
Good Night

It was a peaceful winter night. The snow gently falling from the thick clouds in the night sky, fragile snowflakes dancing in the wind before gracefully drifting through your open window. But not everyone was having such a good night’s rest.

You sharply jolted up from your side of the bed, body slick in cold sweat as you sat upright in fear. Your hands gripped tight to the edge of your fluffy white blanket, panting heavily as your eyes darted around the dimly moonlit room, checking for any signs of danger, only to be greeted with an eerily quiet bedroom.

Seeing that there nothing to be afraid of, you tried slipping back under the cool covers to get your active imagination to shut up, but the more you tossed and turned, the more paranoid you got.

As if the all the paranoia wasn’t enough, a brown haired blob lying under the covers next to you rolled over to face you and groaned, the unusually loud noise making you to yelp in surprise.

“What’s going on?” Wonshik questioned, readjusting his position on the bed to lean up on his right arm. His voice was ridiculously hoarse as he lazily rubbed the grogginess from his eyes.

“I-uh, I had a bad dream.” You stuttered, turning to him with fear evident in your voice as you gripped tighter at the thick comforter.

Wonshik immediately perked up at your tone of voice, concern washing over him as he looked up at you. His eyes widened, taking in your disheveled appearance as he instinctively sat up and  lifted his arms to pull you closer to him.

You didn’t even noticed that you were crying until Wonshik brought his hands up to your face and brushed the pad of his thumb lightly across your tear stained cheek. “Baby, are you okay?” You wanted to scoff at his question but instead, it came out as a dry sob. In the same second, Wonshik wrapped his strong arms around your shoulders and pulled you into a comforting embrace.

You didn’t really understand where all these emotions were coming from but you were glad you had a boyfriend like Wonshik to help you deal with them. You nuzzled your face into his built chest, his body acting as a barrier to protect his little princess from the scary monsters and nightmares. You lifted your head off his chest and found a little wet stain on his white V-neck where your eyes were, whispering a faint apology as you poked his moist shirt.

“Don’t worry about it.” You felt the inside of his chest rumble under your finger as he spoke, voice still thick with traces of sleepiness.

You two stayed like that for a bit until Wonshik lifted you from your side of the bed and carried you over to his lap, gently taking your chin and turning your head in his direction, his eyes searching your face for any more signs of distress or fear. You giggled at the overly concerned look on his face, making him relax and smile up at you, his eye smile melting your heart like it always does.

“Whatever the dream was, it’s not real okay. It was just a dream.” He cooed, bringing his hand up to tuck some stray strands of hair behind your ear, trailing his fingers down to rest at the nape of your neck.

“Kim Wonshik, last time I checked, I wasn’t five years old. I know my dreams aren’t real. Well, all except for one.” You retorted, looking up at him through your lashes as you mindlessly played with his fingers on his free hand.

“Oh really? And what is this exception?” he questioned, smirking as he pulled his hands away to cross his arms at his chest in mock seriousness.

After some quick thinking, you changed your position on his lap to straddle him, leaning forward and resting your hands on his forearms before placing a chaste kiss in his lips

“You.” You answered, pulling away just a few centimeters so that your lips were just ghosting over his as you spoke.

Now it was his turn to scoff, showing some teeth as his smirked and brought his hand back up to your neck to pull you into another kiss. It wasn’t long until you melted under his touch, lips moving together in perfect unison as he slid a warm hand up your bare thigh to rest just above the waist line of your shorts on your lower back.

Bringing your hand up to his hair, you tugged roughly on his light brown locks, a low groan rumbling deep in his chest allowing you to sneak your tongue past his swollen lips, catching him off guard with your sudden eagerness.

Wonshik fought for the dominance that was rightfully his as he slid the hand that was still stationed at your neck slowly down your torso, letting both hands slip under your thin t-shirt to press down on your hips, bringing you closer to his core. Sliding your hands to his strong chest, you gripped at his slightly wrinkled V-neck, pulling down on it before smiling into the heated kiss and pulling away.

You laughed at his shocked expression as you sat comfortably on his lap, lips red and puffy from the abuse, his hair a total mess and shirt sagging low on his chest from being pulled and stretched. You chuckled lightly as you lifted yourself off his lap to lie back down on your side of the queen sized bed.

“I love you, Wonshik.” You beamed before quickly pulling the crisp sheets over your head.

“Hey! You can’t just—“ But before Wonshik could even finish his sentence, he was rudely interrupted by loud, obnoxious snoring coming from under the covers. He couldn’t help but smile and roll his eyes as he pulled the adorable fluffy lump on the bed closer to him as he laid back down on the newly rumpled sheets.

“I guess I love you too.” Wonshik spoke to the lump before sneaking under the covers to place a light peck on your forehead. Neither of you had any idea what time it was but you knew it was definitely time to get in a couple more hours of sleep until sunrise.

With a contented sigh, you snuggled closer into his chest and brought your arm over his hip, sneaking a hand under his shirt for more warmth. Wonshik brought his arms back around you, one arm at your shoulders and the other down at your waist and closed the gap between you, placing feathery kisses on your forehead, cheeks, nose and your lips, lingering there with a soft smile.

For the last time of the night, you looked up at him and smiled. “See you in my dreams.” You whispered before closing your eyes and snuggling under his chin.

But before you could finally slip out of consciousness, you felt Wonshik shift above you to whisper, “You better finish me off in my dreams.”

You grinned, bringing a fist up to lightly thump him on the chest, making him to chuckle before tangling his legs with yours.

You let a smile grace your features, shutting your eyes one last time, absolutely convinced that no nightmares could get to you now with Wonshik here, as you fell into a much more peaceful sleep. 

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Chapter 1: this is so cuuuuteeee <3<3
SuJuSKBang #2
Chapter 1: AWW that was so fluffy and adorable and cute! So much RAvi feels! lol Good oneshot though
Chapter 1: wwweeeeww i love it <3 <3 <3 <3 nice one (Y)
Spazztastic045 #4
Chapter 1: This was such an awesome oneshot! Written well (only saw a couple of errors but nothing to ruin the read) the right amount of fluff and ooh~ so hot lol. Good job! Definitely one of my favorites now.
Chapter 1: Aww, this was so cute and fluffy and I just ;; like I'm convinced Wonshik would be an overly caring boyfriend and he'll just be a sweetheart overall and ugh
I really liked it <3