Ch. 29

My Son is An Idol

Kyle mashed away on his game controller, staring at the tv, void of all emotion. He spent all afternoon crying and he just needed a break. Gaming was a good distraction, he always thought. At least he doesn’t have to deal with people... Just annoying digital characters who were trying to kill his tiny little digital character. That was something he could control.

“Take that, and that, and that!” Kyle shouted, watching his own character attack another with a long sword. “You can’t beat me loser! I rule this kingdom!”

“Kyle,” a voice said, followed by a knock. “Can I come in?”

“No,” Kyle said, moodily, as he continued to mash on his controller. “Go away, Appa.”

“Yah!” he heard his father cry before the door burst open. “Listen to me, Kyle.”

“Go away,” Kyle whined, finally gaining a victorious knock out. “I’m busy!”

“No,” Sunggyu said, walking over and turning off the tv. “Talk to me.”

“Appa!” Kyle cried in frustration. “The next round was going to start!”

“I don’t care,” Sunggyu said, crossing his arms. “Your family matters more.”

“I’m not in the mood,” Kyle said, shaking his head.

“Kyle, you can’t just go running off like that, no matter how upset you are,” Sunggyu said with a sigh, sitting down next to him. “We all have been so worried. I was scared, Kyle. I thought we lost you.”

“Well you have Woosoon, so I guess it wouldn’t matter,” Kyle whispered, staring at the floor. “Ever since the day we found him by that stupid tree you guys have always paid more attention to him. And then Misun came along... And I was sort of left behind. I’m always ignored by you guys, unless I do something bad. That’s when you notice. That’s when you punish me.”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” Sunggyu asked with wide eyes, a hint of hurt in his voice. “Why in the world would you say that? Kyle Nam, I love you more than anything in this world! I would never ignore you! Don’t you dare ever think that. You’re my everything, Kyle.”

“It doesn’t feel like it,” Kyle said, shaking his head with tears forming in his eyes once again.

“Kyle,” Sunggyu said softly, pulling Kyle into a hug and letting the boy cry into his shoulder. “I. Love. You. Don’t ever doubt that, please. You are beautiful and amazing and caring and the best person I have ever known. You help hold this family together. We would be nowhere without you, Kyle. You’re our strength. I will always love you.”

“Appa,” Kyle cried, hugging his father back and letting out a small whimper. “I... Woosoon hates me. He hates me and I don’t know what to do.”

“Kyle, Woosoon doesn’t hate you,” Sunggyu told his younger son. “He loves you so much. He looks up to you. He’s your big brother, but he sees you as the big brother. He needs you, Kyle. We all need you.”

“Then why can’t he see that?” Kyle asked, pulling away and staring into his father’s eyes. “Why did he erase me from his life?”

“I didn’t,” a voice said, causing the two to turn and find Woosoon standing in the doorway. “I was wrong. I’m so sorry. Kyle, please forgive me. Appa’s right. I need you. And I’ll never forget you or erase you from my life. My life is your life. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I was just angry that you stole my phone.. And I’ll never leave you guys for my real mother. Maybe I’ll visit her, hang out with her boys and everything, but my life is with you guys. You and Misun and Sunggyu and Woohyun, and ICEE. You guys are my past, present and future. I love all of you more than anything. There will never be a day that I leave your side, Kyle. You and I, we will always fight and disagree on things, but that’s what brothers do. Please, can we put all of this aside and move on? I don’t want to go everyday knowing that I hurt my baby brother.”

“It seems like your roles switched,” Woohyun said, walking in and wrapping his arm around Woosoon’s shoulders. “Usually it’s Kyle trying to cheer Woosoon up. But your brother is right. We love you Kyle, and he loves us. We’re a family, and we’ll always be a family. And to prove that, Woosoon has been very beaten up about all of this.”

“You’re right,” Kyle said with a sigh, wiping away his tears and standing up. “I forgive you. I should have... It’s obvious you would never kick us out of your life... I should have realized that...”

“And you were looking out for me,” Woosoon said, nodding his head. “I shouldn’t have been angry. You were just being a good brother. The best friend I have had for years. I would do the same.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Kyle said, nodding his head.

“Kyle, don’t give up on Woosoon,” Hongchul said, also walking into the room. “Giving up on Woosoon means giving up on ICEE. ICEE is one. With ALL of us.”

“You’re right,” Kyle said, nodding his head with a small smile appearing on his lips. “We’re in this together. And I’m not going to ruin what we have together.”

“Good, I’m glad,” Hongchul said with a grin as the two brothers hugged each other. “I would be sad if we weren’t.”




