
Complicated Love

Hyoyeon took small and slow steps when she got out of the car. She looked at the house in front of her, even though she's in a scary situation, she couldnt help but reminisce about the moments in that house. She entered the house and was going to follow the man to the room but saw Dahae watching tv. She smiled a little and couldnt stop thinking of how much she appreciated her.

Dahae turned out to see who was at the door and gasped. " Hyoyeon?"

Hyoyeon kindly smiled and nodded. " How are you, Dahae-sshi?" 

Dahae widely smiled and got up to hug her. " Its been so long! H-How did you get here? Does Eunhyuk know you're here?" She kept asking random questions. 

The young girl smiled at her behaviour, " Actually, Eunhyuks the one who found me. " 

Dahae couldnt but smile bigger. " Thats why he's seemed kinda different lately. " She snapped her fingers, " Wait- then what are you doing here? He lives on his own now. " 

" I-I Know.. " Hyoyeon began to frown, " D-Dongwook-sshi wanted to talk to me. " 

Dahae immediantly frowned and hugged the Hyoyeon again. " I could go talk to him if you want. " 

She shook her head, " Its okay. Its better if I talk to him. " 

Dahae looked at Hyoyeon with sad eyes. She felt bad for not doing anything because she knows Dongwook wont listen to her. " Excuse me, Hyoyeon-sshi, he's ready to see you. " The man with the suit came out of the study room. 

Hyoyeon nodded then turned to Dahae with a weak smile. Dahae watched her walk with sad and pity eyes. Her shoulders were down along with her head, Dahae already knows whats going to happen next. She quickly went to her phone and called Eunhyuk. 

" You do know why I called you here right?" Was the first thing Dongwook said once Hyoyeon stood in front of his desk. 

Hyoyeon didnt say anything and nodded. 

" You have some nerve to come back. " He scoffed. 

" I-I had no i-intention of seeing your son again. He-He found me. " She defended herself but with no confidence. 

" Thats no excuse, you should've left right away. " Dongwook hissed. " You were the reason why he got into a fight that other day, am I right?" 

Hyoyeon wanted to defend herself but everytime she opens , nothing comes out. She wanted to say she didnt do anything wrong, but everytime she looks at him, she cant say a word. " Im sorry. " She said without even knowing why she apologized. 

Dongwook sighed, " Hyukjae is getting married in 2 days and I cant let you ruin that. " 

Once Dongwook said that, Hyoyeon was wide eyed. " M-married?" She stuttered. 

He studied her expression and smirked. " You didnt know?" 

Hyoyeon didnt say anything and was still shocked. 

" My son is getting married with Park Gyuri, you should remember her since you dated my son while he was engaged to her. " Dongwook looked at her with disappointed eyes. 

Hyoyeon was still in shock. She completely forgot about Gyuri. She didnt know whether to be mad, sad or both; mad that Eunhyuk didnt tell her or sad that Eunhyuk is getting married. 


" What? Now? " Eunhyuk said with a harsh tone as he clenched onto his phone. 

" Yeah, she's talking with your father right now. " Dahae worriedly said. 

"I'll be right there. " He said before hanging up. Eunhyuk took his keys and ran to his car. He was furious right now, he couldnt believe that his father would do such a thing again; he had enough of him. 


" My son was doing so great without you, " Dongwook hissed, " and now you suddenly jump in and try to ruin his life. " 

" But, Dongwook-sshi, Eunhyuk and I- " Hyoyeon tried to explain herself but he stopped her. 

" I dont want to hear it. " He glared at her. Hyoyeon immediantly went quiet with her head down, " You already know what Im going to say, dont you?" Once again, she didnt say anything and kept quiet. " I want you to move back. " He said in a clear and steady voice. 

" I-I have no intention o-of staying here. " Hyoyeon stuttered, " I just came here for my job."

" Good, " He gave her a sly smile, " Then you must have no problem going back today. " 

Hyoyeon wasnt surprised at all, she knew he was going to say that. " B-But Dongwook-sshi, I cant do that. " 

" And why is that?" Dongwook looked at her wih sharp eyes. 

" Your son and I love each other and I- " She tried to explain herself but he kept cutting her off. 

" You're ruining his life, Hyoyeon. " He scoffed, " If you love him, leave him. " 

" But- " She was interuppted once again. 

" If you love him, leave him. " He repeated but with a deeper and clear voice. 

Hyoyeon didnt know what else to say. No matter how hard she tries, he'll somehow find a way to blame everything on her. 

Knowning by her expression, Dongwook felt like he won. " You can go now. " She hesitated before walking towards the door, she tried to think of something but it was no use. She sighed and bowed before walking towards the door. Before she could open it, Dongwook spoke again, " I expect you to be gone soon. " 

Hyoyeon froze for a short moment and frowned. She then opened the door and left. Once she got out, she saw Dahae waiting by the living room with a nervous expression. " What happened?" Dahae frowned when she saw her close to tears. 

" Im okay, just a small talk. " Hyoyeon forced a smile. 

" You're not leaving again, are you?" The woman continued to frown. 

Hyoyeon didnt say anything. She didnt even know if she was leaving. Instead she shrugged and forced a small smile. " I better g- " Before she could finish her sentence, Eunhyuk opened the door with a devestated look. 

Once the couple shared eye contact, Eunhyuk walked up to her and hugged her. He let out a big breath and hugged her tight." What did he say to you?" He asked against her ear. 

She ignored his question and closed her eyes. She suddenly felt safe and relieved being in his arms. 

Not hearing an answer, he pulled away and looked straight into her eyes. " Tell me what he said. " 

Hyoyeon didnt say anything and avoided eye contact. She suddenly got scared when she felt Eunhyuks hands clenched onto her shoulder. When she looked at him, his worried and sad eyes turned into eyes with anger. He let go of Hyoyeon and walked straight into Dongwook's study room. 

Both Hyoyeon and Dahae panicked, knowing what Eunhyuk is capable of. They rushed to follow him and saw him staring at Dongwook with a strong glare. 

" Im not letting you do this again. " Eunhyuk hissed. 

Dongwook looked behind Eunhyuk and saw Hyoyeon with a scared expression. " E-eunhyuk, lets go. " She tried pulling him out but he was too strong. 

Eunhyuk ignored her and continued looking at him, " If you send Hyoyeon away, Im coming with her. " 

His father scoffed and stood up, " Look what that girl is doing to you; she's making you rebel against me, your own father." 

