
You liar

“Can you please let me off early today? I promise I’ll come in early tomorrow!” you plead your boss.

Today is Luhan’s birthday. With your busy schedule and stacks of paper work, you just had to cancel on him. Of course you felt guilty, but work is work. Besides, you can always make it up to him right? But then the thoughts lingered back into your mind.


“Oppa, I don’t think I can make it today. There’s just so much work.” you rumble through the messy arrays of sheets.

Oh… it’s okay then. Just meet me whenever you’re free.” His tone was disappointed and clearly sad. Any boyfriend would only hope to spend their birthday with their girl.

I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, okay?” your eyebrows furrow as you rub your temples. Not one part of you didn’t want to go see him, but with so much work, you couldn’t dare leave the office.

“It’s fine. You have work. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He mumbled, unable to contain his gloom.


His voice kept replaying in your head. You realized that you weren’t able to attend his last few concerts, parties or dates. Delinquency swept through you.

You have to make it up to him. The boyfriend who doesn’t complain and is so utterly understanding.

You managed to develop a little agenda in which you are able to schedule your work in the next week. Hence, giving you time to spend the next 4 hours with Luhan before his birthday ends. After all, you already prepared his gift, and a special homemade birthday cake!

Even with your tight schedule, you still managed to spend hours dedicated to baking and decorating a cake for him. You decided that he would prefer a cake baked with genuine love.

“I heard it’s your boyfriend’s birthday?” your boss winked jokingly.

“Go ahead ______, you’ve been so hard working. Just go!” she urged you.



After arriving right in front of Luhan’s apartment, you stand outside preparing yourself. You touched up your makeup, fixed you hair, tidied you clothing, lit the candles of the caked and mentally got ready. You were so excited to surprise him. I bet he’s just sitting alone watching t.v on his birthday, you sighed.

You decided to leave everything outside the door for a split second whilst you are able to enter with the cake in both hands.


You opened the door.

There on his couch, he had his hands wrapped around another women’s waist whilst her head is in the crook of his neck.

All three set of eyes widen regretfully before you drop the cake with shock. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Would it of been better if you never came? Would you prefer to live a relationship of lies?

No words could describe that very moment.

Luhan was cheating on you.

You blink rapidly, trying to adapt to the situation.

What in the world is happening?!

Your gaze adverts to the ground as you struggle to find your breath.

Without taking another look, you run out. Grabbing your bag on the way, you dash out before Luhan calls you.


You run out of the building with your heart tightly wrenched. You didn’t cry. All you knew was Luhan was with another girl. Although no tears have yet arrived, you still struggled for your breath.

Was 3 years of love, a betrayal?

“_____ WAIT!” Just by hearing his voice, your emotions triggered, tears are now bombarding the brim of your eyes.

You run even faster. 

WAIT STOP!” he catches up and grabs your wrist.

You yank him off before turning away again.

“Listen, I just want to explain.”

Was it that you wanted to let him explain, run away or slap him? You didn’t know. But every functioning piece of you didn’t allow you to move.

I’m really sorry…” You look up before slapping him. And so he did admit it. You didn’t want to believe it, but he had confessed. You heard it with your own ears.

How could you….” You cry.

“It’s just… you’re always busy! You’re never here and I ju-“


“I know you’re mad but just li-“


“I didn’t sleep wi-“

Just leave. I don’t want to see you.”


Everything stopped. You felt your heart shatter into pieces. Pieces that could never be glued back together; because the scar will never be forgotten. There were so many questions that clouded your mind. But you didn’t want him in your sight.

It’s over. You know it and he knows it.

You turn away from him, speedily pacing away before pulling up at the nearest trash can.

Goodbye Luhan….” You throw your promise ring.


“ Dear Luhannie,

Are you excited to read your birthday card~?

Wow oppa, how are you getting so old already? You’re going to become a grandpa and I’m going to have to look after you, don’t i?!

All jokes aside, I want to wish you a happy birthday ~ I’m sorry that I can’t be the girlfriend you want me to. I’m sorry with the lack of time oppa, but thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for being my guide and my umbrella. No matter what, you know I only have you in my heart right? Is it the same for you…? Of course It is ~

Even when you’re 40, 50 even 100, I’ll always love you. Thank you Luhan. Thank you for everything. I’ll be here for all your birthdays to come.

As part of your birthday present, I promise to spend more time with you and express my love even more, okay? I’m making this extra cheesy since it’s your birthday, I expect the same when it’s my turn!

I love you, Luhan.”

No no no. What have I done… ________ please come back.  He cried.

Why won’t you let me explain….”

Whether there is a story behind this, you didn’t want to know.

You didn’t want to come back.


The relationship was gone and done for.

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Chapter 1: ooooo!!! This is too sad!!! T_T