

It wasn't the first time Dongwoo had seen his father's face on the news, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. 


Senior Inspector Shin was the head of another investigation into the secrets surrounding a major pharmaceutical company. 


Dongwoo always watched each news report, taking in every detail that surrounded his father. It was the only time he was able to see his face and how his work was effecting his health. The last time he had seen the fifty-four year old was three years ago at his high school graduation. Still after each news report, Dongwoo took the time to message his father.  


Make sure to rest. Mother is doing well. 


He never received a reply and he had given up hope that he would a long time ago. 


Dongwoo buried himself in his school work. With each semester, he was closer to graduating with the hope of becoming a man his father was proud of. 


What his younger brother said didn't matter. 


What his sick mother said didn't matter. 


All he wanted was his father's approval. 


The father who had abandoned his family six years ago to be with another woman, leaving behind a frail wife and two sons. 

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