" She had nothing to do with this. " He still had his angry eyes then had a smirk, " Dont you remember what I said before? My fathers gone, I have no father. He may be in front of me, but Im sure as hell that he's gone. "" Everyone was shocked at his sudden behaviour, especially Hyoyeon. She never expected him to talk back to his own father like that. 

Dongwook scoffed, " So you're abandoning your own family over this girl?!" He yelled the last 2 words and pointed at Hyoyeon, who jumped at his voice. 


Hyoyeon was shocked at his anger. She never thought that Eunhyuk would yell at his father, even if he knew what the consequences are. 

" Abandon? Im working and keeping our family alive because of this company, so you call working abandoning my family?" Dongwook glared at him.

His son scoffed, " If you want to prove that you're not abandoning us, then cancel the wedding, cancel everything you had planned for me relating to the company. " He tested him." Let me be happy and let Hyoyeon stay. "  Dongwook didnt say anything and avoided eye contact with his son. Eunhyuk chuckled, " Look who's talking now; you just chose your own son over your stupid as s company. " 

He grabbed Hyoyeons hand, " Lets go, I cant stand being in the same room with someone like you. " He glared at his father before walking towards the door with Hyoyeon. 

Before they could out, they heard Dongwook's voice, " You do know if you step out of this house, you can never come back, all the wealth that we have, you'll never get to have it. " 

Eunhyuk smirked at him, " After all this, you still think I care about what you say?"  Hyoyeon didnt want to hear anymore and just wanted to leave. She tightly held onto his hand which got his attention. His eyes suddenly changed to something sweet and scared. " Come on. " He said in a softer voice and pulled her along with him out of the room. 

Dahae looked at her husband with disbelief, " Are you really throwing away your son because of the company?" 

" He'll come back soon, Im just teaching him a lesson." He answered as he sat down on his chair. " Plus, I know that girl, she'll do anything to keep him happy. " He smirked. 

" You're unbelievable, you're even using an innocent girl into this crap you made. " She glared at him. " You should know your son by now, Dongwook."

Dongwook sighed, " Im just following my fathers footsteps; I wont let all the hard work my family did to go to waste." 

She opened in shock, " Your father managed to keep both the company and his family together. It hurts for me to say this but, you're not the man I married, Eunhyuks right, his father is gone. " She looked at him with disappointed eyes before leaving the room. 

Dongwook was obviously hurt by the words she said. He kept his eye on the door and with disbelief. He sighed and sat on his chair, " Im sorry if I hurted both of you, " He said as he imagined his son and wife in front of him, " but the company cant survive by itself. " 


The whole car ride was quiet. Eunhyuk was obviously worried about Hyoyeon but he was also afraid that she was mad. He kept looking at her but Hyoyeon wouldnt look back. He didnt know what to say and couldnt stand it when Hyoyeon doesnt talk to him. 

Hyoyeon was so into he thoughts that she didnt realize Eunhyuk parked by the side of the road. He worriedly looked at her and opened his mouth, " I know you're mad and Im sorry, I was going to tell you about the wedding but I was scared of how you're to react. " 

She shook her head and forced a smile as she looked at him, " Im not mad, I understand. " Its true she wasnt mad, but was just still caught up on that moment with his father.

He was a bit surprised, " I-it doesnt look like it.. " He mummbled. 

Hyoyeon sighed, " I was just thinking of what happened. " She looked away. " You do realize what you just said to your father right?" 

Eunhyuk nodded, " I know what I said. He's just so stubborn, he wont listen to what I have to say. " 

" B-But Eunhyuk, you literally kicked him out of your life. " She frowned. 

He shrugged, " Whats the point of keeping someone in your life thats already gone?" 

Hyoyeon didnt know what to say. He did have a point, but she suddenly remembered her own dad.  " That doesnt mean he wont come back. " 

Eunhyuk didnt say anything and avoided eye contact. 

" I thought that my dad wouldnt change but he did. Even if it was too late, he still changed. " 

" Thats different though, my father is forcing me to marry someone I dont love - no matter how hard I tried to stop and talk to him, he wont listen. " 

" Its not different, hyuk. My father would drink all the time and not care of what I have to say. " 

" Alright, fine, but what did you do that made him change? You let him live on his own.. And that made his realize you were important to him. That's what Im trying to do- I want him to realize what he had with me. " 

Hyoyeon frowned again, " But it was too late. I was gone for too long." She was close to tears. " Eunhyuk, I want you to cherish every single moment with you father, I dont want you making the same mistake I did. " 

" But it wasnt your fault. " He held her hand to comfort her. 

" He killed himself because the only person he had left was gone- what do you think your dad would do? Im pretty sure Dahae-sshi is mad at him, so who is he going to turn to? " She asked and took away her hand. 

" I know my father, he wont kill himself because my mom and I are gone. He has that stupid company. " Eunhyuks face darkened. 

" I never thought of my dad killing himself because he had nothing. Dongwook-sshi may be blinded with the company but once he opens his eyes again, he'll realize everything he had is gone. " Hyoyeon was trying so hard into trying to convince him to go back to his dad. 

" Then what the hell am I supposed to do?" Eunhyuk scoffed, " Go back to that damn hell of a place and obey every single thing he says?" 

Hyoyeon could tell he was getting annoyed. The car got suddenly quiet; both could feel the hot tension around them. " Eunhyuk, I want you to fix things with your father, I dont want you making the same mistake I did. " She spoke. 

Eunhyuk scoffed, " How the hell am I suppose to do that?" 

Hyoyeon couldnt think of one except something else. She didnt want to say it but what else could she do. " Go back to your father, talk to him. " 

" Then what? I'm pretty sure he'll force me into that marriage. " He scoffed. 

Hyoyeon didnt say anything and kept her head down. 

Eunhyuk new exactly what she was thinking. He reacted by putting his hand on her cheek and made her look at him, " I know you dont mean it. " He had worried eyes that Hyoyeon couldnt say no too. 

She looked away, " Eunhyuk, we need time alone- I need time.. " 

" But- Hyo, you know you cant, we have 2 days until th-the wedding. " Eunhyuks voice weakened. " Y-you said you love me, why are you doing this?" 

" I-I know what I said a-and I mean it. " Hyoyeon looked at him with sad eyes, " But that also means I have to let you go- its for the best. " 

" Dont you get it? " He held her hand, " Im at my best when Im with you. " 

" Eunhyuk, does getting into fight because of me the best? Is throwing away your family? Is running away and kicking your father out of your life the best?" Hyoyeon struggled to keep her tears in. 

