The First Dream



These dreams they are attacking me.

They ruin everything.

I can’t sleep anymore.

Why are they starting?

What did I do that made them so bad?

The black just closes in on me.

As if I was its prisoner.

“Hey come back here I have something I want you to meet!”

I run as fast as I can I have no idea what the hell it is but it won’t leave me alone.


I keep running but something in front of me, stopped me from running any farther this thing was very sturdy and hard, I fell back not knowing what else to do.

That thing is big with blazing red eyes and rows of white shark teeth. The things red eyes were staring right through me it was farther away than I thought it would have been


I screamed…

And I woke up. I was panting and sweating really hard I glanced at the clock it was 12:49 AM.

Hyukjae ran into my room with a worried look on his face.

“Donghae?!?! What’s wrong?”

I look at him with teary eyes

“Hyukjae-ah I had a nightmare”

There was a short silence

“Well are you going to tell me what it was about?”

“A big thing with red eyes and rows of white shark teeth was chasing me, and I ran into something which made me fall and it kept yelling that it wanted to hurt me an-“

“That’s enough Donghae just stop thinking about it” Hyukjae said

Donghae just sat there from Hyukjae’s outburst. Hyukjae left the room and closed the door. Donghae got out of bed; he changed out of his sweat drenched shirt and went into the kitchen to find Siwon there. Siwon was reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

“Ahh it’s about time you woke up Donghae” Siwon said cheerfully

“uh yeah, why are you here?”

“Oh because Hyukjae said that he was going somewhere for a while and didn’t want to leave you alone by yourself when you were asleep”

