Nine plus One day

Ten Days

Nam Woohyun sighed for the umpteenth time. No matter how hard he tried to explain, his father just doesn’t understand.“Father, I refuse to go there, I don’t need a holiday, thank you very much.” Woohyun explained again. “Son, as a CEO of the company, and  chairman’s son, you need to go there. Fine, don’t take it as a holiday, then, take it as a company trip, would you?” His father said, clearly not wanting to lose to his only son. “Besides, it is a company trip, you will go with our British colleagues.” His father deadpanned. “But father—“ “Yes, is a yes. Besides, it’s been a long times since you’ve visited your hometown, right?” His father smiled. “And I have already booked a guide to help you with managing those colleagues of us, they could be so demanding and handful sometimes, so I’ll hire someone to help.” His father said again.

Woohyun sighed.

There’s no way out, this time.



“Sunggyu hyung, I think you’ve got a job.” Sungyeol called him. Sunggyu is on his way to make some coffee when he heard that. “What? Didn’t I always got a job?” Sunggyu asked confusedly. Sunggyu works, or more like owns, a travel agent located in Seoul, but he’s more on the managing and marketing part, while the rest was handed by his brother, Myungsoo, with his assistants. “Um well… there is a company, a very famous one who wants to have a company trip with their colleagues here for ten days, and apparently….” Sungyeol stopped to make a dramatic effect, and Sunggyu just scoffed at this.  “They want an English speaking guide.” Sunggyu became more confused. “And how’s that my job?” Sunggyu asked again. He noticed that his baby brother had come to the room where he is now, and looking at him expectantly. “What with the weird looks?” Sunggyu asked again. “Uh well… hyung… apparently… we don’t have anymore Korean-international speaking guides for those ten days, all fully booked.” Myungsoo said. Sunggyu still doesn’t understand, being the oblivious person he is. “So, I’m asking you to be a guide for them…” Myungsoo said, and before Sunggyu could answer, Myungsoo already took a deep breath and start rambling. “Wait, before you can complain, they pay us a big sum of money, and I’m not kidding, it’s really a big amount. And you, you speak English more fluent than anyone in this building right now, so you are the only one who could do the job, hyung. And I’ve already looked at your schedules, free for those ten days—“ “And I could manage the money when you accompany them, hyung.” Sungyeol finished. Sunggyu’s mouth went agape. “You… you two have been planning this for some times, didn’t you?” Sunggyu acused. The younger two just grin.

“I don’t have any way out from this, right?” Sunggyu said, and then sighed.


(Day One)

Sunggyu had dressed up nicely for today; even the workers of his travel agent are looking him in a weird way.

(“Hyung, you looked… good… somehow?” Dongwoo said.

“Hyung, I don’t know you could dress up this nicely.” Myungsoo looked at him like he just saw a ghost.

“Wow. You look… better, I guess?” Howon said while muffling his laugh.

“HYUNG LOOKED REALLY GOOD!” Sungyeol screamed.

“Hyung… I’m happy for you that you finally stopped being a fashion terrorist.” Sungjong said while faking a tear.)

And there are many more. They are all ungrateful bastards, indeed.

They must be exaggerating, of course. Sunggyu didn’t even wear a suit, just a black pants with white shirt, a vest, and black tie. Not so much different with his usual shirt-jeans. Yeah.

They all are exaggerating, Sunggyu thinks.

And he’s here, on Incheon Airport waiting for his guests. They are all British, from the infamous company, here for a company trip, will stay in the luxurious Park-Hyatt hotel. Sunggyu repeated on his mind. He is holding their company name, written in a paper on his hand, but his mind is completely somewhere else.

Until, someone pats him on the back, that is.

When he turns around, he saw a blond woman, smiling to him, and behind her, there are a few people wearing suit. All talked in perfect British accent. This must be them, Sunggyu thinks. “Pardon me, but are you Kim Sunggyu? The one who’s in charge as our guide for our stay in here?” The blond woman said in perfect English. “Yes, I am. Nice to meet you, ma’am.” Sunggyu smiled. The woman nodded, and informing her co-workers that the guide is here.  But something caught his eyes.

Between the foreigners, he saw something— or apparently someone, that looks awfully Korean. “Don’t look at me like you’ve just saw ghost or something.” The person speaks fluent Korean and Sunggyu is flustered being caught staring. “S-Sorry… I was told that it would be all British, though.” Sunggyu said, flustered. The man chuckled. “It’s okay.” He smiled. Sunggyu stared in awe. He’s handsome, Sunggyu thinks, and being embarrassed afterwards for thinking like that. “Is there something wrong, Woohyun? You talked to him in Korean, and he looked flustered.” One of the men asked. Ah, so his name is Woohyun, Sunggyu thinks, a little bit too happily after finding out the handsome man’s name. “Nothing.” Woohyun answered and the man shuts up. This guy is cute, he will be my interest for a while, Woohyun chuckled. “My name is Kim Sunggyu, and I’m going to be your guide for the next ten days.” Sunggyu politely introduces himself, and the rest happily greeted him, but Woohyun just smirked. “Sunggyu-ssi? Right? We have to address you like that, right? Korean way?” Someone named John asked him, and Sunggyu smiled. “Sunggyu is fine, actually, anything is fine with me.” He answered. “Anything is fine with you?” Woohyun asked, smirking. Sunggyu nodded. “Then, I’ll call you mine.” Woohyun said, still smirking. Sunggyu is flustered, blushing madly and the rest of the group laughed.