" I did that to be with you, it was my choice. " He tried hard to convice her, but he didnt know what else to say. 

" Im the whole reason why you're doing that a-and I cant let you - you throw away y-your whole life because of me. " Hyoyeon wiped away her tears. " I want you to have a good future and I cant provide you that. I want you to be happy and - " 

" But I am happy! You're at my side and I - " Eunhyuk cut off her off but Hyoyeon wouldnt give in. 

" Happy? " She repeated as she sniffed, " You just told your father that you dont want him in his life, how is that happy for you?" 

Eunhyuk wanted to say something but he couldnt spill it out. She was right with that, it was hard for him to have a relationship with his dad, but he didnt care at the moment, all he wanted was Hyoyeon. " But its worth it. " He said as he looked straight into her eyes. 

" Right now it may seem like it is, but what about your future? Because of me, there's a chance that you can no longer see your father, I dont want you to regret that decision. " Hyoyeon finally took her hand away. 

Eunhyuk didnt know how to reply and just stared at her with sad eyes. 

Hyoyeon sighed and forced a small but weak smile. She placed her hand on his cheek and spoke, " I love you, Eunhyuk but I dont want to get in the way. If you love me, please just respect my decision. " 

" But - " Eunhyuk wanted to talk but he was cut off. 

" Please. " Hyoyeon said with sad wet eyes. 

" What am I supposed to do when you're gone?" His voice cracked and placed his hand on top of hers. 

" Be friends?" She weakly smiled. 

" You know I cant do that. " Eunhyuk frowned and finally let out his tears. 

Not wanting to see him cry, Hyoyeon wanted to end the conversation. She let go of him and took off her seat belt. " I better go. You should go too- to your father. " 

Before Eunhyuk could say a word, she quickly opened the door and stepped outside. He was fast to react and quckly opened his door, but before he could even step out Hyoyeon turned around before she could get any farther. 

" Please, just stay inside. It'll get harder. " She said and stopped him. She wiped her tears and forced a small and weak smile, " Im gonna go now, Bye, Hyuk... Take care. " she said before walking away. once she turned around, she let out all of her tears. 

Eunhyuk listened and slowly closed his door while he watched Hyoyeon walk away. " You're really letting me go..? " he said to himself with his tears falling down. His heart ache when he watched her leave again, he didnt know why he cant just run and chase for her- maybe the thought of Hyoyeon crying to him because of his dad or maybe because he loves her too much and has to let her go. 


Hyoyeon walked in the house with dry and puffy eyes. Her heart was still hurting from letting him go, especially seeing him cry, but she couldnt do anything about it. 

" Hyoyeon unnie! " Krystal greeted her from the couch. 

" I ordered pizza. " Jessica said without taking her eyes off the TV. 

" O-oh okay. T-Thanks. " Hyoyeon looked and sounded like she was lost. Her eyes had no expression and just looked ahead as she walked to the room. 

Krystal kept nudged Jessica, " What happened with unnie?" She whispered. 

" What do you mean?" She cluelessy said. 

" Did you not see her? She looked like she just saw a ghost. " Krystal mummbled. 

Jessica turned around but was too late to see Hyoyeon. She had already closed the door. Knowing that Hyoyeon wanted some space, she turned to her phone instead. She texted Donghae and asked if anything was wrong with Eunhyuk. 

' Did Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk get into a fight?' - Jessica. 

' What do you mean? Im not with Eunhyuk right now. ' - Donghae 

' Hyoyeon seems upset. Nevermind, I'll call Eunhyuk. ' - Jessica. 

Jessica immediantly called Eunhyuk, but no one answered. She frowned and called him again. Instead of getting an answer, she got a text instead. 

' Why'd you call?' - Eunhyuk. 

' Did something happen between you and Hyoyeon???' - Jessica. 

' I'll talk about it later, just take care of Hyoyeon. ' - Eunhyuk

Jessica continued to text him but she wasnt surprised when Eunhyuk stopped replying. She figured to give some space and not get in between them. But because of her curiosity, she got up and went into the room to see Hyoyeon lying on the bed with her back facing the door.

Jessica frowned and sighed. She sat next to her, " Why is it every time you come home, you're always crying?" She frowned. 

Hyoyeon sniffed, " I broke up with him. " She said without looking back. 

Jessica was clearly shocked. She had wide eyes and gasped, " W-what? But you guys just got back together. " 

" I-I know.. I guess we're not supposed to happen. " She mummbled. 

She frowned even more and Hyoyeons hair. " If you dont want to walk about it, its fine. But if you do, I'll be right here. " 

Hyoyeon turned around to reveal her red, puffy eyes. She weakly smiled and nodded. 


Eunhyuk stepped into his fathers office with no expression. He stood infront of Dongwook who didnt seem surprised. 

" That was quick. " Dongwook smirked. " You're doing the right thing. " 

Eunhyuk scoffed, " Im not doing this for you. " He glared at him. 

" That doesnt matter. " He shrugged with a sly smile. 

His son let out a small snicker and looked at him straight in the eyes. Eunhyuk wanted to show his red and wet eyes to make him feel guilty. " Well- congratulations, you managed to convince my girlfriend to break up with me. " He clenched his fist. Eunhyuks plan did work; Dongwook was a bit taken back when he saw his sons eyes. It was full of hatred but at the same time, he was devastated and heartbroken. He chose not to say anything and went back to his laptop. 

With no reply, Eunhyuk let out a scoff and walked out of the room, but before he could, Dongwook called him. He turned around and hissed, " What?" 

" Be there early tomorrow, you cant be late. " Dongwook said without looking at him. 

He didnt say anything and slammed the door shut. 

The night felt slow for Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk. Both were crying on their bed with each other on their minds. It was painful for them, but they couldnt do anything, well- Eunhyuk couldnt. Hyoyeon was the only person he always listened to, no matter how much it hurts, but he always hated how stubborn she is when it comes to his decisions. As for Hyoyeon, she didnt know whether it was the right thing to do or the wrong thing. She just wanted what was best for him, no matter how much the pain is causing her. 


 Jessica got ready and purposely wore black clothes. She looked at herself in the mirror and smirked. On the other side, there was Donghae quietly waiting for Eunhyuk to get ready in his black and white tuxedo. 

" Are you ready?" Donghae walked in his room to see him putting on his black blazer. 

