

At the age of 17, Heerin saw how her mother looked for her own happiness. She had eventually developed a hatred towards her. You couldn't blame her, she was once very happy with her family and she felt that it broke apart all because of her mother.

Heerin never had a boyfriend, although she was in denial, at times she really wanted one. Someone who could comfort her and make her day when she was so tired of the situation. She wondered how she could handle all those with a happy-go-luck attitude. She had turned into someone else, her genuine happy smile was gone, it was a forced one that didn't last. She was all optimistic when she was with her friends but inside, she felt like dying. 
Fear had covered Love, she wanted to find love but fear was stronger. The fear of getting hurt, being left alone, being the one who loved too much and being the one who gave too much. She was afraid. 
"Hey Heerin!" Her friends greeted her. She smiled at them. 
"Hey." She replied briefly while sitting down.
Everyone thought that she was really optimistic, but there was a person who noticed it all. He noticed her forced smiles, her sighs, her everything; she was an open book if you were just a good observer. He had learnt to read her mind as time passed.
His thoughts were interrupted by a laugh and he saw that it belonged to Heerin, whom was sitting beside him.
"What?" He asked, feeling himself getting flustered.
"Yah, why are you spacing out early in the morning? School hasn't started yet and you're already somewhere else!" She kept laughing but he knew it, she was trying to lift her mood up. 
He shook his head and leaned closer, making her agitated.
"H-Hey what are you--"
"Don't you want to come to that 'somewhere else'? We could be happy. It'll be only the two of us." He deeply stared at her eyes, searching for it, and he finally saw it. 
Heerin's cheeks flushed red as she pushed him away "Y-Yah K-Kim S-Sung..Sunggyu! You ert!" she stuttered and drifted her attention to her books.
She was just too cute when she blushed like that, and the way she stammered was just adorable.
"Hey Shin Heerin, I didn't say anything erted. You're the one who's thinking something else." He smirked at her but she just pouted at him, not uttering a word.
"Meet me at the rooftop after class, okay?" He whispered and she uncertainly nodded.
Kim Sunggyu, the guy who loved to compete against Shin Heerin since the day they met. He had challenged her, he wanted to motivate her and he had succeeded. What they were competing for? The ranking at school. 
They were both smart but he had let her and he was ranked 2, while she was the number 1. He was glad about it, her smile was his reward. Yes, he was in love with her, he liked her to death but he was unsure if she felt the same... until that morning. 
Shin Heerin had her pride and she didn't want anyone to see her weakness, but it seemed like her rival, Kim Sunggyu, was able to break into her. She rarely cried but one day, she was at her limit and she ended up hugging him, crying it all. She thought he would laugh at her or ask why she was like that, but he didn't. He patted her back while hugging her too, making her feel better.
Although she knew that he wouldn't spread the word, she still begged him to keep it as a secret but he just smiled back. He knew her weaknesses and without her realizing, she had fallen for him. But she was afraid. Afraid of getting hurt. 
"Heerin, you dumb." She looked up and saw Sunggyu standing in front of her.
"I told you to meet me at the rooftop, you dumb girl." She rolled her eyes but decided to ignore it, she wasn't in the mood to argue. 
They always called each other names, they were friends but rivals at the same time. It was a love-hate relationship...well, friendship.
Heerin was about to take her stuffs when he suddenly stopped her, "I'll carry it." 
She blushed at his stare, "T-Thanks." 
Today there was an early sunset, making it dark already as they make their way to the rooftop.
"What are we going to do at the roofto--" Heerin froze at the sight in front of her. 
There were lights everywhere and a table in the middle of it, with a matching bouquet of roses in it. It was breathtakingly romantic.
Sunggyu took her hand and made her sit down, all the while she wasn't able to look at him. She was speechless. He took something from the storage room in the rooftop and she gasped when he handed her a teddy bear. He didn't sit but he just squatted down at her.
"Shin Heerin," he called softly and she took the courage to look at him. 
"H-How...W-Why...How.." she incoherently muttered words, making him laugh as she clenched her fist on the stuffed toy between her hands.
"I love you, that's the reason. I want to make you happy, that's the second reason. I want to be the one you'll always lean on, that's the other reason. If I were to list them down, it would take long and it may be endless." He smiled and she couldn't help but smile back at him. 
Sunggyu placed his hand on the top of hers, "I know you're going through a lot, don't worry, I will never leave your side." he said while kneeling down at her. 
She couldn't take it anymore and all the bottled up emotions came out, for the second time, he was able to see her cry. 
"Sunggyu...I don't know where to start...Everything is out of control. I'm so tired of this situation. I--" 
"Everything will be okay." He whispered, cupping her cheeks, "You got that?"
She nodded and hugged him, he was taken aback but he wrapped his arms around her.
"I love you Kim Sunggyu." 
Those words slipped out of and she was surprised as well, but she wasn't afraid anymore. She felt safe around him and she didn't want to let go of that feeling, no matter what she was going through. She had overcome her fear and found happiness in love. 
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Chapter 1: Adorbs~
*cries because I am forever alone*