
Butterfly Girl

On a cold winter day, I walked down the busy streets of Seoul. Hands in my pockets, a thick scarf around my neck. My hot breath creating a magical looking mist around my face. The bustling streets of Seoul was beautiful. I brought up the DSLR camera on my neck and looked into the small rectangle. The view from the camera is amazing, I guess that's why I majored in photography. 

I shot a few photographs, moving my camera and rotating the zoom ring, occasional adjusting the focus ring. Slowly moving my camera, it landed on a girl. Not just any girl. She was... 


I moved my eyes away from my camera and shifted my gaze on this girl on the streets, on her pale skin and beautiful body, there is not a spot not covered with scars. There's a big handwritten sign in front of her.

-$5 to vent your anger. I don't feel pain-

Is she crazy I thought. There is no way someone cannot feel pain. She's crazy. Nevertheless, I took a picture of her. I looked at it, a gasp escaped my cold lips. Her eyes although covered by the dark night, sparkled immensely. Her thin body stood straight with the confidence that no one would ever notice. I stood by the side and looked at her. 

"Here's $5. I got fired today. " A man in his mid-thirties went up to the girl.
"Go ahead and hit me. I don't feel pain." She replied coldly.
"Can I really?" He question and looked around.
"Yes, I don't feel pain, go ahead." She said a little louder for people to hear.

The strength of that man. Slaps and punches hurled at her. Expecting her to cry or at least shut her eyes. None, she stood there emotionless. Taking in the hits one by one without moving an inch. People cringed as each attack landed on her poor body, at least a small whispered scream. None. 

I stood there waiting for her. For what? I don't know. Her "working hour" ended and she packed up her things, hauling the the huge sign and a big brown old mat. Her tiny shoulders seems like they are going to give way soon. Curiosity took over me as I followed her. She walked into this house, an old house but good enough.

This went on for days, I followed her home, I have no idea why. There are times when people came to her and yelled at her for her to pay up. Loan sharks I'd say. They would beat her up. She would sprawl on the floor. Soon, standing up, walking like nothing happen. Peculiar I thought, but I never had enough courage to ask.

Day after day, old wounds healed while new wounds appeared, it's like a never ending cycle. The pictures I took of her accumulated as well. Ever so astonishing everyday, I'm confused with myself too. 

It's one of those days of stalking *coughs*,  following her home when suddenly, she stopped walking, I thought that she noticed someone following her, so I scrambled and hid behind a wall. I looked out and was flabbergasted when I saw her wobbling and trying to maintain her balance. I knew that she was about to faint. I ran over as quickly as possible and thank goodness she fell into my arms. Holding her in my arms felt like heaven, her features were even more intricate up close and the bruises on her face seemed to all disappear at that moment. 

"Hey." I tapped her.

She looked up. Under a tall lamp post, the light was sufficient. I looked at her eyes and was shocked. The right side of her eyes was a beautiful, gentle hazel brown colour, the left side was a bright blue. Heterochromia iridium.

"Cut it out. Stop staring. Who are you? What do you want from me?" She said using her cold and scary tone. I figured that people might be scared of her. However, I was unexpectedly, drawn towards her. Something in her makes me want to find out more.

"My name is Byun Baekhyun. Can we make friends?" I tried to sound as friendly as possible.
"You must be crazy." She stood up and was about to leave.
"Please, I mean no harm." I went in front of her and blocked her path. She looked at me with a questioning brow. I felt that she was reading me, reading everything.
"Baek Jaeya." She finally said and walked off without turning back.


That was when I realize, I could never get out of this.


She was so beautiful, her fragile body covered in scars, her money spent wisely. She was not like any other girl I ever saw. When she is trying to not show her laughter, her ears will flush red. When she's drinking her favorite hot chocolate, her cold expression softens into a gentle one. When she is excited, her eyes will shine with such passion. When she's upset, her eyebrows will knit together in the centre. All this I remembered clearly, she is such an important person to me. I hate her "job" so much, she does not need to do it...

"Jaeya, why can't you feel pain?" I asked casually while lying down with her on a vast grassy field. She never explained even after one year of our friendship. Yes, she only saw me as a friend, sadly.
"Baek oppa, why do you want to make friends with a freak?" She asked with gloomy eyes. Oh how I love it whenever she calls me oppa, my heart flutters like a butterfly.
"I was never friends with a freak. She's special, amazing and unbelievably beautiful in her very own way." I replied with a bright smile.
"Oppa..." She couldn't finish her sentence. I heard a soft sniffle.

Did I make her cry? I felt incredibly bad. 

"Mianhae, I didn't mean to make you cry!" I said frantically. 
"Aniyo, I'm just... Touched." I widened my eyes. She's... Touched? By me? Wow, achievement unlocked Byun Baekhyun.

"I don't know why either, when I was young, I fell down millions of times, but not once did I cry, I just cannot feel pain." She replied straightforwardly. 
"Is crying a form of pain?" I asked. 
"Relieving emotional pain I guess." She said.
"Then why do I catch you crying alone sometimes? I thought you couldn't feel pain?" I asked, more curious than ever.

She sighed and sat up. She pulled her leg near her chest and hid head between her knees. In a muffled tone, she said softly.

"Not being able to feel physical pain, does not mean not able to feel emotional pain."

I don't know why, she gave me a feeling of a butterfly. She looks so beautiful and tough on the outside, but inside, she's no more than a fragile girl who went through so much. I found out that her parents were always not home, either gambling or drinking. She needs to support her family, but because she has no education, she cannot find a job. Therefore, she was forced to do this stupid job that nobody should be doing.

"Let me protect you." Damn it. I said it. Byun Baekhyun you're an idiotic idiot.
"Huh?" She looked up.
"Let me protect you." I repeated, this time louder.
"No, you feel pain, I don't. How will you protect me?" She debated.

Byun Baekhyun it's now or never. I took a deep breath and started to say what I practiced for a million times in front of the mirror.

"I'll protect you with love. Jaeya, I've always liked you. From the start, everyday I've been following you home, hoping to protect you whenever someone comes by to beat you up. Seeing you getting hit on the streets hurts me a hundred times more. Looking at you smiling, my heart skips a beatt and when you get excited, I feel so energized too, Jaeya I-" Oh my gosh no way.

I felt cotton candy on my lips. She lips were soft despite her cold outer appearance, I shut my eyes and just enjoyed this moment. It felt like the whole world stopped revolving and time froze at that second. The kiss was short but it was able to explain so much. When she pulled away, immediately, I missed her candy-like lips.

"I waited quite awhile for this sentence Baek oppa." She said. Then she smiled. A real smile. A true smile. My heart just exploded into a million fireworks. She feels the same towards me. I smiled back and pulled her closer. 

Yes Byun Baekhyun! I did a stupid mental cheer.

We watched the sunset from here. Her head on my shoulder, it fits perfectly. Sunsets and sunrises, she loves so much.

"I never expected myself to be able to find someone like you."
"Me neither, " I planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'll protect you till time ends Jaeya. Saranghaeyo, my butterfly girl."



Author's Corner:

So how did you guys like this one shot?:) Please leave me comments and do subscribe! Let me know if you guys want more one shots!

Also, please check my other stories! These are the links to them!

* Battle of the Century: Best Academy of the Year

* Make me believe you. (Sequel to Battle of the Century : Best Academy of the Year)

* 60 Seconds.


Happy New Year guys!<3


-xoxo Jora.


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