“How old does he think I am???”

~~~A Few hours later~~~

Donghae’s POV

I was in my room reading some Gucci magazine that I found in under Hyukjae’s bed. When I heard the door open which meant neither Siwon went outside from some reason or Hyukjae was back. I didn’t really want to move so I just stayed there, If it was Hyukjae I know for sure he would come up to my room.  I heard the door open again and this time it was Siwon talking and I heard some crying going on downstairs too. I had no idea what was going on, I went downstairs to find Siwon embracing and swaying with Hyukjae in his arms, crying. I didn’t say anything because I already knew Siwon would just shut me up. It sounded like Hyukjae was trying to say something but didn’t, and tried again.

“H-he said… I never… made t-things….better j-just worse, and he hurt me”

“Shhh Hyukjae” Siwon said rubbing Hyukjae’s back.

Siwon turned to me and whispered “I’ll explain it later, go back upstairs”

I nodded and headed upstairs before I was stopped by Hyukjae saying his name.

“Dong..Hae” He sort of muffled in Siwon’s shoulder.

“Yes?” I said while walking over to where Hyukjae and Siwon were.

Hyukjae let go of Siwon’s hug and switched to mine. He wasn’t crying anymore he was still struggling with words though.

Hyukjae POV

“Dong..Hae” I said into Siwon’s shoulder

“Yes?” He said

I switched from hugging Siwon to Donghae letting out a groan as I moved because my leg and back where hurting really badly. Siwon got up and went upstairs for some reason.

 Pulling away from me “Hyukjae? What happened? Where did you go?” Donghae asked

I didn’t want to answer but he looked really worried.

“I went to have coffee with my ex-boyfriend, and he got really mad and beat me up…” Just at that point I was about to cry but Siwon interrupted me from crying.

“DONGHAE!” Siwon yelled

I felt Donghae jump; he looked at me and put me down on a chair before going upstairs to see what Siwon wanted. A few moments later Siwon and Donghae both came downstairs. Donghae stood me up and Siwon carried me in bride-style upstairs.

Siwon carried me to my room and set me on the bed. Donghae came in with the first aid box. It was kind of awkward when they were both trying to help me. At least Siwon left the room just leaving me and Donghae who was looking at every inch of me.

Siwon’s POV

I let Donghae take care of Hyukjae, I know he wouldn’t mind me doing it, but I know their love between each other so I let it be.

Donghae’s POV

“Where does it hurt?” I asked really worried.

“My back and leg hurt the most but also my stomach” He replied back not making eye contact he didn’t want to see how worried I looked he already heard me sigh.

“Um ok then can you take off your shirt then?” I whispered, it was embarrassing to ask that but I guess I need him too.

He stared at me blankly like he had no idea what to do but obediently did what he was told.

Leaving him shirtless I turned to get the first aid box and went around the bed so I was behind him. I really was about to cry at that moment, seeing how many cuts and bruises he had on his back and arm. I started putting some peroxide on all the cuts but he kept yelling


“I’m sorry but you need to clean the cuts before you put a bandage on” I feel really bad that it was hurting but I couldn’t help it. I finished putting on the peroxide and put the bandages on. I didn’t know what to do for the bruises though so I just put some ice on them. He jerked when I touched them. I went downstairs to get some medicine for him.

Eunhyuk’s POV  

Donghae left the room, he didn’t tell me why he didn’t even say be right back or anything just left. A few moments of silence I heard him coming back up the stairs and came back to my room with a glass of water and a pill.

“It will help make the pain go away” He said smiling at me.

I took the two things from his hand, He left saying Good Night, I glanced at the clock and saw it was 11:24 PM. It was really late so I closed my door and turned off my light I went to lay down but my back hurt really bad so I ended up laying on my stomach and falling asleep.


Donghae’s POV

I really don’t want to sleep I don’t want those horrible dreams.  They just felt too real and I can’t stand it anymore. I don’t want to wake up screaming again all it does is make Hyukjae worried. Eventually I fell asleep.

~Inside Donghae’s Dream~

YOU WILL DIE!!! The bright red eyed thing yelled again

The place was just a never ending dark corridor. As in every other dream I just run and scream. The thing seemed to be throwing things I keep hearing glass break near me, I kept running, this time he threw the glass at me. It made me stumble a bit until I hit the floor. I tried to get back up and did I was walking like a zombie though. I felt blood drip down my back. I fell again the thing was coming straight towards me but it was crawling this time instead of running. It was like a crawling human or animal. I shut my eyes really tightly and yelled


“Donghae… Donghae Yah wake up YAH!” Siwon was shaking me awake. I woke up and saw Siwon looking back at me with his hands on my shoulders.

“What’s wrong?” I asked

I grabbed my phone on the nightstand to see what time it was 5:58 AM. You were shaking and sweating and I wanted you to wake up from that dream.

I started to sit up but a strike of pain went through my body causing be to fall back.

“Oh yeah and 2 hours ago you yelled in your sleep “IT HURTS” and saw your back was bloody like you got a cut somehow so I bandaged it up last night” Siwon said.

“Huh? How did that happen? I remember in my dream the creature threw glass at me cutting my back but was that real?” I said in pain but still curious.

It was 6:00 AM so I decided to stay up with Siwon. He sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and I was watching the early show cartoons since nothing else had been on this early in the morning. About 2 hours later Hyukjae came down and immediately fell onto the couch, it surprised me to see him do that I looked at him and said

“Good morning Hyukjae!”

Hyukjae’s POV

“Good Morning Hyukjae” He said.

It killed me to see how happy he always is in the morning I wonder if he didn’t dream anything bad.

“Morning” I mumbled still really tired.

“Did you have a bad dream last night?” I asked

As soon as I asked that his smile disappeared.

“Um can we not talk about that right now Hyuk?”

I was pretty sure that was a yes he did have a bad dream but I just nodded and watched the show that was on.

“How’s your back?” Donghae suddenly said

“It still hurts really badly but it’s fine”

“Aw sorry it still hurts” He said

“It’s fine”

I don’t know why Donghae won’t tell me about his nightmares, I already know about them why won’t he talk to me about them though? I knew that sometime today when Siwon leaves for his everyday afternoon jog I will talk to him about the dre-

“Guys! I am going to go to the gym; I’ll be back in like 2 hours.” Siwon yelled walking out the door.

I thought how perfect that is.

Donghae’s POV

Siwon left… what if something happens again with Hyukjae I don’t know what to do. I look at him and he was looking straight back. That was kinda creepy

“Why are you staring at me?” I asked

“Please tell me about the dreams you’re having I can help!”


First part of the story I will finish it soon if the story gets 10+ views 

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