Author's Note

A Beautiful Memory Lapse ~ Lyric One-Shot Series
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Last Voice

Thank you so much for reading my four-part one shot! (It doesn't seem right to call it a short story.) If you didn't, that's okay too! It was probably too boring or confusing for your taste. Everyone has their own opinions on what they like or don't like to read. I totally respect that. 

I would just like to start out by saying that "Recessional" by Vienna Teng is the song that inspired me to write this unique story of mine. If you haven't listened to it you should look it up sometime. Its lyrics are poetic and simply beautiful, yet slightly depressing. I even have the lyrics in the Prologue part of my fiction, if you weren't aware already. 

She is truly a gifted artist as well as a gorgeous writer. Please look her up sometime. Her songs literally paint a picture in your mind. 


Getting more to the point, yes I know my story was a little confusing at some parts. Forgive me if it was, please. That is just how I write these kinds of genres. I also know some of you had your theories about how the story would conclude... 

I honestly only had a vague idea of how I wanted it to end, which I ended up changing slightly. At first I wanted to think of a complete mind ing, excuse my language, ending to where readers would react similarly to, "Holy ! WHAT?!" - "I so did not see that coming!" - "Omfg it all makes sense now! I GET IT!" - "I just... Don't have any words to describe this." I'm sure you get the point, right? 

Basically that is what took me so long to update (that and I'm busy with school, show choir, the one act, and such). However, after reading a comment I realized that a lot of my subscribers might have theories that they're dying to know are true or not. Now, I didn't want to disappoint anyone with a lame ending that I thought was mind ing/mind blowing while everyone else thought the opposite.

So... I came up with kind of an open minded ending.

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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 6: Re-reading your story, it still made me cry! It is somehow enegmatic in nature; but, if you try to understand it in a deeper sense ... probably you'll get it! Still feeling in awe for your story! :)
greenjade21 #2
Chapter 6: Daebak! So Awesome kind of a story! Never bored reading it! I would say one of the most interesting and mind wrecking love story! Glad I was able to read it! Thanks for sharing a piece of your mind! Good luck! :)
greenjade21 #3
Chapter 6: WoW! Seriously! Your story somehow rocked my world, or should I say, it wakes every nerves in my system! The 3rd chapter which revealed of how Jiyeon could have ended her life, with all the journals she left for Eunjung to read and be published... And how it explains why the sudden look of people around them, during that time they were together in New York... The possibility of Eunjung was imagining Jiyeon being with her after 2 years of separation... Wow! I was having mixed emotions the whole time I'm reading it! Ok?! The first chapter, was regarding their friendship, their feelings, the suppressed feelings, the fears, the anxiety, and their should I say unaborted love affair? The love was there, they both knew it, felt it but, was so afraid to confront it! It should have flourished, it should have bloomed! It could've been exciting but, eventually frustrating! Ughh! But, then it hit me, when Jiyeon died, in my understanding?! I cried! And then, the 4th chapter she was in a hospital, confined in an institution... Jiyeon, wasn't in her rightful mind but, still waiting for Eunjung? Again, it hit me! But, in a different light, since the story is open ended, giving us a piece of our imagination to end it in our liking! That was awesome! I somehow would like to think that, during the time of Jiyeon and Eunjung's fight and separation until their released from hold to reality where it all happened?! Could it bee that Jiyeon didn't really died but, was revived and was put to an institution? Cause there's no way she could send those letters and journal if she were already at the hospital! True enough that they meet in their dreams for they are both escaping reality, and in their dreams were they can make love a reality?! But, somehow Eunjung awakens, a possibility, could be, since in her dreams she were able to profess her love for Jiyeon, and her longing were stronger, maybe, then maybe, she'll go straighten up and go back to Jiyeon for she always awaits her! :D
pioushej #4
Chapter 6: thats explain it all! :)
my view from the very start of your story authornim concludes the ending
for me both characters are real Eunjung taking a medication bcoz she keep on missing her dearest friend who takes her life while under the institutuion
its confusing its twisted and i love it!
i see their love for each not as intimate as you want it to be but a love between two friends two souls who find love and solitude with one another
thanks and i really do enjoy it! :)
A genius?! You flatter me too much, oh my.~ Thank you! That comment really made my day!
pioushej #6
Chapter 4: goodness! youre a genius! ive read this thrice from the start just to understand it better :)
im gonna wait for the next chap to see if my conclusion is right :)
love the twist in your story the passages the quotes its so deep
update soon pls thank you