“So, you all are going to stay on this hotel, Park-Hyatt.” Sunggyu explained. “And we’re going to Si Hwa Dam restaurant, Yongsan-gu, Seoul. Then you’re all free for the night.” Sunggyu said. “What about you?” Woohyun asked. “What about me?” Sunggyu asked. “Are you free for the night?” Woohyun smirked. Sunggyu blushed, and once again, the rest laughed at him. “It seems like our Woohyun is interested in you, Sunggyu.” The blond woman from earlier—whose name is Maria— said to Sunggyu. “W-what do you mean?” Sunggyu asked, flustered. “You will have to find out by yourself, then.” Maria said mischievously. Sunggyu could see that the guys are saying their goodluck to Woohyun, which he doesn’t know why. “You know, Maria, maybe this trip is going to be fun, after all.” Woohyun said.


“So, we are here, on the Si Hwa Dam restaurant, follow me.” Sunggyu said, and the rest tailed behind him. The restaurant looked like museum, and his guests stare in awe, but one guest definitely are not interested with the restaurant’s interior. “So, where do you live?” Woohyun asked Sunggyu while walking besides him. “None of your business.” Sunggyu said, rolling his eyes. “Are you free after this?” Woohyun asked again. “No, I have a date with my destiny.” Sunggyu randomly said. “You mean, me?” Woohyun smirked. Sunggyu stopped, then looked at him. “Même si vous êtes un bel homme, vous êtes incroyable.” (Even though you’re a handsome man, you’re unbelievable) Sunggyu said in French, confident that Woohyun won’t understand him. Woohyun smirked. “Je parle français aussi, vous savez.” (I speak french too, you know) Woohyun answered. Sunggyu froze and Woohyun leans to whisper in his ears. “Thanks for calling me handsome, by the way.” Woohyun whispered hotly into Sunggyu’s ears. Sunggyu walked away with his ears red, while Woohyun just chuckled. He is, interesting. Woohyun thought.


The company had rented a VIP room for them, and Woohyun somehow manages to sit beside Sunggyu, and Sunggyu just huffed. “Did you really address me as handsome earlier?” Woohyun asked, smiling. Sunggyu just blushed; eating everything on the table had become his goal since Woohyun is too close with him. “Hey, you’ll choke if you keep eating like that.” Woohyun said, amused. “S-shut up!” Sunggyu said. The rest are actually looking at them, chatting happily about how sweet are the young lovers. “We are not lovers!” Sunggyu exclaimed. (He may or may not realize that he just snapped to his guests.) “Sunggyu, there is something on your lips.” Woohyun pointed to his lips. “Uh, where?” Sunggyu asked cutely, and Woohyun can’t resist that. Woohyun leaned down, and his thumb before brushing it over Sunggyu’s bottom lip. “Here.” Woohyun whispered. Woohyun is too close, and Sunggyu found himself blushing again. “Not lovers indeed.” Dean said, and the rest followed with a barking laughter.


(Day Two)

“So, this is the company you all will have a meeting in, for three days?” Sunggyu asked and they nodded. “For the next three days you will spend your times here.” Sunggyu smiled. The rest groaned and said how boring it’ll be. “But I will probably take you all out for lunch or dinner occasionally.” Sunggyu cheered them up. “What about me?” Woohyun asked, and Sunggyu could just stare confusedly. “What… about you?” Sunggyu asked back. “Well, I am the CEO, I should have special privileges to come and see you, right?” Woohyun asked, smirking. Sunggyu is speechless, and the others just laughed it off. “W-well, okay then, goodbye to all of you.” Sunggyu hurriedly said and stormed out of the company immediately. His heart is beating so fast. “Woohyun is not good for me.” Sunggyu muttered under his breath. Before he could punch the elevator buttons, someone grips his wrist, and he turns around instinctively. It’s Nam Woohyun. “Is there something that you need?” Sunggyu asked, pouting a bit. “Can I borrow your phone?” He said while chuckling. “Um, what for?” Sunggyu asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “I want to call my phone, it’s missing.” Woohyun said. “Then how are you going to find it if you’re here?” Sunggyu asked again. “Well my British colleagues isn’t keen on privacy so they will probably picked it up for me.” Woohyun shrugged. Sunggyu nodded and fished out his pocket to find his phone. He then gives it to Woohyun. Woohyun type something into his phone, that Sunggyu assume as his own number, but Woohyun took really long on typing, then finally Sunggyu saw him dialing his own phone. After he’s done, he gives the phone back to Sunggyu, smirking. Sunggyu tilted his head confusedly, but then, Woohyun leaned over to Sunggyu’s ears, making Sunggyu froze. “See you tonight, baby.” Woohyun whispered on his ear, making Sunggyu shivered slightly. He didn’t even realize that he’s looking down this whole time. When he looked up, he saw Woohyun is leaving. Sunggyu sighed, his cheeks red as tomato. He punches the elevator buttons out of frustration, and then went to look his phone while waiting. Then he realizes something. There’s a contact named Nam Handsome in his phone, and he’s sure he didn’t have that before.

Woohyun didn’t borrow his phone for looking his missing phone; Woohyun borrowed it because he wants Sunggyu’s number. He screamed out of frustration and then he realize that the elevator door has closed and going down without him.

He screamed again, and he swears he could hear Woohyun’s chuckle.

(And even though Sunggyu’s luck is not that good, his luck decided to spare him that moment, it’s only his imagination, Woohyun is still on the meeting room, grinning widely.)


