Blog #45: the beauty of lost pencils.

It started with a post.

He isn’t  quite like the others. He isn’t as tall or manly, probably not even as mean or rude when it comes to talk about a boy. He is nice; he has this softness in the way he talks, the way he looks at me, the way he smiles.  I think I first crushed on him when we first met. It was almost like I didn’t have the time to realize such thing was happening. I was just completely in love with him, yes that quick. Completely unaware. I was lost in his tracks, his melody of words and his touch. Just all the things mixed together perfectly, just like when it comes to a good music and a good book. 

He isn’t in my class. Well, when I say this, I don’t even know if I’m unlucky or just a girl who lost the lottery; because having someone we crush on on our class can be either: really good or really bad.  He’s in my best friend’s class, that’s how I met him. During the break today, and now you’re thinking you just met him now and you already love him? The answer is yes.  You can’t really judge me. Well maybe it’s not love, but it’s indeed something. I felt something when he looked at me, when he smiled, when he held my hand. Am I giving a lot of spoilers? Okay sorry let me explain exactly what happened so you don’t hate me for not saying anything. 

I was in my class, sitting in my little table with my earphones on, listening to BEAST — obviously. You guys know how I love BEAST. So there I was sitting there and I felt like I should start doing homework during the break to have more time to relax at home. Thing is I had no pencils which is really ridiculous—we’re in school we’re supposed to have pencils.  But I didn’t and I didn’t want to ask anyone from my class, I couldn’t either since they were all in the lunch room, eating or outside – since it was a really nice sunny day.  So I decided to call my best friend to come and give me a pencil, which he laughed as soon has he heard I wanted a pencil. Well I’m sorry if I want good grades and to relax at home as well ==;.  Anyhow, where was I? Ah right, I called him and he said his friend would go to class to hand me the pencil since he was too busy with a girl, I mean seriously Park Chanyeol, trade me for another girl, tsk. I sat back and looked at the window, whistling as I waited for his friend to bring the pencil. At first I thought it would be his stupid friend who always asks me to go on a date with him, Kim Joonmyeon, please, he is indeed good looking but he literally flirts with every girl he meets.

I was surprised, Baekhyun came. 
“So you’re the one who wants the pencil, right?” he smiled at me in this right moment. I remember how my cheeks probably were red as a tomato. He stood by the door frame and played with the pencil in his fingers. He was extremely handsome, I wonder how I never noticed the guy. I replied that indeed it was me and he sat next to me, before giving me the pencil “Can I stay here? I can’t sleep with those guys always screaming.” & so I nodded and  he did fell asleep, after like 5 minutes. It was funny, because I really wanted to do homework but instead of it I just rested my head on the table and looked at him during the whole time, and now I can swear I think I’m really in love & I'm definitely a creeper. Oh man TTTTTTT I didn’t want to. 


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sylviaxy #1
Chapter 2: But i thought that groping is kind of cute...well if he is indeed her boyfriend, which is not yet. So...yeah weird weird weird.
sylviaxy #2
Chapter 1: One sided love can be sweet yet painful.
sylviaxy #3
The story sounds really interesting. Waiting for the actual chapters to start!