Trip to Jeju

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin in arcu cursus diam lacinia sodales. Ut blandit est sapien. Vivamus consectetur eleifend laoreet. Aenean nulla erat, pretium vel dignissim ultricies, luctus vitae leo. Nullam a finibus lorem. In ligula mi, gravida ac ornare eu, malesuada vel ex. Integer nec velit id leo cursus sodales sit amet sed dui. Vivamus aliquam ac arcu sit amet egestas. Phasellus sodales, diam nec interdum venenatis, ex magna sodales odio, ut rhoncus turpis lectus a metus. Morbi non egestas ex.

In condimentum risus vitae turpis auctor luctus. Phasellus volutpat sem ac nisl ultrices porttitor. Maecenas cursus, diam sed ultrices imperdiet, arcu justo cursus neque, ac porta tortor sem eget eros. Sed luctus risus nunc, tempus facilisis massa imperdiet vel. Vestibulum tortor risus, fermentum id egestas ac, tempor nec leo. Proin a aliquam leo. Donec eu leo suscipit, mattis velit vel, iaculis quam. Sed tempor vitae mi sed volutpat.











Price: 2 Points


To purchase, first buy on the layout marketplace! (It won't have contentIDs). Then comment below, and I will send you a link to the layout on pastebin.

If you have any questions about how to use it, please let me know! I will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Marketplace link:
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Chapter 1: I bought "CHOERRY SWEET"
Chapter 2: I’ve requested a graphics shop layout!
i've request the profile layout!
PerfectlyExotic #4
Chapter 7: I'll bought Eccentric! Thank you~ ^^
Chapter 6: can i have the code for sky blue ?
Helloo, :) is there any way i can request a layout..?
Chapter 4: I bought our Domain can i have the raw code?
snsdsonelove #8
Chapter 7: Bought Eccentric ^^
asdfgenineee #9
Chapter 6: Bough Sky Blue too c: ( foreword)