
The Young Master is My Husband?!

Donghae pov
huft.. so refreshing after bath.. "young master ... im come in.." wait what ?! no im only in towe- great he already in my room.. hurmm... why is he act like he see a monster? -_- hurmm... hehee devil i think a little tease won't hurt right? aw.. so cute he is blushing~! *walking closer to him*  eh.. why is he din't run away weird..  
 " *chuckle* like what u see hyukkie? well.. don't worry after these three day *walking closer to him* im all yours *chuckle* "  why is he making those shock face -_-  "urgh! stay away from me stinky fish!" wha-- how dare he push me away and call me stinky fish?! "hey!im not stinky ! i just finish shower how can u say that?! " urghh im soooo angry! "aish.. whatever btw, u know already about the wedding?" is he stupid or somethings? ofcoz i know my mom told me already.. hurm i wanna more~~! *smirk*  "yep.. ahh.. i can't wait to marry u.. you know when we already married ..
we can do 'it' " 
muahahaha!! omo~ he is blushing .. kyeopta~~! hmm.. am i falling for him already? but i can't help he is sooo cute >.< "shut up ert stinky fish! i will make sure when i married you i will stay away from u ! " huh.. whatever~ " well..well .. if u stay away from me i will come to get near u.. *wink* aish.. hyukkie hyukkie and i will make sure u fall for me" ouh... yeah he come here to neat my scattered file.. well im too lazy to put it neatly .. "helllo~~ are u daydreaming?! go do you work now.. or i'll cut your salary .. and don't forget to call me "YOUNG MASTER DONGHAE" get it? " "yes young master donghaeeeee.. " is he annoy with me? huft whatever.. 
~I want to say i love you,
I want to say i love you
This is something i want to give
snow fall outside the window
Below the street light 
There are u & me i-~

"yeobosaeyo? ah... umma... hurm... huh? what ? b-but.. aishh.. ok umma ... so all  the wedding preparation already set up? okay.. i tell him.. huh? owh... he's in my room now.... neh.. arraso..ok ok bye~!" wow umma is soooo quick handle all those things.. i can't believe it.. umma jjang! "hey.. hyukjae.. my umma tell me that all the wedding preparation already set up.." *hyukjae eyes widen* "wh-what? are u kidding me? u mean ALL the preparation Mrs.Lee already set up? wow amazing..b-but our wedding tux? " ah... i forgot that he will wear a dress "ah.. ehem.. that...you are wearing a .. *fake cough*  dress " is he mad? "what?! are u sure? u lie,right? " i knew it he will surely don't want to wear but,.. if he say he don't want to wear a dress umma will surely told me to wear the dress! hell nno!! im the husband in this relatiionship right? urgh.. i will make an a reasonable excuse
"uh.. well... thats umma say.. he want u to wear a dress i think u have to wear it.. if not umma will be very angry! once he's angry its will be very scary u know.. better wear it.." huft... yeah LEE DONGHAE u r soooo claver.. no wonder many girls chase after u  hehe~ "urgh.. humm there is no other option then...haish..." yeay!! he wear it !! "now.. go do your work.." "yes YOUNG MASTER DONGHAEEE"

Hyukjae pov~
urgh!! i wear a dress on my wedding day i don't want to! b-but that stinky fish say that if im not wear it Mrs . Lee will be angry not just that and that jerk say once he's angry its will be very scary...crying humph... ok.. hyukkie.. juz wear it.. its only a dress its not like you were on your wedding day ..
"er.. hyukjae umma say that we must take a look our wedding dress to make sure its fit us or not.." hurmm but my work not finnish yet."but.. my work-" "continue it later.. now go change your clothes *give plastic bag* wear this clothes its umma order.. better wear it.." eh.. Mrs. Lee buy me a clothes? humm i hope its not  a dress.. "sulli , amber go help him .. ehem.. hyukjae they will help u.." huh? help me? it just wear a clothes right? no need to help -_- weirdo "hey.. it--" "quick.. change we will be going in one hour... " 


Hope you all like it..
im sorry if there were many mistakes..

no silent reader pweasee~ wink




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MyeolchiHyuk #1
Chapter 3: hahaha.... hyuk is sure pretty.. ehehe..

will hyuk fall for hae?
MyeolchiHyuk #2
Chapter 1: hahhhaa.. hae is sure evil .. ehhe