“Hyung… you looked… devastated?” Myungsoo guessed. “Nope Myung, he’s stressed.” Sungyeol saying his opinion. Before Sunggyu even say something, they already started bickering. “No! Sunggyu hyung is devastated.” Myungsoo said. “He stressed! Not devastated!” Sungyeol shouted. “De vas ta ted. Sunggyu hyung is ing devastated! Not stressed!” Myungsoo shouted as loud as Sungyeol. “ing no! He is stressed, MYUNG AND—“ “Shut the up you two! What is the ing difference!” Sunggyu screamed. But it’s not Myungsoo and Sungyeol if they shut up. “IT’S DIFFERENT HYUNG!” They both screamed in unison and started to look at each other…

to bicker about each one of them copying other’s statement.  

And when Sunggyu thinks his day couldn’t be any worse, Woohyun ing texts him.

From: Nam Handsome

I’m taking you out for dinner tonight­.

Sunggyu rolled his eyes; he is the guide for his British tourist, not Nam Woohyun.

To: Nam Handsome

Remember that I have to accompany your colleagues for dinner tonight? And please, remind me to change your contact name to another name.

From: Nam Handsome

We can leave them on their VIP room while we take another room..? Why, don’t like it? I remember you addressing me as handsome, though. And yeah, I saved your name as ‘Baby Gyu ♥ ‘ do you mind?

To: Nam Handsome

First of all, I’m supposed to be their guide, not yours. Second, yes I don’t like it, and lastly, I do mind.

From: Nam Handsome

Then you could be my private guide for tonight, would you?

Sunggyu blushed madly, Woohyun’s vague words sounded really suggestive.

But his luck decided to stop sparing him, when Myungsoo and Sungyeol notice that he’s blushing. “Hyung…” Myungsoo said in puppy voice and Sunggyu can’t help but to look up from his phone. “What is it, Myung?” Sunggyu asked, concerned. Before Myungsoo answers, Sungyeol is snatching his ing phone, that has Woohyun’s suggestive message on it.  “HYUNG WHAT DOES HE MEANS BY PRIVATE GUIDE?” “HYUNG YOU ARE GOING TO BE HIS —“ “THIS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH , IT’S JUST A DATE FOR ’S SAKE!” Sunggyu screamed. He snatched out his phone and the two dongsaengs is busy screaming in happiness about how happy they are Sunggyu hyung finally dates someone. He sighed and when he checked on his phone, he saw Woohyun sending him another message.

From: Nam Handsome

It’s just a dinner, pretty please?

To: Nam Handsome


He types a short answer, but he is blushing madly. And Myungsoo plus Sungyeol, and Sungjong (Dongwoo and Hoya too) pushed him into a chair, getting him ready for his date.


Woohyun anxiously waited on the lobby with the other British colleagues. What if Sunggyu decided that Woohyun is too bold so he switched himself with another guide? Or what if—

But Woohyun’s train of thought was stopped when he spotted Sunggyu jogs through the automatic glass door, looking more gorgeous than ever. He grinned widely on the thought that Sunggyu actually dress up for their date. Sunggyu is wearing tight pants with white sweater, and he looked very gorgeous.

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun who’s grinning like an idiot. He didn’t take proper look at the elder earlier this morning, but now when he had the chance, he wished he didn’t do that. Woohyun looked amazing in black suit, different from his slightly casual attire yesterday.

Sorry for being late, I had something to do earlier.” Sunggyu lets out an apologetic smile. “It’s okay, Sunggyu. We didn’t wait for long either.” Martha said. There are seven members including Woohyun. Martha and Maria are sisters and they are the only women who are there. The rest are Dean, John, Sam, and Steve. Sunggyu was a little bit disappointed because Woohyun didn’t respond at all, but he just pouted and guide them to the mini bus.

We are going to eat in—“ “Goraebul restaurant. Gangnam-gu.” Woohyun cuts Sunggyu off with smirking. Sunggyu just puffed out his cheeks. “How did you know?” Sunggyu asked, still pouting slightly. “I’ve contacted that restaurant for our date, you know?” Woohyun answered, chuckling. While Sunggyu is blushing madly, the rest is laughing, hard.

“So, Sunggyu, is there anything you want to tell me?” Woohyun asked, while eating. Sunggyu just pouted. “Feels like I’m on a job interview.” Sunggyu said. “Sorry.” Woohyun smiled apologetically. “It’s okay, you’re the CEO after all.” Sunggyu smiled and Woohyun can’t help to admire that beautiful smile.

“You live in a flat with your brother?” Woohyun asked. “Um, yes, but he moved recently with his boyfriend, though.” Sunggyu said, looking down. Sunggyu had noticed how plump and kissable  Woohyun’s lips are, and he blushed at the thought of kissing him. “What are you staring at, Sunggyu?” Woohyun asked in a suggestive tone and smirked; definitely noticed that Sunggyu had been staring at his lips. “N-nothing.” Sunggyu stuttered and that comes as a whisper. Sunggyu is blushing madly and Woohyun can see that. “Sunggyu, come here for a sec.” Woohyun ordered, and being the Sunggyu he is, he tilted his head cutely, raising his brows. “Come here, cutie.” Sunggyu blushed at the nickname but come to him nevertheless. Woohyun yanked him down by the wrist, and Sunggyu is now straddling him. “W-what is this—“ But Woohyun just chuckled and kiss Sunggyu, on the lips. It was just a sweet, innocent kiss, and Sunggyu closed his eyes. It feels overwhelming, but right. When he wants to break the kiss, Woohyun holds his head so he won’t be able to move away. When he pulled away, Woohyun see glossy lips, teary eyes because lack of breath, beautiful. “Goodnight, Sunggyu.” Woohyun smiled.