Eunhyyuk turned around and nodded with a frown. Donghae looked at his face and frowned as well, he had black dark circles under his eyes and he had no expression on his face, just a plain blank face.

" Yah! You ready?" Jessica had that evil smile on her face. But once she saw Hyoyeon, she frowned and hurried to her side. " Yah, yah, yah! What the hell do you think you're doing?" She threw all of the clothes Hyoyeon packed in her luggage on the ground. 

Hyoyeon didnt even care and picked it up. " What does it look like?" She said with a weak voice. 

Jessica kicked the shirt that Hyoyeon was about to pick up to the other side of the room. She placed her hands on her shoulder and constantly shook her, " You. Are. A. . " 

Hyoyeon wasnt even offended or didnt have the energy to fight back. She pushed her away and continued packing her clothes. 

Jessica pouted and began stomping her feet. " Why are you doing this? I was so ready to crash that wedding. See, look, Im wearing all black! " She pouted. 

" Why would we crash the wedding?" Hyoyeon spoke without looking at her. 

" Uh, hello? Becauuse you boyfriend is getting married to a bit ch. " Jessica said like it was obvious.

" He's not my boyfriend anymore. " She mummbled. 

" Alright, fine. I mean the man that loves you and also the man you love but broke up with is marrying someone who he hates. " Jessica slyly smiled, " There, is that a better phase?" 

She didnt say anything and avoided her eyes. 

Jessica got annoyed, " Oh come on! I dont get you! One minute you avoid him, then next, you sleep with him, then by the next day you break up with him?" 

" I didnt sleep with him, okay? And plus, there's no point." She shrugged and picked up the last clothing. 

" What the hell do you mean by that? Of course there is! " Jessica pushed the luggage off the bed which maed eveyrthing fall down. 

Hyoyeon sighed and glared at her. " There is no point okay? Everything is already planned and the wedding is starting. Eunhyuks gonna get married and there wont be any reason for me to stay here. " She was already tearing up. She bent down fix her clothes but also to hide her tears.

Seeing her cry made Jessica feel guilty. " Hyoyeon, you're missing your chance. Would you rather see him getting married with someone else?" 

" No. " Hyoyeon didnt hesitate to answer, " Thats why Im moving back to California. " She said before closing her luggage. 

" So you're just gonna let him get married?" Jessica raised her eyebrows. 

She nodded and looked at Jessica with said eyes, " Thats better than seeing him regret his decision of throwing away his life for me. " 

" So that's what you're afraid of? Thats why you're running away?" Jessica was a bit taken back by her reply. " Hyoyeon, this guy is ready to throw his life on the line for you, he - " 

" Exactly, " She interuppted her, " Eunhyuk doesnt care about the consequences and will do anything. I just dont want him regretting or even getting hurt from the decisions his making just for me. " 

Jessica didnt know what to say to that and frowned. " When is your flight?" She suddenly asked. 

" Soon, " Hyoyeon looked at the time, " I better go. " 

Jessica watched her walk out of the door with a frown. She wanted to be mad at her but at the same time, she'll feel guilty. Instead, she called Donghae and paced back and forth. 

Hel- " Before Donghae could even greet her, Jessica's loud voice cut him off. 

" Hyoyeons leaving again. You have to tell Eunhyuk to stop the wedding! " She spoke like she was rapping. 

Donghae wasnt surprised at all; its something she would do. " The weddings starting soon, I cant stop it now. " 

" Yes you can! " Jessica exclaimed. 

The man sighed, " Alright, I'll see what I can do. If I do convince him, buy some time with Hyoyeon. " 

" Uh.. well, I cant really do that- I mean tried but she's going to the airport in like 5 minutes. She didnt tell me the exact time but apparently her flight is soon. " Jessica frowned.

" WHERE'S THE BESTMAN?" Donghae heard someone yell. 

" I'll try talking to him. I better go. " Donghae said before hanging up and followed the voice. 

He looked around and saw everyone is already seated and the flower girls are already lined up beside Gyuri. He rushed to the front of the ail and was abou to talk to him but the music began playing.

 Yah! " Donghae whispered but in a yelling way. 

Eunhyuk turned around and raised his eyebrows. 

" Hyoyeons leaving! Shes going back. " Donghae whispered. 

Eunhyuk wasnt surprised and shrugged. " Its too late now. " He said before turning back around. 

Donghae cursed under his breath. He grabbed his arm and made him turn his body. " Hyoyeons leaving, you're just gonna stay here? Do you even love her enough to stop this whole fu cking wedding?" 

He pulled his arm away, " Whats the point of stopping her? She's the one who told me to stay here." He looked at Donghae with sad eyes, but soon turned into angry eyes. " So dont tell me that I dont love Hyoyoen, because I do- I love her more than anything. " He hissed and turned his body away. 

" If you love her then why the hell are you still here?" Donghae talked back. 

Eunhyuk didnt say anything and continued to have a long and instense staring contest with Donghae. He knew his cousin was right and he should come for her, but he didnt want Hyoyeon hurting again because of his dad. But at the same time, he knew being away from each other also hurts her. The groom slightly jumped when he heard a man clearing his throat. 

Eunhyuk looked to his side to see Gyuri and her dad beside her. " Are you busy?" Her dad sarcastically said but glared at him. 

He shook his head and took Gyuri's hand. He lead Gyuri in front of the alter and stopped right in front of the pastor. 

" We are here today to witness the marriage of our beloved, Ms Park Gyuri and Mr Lee Hyukjae.... " The pastor began. 


" Unnie, but what are you leaving now?" Krystal pouted as she followed Hyoyeon to the window.

Hyoyeon forced a small smile, " Stop pouting, we're going to see each other again, Im just leaving early. " 

" Still. " She frowned, " Can we at least drop you off?" 

She shook her head, " I already called the taxi. " 

Krystal pouted and crossed her arms, " Fine. Everythings so sudden. " She mummbled and walked away with her head down. 

" I know how you feel. " Hyoyeon whispered and watched her walk away. 

Jessica walked up to her and waited with her, " You're actually leaving?" 

The blond girl nodded and chuckled, " Stop acting like you wont see me again. Dont forget, we live in the same roof. " 

" Thats not the reason why Im acting like this. " Jessica replied which made her frown. 

Hyoyeon avoided eye contact with her and didnt say anythinig. She continued to look at the window to wait for the taxi. 

