Bound to Japan..


B.A.P is now on their way to the Incheon airport. They looks stunning as always. They will be bound to Japan for their next promotion. All members seems excited about this comeback. Yongguk wears a white shirt with a black leather jacket, a blue pair of jeans with a touch of a beanies and sunglasses. He’s also carrying his army beg. Himchan, as he wanted to look a couple with Yongguk. So, he wears a white v-neck shirt with black lips printed on it, a black cardigan, a blue skinny jeans and sunglasses. The others also look stunning in their own way. (I’m too lazy to described each of everyone. haha.. my bad.)

There are soo many fans gathered around to take pictures of their idols and send their gift to their bias. And there is one particular group of fan that we used to called them a sasaeng fan. They overtook this, and they booked the same flight with the boys. They actually have a bad intention towards the boys.

The boys got inside their planes for boarding to Japan. They were unconscious of the sasaeng fan that had been eyeing them since the beginning they arrived at the airport. The sitting of the members remains banghim, jonglo, and daejae with Kang manager. They have a long way ahead. Unfortunately for the members, they did not realised that their action were being captured by the sasaeng fan. Jonglo had been slept first. Jongup sleep with his mouth open slightly and Zelo head was resting on the window. Their legs entangled with each other.

Daehyun, Youngjae and manager Kang are doing their own activity. Manager Kang listening to Youngjae explaining to him about the game his playing with. While Daehyun was munching a cheesecake. And after 5 minutes later, Daehyun felt asleep after he finishes his cake. He still chewing something in his dream. Daehyun and cheesecake seems cannot be separated.

Meanwhile for banghim. Yongguk kept reading his book while listening to music though his ipod. Himchan just watched outside through the window. And the sleep finally took him off. Himchan slowly close his eyes and his head began to moved sideways. Until his head landed on Yongguk’s shoulder. The older startled at first but continue reading his book. After a moment, Yongguk took a peek at Himchan and adjusted Himchan’s blanket. Suddenly, Himchan moved and snuggles into Yongguk’s left arm. He hold it tightly like not wanting Yongguk to left him alone. Yongguk chuckled lightly at his dear friend.

B.A.P did not notice the weirdness of the other passengers. But Youngjae notices there were three girls that had been passing by their seat slowly several times and one of them also take a peek at sleeping Daehyun. All the member’s activity had been captured by the sasaeng fan. They just did not realised it. There were pictures of Jongup sleeping with spit slowly dripping off from his mouth and there was also picture of Daehyun eating cheesecake like he had never eaten it before.

“Hehe.. look. Yonggukie look soo cool while reading a book.” One of the girl giggle at the picture she took.

“Hey girls. Daehyun looks hungry”

“Channie is soo cute. I wanna make him mine. Girls, do you think what I’m thinking? I wanna make a scandal photos of them. Could you girls care to join me?”

“Of course dear. Everything for you and uri boys. hehe”

Finally, all of them arrived at Japan. B.A.P members quickly went to their hotel. The sasaeng fan also went to the same hotel. They had been planned all of this.



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Chapter 1: look great i will subscribe