(Day Three)

Sunggyu can’t stop thinking about the kiss, and he slept late last night.

Sunggyu wakes up on the evening, and he felt sick.

Woohyun tastes sweet and delicious, but moreover, he tastes right. Sunggyu thinks that he is not well today, not because of the kiss. No, of course not. He just didn’t want to meet Nam Woohyun at the moment. And he really did feel sick.

To: Nam Handsome

I’m not feeling well today, can I stay at home?

Sunggyu knows that he’s not being professional just because a kiss.

But a kiss meant everything, especially to his past.

And, oh well, Sunggyu had never been professional since he accept Woohyun’s offer for a date anyway.

From: Nam Handsome

Are you okay? Should I come over? It’s fine, I’ll continue taking them on dinner.

No, you shouldn’t come over because I’m not actually feeling that bad I just want to avoid you because you kissed me and we barely know each other two days ago, Sunggyu thinks. But before he could reply, Woohyun already sent him another message.

From: Nam Handsome

Is this about the kiss?

Sunggyu smiled bitterly, he should have known that Woohyun would suspects it.

Before Sunggyu could do anything, again, Woohyun texts him.

From: Nam Handsome

I’m sorry.

Sunggyu had to resist the urge to smile, but in the end he smiled anyway.

After taking his medicine and eat something decent— Sunggyu can’t cook— he falls asleep again.


Woohyun is worried as hell when Sunggyu told him that he’s not feeling good. But then he thinks about the kiss.

Well , Sunggyu must have avoided him because of the kiss, right

Just when he really is interested in someone, he just have to ed it up.

Sunggyu, I’m sorry. Woohyun thinks.


(Day Four)

Sunggyu woke up with a headache. A worse one. He looked around for his phone, and he opens it.

5 missed call from Nam Handsome

12 message from Nam Handsome

I must have been worried him, Sunggyu thinks. But before he could call Woohyun, he saw Woohyun last message.

From: Nam Handsome

Please Sunggyu. Meet me at Paradise café at 19:00

Sunggyu looks at the clock. 18:45

Well Sunggyu’s luck had never been that good.

Sunggyu practically runs to that café, only wearing a black sweatpants and hoodie. When he gets inside, he spotted Woohyun there. Wearing another goddamned suit that makes him looks incredible like always. And Sunggyu really looked like nothing compared to that. With panting, he approached Woohyun and sat in front of him. Woohyun is staring at him, his gaze are piercing, and Sunggyu can’t help but look down, and his goddamned mind is replying about the kiss. He blushed instantly and Woohyun noticed this.

“Sunggyu… about the kiss… I’m truly sorry.” Woohyun said, and Sunggyu could see sincerity on his eyes. Sunggyu’s eyes softened and he looked at Woohyun. “It’s okay… Woohyun. You just triggered something from my past, it’s not really you.” Sunggyu smiled softly. “Let’s take a walk?” Sunggyu nodded.

It’s freezing outside, and Sunggyu wears rather flimsy outfit. Sunggyu is shivering and Woohyun held his hand, smiling. Sunggyu is blushing again. They stopped at a park; sit at the bench, in a comfortable silence.

“You know, once I fell in love with someone, he humiliated me, and he kissed me in front of his friends, and told them I tasted disgusting.” Sunggyu said, crying silently. Woohyun looked up and saw Sunggyu is crying. “They are wrong. He is wrong.” Woohyun cupped Sunggyu’s cheeks, and wiped his tears. “You tasted wonderful. Sweet, strawberry, delicious.” Woohyun chuckled, and Sunggyu blushed. “Don’t cry…” Woohyun pleaded. Sunggyu nodded. “Can you please give me another chance?” Woohyun ask. “W-what?” Sunggyu asked him back. “Tomorrow, our tour to Lotte World? I want to accompany you all the time. Our second date?” Woohyun grins. “But I didn’t get a ticket inside from the—“ “I’ll treat you.” Woohyun said, smiling. Sunggyu laughed. “I’d like that.” Sunggyu whispered. “Perfect.” Woohyun said, grinning.


(Day Five)

“SUNGGYU HYUNG IS GOING TO A DATE AGAIIIN~” Sungyeol practically screamed to the whole building. “It’s not a date.” Sunggyu murmured. He glanced at the clock, and if he stays here any longer, he’s going to be late. “It is a date. What he told you last night, hyung?” Myungsoo smirked. “W-what? N-nothing, he says nothing!” Sunggyu shouted with face as red as tomato. How the hell did he know that? Sunggyu thought. “Hyung, you will be late for your date.” Sungjong deadpanned. “Oh, you’re right.” Sunggyu stood up, but he froze. “IT’S NOT A ING DATE!” and everyone laughed their asses off.

“So, uhm, yeah. We’re going to Lotte World.” Sunggyu said. “Nervous, gyu?” Woohyun smirked. “W-why would I? And since when I’m ‘gyu’?” Sunggyu answers nervously.  He is nervous, and Woohyun just had to mention it out loud. “You are really cute, Sunggyu.” Maria said, and the other laughed. But Woohyun didn’t laugh, he just smiled. Sunggyu tilted his head, mouthing ‘why’ to Woohyun, but Woohyun just shrugged.