Jessica shook her head, " If you're not gonna say anything then fine. I just hope you wont regret this decision. " 

She didnt say anything nor made a single move. All she did was look outside and frowned. Jessica frowned again and left Hyoyeon. The blond girl sighed to herself and continued to look outside. Her breath suddenly stopped for a second when she saw the taxi pull over. 


As the pastor kept talking, Gyuri couldnt help but notice Eunhyuks expression. He had dark circles under his eyes and clearly had no expression. He was just staring at the ground. She didnt whether to feel happy that they will finally get married or to feel sad because of his emotions. Gyuri admitted it  a long time ago that she loves Eunhyuk, so why cant she just be happy right now? She brushed off her thoughts and went back to the priest, but no matter how hard she tried she cant seem to get her attention off Eunhyuk. 


" Thank you. " Hyoyeon bowed her head and paid the driver. She got out the taxi with her luggage and walked inside the airport. She began to feel her tears coming when she suddenly thought about the day she left Eunhyuk without saying goodbye. She looked back at the door and wanted to walk out the airport but she knew she had to stop herself. She clenched onto her jeans and sniffed, " Its for the best. He'll be okay. " She mummbled to herself and continued to walk to the desk. 

" O-One ticket to California please." She couldnt stop her tears and wiped it away before she handed in her passport. She forced a small laugh, " Sorry. " She sniffed.

The employee smiled while she printed the ticket, " You dont need to be sorry, This isnt the first time I've seen someone cry, its pretty hard saying goodbye.  " She stamped Hyoyeons passport and gave it back along with her ticket. " Here you go, I hope you'll feel better." 

Hyoyeon forced a weak smile and took it. She bowed her head before walking away. 


Gyuri couldnt stop looking at Eunhyuk. Instead of a big wide smile, she was frowning. " Ms. Gyuri?" She head the pastor said her name. 

She quickly turned her head to the front and looked at him, " N-neh? Sorry. " 

" What is your answer?" The pastor asked. Seeing her clueless, the pastor repeated himself, " Do you take Mr Lee as your beloved husband?" 

She slightly smiled and took a deep breath before answering him. But once she looked at Eunhyuk who was still looking down, it broke her heart. 


" Hello?" Hyoyeon answered her phone. 

" Are you at the aiport now?" Jessica was on the other line. 

" Yeah, Im just waiting. " 

"Uh- are you sure you're leaving? Like for good?" 

Im already here. Its too late to go back. " 

" What? Not its not! " 

Of course it is. T-they're probably m-married by now.. " 


" What? What did you say?" Gyuris dad stood up, looking furious. 

Everyone was whispering and had a panic look. Gyuri looked at Eunhyuk who had wide eyes and was looking at her. She forced a small smile and sighed, " Im sorry, but I can't marry him. " She said to the pastor who was also shocked. 

" Wh-what are you doing?" Eunhyuk asked him, still with a shocked expression. 

" I heard you and Donghae talking about Hyoyeon. Its true I'm a bi tch, but Im not that big of a bi tch when it comes to marrying someone who's already taken. " Gyuri chuckled. " I dont know why, but I shouldve realized this sooner.. I admit I have strong feelings for you, but that doesnt mean you're mine. Im letting you go. " 

He didnt know what to say and looked at everyone who was shocked. " B-But the wedding. " 

Gyuri forced a small laugh, " So you're choosing me over Hyoyeon? Wow, thats new. "  She sarcastically said and smiled at Eunhyuk who looked to innocent. " Hurry up and go, its gonna big time if you lose her again. " 

Eunhyuk looked at her, still with that shocked expression before smiling. He pulled Gyuri into a tight hug which confused everyone. " Thank you so much. I-Im sorry if you wanted us to be more, I - " 

Gyuri pushed him off, " Hurry up, before both of our dads kill you. " 

Eunhyuk smiled and rapidly nodded. He looked at Donghae who was already smiling and had his car keys. " Gyuris right. Hurry the hell up. " He threw Eunhyuk the keys. 

He widely smiled and looked at both Donghae and Gyuri before running off. But before he could walk out of the church, Dongwook grabbed his wrist. " You step out of this church, you'll lose everything. " He threatened him. 

Eunhyuk scoffed and looked at him, " But I wont lose Hyoyeon. " He had that arrogant smile on his face and continued," And you know she's worth it. " He pulled his hand away before rushing out to the parking lot in the rain.

" AISH, LEE HYUKJAE. " Dongwook yelled at him.

Eunhyuk ran with his gummy smile showing, he didnt even care if he was getting wet. He was so full of adreniline and couldnt stop his whole body from moving. He was too happy. He quickly went inside the car and immediantly started driving. " Hyoyeon, Im coming, you better stay there. " He spoke to himself with his smile. 

He took out his phone and called Hyoyeon, but of course, she didnt answer. He was too busy driving and couldnt text her and called Jessica instead. Before she could even say anything, he yelled first. " YAH, WHERE ARE YOU?" 

" Excuse me, can you not yell. " Jessica hissed. 

" Sorry! I just- Wheres Hyoyeon? What time is her flight? Are you with her?" 

Wait- did you leave Gyuri at the alter? Omo.. " 

She let me leave, its a long story, just tel- " Eunhyuk's sentence was interuppted when he head his phone beeping. He looked at his phone and rolled his eyes. " Aish, are you kidding me?" He said in frustation. " Why does it have to be low battery?" 

He quickly tried to find his charger without taking his eyes off the road. Once the light turned red, he didnt waste time and began looking around the car. " Where the hell is it?" He mummbled. His frowned turned into a smile when he saw a wire under the back seat. He quickly took it out and plugged it in. 

Just then, he heard s screeching sound from behind him and looked at his rear mirror. Because of the heavy rain, he couldnt see it clearly. Before he could turn around and look at where the sound was coming from, he felt a huge hit from the back of his car. Because of the slippery road, his car moved foward into the middle of the road. 

" What the hell.. " Eunhyuk mummbled. He felt his head suddenly throbbing and his eyesite went blurry. He opened his door and was about to get out when he heard someone yelling and loud honking. 

" YAH, WATCH OUT! " A stranger said from the side walk. 

Eunhyuk looked at where he was pointing and turned to his right side. Right when he turned his head to see where the stranger was pointing, his mind went black and only a picture of Hyoyeon in his mind popped out. 

Hello? Eunhyuk? Are you still there?" Jessica was still on the phone. " Did something happen? What was all that noise? Eu- " 


The phone died before Jessica could say his name. " That was weird.. " She mummbled and tried calling him again but nothing worked.