“Hongchul just called,” Kwangsoo said, looking at everyone sitting in the living room of Starfish’s livingroom. “They found Kyle. He, Woosoon and Kyle are headed to the movies right now.”

“So everything is okay between them?” Jang asked, looking up at their leader.

“Yes, everything is okay. They-”

“MISUN NOONA!” a voice shouted from outside as there was pounding on the front door of the dorm.

“Looks like they’re dumping the kids on us today,” Misun said with a groan. “Sunghyun has something to do at the company, Infinite is working on their comeback stuff, and Soojung is going to hang out with the Lovelyz girls. So the girls and I are stuck babysitting the kids.”

“Well we can all play games with them,” Jang said with a smile, standing up and walking over the door to open it.

“Yeah! That will be fun!” Kangson cried with a grin. “Right Dongmoon hyung?”

“Sure,” Dongmoon said, a little moodily. “Whatever you say.”

“Oppa, if you want, you can go rest in my room,” Misun said, pointing to the room to the right. “Get some rest.”

“Thanks,” Dongmoon said, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

“What was that about?” Soojung asked as she walked into the house, carrying Sungjong and Hoya’s baby boy.

“Dongmoon is a little moody tonight,” Kwangsoo said with a sigh. “Kyle and Woosoon had a fight and... well yeah. I’m going to go talk to him.”

“HYUNGS ARE HERE!” Jaehwa cried with a wide grin. “Mama! You never said the hyungs would be here!”

“I didn’t know baby,” Soojung said, rolling her eyes and handing Kangre over to Jang. “Look, I really appreciate you guys watching over the kids like this.”

“It’s no problem,” Misun’s bandmate, Haru, said, walking over to them. “We had a free night anyway.”

“You’ve matured so much,” Soojung said with a smile, looking at the girl. “I remember when you were this small and your dad brought you over to visit us girls in our dance studio.”

“Well actually he dropped me off with you and went to see Infinite,” Haru said with a laugh. “He had to see how his boys were doing.”

“Right,” Soojung said with a grin. “Now where did Maehwa and Mare go?”

“They saw a dog,” Sungjun said, shrugging his shoulders and plopping down on the couch. “They went to go pet it or something.”

“Sungjun!” Soojung cried with wide eyes. “You’re the oldest! If you see them walking away you need to go after them! Aish, I’ll go get them.”

“I’ll come with you,” Haru said, following her out. “We’ll find the girls.”




Misun walked out to her balcony, wanting to leave the craziness of kids running all around her dorm. She figured a little fresh air would be nice. With a long sigh, she shut the door and turned around, only to find that she wasn’t alone. Kwangsoo was leaning against the ledge, staring off into the night sky. Misun smiled softly before walking over to him and standing right next to him.

“Crazy day, huh?” she asked, also leaning against the edge.

“Yeah, insane,” Kwangsoo said, nodding his head. “People don’t understand how stressful it is being the leader and the oldest of the group.”

“I could imagine,” Misun said, nodding her head. “I mean especially with my brothers. They tend to cause a lot of drama.”

“They’re cool kids, though,” Kwangsoo said with a smile. “I don’t know where we would be without them. I love my boys.”

“That’s a good thing,” Misun said with a grin. “I bet they love you too.”

“I think so,” he said with a small smile. “Hey, you look cold. Why didn’t you come out with a jacket?”

“I just wanted out of the house,” Misun said, pointing at the door. “I’m not really that cold.”

“Don’t lie,” Kwangsoo said, pulling her over to him and taking off his own jacket, draping it over her shoulders. “Keep warm, okay?”

“I don’t need this,” She said, trying to shrugging the jacket off.

“Yes you do,” he said, wrapping his arms around her so that she would keep the jacket on.

“Oppa, really, I’m okay,” she tried to protest, but he didn’t let her go, continuing to back hug her with strong arms.

“Oppa,” Misun said, a small blush spreading on her cheeks. “You-”

“Shh,” Kwangsoo whispered, pulling her backwards and sitting down on the small bench swing that was outside. “Let’s sit here, quietly.”

“Can you let me go so I can sit down?” Misun asked him.

“Only if you keep the jacket on,” he answered, letting her go.

“I will,” she said, sitting down next to him and leaning her head on his shoulder. “Why are you so sweet, Oppa?”

“I don’t know,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Maybe it’s cause you’re so cute!”

“Yah!” she cried, punching his arm before laughing and closing her eyes. “Can I tell you something, Oppa?”

“What’s that?” Kwangsoo asked, looking down at her.

“I would be lying if I said I didn’t think you were attractive,” she replied, staring up at the sky. “I think you’re really cool.”

“Misun,” Kwangsoo said with a sigh. “I’m nineteen... I turn twenty next month...”