They are amused about how pretty the park is. “Uh well, so this is your tickets plus coupn meals, so don’t lose it alright? And you can go inside to—“ Before Sunggyu even stopped talking, all of his guests already grabbed their tickets and run their way inside. Sunggyu is confused, well. At least he already gave out coupon meals and their tickets. Suddenly, someone grabbed his hands. “Gyu? Let’s go inside.” Woohyun is smiling at him. Sunggyu blushed and nodded, letting Woohyun guide his way inside. He can’t believe himself for actually forgetting that today is his date with Woohyun. “Let’s visit every ride there?” Woohyun offered, there’s a excited glint on his eyes, and Sunggyu doesn’t have the heart to say no. “Okay.” Sunggyu smiled.

“No. Woohyun. No. I can’t ride roller coaster.” Sunggyu pleaded. “It’s not called roller coaster! It called French Revolution.” Woohyun explained. “Look at the definition! ‘A high-octane roller coaster. It rotates 360 degrees and even up to 540 degrees in some parts. The roller coaster goes through buildings and is indoors, so there is always a near-miss crash feeling.’ See? Near-miss crash! I’m going to die riding this! You said to do every ride but why this? Why didn’t the earlier, safe and sound ride?” Sunggyu argued, pouting. “If you say so, then why not this?” He smirked. Sunggyu pouted more. “Fine. But if I die I will haunt you forever!” Sunggyu shouted and he grabbed Sunggyu’s hands to start queuing. “You won’t die, I promise.” Woohyun smiled. That, somehow make Sunggyu feels that there really are butterflies on his stomach.

“I’m not doing that again! I don’t want to trust you!” Sunggyu stomped away angrily. It was really really scary (to Sunggyu) and Woohyun laughed at him! “Yah, gyu. Sorry! I didn’t know your reaction would be… like that.” Woohyun began laughing again and Sunggyu didn’t like it. It reminds him when he was humiliated. He bit his lip harshly and tried to fight back the tears because of the memory. It’s Woohyun, not him. You shouldn’t cry, you can’t cry. Sunggyu said to himself. “Yah, Sunggyu, I’m sorry, really sorry. Are you okay?” Woohyun look concerned. Sunggyu nodded weakly. “I’m sorry okay, now, let’s ride something else, kay?” Sunggyu nodded and Woohyun grabbed his hands again.

“Camelot Carrousel, really gyu?” Woohyun groaned. “Pretty please? After this you could ride roller coaster again, please?” Sunggyu gives his puppy eyes, and Woohyun just sighed. “You know that I won’t ride any roller coaster again with you, don’t you?” Woohyun run his hand through his hair. “Okay! You will have one wish from me, please?” Sunggyu pleaded. “Okay, okay.” Woohyun finally gave in. “Yeay!” Sunggyu grabbed Woohyun’s hand, and Woohyun just chuckled.

“Hyun, why are you playing with your handphone?” Sunggyu pouted, they are sitting in a bench with Sunggyu eating cotton candy. Little did he know, Woohyun is not playing his phone, but taking photo of Sunggyu eating cotton candy because Sunggyu is just cute like that. “Why, can’t I?” Woohyun asked, raising his eyebrows. “B-but…” Sunggyu realized what is he going to say and blushed madly. “What, gyu?” Woohyun asked. “N-nothing…” Sunggyu looks away. “Doesn’t sound nothing to me, what is it?” Woohyun is holding his chin so that Sunggyu will face him again. “You’re on a date with me… not with whoever is it on your phone…” Sunggyu whispered. Woohyun laughed then ruffles Sunggyu’s hair. “Fine then, but just for you to know, I was taking a picture of you, earlier.” Woohyun explained, grinning widely. Sunggyu puffed his cheeks, still red.

“Look! Hyun! It’s a parade!” It’s evening already, and they visited almost all of the rides, but they haven’t gotten to the Magic Island outside yet. Woohyun chuckled about how cute Sunggyu is, just like a kid. “Let’s watch the laser show, after this, okay? Then let’s go to the Magic Island, I know it’s late, but they will open until 11pm.” Woohyun said, Sunggyu nodded excitedly. Sungggyu holds Woohyun’s hand tightly while observing the parade. Woohyun could just smile seeing him like this.

“Hyun… do we really have to go to the haunted house?” Sunggyu pouted. It’s not that he’s afraid… Well he might a little bit afraid, he might not have any problem with it, but if he could avoid ghost he will gladly do that. “Yes we have to. You have forbid me from riding all kind of roller coasters, and I want this one.” Woohyun said, smirking. “Okay… fine, but…” Sunggyu’s voice trailed off. “But?” Woohyun asked. “Don’t let my hand go…” Sunggyu bit his lips. Woohyun laughed. “Okay, okay, princess.” With holding hands, they entered the haunted house.

“Hyun… Why is it so dark?” Sunggyu whined when they got inside. “It’s a haunted house, gyu.” Woohyun said, amused. “Hyun. What the hell is that?” Sunggyu jumped because of the sudden noise. “It’s just a noise, gyu. Something maybe falls off.” Woohyun said. “But a noise in a haunted house isn’t just a noise! It could be a ghost! It could be—AAAAAH!” Sunggyu screamed and jumped towards Woohyun when he feels something grabbing his leg. “Oh my god Woohyun please send it away please please please—“ “Sshh, gyu. It’s okay, it’s gone now.” Sunggyu hugged Woohyun’s arms tightly, and Woohyun is really amused now. “Please, let’s get out of here—WHAT THE HELL IS THAT NAM WOOHYUN WHAT IS THAT!” Sunggyu screamed, again, shut his eyes tight, and hugged Woohyun even tighter. “Do you really want to know what is that, gyu?” Woohyun said in a teasing tone. If his reaction it’s like this I should’ve brought him here faster, Woohyun thought, trying to hold back his laugh. Woohyun is not afraid of ghosts, he likes it even. “No! Okay don’t tell me but please— WOOHYUN SOMEONE GRABBED MY LEGS AGAIN!” Sunggyu screamed and Woohyun thinks that it’s enough because he practically could sense that Sunggyu will cry if they keep this up. “Calm down, calm down gyu. I will bring you out, okay?” Sunggyu nodded and Woohyun held his hands softly, holding back his laugh.