Jessica was still confused about everything and called Donghae. " Donghae-ah! Where's Eunhyuk?" 

" He left to get Hyoyeon. " Donghae answered with  smile. 

" Are you sure? Can you check on him? I have a bad feeling about this. " 

" What do you mean?" 

" I-I was on the phone with him and I dont know- I think I heard honkings and tires screeching and his phone just turned off. " 

Donghae frowned and opened his mouth to say something but he heard an ambulance passing by the church. " I-I'll go check on him. " He said before hanging up. He didnt bother to tell anyone where he was going since he didnt want them worrying.  

" H-hey, let -let me borrow your car. " He asked one of his family friends. He wanted to make sure that it wasnt Eunhyuk that the ambulance is picking up. 

Just when he got in the car, he lost the ambulance but didnt hesitate to look for it around the church. He figured it wasnt far since Eunhyuk just left, Right when he was about to stop looking, he saw a big crowd around one street. He drove near it and tried to look at the scene but couldnt see anything. 

Donghae thought it was nothing and was gonna drive away when he saw a silver car destroyed. What shocked him is the plate number on the ground. He couldnt believe his eyes and wanted to look away but couldnt. His heart couldnt stop beating and eyes began to shake.

" No.. No, thats not happening. " He mummbled to himself and stepped out to the rain. He ran to the crowd and pushed people out of the way. His heart stopped when he saw the paramedics putting his cousin on the stretcher.


Donghae had his head down. He was still shocked at the scene he just saw, he couldnt get it out of his head. just then, he felt someone wrapping a blanket around him. He looked up to see Jessica and gave her a small smile. 

" What about Hyoyeon?" He asked. 

" She turned off her phone. " Jessica frowned and sat beside him. 

The 2 were interuppted when they heard a woman yelling towards them.  " Donghae! Donghae! What happened? Where is he?" Dahae sobbed. 

Donghae looked at her in the eyes, " He left. He's gone. " 

Dahae shook her head, " No.. thats not true. "  She cried even more. 

He looked at her strangley, " Uh, uhm.. Whats wrong? If you were so against Eunhyuk leaving, you shouldve told him.. " 

" My sons dead.. He's dead.. " Dahae sobbed. 

Donghae immediantly gasped, " No! I- I didnt mean it like that! " He laughed. 

" What..?" Dahae slowly stopped crying 

" when I said, he's gone, I meant hes gone as in he left to get Hyoyeon. " He corrected himself and laughed. 

" You should've said it like that.. " Jessica whispered to him.

" WHAT? THEN WHY DID YOU LOOK SO SAD?" Dahae yelled and threatened to hit him. 

" S-sorry! I was just thinking about my car.. " He mummbled. 

" WHAT? IN THIS SITUATION?" She constantly hit her nephew. 

Donghae used his hands to protect himself, " Yah yah! Wait! Dont take me the wrong way, Aunt, but of course I was pretty sad about Eunhyuk but since he's okay, it was time for my sadness to go to my car. " He explained himself. 

Dahae glared at her nephew. 

Donghae moved away, " But, to make you feel better, I did yell at him for being reckless. " He innocently smiled, " And he also doesnt have any major injuries, he has a small cut on his face but he's fine. " 

" H-He survived it? wit-without any broken bones? Nothing?" Dahae was relieved to hear that. 

" Probably not, I mean he seemed fine. It was a good thing Eunhyuk wasnt sitting on the side where the car crashed into, other wise, he would've been dead.. Anyways, like I said, he's fine so we let him go, well- actually, the doctor said to stay since they're not done examining him but I helped him escape and - " The more Donghae talked, the more Dahae got mad. 

" NOT DONE EXAMINING?" Dahae hit him on the head. 

" Yah! Yah! " Donghae protected himself with his arms. 

" SO YOU DONT KNOW IF MY SON IS OKAY? AISH. " She hit him again and again which made Jessica giggle.

Dongwook was just quietly watching the scene. Of course he was happy that his son didnt die but Eunhyuks actions made him realize something. 


On the other side, Eunhyuk had a bandage on the side of his head and a small bruise on his cheekbone. To him, it didnt matter if his whole body was in pain right now, all he wanted was to get Hyoyeon. He quickly parked his car outside of the airport and ran inside. He held in the pain everytime he moved and just thought of Hyoyeon. 

The thought of him survivig a car accident just made him realize that he wasnt meant to get Hyoyeon. He was meant to stop her from leaving him again. He was limping around the airport and looked desperate to find her. He went to the desk and asked, " Excuse me! Uhm, did a plane leave? or uh.. uhm, a flight to - to california! Did it? " He struggled to talk and tried to catch his breath. 

" Sir, are you okay?" The employee asked. 

" Yes! Just answer my question! " Eunhyuk pleaded. 

The employee jumped at his voice and nodded. She quickly checked the schedule and turned to Eunhyuk, " Yes, the only flight to California is 365, it left an hour ago." 

Eunhyuk banged the desk and cursed under his breath, " A-alright, thank you. " He said and walked away. He quickly got his phone and called Donghae. " I need you to do me a favor, get my passport and - " 

" Is that Eunhyuk? Aish, give me the phone! " Eunhyuk heard his mom yelling, " Yah, Lee Hyukjae, do you not understand what you are doiing right now? You almost died, get your here right now. I just talked to the doctor and you're supposed to be wearin a neck brace! That will get worse! Aish, you are- " 

Now that he thought about it, he did feel a major pain in his neck.Since he was so full of adrenline and was so focussed on finding Hyoyeon, he didnt feel anything major.  " Eomma, Im fine, okay. " Eunhyuk insisted. " Im gonna go California, okay? I need - " 


Eunhyuk flinched at her voice, " Sorry, Eomma but I really need to go. " 

Dahae managed to calm down and sighed, " I know what you're feelings right now okay? But you need to come back to the hospital. You can get Hyoyeon after. " 

" But Eomma, I need to go now. " He frowned. 

You'll go after and thats final. Donghae will pick you up right now, dont drive okay?" Dahae strictly said. 

Eunhyuk sighed, " Alright.. " He mummbled and hung up. 

" Aish, that cousin of yours is really stubborn. " Dahae hissed. 

" Dont blame me, he is your son. " Donghae defended himself. 

Dahae was about to hit him when Heechuls voice came behind them. " IS EUNHYUK OKAY?" 

" EW YOU?" Jessica exclaimed, getting everyones attention. 

