
Unexpected Love

                    “Vivi-ah,” your mom walked into your room, disturbing your concentration on the video game you were playing. “What, omma, I’m doing something,” you managed to say while quickly putting a stick of pocky in your mouth, still not messing up your game. You hadn’t played video games for a while since you were busy with college, and extra classes. Finally, you had summer break for a few months and were back home with your parents, which gave you enough time to regain your skills. “We need to talk. You’re almost 25; you need to get married soon! You’re getting old!” she said. “Omma, look, I don’t want to get married! Unless you find a guy that is exactly my ideal type!” you said without taking your eyes off your computer screen, “It’s annoying, and a lot of work. Why should I make food for anyone other than myself? Why should I make sacrifices for some other person? Plus, what if they want kids? I don’t need any money-wasting, noisy little devils, okay?” You really didn’t like the subject of marriage. You were more than happy on your own. Your ideal type didn’t exist in this world, and unless he did, by chance, you weren’t going to change yourself into a proper wife. Ugh. The thought disgusted you. You hated the idea of yourself being sentimental and a hopeless romantic, like your mom. ‘I’ll never be like that.’ You thought to yourself. “Vivi, look, I’m worried about you. I’ll talk to people I know and you can meet with guys your age, okay? Maybe you’ll actually like them, you never know. Just meet with them, okay?” she said. You paused your game and stood up. “I don’t want to meet them! I won’t like them anyways!” you argued. “Just meet them. For me.” She replied and left. “UGGHHHH NOO!” you groaned. ‘Whatever, I’ll just reject all those ugly heads. I’m NOT getting married. This is so ing stupid. Im not sharing my stuff with some loser!’ you thought with frustration. You didn’t feel like playing video games anymore so you quit your game and some drama. Although you weren’t into the idea of getting married yourself, when you watched your drama or anime, you would squeal and die whenever your OTP’s were together. All of the guys you met in your life so far, you’ve never really had a crush on or anything. You had an unrealistic ideal type and you knew it. Damn those dramas and animes. Your standards were too high for average people. So you preferred to be on your own. At least, if you were going to get married, it should be to someone you truly loved, not an arranged one. Of course you knew your parents wouldn’t force you into one (If they did you would divorce whether they liked it or not). Soon, you got tired, so you closed your laptop and fell asleep.

                     After about two weeks, your mother told you that she had talked to her friend at work and they had told you about their cousin’s friend’s brother’s son who was looking to get married too. She told you she had talked to them and they were going to come over so we could all meet. You sighed knowing you couldn’t get out of it. You mother told you to dress nicely, and left. You frowned, and went digging through your closet for something cute to wear. You decided to have an open mind, and be nice, just for your mother. After all, you could just ask for time to think whether to accept or not, and then you could reject them later.

                     You were all dressed up, and your plan was set. Now, all you had to do was meet the family. Soon enough, you heard a car park in your driveway. Curious, you looked out the window to see how they looked. The guy was actually good looking; he had beautiful brown hair, looked pretty tall (compared to you at least), plump lips, and big eyes. He was wearing a perfectly fitted tux, with a bowtie. You smiled, you already liked his style. His parents were dressed fancier, compared to him. 'They must be rich!' You thought to yourself, already daydreaming about having a big shelf filled with all the albums you loved, and having another shelf filled with manga. You would have enough money to have a big collection! You hit yourself lightly, 'Shushh brain! Stop over thinking!' You laughed at yourself for having stupid thoughts, and walked downstairs to open the front door.

                     "Hello, please come in," you said, smiling.  They smiled back at you, and came inside. You led them to the living room, and told them to make themselves comfortable.  Your parents and your younger brother came in just then, and you all introduced yourselves.  'Daehyun. Jung Daehyun. Hmm, he even has a nice name,' you thought to yourself.  Your mom disappeared into the kitchen to go make some coffee and tea for the guests, and bring some snacks. As your father was speaking to Daehyun's parents, you couldn’t help but notice Daehyun was directly looking at you. You started to feel a bit self- conscious and started feeling if there was something on your face. He chuckled, making you look up. 'He has such a beautiful smile.' His father noticed you both "Would you guys like to speak to each other privately?" Daehyun smiled, and stood up. You also got up, and he followed you to your basement. 

                      You didn’t really know what to say, and were so thankful when Daehyun talked first. He noticed that you were a bit shy, and decided to help you out. "Hello, im Daehyun," he started, "It’s nice to meet you." "Im Vivi, nice to meet you too," you said, smiling lightly. 

                      You both talked for a while, and you realized he was a really nice person. You liked his personality, and thought he was sweet. He was older by 4 years, but your mother had always thought that was a good age difference because she says boys mature slower than girls, so if they are older, you will be at the same maturity level. Even so, you decided that you would accept the marriage unless you dated for at least a month; you wanted to know him properly, before accepting to spend the rest of your life with him. You told Daehyun you wanted to date him first, before marriage.  He agreed, and you both exchanged numbers. "I'll call you~" he said, winking, and making you laugh.  "I'll be waiting~"  ‘Maybe this marriage wouldn’t be so bad.”



[A/N]: Hello~ I dont know if this story will be good, but please stick with it, and support me ^ U ^


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Yes, you're right. Rarely I find Jongup's fanfiction~
Happy reading for me~
Yah, when did you make this? I dont remember this .;.;
dan0020 #3
Chapter 1: YAY! A story with Jongup as the main!