Black Moon
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     “Slam!” The trees behind Sehun were all cut in half as Sojin sent howling wind to him. If he didn’t bend down, he could have already been badly injured. A smirk passed Sojin’s lips as Sehun bent down. He was at the position she wanted him to be. The plants rose up from the ground and surrounded Sehun with deadly thorns. “Move and you’re dead” she said as she panted.      “She’s getting better” Kai said and Sora nodded as they were watching the whole fight. “I wouldn’t like it if she was my enemy” Baekhyun said and shivered at the thought of being beat up by her. “She’s dangerous” Sora stated and crossed her arms.        Sehun chuckled as he knew he had no way of escaping now. “You got me,” he said and the plants immediately disappeared. Sojin was still panting from the fight. Sehun gave her quite a lot of damage but it was nothing compared to his injures. She had several wounds on her knee but it didn’t bleed at all. Sehun, on the other side, was bleeding a little on his left hand.      Sojin walked to Sehun to make sure he wasn’t seriously injured and walked over to the sitting place with him. Sehun was impressed that Sojin was such a fast learner. She could learn any moves that she sees. Not everyone is capable of doing that.      “Fine, who’s next?” asked Sehun, walking to the rest. The three looked at each other before looking back at Sehun. “Kai is still injured so how about Baek and Sojin?” asked Sojin and they widened their eyes. “What?!” Baekhyun shouted and looked at her. “What? Afraid of losing to a girl?” Sojin asked with a small smirk. “Of course not…Sehun has just lost to one and there’s no way I’ll lose to Sora” he stated proudly.       “Fine. Then what are you waiting for?” Sora smirked and walked to the middle of the stadium. She stretched her waist and arms before crossing her hands. Beakhyun didn’t seem to want to fight but he didn’t look scared either. He walked over to Sora and got into his fighting position.      Baekhyun started with a few plants which slowly, very slowly grew from under Sora’s feet. She didn’t react much though, like she wasn’t afraid. Baekhyun took that opportunity to make the plants surround her legs. Still, Sora seemed to be calm and didn’t do anything. With a raise of Baekhyun’s hand, the rocks floated in the air and dashed to Sora with a very quick pace. It was almost impossible to see it fly.      Sora raised her hand and opened her fist. A thick layer of ice appeared right in front of her and the rocks pierced into it but it never broke through, though. If he attacked her with any flying objects, she would be able to stop it by the shield. But then he saw that the plants around her legs were still holding her. Not hesitating, he dashed forward, to Sora who remained calm.      It surprised Sojin that she could be so calm when she was being attacked. But then she realized why. Sora wasn’t being calm but she was concentrating on something. Sojin guessed it could have been the plants under her legs but they didn’t show any changes. Sora bent down as Baekhyun attacked with his fist covered with thorns. He was able to make thorns grow from his own hands which amazed everyone, including Sora.       Sora had a hard time defending herself from Baekhyun’s attacks because her legs were wrapped, not allowing her to move the lower part of her body. But she was strong enough using her upper part. Baekhyun wasn’t a strong fighter but his hits were sharp and fast. He was able to scratch Sora on several places but it wasn’t anything serious. Baekhyun’s pace fastened and that was when Sora realized she needed to be set free from the plants.      Baekhyun suddenly heard cracking sounds and as he looked down, the plants around Sora’s legs were completely frozen and started to crack. With a one strong move, her leg was able to move and she kicked Baekhyun into the stomach making him jump back a little. “Umphh!” he made a sound and
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Chapter 24: So her eyes shine everytime Won is in danger? That's weird
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 54: Love love love this story~
Chapter 14: It's getting interesting...!
Missmaya #4
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 53: Oo theres sequel already :o
Chapter 41: I don't know who do I ship Sojin with. Ughh I like her with Won tho T.T
Chapter 18: Okay what the fudge another mean bish? I'm gonna punch her too
Chapter 15: I want to punch this Melan bish
MarkiePooPoo #9
OMG, I'm soooo glad I was introduced to this ff. I'm here thanks to HoverHyk!!! I've read the few first chapters and I'm sure I'm going to finish this in one day...it's too good to take my eyes off. I have a feeling Sojin and Won are becoming my ship....so soon!!!
Chapter 7: Seriously.. she annoys me. Like to no end.