Black Moon
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     “We’ll just have to do it the hard way” Sora smirked as she took a step back, glaring at the werewolf whom was on the ground. He slowly stood up while wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth. For a girl, her fist was pretty hard. “How dare y-” the boy wasn’t able to finish and Sora kicked him into the stomach making him fly back, hitting the tree right behind him.      “What the-” Baekhyun blurted out as Sora drew her leg back. He was about to pull her back but he stopped upon seeing her expression. She was totally serious. The more serious she is, the more dangerous she becomes. The two twins seemed to be in shock but didn’t dare to do anything. “I tell you, we’re going to pass and you’re not going to stop us” said Sora as she walked to the tall boy whom was lying on the ground.       “Do you have a problem with that?” Sora titled her head and stepped on the boy’s chest. “N-No” he answered while trying to breathe normally. “Good” she smirked and stepped back, walking to the group. “I guess you two don’t disagree too, do you?” she looked at the twins and they shook their heads in horror.      “Bye. See ya” Sora smirked and crossed her arms while walking away with Sojin. “That was scary” Kai whispered and Baekhyun nodded “Thanks goodness we’re not her rivals”. The way Sora beat the werewolf even without using her element really impressed Sehun and Sojin. She was scary, they had to admit.      “It’s getting dark now. I think we should stop for a rest” Sehun said and everyone stopped. It was around six in the evening already. They have been walking for such a long time which was tiring. Baekhyun seemed to complain all the way. “Fine” Sojin stretched her arms. “Baekhyun, built up the tent” said Kai and he nodded.      Baekhyun found a big tree and walked to it. He raised his hand and closed his eyes. The bottom of the tree was slowly opening. In a few minutes, the body of the tree was largely separated and there was a lot of space inside. “Done,” he said and put his hands on his hips. “Good” Kai stretched his arms and sighed. Walking in, Sora noticed it looked like a wooden tent which was large enough for a lot of people.         Kai, Sora and Baekhyun were inside of the tent while Sehun was still outside with Sojin. She climbed up on one of the big rocks and hugged her knees. “You aren’t going in?” Sehun asked softly and sat beside her. “Not yet” she sighed, looking up at the sky. It was filled with stars and even the moon was clearly seen. What surprised her was that the middle part of it was black. Just like there was a hole in it.      “What’s up with that moon?” Sojin asked and Sehun looked up
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Chapter 24: So her eyes shine everytime Won is in danger? That's weird
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 54: Love love love this story~
Chapter 14: It's getting interesting...!
Missmaya #4
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 53: Oo theres sequel already :o
Chapter 41: I don't know who do I ship Sojin with. Ughh I like her with Won tho T.T
Chapter 18: Okay what the fudge another mean bish? I'm gonna punch her too
Chapter 15: I want to punch this Melan bish
MarkiePooPoo #9
OMG, I'm soooo glad I was introduced to this ff. I'm here thanks to HoverHyk!!! I've read the few first chapters and I'm sure I'm going to finish this in one day...it's too good to take my eyes off. I have a feeling Sojin and Won are becoming my ship....so soon!!!
Chapter 7: Seriously.. she annoys me. Like to no end.