Heechul looked at where the voice was coming from and was wide eyed. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He yelled. 


" Excuse you, I happen to be Eunhyuks bestfriend and what are you to him? Huh? " Heechul defended himself.

" I happen to be the bestfriend of the girl who he's been chasing around. " She glared at Heechul. 

" And she happens to be the girl that I like. " Donghae whispered to Heechul, which shocked him. 

Wanting to be a good friend to Donghae, Heechul decided to keep his mouth shut and glared at her. 


Eunhyuk sat on one of the chairs and took a deep breath. " Just wait a little longer, I'll be there soon." He spoke to himself. He moved his neck around and felt a sudden pain. Now that he was sitting down and stopped moving, he felt more pain in his body, wounds and especially around his neck. He slowly moved his neck around to minimize the pain, but of course, he made it worse. " Aish, they should have some kind of first aid here. " He mummbled and slowly got up. He groaned and sat back down. " Aish, fu ck it. Whatever. " He mummbled. 

When he was about to sit down, he saw someone sitting on their luggage in front of the window. The girls head was down and her hair hid her face. His heart began to beat faster and somehow, Eunhyuk couldnt take his eyes off her and managed to push himself off the chair and slowly walk towards the girl.

" Hyoyeon...?" He quietly said.  The girl sighed and brushed her hair back. Once he saw her face, he immediately smiled and walked faster, completely forgetting about his wounds. 

" Hyoyeon! " She heard someone yell her name and looked up to see Eunhyuk with his tuxedo, walking towards her. 

" Eunhyuk.." She whispered and immediantly got up. She noticed something wrong with him and realized he was limping. The more he got closer, the more she saw Eunhyuks bruised face. She frowned and knew exactly what happened. Before she could even say anything, Eunhyuk pulled her into a hug. 

" You.. " He said and tried to catch his breath. " You.. Stop.. Stop leaving. " He said and hugged her tighter and didnt care if it put pressure into his wounds. 

" W-what are you doing? " Hyoyeon didnt push him off nor hugged him. 

He smiled and let her go to look at her, " What does it look like, Im getting you to come home. " 

" The wedding.." She mummbled and looked at the ground. 

" Uh, why would I be at a wedding that I never even wanted when I should be here with the girl I want?" He chuckled. 

She finally pushed him away which caused him to groan a little. Luckily, she didnt hear it and spoke, " You should go back. " She said and was about to walk away, but instead, Eunhyuk pulled her hand. 

" Yah, why do you always push me away?" Eunhyuk looked at her. 

" I already told you, i want whats best for you okay? and - " Hyoyeon looked back at him with sad eyes. 

Eunhyuk scoffed, " Do you even know what that is?" 

Hyoyeon slowly nodded, " A-a good future, a happy one. And you cant be happy if you always get into trouble. " 

He widely smiled to show his goofy gummy smile. " Im happy see?" 

" Im serious. " She didnt find it amusing at all and turned to walk away. 

Eunhyuk chuckled and followed her. " You know, there's no point in walking away. I'll just follow you. " He didnt even care if he was limping. 

Hyoyeon knew he was limping and stopped so he doesnt have a hard time. " Please, just leave me alone. " 

Eunhyuk shook his head, " Nope. " He smiled, " You always say you want whats best for me, but you dont even know that.. Hyoyeon, I told you this before, you're what makes me happy, you're whats best for me. " 

" No, Im not. " Hyoyeon shook her head, " Look at yourself right now, you got into another fight, is that good? " 

" Uh, actually I didnt get into a fight. " He corrected her. 

Hyoyeon looked at him with a confused look. " What..? Then what happened?" 

Eunhyuk shrugged, " I'll tell you if you agree to stay here in Korea. " 

She frowned, " I dont really have a choice. I already missed my flight. " She said with her head down. " I didnt know why I couldnt leave.. Last time, I left right away.. But now, I dont know why it was so hard. " 

" Maybe because  the thought of having a ring on my finger ruined your day. " He chuckled and showed her his fingers, which had no ring on it. 

She expected to see a ring, which shocked her a little, " W-what did you do? Y-You left her?" 

" Actually, Gyuri insisted that I should leave. " He answered which made her give Eunhyuk a confused look, " Yeah I know, it shocked me as well, but I guess people change. " He smiled. 

" Your dad?" She quietly asked. 

Eunhyuk didnt say anything and looked at Hyoyeon sad eyes. " Well.. some people change.. " He mummbled. 

Hyoyeon sighed, " What are you gonna do now?" 

 " Well, actually I just thought of an idea. " He smiled, " My dad cant force me to marry someone when Im already married. " Hyoyeon looked at him with a confused look. " Marry me. " Eunhyuk said to her with a husky but sweet voice. 

Hyoyeons eyes widened, " W-what?" 

Eunhyuk smiled at her reaction, " Lets get married. " 

" A-are you crazy? This isnt time for jokes. " She frowned. 

" Im not joking. Im serious about this. " He tried not to smile but couldnt help it. 

" But Eun- " She didnt know what to say and luckily, he cut her off. 

" Yes or no. " Eunhyuk spoke. 

She opened but said nothing. She was just looking at Eunhyuk who was waiting for an answer. " No, uh yes, I dont know okay! I wanna say yes but I cant because I know something bad will happen. I wanna say yes because I love you, but Im not good enough for you, okay? I - I dont know. alright? I dont know.. " She began teared up. 

Eunhyuk widely smiled, " I guess thats a yes. " He said pulled her into a hug. 

" I said I dont know.. " She mummbled and cried on his shoulder. 

" But you still said yes, thats good enough. " He said against her ear and smiled.

" B-But Eunhyuk.. Im-im not ready. " She sniffed. 

" Its okay, you just told me you wanted to marry me, that's still a yes. " He let go of her and looked into her eyes, " I dont care how long I have to wait, but I promise I will never let you go again. "

Hyoyeon wrapped her arms around him. She hugged him tight, which made him groan. She immediantly let go and worriedly looked at him, " You still didnt tell me how you got hurt. " 

" Well, actually - " He didnt know how to tell Hyoyeon that he almost died. After all, knowing Hyoyeon, she would probably blame herself since he was in a rush to look for her. 

" YAH, EUNHYUK! " They heard someone yelling behind them. 

The couple turned around and saw Donghae with a neck brace on his hand. He was followed by Heechul and Jessica who seemed to be pushing each other. His cousin rushed to his side and quickly put the neck brace around his neck and made him groan. 

