and it is part of our job to relief them from being abandoned forever.
Sorry for taking so long. but finally im done.
Graphic link:
Story: I chose prompt 2 - My theme for this prompt it was "The pollution". Well I think this is a topic that no one can ignore. So i decide to make a photomanipulation trying to show the reality of today.


sorry if i just wrote a lil. since english is not my first language it´s really hard for me writte long phrases.7
ah i hope everything its okay ^^ hwaiting!!!
Chapter 9: Graphic Link:
Story: For me, the worst thing ever in life is the feeling of you don't belong in this world, and you don't have place to fit in. You think you are alone and nobody cares about you. It is worst when you think you better die rather than living this live and the thought of suicide come after.

As said, I'm finally done at the end of this week!
Graphic link:
Story: I chose prompt 2 - I did both prompts first to look what's fitting, I chose to take this. This is a personal poster since it shows my own situation/feelings. I'm in love with a guy I don't want to love. Yes, he's kind and cute, quite good-looking and super funny! But he's dealing with drugs a lot while I'm strictly against drugs like weed etc. but the worst thing is, his best friend is in love with ME, making my heart break to know I love the best friend of the one who loves me.

Good luck to everyone!! ♥
Chapter 9: Here is my entry. Yes I finally had time to make it !!
graphic link :
Story : Prompt 2 - I didn't know if we had to take the worst thing ever in feelings, moment, or object or anything. But the first thing that comes to my mind is that scary insect that are SPIDER T___T Just thinking of it I have goose gump, imagine how hard it was to do that graphic... I hate that picture of IU but I still take cause she still looks afraid of that thing she is holding. I'm still wondering why did I choose the worst thing ever...
--doyouhearme #8
Chapter 9: cool new prompt! :o goodluck to the contestants! ^^
Chapter 9: I think I didn't get the idea... /feelsstupid
What to we have to exactly ? Sorry ><