Gaining the Special Ability

Unspoken Destiny [hiatus]

Entry 4-Xiao Luhan


If those bastards dare touched a hair on Sehun’s head, I will kill them all.


Entry End


“I’m ready.”


Luhan followed the man out reluctantly. The two walked in silence for a little until Luhan got the courage and spoke up.


“What did you do to Sehun?” the 7th grader stopped in his tracks, forcing the redhead to stop too. The man hummed happily.


“Sehun is lucky to have someone like you,” the man said before turning on his heels and continuing down the hallway. Luhan followed, confused. The man had said a lot of things about Sehun. It was like the man and Sehun were related in someway, like his father. But, that couldn’t be possible, could it? This man was clearly not Korean, so it wouldn’t make sense because Sehun definitely looked like a purebred Korean. Seeing that the man was a bit too far ahead, Luhan jogged up next to him, forgetting about his previous concerns.


“What is your name, sir?”


“Me?” He chuckled. “I’m Vance Wolfe.”


“Vans… Wolfe?” Luhan tried.


“Close, but ‘Vance’ has a harder sounding ‘c’.” Vance explained.


“Ah, I see…” Before Luhan could continue, Vance stopped and motioned to a door.


“Go through there and sit in the chair.”


“Are you going to hurt me? Are you going to run tests on me? I promise, I’m 100% human.”


Vance laughed loudly before shaking his head. “No, it won’t hurt. Trust me. I wouldn’t be putting you through this if it did.”


Feeling a little safer, Luhan opened the door and walked in, taking a seat on the cold metal chair in the center. He looked up and observed the big contraption that hung above him. ‘This is a laser,’ he thought to himself. He really hoped Vance was telling the truth. The size of the machinery is what scared him the most.


“Mr. Wolfe, were you lying?” Luhan called out, but when he looked around, there was no one in sight. To his left, there was a door and behind him was a large glass panel that was one way, reflecting the room, but not showing what was inside.


“Now, Luhan, just close your eyes and relax. It will be a lot easier and be quicker if you aren’t alert.” Vance said through a speaker.


Although still a bit wary, Luhan closed his eyes and settled down into the seat, imagining him and Sehun having ice cream together in the park once they escaped.


“Don’t open your eyes at any moment or else you will definitely lose your eyesight.”


Luhan shrugged and squeezed his eyes shut. If he lost his eyesight, that means he could never see Sehun’s adorable face and see him grow into a handsome man.


A second later, there was a bright flash of light and, as told, Luhan squeezed his eyes shut. Once everything went dark again, Luhan carefully opened his eyes and by then, the laser had disappeared and was replaced with a blank, white ceiling.


“If you feel any different, then that’s not a good thing,” Vance said as he came out of the door.


“I don’t feel different. I just feel energized from closing my eyes for a bit.” Luhan shrugged.


“That’s good. Now, if you look on your hand, you’ll notice a symbol, correct?”


Luhan nodded, inspecting the odd symbol.


“It’s shows what your ability is,”


“Ability?” Luhan cut in.


“Yes, you’ll see. Be patient.” Vance pressed a button on a fancy watch that decorated his wrist and from the floor, a mechanical hand holding an unsolved Rubix cube. “Solve this Rubix cube without touching it.” Vance instructed. Luhan looked at him like the man had gone looney.


“Impossible. I need to see the other sides.”


“Why don’t you pick it up? Without your hands, of course.”


“B-but… you’re crazy mister!” Luhan pouted and crossed his arms.


“I know you are fully capable. That is why you have been chosen to harness this ability.” Vance said simply. Luhan eyed the man warily before focusing his entire mind on picking up the rubix cube. For a split second, the cube rose a centimeter above the hand before falling back down to it.


“Oh my god…” Luhan breathed and tried again. This time, he got it to float a few more inches until his concentration was interrupted by excitement. “This is amazing…” By the tenth try, Luhan managed to lift the cube without focusing as much and he even spun it around to see all the colors.


“If you think you got the hang of it, why don’t you try and solve it?”


“I’ll try…”


Thirty minutes and two Rubix cubes later, Luhan successfully solved one and was very proud of it. “I did it, Vance!” Luhan exclaimed and Vance smiled, patting the Chinese on the back.


“I’m impressed, Luhan. Do you feel tired? Did you notice that your symbol glowed blue? Make sure not to use it too much because it takes your energy and turns it into the power.” Vance warned, and Luhan nodded. “Now, it’s time to go and wait for the rest of your friends.” Vance turned and began walking out, Luhan trailing close behind.

“Do you feel any different?” Eunhee asked as she walked in with a clipboard. Sehun shook his head. Then he noticed the odd symbol on the back of his hand. He tried rubbing it off, but it was like a permanent tattoo.


“Mommy won’t be happy when she sees this tattoo.” Sehun mumbled. Eunhee chuckled and began to explain the odd marking.


“This symbol shows the ability you have. It won’t come off, and everytime you use it, it will glow a blue color. But, you can’t just use it whenever. The symbol uses up a lot of your energy because you’re so young. The others, such as Luhan,” Sehun’s ears perked up at the name. “Minseok, and Yifan, will be able to use it more often because they are older.”


“What’s my power?” Sehun asked in excitement.


“You’ll see.” Eunhee clicked a button on her wristwatch and a mechanical hand popped out of the ground and it held a stack of papers. “Now, Sehun, I want you to knock over this stack of paper, but without touching it.”


“What?! I can’t do that!” exclaimed Sehun.


“Just wish, with all your heart.”


Sehun shut his eyes and imagined the stack of papers toppling over, becoming a huge mess on the ground. About thirty seconds later, he opened his eyes and the stack of papers were still there and he let out a frustrated groan. Again, he closed his eyes and focused as hard as he could. Suddenly, there was a slight breeze under his chair and he opened his eyes. In the corner of his eye, he saw something flash blue. It was the mark on his hand. Just as Eunhee said, it had taken a lot of energy out of him.


“Wh-what?” Sehun turned his hand over and over, inspecting it.


“Put your palm up to the papers and do the same thing.” Eunhee instructed. Sehun followed and did the same thing. He shut his eyes and imagined the huge stack toppling over, palm facing the papers.


After a few seconds, Sehun felt a slight breeze in his hair and a crash. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find the papers scattered everywhere and Eunhee trying to fix her hair.


“Wow, that was way more powerful than expected out of someone so young.” Eunhee mumbled, jotting something down on her note pad. “Excellent work, Sehun. It’s time to go wait for your friends.”

Sehun hopped up excitedly and followed Eunhee again. He couldn’t wait to see Luhan again.


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Alley051 #1
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: AUTHOR-NIM!!! PLEASE UPDATE!! I have to find out what happens next! This story is great so far! I hope you can update soon! ^3^~
Chapter 1: Nae~ Chingus! Please update!
Chapter 1: Oooooo! That was so interesting to read! What a unique idea~ I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Good luck to both of you~!!<33
Chapter 1: Woah, it's pretty interesting... ^^ Good luck to the both of you and your Unnie:)