“Yeah, and I turn 13 next week,” Misun said, shrugging her shoulders. “What’s the deal? Six years is nothing.”

“But it’s illegal,” Kwangsoo said, making her turn to look into his eyes.

“Yeah, in America. Under public eyes,” Misun replied. “Oppa, if you don’t want me to like you then don’t do sweet acts like this.”

“I never said you couldn’t like me,” Kwangsoo said, shaking his head. “I have  TEN YEAR OLDS who like me. It’s just... You’re Kyle and Woosoon’s younger sister and...”

“Kwangsoo Oppa, I like you, okay?” Misun said. “Maybe you never realized, but I’m always watching you. You make it hard for me not to like you.”

“I... Misun,” Kwangsoo said with a deep sigh. “I-”

But then he was cut off when she suddenly smacked lips with him. His eyes widened in surprise before he closed them and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her back. He wasn’t really thinking about anything at the moment except for one fact: he actually did like this girl. He never thought of any girl like that. He always kept to himself.

But for some reason Nam Misun has entranced him. Now he has to deal with the fact that he is kissing another idol singer. A rookie. The sister of two of his band mates. A thirteen year old. One of the sweetest, most beautiful girls in the world.

“What the hell is going on here?!” a voice shouted, causing the two to break apart and find Kyle standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

“K-kyle Oppa... When did you get here?” Misun asked in surprise, shrinking back in the bench and pulling the jacket tighter around herself, as if she were trying to hide.

“Don’t ignore my question,” Kyle said, before pointing at his hyung. “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU MAKING OUT WITH MY BABY SISTER?!”


A/N Well hello... Long time no see =_= How is everyone doing??? I miss you all so much. It's been way to long. I'm so so so so so so so so sorry! I need to be better with updating. I feel so bad! I hope you all are doing well! 

Guys will you help me??? So I'm doing a fan project for Infinite Effect in LA and I want you guys to participate! Each of you!!! So there's two parts of this project. One is fan art. So Woohyun's birthday is in February, but we're doing a birthday package for him. Part of the birthday package is a scrapbook of fanart from US. Sooooo if you want to make something for Woohyun please submit your fan art to me!!! Your fanart has be to have Woohyun in it and be soccer and/or heart themed :) And theeeen for all of Infinite we are putting together a welcome package. I want you guys to write a fan letter that you want delivered to the memebers. Write as many as you want to any of them. I'll be delivering it to them. :) Please please join in on this project!!  You can email your entries and fan letters to [email protected]

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Chapter 41: wahhhh that was super cool and nice story...i tried to imagine..what if time will come when INFINITE members finally meet their love of their life and got married and have kids and also us, inspirit have our own family too...and years goes by... until one day our kids love some idol group and will found out that all the members are the children of INFINITE...then will have some time to share with our kids about our fangirling with INFINITE hahhahhahah cant imagine that..maybe im super proud and happy because ive got a chance to have time to my future kids and show them with your collections hahahhaa...

gosh sorry authornim for leaving some none sense comment...but anyway hope you can update the fic, coz i think the chapter 29 are hanging... your not even have some scene where INFINITE finally have their comeback and also the INFINITE & ICEE collaboration (H4 , ll[Infinite -Icee]), Babiez and the Nam family collaboration...... and also the Starfish...ohh by the way i love you insert haru as one of the member and leader of starfish..coz she's my bias in THE RETURN OF SUPERMAN...i really love that girl she's so smart, cute, open minded and most of all, she's so talented...

again hope you can update more authornim~~ fighting!
amykim223 #2
Chapter 41: OMG!... .... Literally dot dot dot... I don't know what to say...
KimchiCupcakes #3
Chapter 41: The first part was emotional but towards it made me laugh
KimchiCupcakes #4
Chapter 41: Lol the ending I kinda expected it tho
shion-chan #5
Chapter 41: this family really has never ending drama, everytime i think they finally have some peace something else happens...-_-
kwangsoo is in trouble now, kyle, woosoon, sunggyu and woohyun are going to skin him alive, not to mention how this will affect the dynamic of icee.
and misun will be grounded for life for sure.
Chapter 41: Ohh damn busted hahaha
i am glad the boys finally made up
It would be so sad if they didn't
Chapter 40: Awwww i wanna buy but i bought stuff online and my mum will definitely kill me if i ask her to buy this for me T.T
KimchiCupcakes #8
Chapter 40: Aww I wish I could go to the concert when they were here in SG but my parents aleady brought me to Big Bang's concert and they don't know I like infinite
amykim223 #9
Chapter 1: Hoya and Sungjong have like the cutest kids...
KimchiCupcakes #10
Chapter 39: Woah........