“I’m so never doing that again.” Sunggyu bit is lip, still terrified because what he saw just now. “You have to see yourself, there, gyu. You’re really cute.” Woohyun said. “C-cute? H-how could?” Sunggyu pouted. Before Woohyun could coo again how cute Sunggyu is, there’s a little tug on his coat. “H-hyung? C-could you help me find my umma?” There’s a little boy, who Woohyun almost, almost groaned at because of ruining his date. “Aww, you're cute! We will definitely find your umma!” Sunggyu squaled and Woohyun, again, almost facepalmed himself.

“What’s your name, little one?” Sunggyu asked him. This little one had asked for balloon and lollipop. Woohyun, seeing Sunggyu’s puppy eyes, he can’t definitely resist that.  So, now, here they are sitting on another bench. Woohyun holding the ballon, while Sunggyu and the little one eats lollipop. “Hakyeon. Cha Hakyeon.” The boy said cutely. “Hakyeonnie, do you like the candy?” Sunggyu asked, and Woohyun couldn’t help to smile; Sunggyu looked like a mother. “Yes, but I want something else…” Hakyeon smile faded. “What is it, Hakyeon-ah?” Sunggyu asked worrily. “I want us to take a photo! So that when I find my umma, I won’t forget hyung and hyung’s boyfriend.” Hakyeon said cheerily. “W-what? M-my boyfriend?” Sunggyu blushed a deep red. “He-he’s not my boyfriend!” Sunggyu shouted, flustered. Woohyun decided that this kid it’s not that bad and playing along couldn’t be that bad. “Gyu? You didn’t acknowledge our relationship? Hakyeon, gyu hyung is bad, right?” Woohyun fake a sad tone. “Yes! Gyu hyung shouldn’t be like that! Bad people should be punished! Woo hyung, go punish Gyu hyung!” Hakyeon said happily. Sunggyu is even more flustered. “Y-yah! I-it’s not like that!” He pouted. “Oh, don’t worry Hakyeonnie, Woo hyung will punish Gyu hyung, hard and long.” Woohyun said, smirking. Sunggyu flushed at the double meaning. “Woo hyung, before Gyu hyung turns into a tomato, let’s go to that photo box!” Hakyeon said, standing up. Chuckling, Woohyun stands up too, and pulled Sunggyu up.

“Let’s make great photos, gyu.”

“Hakyeonnie, where’s your umma?” Sunggyu asked, frustrated. They had been around this park for so long to find Hakyeon’s umma.  “Woohyunnie, I’m tired.” Sunggyu whined. “Hakyeon’s umma will come soon, gyu. Be patience—“ “Hakyeon-ah! Is that you?” There’s a middle-aged woman who called Hakyeon. “Umma!” Hakyeon shouted happily, and run towards his umma. “Oh god Hakyeon-ah! I thought I would never see you again!” They hugged eachother and Sunggyu sighed happily. “You two, are the one who helped him?” His mother is smiling towards both Sunggyu and Woohyun. “Aigoo, such a cute couple, I hope you two will last long!” His mother said, and leave with Hakyeon. “Bye Gyu hyung~ Woo hyung~ Woo hyung! Don’t forget to punish Gyu hyung hard and long!” Hakyeon screamed and Sunggyu just blushed. Woohyun is laughing loudly. “Nam Woohyun.” Sunggyu called. “Yes?” Woohyun answered, still laughing. “You just corrupted a little kid!” Sunggyu shouted while kneeing Woohyun on the crotch. Hard.

“Hyunnie, I’m sorry.” Sunggyu pouted. They are in a cab, on the way home because their British colleagues decided to leave without them. Woohyun looked away, he knows if he looks at Sunggyu, he will end up forgiving him. “Woohyunnie~” Sunggyu whined. No respond from Woohyun. “You corrupted a little kid, I can’t help.” Sunggyu pouted again. “But you don’t have to do that, it hurts.” Woohyun said. “But I’m sorry.” Sunggyu pouted even more. “Look, it’s your flat, let’s talk about this tomorrow.” Woohyun sighed. Sunggyu almost cried, he thought Woohyun is really mad at him. But then Woohyun hugged him. “I enjoyed today, see you tomorrow.” Woohyun whispered hotly on his ears and then peck his his nose. “You’re cute.” Woohyun chuckled. Sunggyu went red; he has been deceived, by the one and only Nam Woohyun.


(Day Six)

So this is the infamous COEX Aquarium, please enjoy your stay inside, because I myself recommend this to you since the fish are pretty and they are all awesome! There’s even a fish tank on a toilet bowl! Blue everywhere and—“ Before Sunggyu even finished, the British colleagues already swooning over some random fish. “Fish. A goddamned fish is more important than me.” Sunggyu sighed. Woohyun is not here today, he’s attending some meeting or what. “Why Woohyun is not here?” Sunggyu whines. “Who’s not here?” Someone hugged him from the back and Sunggyu knows too well who the hell is that. “Ugh, no one!” Sunggyu stomped on his foot and leave, flustered. “Hey, hey. Let’s explore this together, okay?” Woohyun said, smiling. “B-but I thought you wouldn’t be here today…” Sunggyu’s voice trailed off. “I would leave at lunch, though.” Woohyun explained. Sunggyu pouted again. “Don’t worry, we have plenty of times.” Woohyun grinned. Sunggyu nodded shyly and Woohyun grabbed his hand.

