Read Me

My last letter before army

May 6, 2013


Hey ___(NAME)___, Do you still remember me? Your oppa, Yesung, from Super Junior. I know you will read this late because of slow transportation. I wish you could read this letter ASAP because I want you to know that I love you ....and I always do. Thank you for taking care of me. I'm so sorry if this is sudden that I have gone away and attend army. Babe, I need to do this and I also want you to understand I am a Son of Korea, to attend this army. 


I love you girl


And hey babe, can or may you tell me I love you one last time, for me. I know I have hurt you because of this, just write me a letter telling me that you love me, even when I'm gone, even though it is in past tense I would accept it. I know you are in someone else's hands now to have comfort. I really am sorry for leaving you hanging that you aren't ready that I will be attending the army. Even me, I wish I could rewind time for us to have more intimate time of our life and being ready for the army.


But still if you change your buddy, please keep on remembering that I love you....I will keep on loving you because you are a part of me doing this letter and enetering the army. You are my lucky charm. It's fine with me if you are happy with someone else because freeing your love is true love....and since you are my lucky charm....I want to see you happy. You, being happy is great. Giving me boost. Thank you for everything  __(NAME)__.




Sincerely yours,


Kim Jong-woon


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Chapter 1: Sorry for the typo graphical errors ^^`