
It's Fate: A little thing called Love
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Shining Star Kindergarten is now having their third year anniversary in their mini hall. The students who practiced for days will now be performing on the stage. Naeun and the other teachers prepare the students while waiting for their turn to perform.

Naeun’s students were dressed in a cute bear costume. She took many pictures with them in her cell phone. When Ocean Blue class finished performing “The Wake Up Song” Naeun’s Sunshine Yellow class immediately came up on stage and went to their respective position. The parents, along with the other teachers were all smiling seeing the students in their cute bear costume that made them took pictures even if the song isn’t even starting yet.

“Sunshine Yellow class performing ‘The Three Little Bears song’. Please give them a round of applause.”

Naeun’s students starts to sing so cutely and happily while performing in front of the audience. Naeun was standing on the side of the stage taking a lot of pictures through her phone. Like a mother who raised fifteen kids while taking pictures.

When the performance is finished Naeun gave each of her students a hug and a kiss on their forehead. Yoogeun excitedly hug her tight and kissed Naeun on her left cheek.

“Kamsahamnida songsaengnim.” Yoogeun cheerfully said.

“Are you happy?”

“Of course! Not only because I performed well but also my omma already open her eyes!”

“That’s good to hear Yoogeun-ah. Send my regards to them ok?”


Shining Star Kindergarten’s anniversary program ended successfully. Naeun and the other teachers excitedly went to the faculty to get their things since they’re all going home early.

“Unnie, why don’t we watch a movie? It’s been ages since I went in the cinema.” Namjoo said.

“Sure. I’ll just fix my things.”

Namjoo waited outside for Naeun. Hayoung can’t go with them since she will have a date with Dongwoon.

“Sorry.” Naeun said.

“I thought you’re not gonna come out.”

“It’s because I can’t find my wallet.. Anyway let’s go.” Naeun and Namjoo catch the bus safely and immediately took a sit. They went to the subway and got off at Samsung station. They went to COEX mall since the Megabox movie theatre is there. While wandering around Naeun saw Krystal, Jongin together with Kwonho and his girlfriend.

“Annyeong haseyo.” Naeun and Namjoo greeted them.

“A—annyeong.” Jongin nervously said.

“How are you?” Krystal smiled at her naturally.

“I’m fine. We’re here to watch a movie. It’s been a while.” Naeun gave her a smile.

“Yeah. We’re here to eat lunch. Have you seen the news about Taemin oppa?” Krystal asks. Kwonho ang Jongin widened their eyes and quickly turned their head to Krystal.

Krystal! What are you doing? Jongin glared her.

We can’t really zip . Kwonho bit his lower lip and closes his eyes.

“Yeah. I did.” Naeun said naturally.

What? She already knew? Namjoo widened her eyes and gulps.

“I hope you know that it’s just a stupid news. Taemin oppa isn’t that kind of man.” Krystal said while looking straight at Naeun.

“I know.” Naeun nods.

"I'm glad you understand, it’s nice to see you anyway.”


Naeun and Namjoo waved their hands to them and went to the opposite direction. Jongin quickly went beside Krystal and faces her.

“How can you just say that to her? I'm so nervous while looking at her.” Jongin said.

“Their relationship is complicated, right?” Krystal said.

“We know. It’s just that…”

“Well, pretending like nothing happened in front of her will not help at all. She’s a smart girl. She doesn’t want to look weak. She still knows her position.”

“Someday you will be the death of me.”

“So be it.”

While on their way to the fast food chain, they saw a crowd of people surrounding someone. Kwonho and Jongin narrowed their eyes.

“Why so many people there?” Kwonho said.

“Maybe there’s an actor.” Jongin said.

“Daebak!” Kwonho suddenly said.

“Wae?” Jongin turned to Kwonho who’s still looking in the crowd.

“He’s here! Let’s have an autograph!” Kwonho excitingly said.

“Who?” Jongin asked.

“The soccer player!” Kwonho shouts.

“Who?” Krystal and drinks her bottled water.

“Guys, it’s Choi Minho!”

Krystal suddenly choked.




Two weeks have passed since Taemin left his beloved country. He’s now in Osaka and currently on a rest. Taemin turned off the TV and sat on his bed. He covered his nose and mouth using his small hands. And smiles sweetly.

I will wait. I will wait for you.

Taemin remembered about Naeun’s response. He’s so happy after he heard it. He can’t believe that the girl that once made his heart palpitate when he rode the bus, is now waiting for him to return.

I still remember the day when I first met Son Naeun.......She looks so calm in that crowded bus while carrying two paper bags in both hands. She’s looking straight and her only focus..... was to get off of that bus. Taemin smiles sweetly; looking shy while places his index finger above his upper lip. 

I still remember the ray of the sun that highlight the right side of her face. Making it more beautiful. She’s not looking at me like the others do. I don’t know if her plugged ears are the reason.

When she came beside me, I think her mellow deep tone voice hypnotized me. My eyes kept looking at her. Her hair at that time was tied up; that I can’t help but to look at the hairs of her nape. Then to her cheeks. Then to her eyes, that still at that time wasn’t looking at me.

But the most unforgettable thing happened, was when I saw her the second time because of her scent, because it made everything confirmed, that she’s not just a passer-by in my life.




People are starting to exit the cinema slowly. Naeun and

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Chapter 60: Adoption, Ring Birthday, Krystal, Naeun


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OJKMT123 #1
Chapter 60: Nooooo it’s a cliffhanger plsss update
changjo95 #2
Chapter 60: Please update
amaramazaya #3
Chapter 60: Please give an update?
changjo95 #4
Chapter 60: still waiting for your update please
Anu_Taeun #5
Chapter 60: Update update update please
Anu_Taeun #6
Anu_Taeun #7
Chapter 60: Please update next part
Anu_Taeun #8
Chapter 60: Update..... Is it on hold. Then continue please
Chapter 60: Please update! Love this story
Chenul #10
Chapter 60: I have never found a story as good as this. and I have been reading it since 2015.
I hope the author reads this comment ... that we miss the continuation of your story ^^