“Woohyun! Look! Starfish! They are very pretty~” Sunggyu exclaimed. “Yes they are.” Woohyun chuckled. “Woohyun! Hyunnie! The fish are so pretty!” Sunggyu shouted, his eyes sparkling. “Yes, but not as pretty as you.” Woohyun said, smiling widely. Sunggyu blushed. The aquarium is really crowded today, so Sunggyu holds into Woohyun’s hand tight. But then, a glowing jellyfish caught Sunggyu’s attention, and he didn’t realize that he’s lost. Woohyun is nowhere to be found. I’m twenty four, I’m not lost, I’m definitely not lost in between this hundreds hundreds of people, no, of course not, Sunggyu thought. He shut his eyes, because unfortunately, Sunggyu is afraid of being alone on small crowded place. Woohyun woohyun woohyun woohyun where are you? Sunggyu chanted his name like a mantra. Then, someone hugged him and guide him somewhere, he couldn’t move, so he just followed anyone who brought him.

“Do not, ever ever, missing again like that, understand Sunggyu?” Woohyun sighed. “Y-yes, I’m sorry.” Sunggyu looked down. Woohyun was the one who saved him. “I know you’re afraid of being alone in small crowded place, so please, hold my hands tightly okay?” Woohyun sighed. Sunggyu nodded and takes Woohyun’s hand. But wait. How on earth Woohyun knows about that? Sunggyu thought. “You looked hungry, want something to eat?” Woohyun asked sincerely. “Y-yes…” “Here, take my card and go buy something, I have to take a call.” Sunggyu nodded and went away, buying some sandwich. When he got back, Woohyun is done with his call, and he saw apologetic smile on Woohyun’s face. “Sorry gyu, I need to get back to the company, the British are there, you’re fine on your own right? Besides this place is quite large—“ “I’m fine, hyunnie. Go, okay?” Sunggyu smiled. Woohyun smiled back and nodded, then go away.

After Woohyun left, he realized something. Woohyun didn’t bring his credit card.

Oh, well. I’ll give it to him later when we dropped the British on the office, Sunggyu planned.

They have finished their visit to COEX aquarium, and Sunggyu is wandering around to find Woohyun, when he heard something.

“Woohyun! You have to concentrate for god’s sake!” Someone shouted. Sunggyu froze in his place.

“I have concentrated, okay?” Woohyun shouted back.

“Oh, you are not concentrated. Definitely. I know why, though.” The other person laughs humorlessly.

“You’ve been playing too much with that guide Woohyun. Your boy toy.” Another person said.

Sunggyu froze. Boy toy? Woohyun please don’t say something like—

“How do you know?” Woohyun asked back, surprised.

Boy toy. To Woohyun, Sunggyu is his boy toy. Sunggyu ran away from there immediately, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He’s clutching Woohyun’s credit card. When he got to the lobby, he spotted Maria. “Maria, please give this to Woohyun. I-I got to go.” Sunggyu shoved the card to Maria, and before Maria asks for anything, Sunggyu already ran outside.

It’s cold, Sunggyu thought. He has been crying for hours on the park bench, all because he’s actually Woohyun’s boy toy. Sunggyu stood up, and start to walk.

He walks all the way down to his flat feeling dizzy, and when he arrived, he collapsed right at the door.


(Day Seven)

One o’clock in the morning.

Sunggyu is living alone, so when he woke up at one o’clock in the morning, he still on his cold floor in front of the door.

He drags himself up, and throw himself to the bed.

His head hurts, but.

His heart hurts more.


One o’clock in the morning.

Woohyun is terribly worried, because Sunggyu didn’t answer any of his call or messages. Woohyun is a little bit upset too. He not so accidentally left his credit card to Sunggyu so that he would personally gives it back to Woohyun, and then they could have some times together again.

But it didn’t happen.

Maria gives the credit card to him instead, and he was told that Sunggyu was crying when he left.

What the is happening?

Eight o’clock in the morning.

Sunggyu woke up, feeling a terrible headache. And the he remembers. He was wandering around with thin clothes, of course he would be sick.

To: Kim Myungmyung

Hey pabo, I got the worst fever ever. You should probably find someone to replace me today.

From: Kim Myungmyung

Really? That’s okay. Woohyun had called if you’re really sick, he didn’t mind taking over.

Sunggyu froze

From: Coffee Choding


To: Coffee Choding

No, it’s okay. Thank you J

From: Lee Diva

Hyung, heard you sick? Get well soon~

From: Ho-Ya

Get well soon

From: Dino-woo

Hyung! Get well soon okay!

From: Nam Handsome

I heard you’re sick, are you sure you’re fine? Please take all of your medicine, rest, eat well and sleep.

Sunggyu froze, and he felt like he wants to cry. 

To: Nam Handsome


From: Nam Handsome

Are you okay?

No, I’m not ing okay after you said I’m only your boy toy.


No, I’m not ing okay after you said I’m only your boy toy.

Sunggyu trashed around and suddenly he pressed a freaking send button.

Draft sent.

“!” Sunggyu screamed.


Twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

From: Baby Gyu ♥

No, I’m not ing okay after you said I’m only your boy toy.


Sunggyu heard that and now he’s misunderstanding it.


(Day Eight)

“This is N Seoul tower, where there’s lock of love and things like that.” Sunggyu explained with a little bit pain on his lower stomach. “Sorry that I only come for the evening, I’m not really well today. Sorry.” Sunggyu said, avoiding Woohyun’s eyes. “It’s okay, Sunggyu.” Maria said to Sunggyu.

Sunggyu was admiring the scenery when he felt footsteps getting closer. He turns around and froze. It’s Woohyun.

“Sunggyu…” He called Sunggyu’s name desperately. Woohyun is coming closer, and Sunggyu is backed against the wall.

“I don’t want to meet you right now. Please understand.” Sunggyu said sternly.

“I have something to say.”

“I don’t care.” Sunggyu pushed Woohyun and leave.

But he halted his steps when he heard Woohyun said something,

“Sunggyu, I love you.”

Nam Woohyun I love you too.

Nam ing Woohyun is driving me crazy.


(Day Nine)

Sunggyu sighed; they are now at myeongdong, to shop. But Woohyun is not here.

He wants to ask Woohyun about yesterday, did he mean it or not.

“That bastard, probably he didn’t mean saying I love you like that.” Sunggyu muttered. “I mean it.” Woohyun answered from behind and Sunggyu blushed. Woohyun cornered Sunggyu against an alley and leaned down. “I mean it.” Woohyun whispered the words. “I love you, Sunggyu.” Woohyun said it again. “I love you, so would you be mine?” Woohyun asked.

“I’d love to, idiot.”

“Sorry for calling you boy toy, I didn’t mean it.”

“Sorry for pushing you away, I should’ve known you didn’t mean it.”

“Look, our lock of love at N Seoul tower?”

“You are, an idiot.”

“Your idiot.”

“Yes, mine.”

“Let’s have our last date, then.”


Woohyun bought a promise ring for Sunggyu, and when Sunggyu squealed like a kid, he kissed him.


(Day Ten)

“Do you have to leave?” Sunggyu said with teary eyes on the immigration point.

“Yes, I have. Sorry baby, I will be back, of course.” Woohyun smiled. Sunggyu pouted.

“Hey, didn’t we talk about this?” Woohyun coaxed Sunggyu. “B-but still…” Sunggyu almost cried. “You promise to not cry.” Woohyun said. “Okay.” Sunggyu said. Woohyun turned around, took his bags and leave.

But then he turns around, run to Sunggyu, and kissed him.

“One last kiss. I love you Sunggyu.” Woohyun smiled.


(Day 30)

“Sunggyu hyuuuung~ You’ve got another job!” Sungyeol screamed. “What the ? I thought all the guides are free? And I thought I already add more guides?” Sunggyu frowned. “But this one request specifically for you.” Sungyeol smirked.




Hello, Mr. Kim Sunggyu. Nice to meet you, again.”  The man smirked. “If you are going to live here, why would you need a freaking guide?” Sunggyu rolled his eyes. “Because it’s not fun, and I want to relive our ten days together!” Woohyun exclaimed happily. “Fine, okay okay.” Sunggyu pouted. “Besides… I could have some help for you being my private guide on my hotel room, before we move in to my flat?” Woohyun smirked. Sunggyu blushed. “Yah! What do you mean!” Sunggyu is flustered. “Of course you know what I mean. Remember Hakyeon? I haven’t punished you hard and long.” Woohyun smirked. “NAM WOOHYUN!” Sunggyu screamed, and Woohyun just laughed.

“You know, maybe we could meet Hakyeon again when we go to the Lotte World?” Sunggyu asked. “Hell no. He did give the idea to punish you, but he ruined our date.” Woohyun said. “Wait, are you jealous over a nine year old?” Sunggyu laughed. “Yes, I am. What about that?” Woohyun said dangerously close to Sunggyu.

“N-no, I’m okay.”


a/n: It's so late here and i'm tired so i dunno what i'm writing anymore sigh, the ending is a bit rushed


comment please pretty please?











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705 streak #1
Chapter 1: cute 🥰
Chapter 1: I'm here at the end of 2019 and really thankful to find this cute story.. I need a sequel actually if you're still active on aff :")
Chapter 1: This is so cute :”>
wagyu357 #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute :3
Chapter 1: This story is sooooo cute that it got me grinning from ear to ear! Thank you for writing!
Chapter 1: This is really really realllllyy my made also my last day in 2016- coughs. Could we have a sequel for a hard and long punishment? Kekekeke. Your story is the best!
Chapter 1: I'm just here smiling ear to ear creepily and this is so adorable! What about a sequel on the hard and long punishment; )
kimgyugyu #8
shineevee21 #9
Chapter 1: "No, I’m not ing okay after you said I’m only your boy toy."

The entire time I was reading this I was screaming because of how cute it was HAHAHAHA it's so great oml and

“Oh, don’t worry Hakyeonnie, Woo hyung will punish Gyu hyung, hard and long.”

I'm going to C R Y this is true art what a beautiful story lmao

I agree w the fact that the ending seemed a bit rushed but whatever it's okay because this story gave me so many feels that if the ending wasn't rushed I'd have to stab three animals to feel normally again oml thank you for making me die over 7k :'))) I literally screamed every time something happened this is such a great story???lmao thank you again author-nim :~)
Sungkyuu #10
Chapter 1: ugh its too sweeeeeeet ;;