" Sorry. " He apologized. " Aunt made me take one. She wanted it on you as soon as possible. " He then turned to Hyoyeon and smiled, but when he realized he just smiled at Hyoyeon, he looked back at her, " You're here!? How?! " 

Hyoyeon opened but was interuppted by Jessica's loud voice. " YOU DIDNT LEAVE? YESSS! " Jessica yelled and hugged Hyoyeon. 

" ' you didnt leave? Yess, Omg. ' " Heechul mocked her. 

" SHUT UP. " Jessica yelled at him. 

" These 2 have been yelling at each other ever since they met at the hospital." Donghae laughed. 

Hyoyeon looked at Donghae, " Hospital? Why? " 

Donghae looked at Eunhyuk who was busy adjusting the neck brace. " He didnt tell you? He got into a car accident. " 

" WHAT? HOW?" Hyoyeon yelled and worriedly looked at Eunhyuk. 

" Im okay, dont worry. " He gave them a smile. 

Heechul interuppted them, " Actually, no you're not. If you hadnt escaped from the hospital, your neck probably wouldve been treated earlier. "

" ESCAPED?" Hyoyeon yelled at him and hit him on the arm, causing him to groan. 

Donghae laughed, but also recieved a hard hit on the arm, " Yah! What was that for?" 

" You probably let him go! " Hyoyeon hit him again. 

Donghae pulled Jessica in front of her, " Yah, I've already been hit several times by his mom, not you. " He pouted. 

Heechul smirked, " Keep hitting them! Hit Jessica! " He exclaimed. 

" Excuse you. " Jessica glared at him." Why are you so rude?"

" Because you still didnt apologize for scratching my car. " Heechul crossed his arms. 

" You're such a baby, get over it. " She rolled her eyes which caused everyone to laugh. 

Heechul raised his hand to hit her but Donghae quickly took his hand and dragged him with him, " Okay, lets go. Aunt is waiting. " 

Jessica followed the boys with her arms crossed. The couple heard her swearing under her breath which made them laugh. They followed the group with t Hyoyeons arm wrapped around Eunhyuks arm. 

" Why are you so stubborn?" Hyoyeon frowned when she looked at his neck brace on him. 

Eunhyuk cutely smiled, " Thats me. " 

She didnt stop frowning and saw it in his eyes that he was in pain, " Didnt you notice it hurt?" 

" I did but, since I was so busy focussing on you, I didnt really notice it how much pain I brushed off. " He shrugged after. 

" Im sorry. " Hyoyeon frowned even more. 

He chuckled quietly, but groaned because of the sudden pain on his ribs, " Its not your fault,  I would hug you right now, but I cant it. " 

Hyoyeon smiled a little, " Arasso, just dont talk, we'll get to the hospital. " She said with her gentle voice which immediantly made him feel better. 


Right when they arrived, Dahae ran to Eunhyuk side with a wheelchair. Being a mother, she  overreacted with every word that the doctor said. As for Hyoyeon, she didnt say a word when she saw Dongwook. She was glad that Eunhyuk didnt have any serious injuries but she was too afriad to show any emotions and stayed quiet. No one noticed that atmosphere between Dongwook and Hyoyeon since everyone was focussed on Eunhyuk. Dongwook kept looking at Hyoyeon with an unsual expression. 

After the doctor finished Eunhyuks check up, he left the room but only to let Eunhyuk finally complain. 

" Aish, Eomma, cant I take it off?" Eunhyuk was pointing at his neck brace. 

" What part of no do you not understand?" Dahae glared at him. 

" It doesnt even hurt. " He whined. " I can move it perfectly." He tried to make an excuse. 

" Yah, just shut up and be thankful that you're not dead. " Heechul chuckled. 

Donghae came in with a wheelchair and seemed like he enjoyed pushing it. " Eunhyuk, go on. Jessica and Heechul, be partners, lets race. " He smirked. 

" Are you stupid?" Dahae smacked his head, which made everyone laugh. 

" Did you just choose Heechul as my partner?" Jessica scoffed. 

Heechul slyly laughed, " For once, I go with this girl, did you just tell me to be partners with this kid?" He pointed at Jessica, which pushed his hand away. 

Because everyone was too busy laughing at Heechul and Jessica, no one realized that Hyoyeon stepped out of the room and also Dongwook was missing. 


During all that, Dongwook had asked Hyoyeon to go outside the hospital and talk.

" I think you owe me an explaination. " Dongwook was the first to speak as they walked.

Hyoyeon kept her head down, " I know I should've left b-but I couldnt. Im sorry. "

He looked at Hyoyeon then, looked away after, " I dont know why my son always gets himself into trouble just for you- even he didnt care about the fact that he almost died. " 

Hyoyeon still kept her head down and didnt say a word. 

" What is my son to you?" Dongwook suddenly asked, making Hyoyeon panic with the question. 

" I-I, w-what do you m-mean?" Hyoyeon asked. 

" What is my son to you?" He repeated himself. " If you're wondering why Im asking you this is because I want to know what my son is to a girl that he almost died for. " 

Hyoyeon took a deep breath and just said what she thought. " Everything, Dongwook-sshi. Your son has always been there for me a-and without him, I dont know where I would be. " 

Dongwook didnt say anything and continued walking. 

Thinking he wasnt listening, Hyoyeon stopped her steps and took a big breath before she spoke, " Dongwook-sshi, I want you to give me a chance, I am not asking for your permission to be with your son anymore. " With that sentence, Dongwook immediatley stopped and looked at Hyoyeon.

She continued, " I will always be with him no matter what. Im sorry if you think that I am being rude but with everything I've been through, I wanna stop running away and.. I - I just want to show you what Im capable of-- for loving your son. Please stop thinking that Im a bad influence on your son, because Im not. I dont know how you convinced me that I was- but Im here to tell you that I am no longer that girl that you scared away. Im here to fight for what I love and nothing is going to stop me anymore. " She paused for a minute and looked at Dongwook-sshi in the eye with all her courage. " I - I dont know if Im convincing you right now, but if not, listen to your son this time.. Because Im done trying to convince you and everyone else that Eunhyuk and I will always love each other- no matter what. " She said before turning around to walk back to the hospital. 

On her way back, she let out a big breath. She couldnt stop herself from shaking. Hyoyeon couldnt believe that she finally stood up to the man that she couldnt even look at with confidence. Her thoughts were interuppted when Dahae called her. 

She looked up to and saw Dahae right in front of her, " Y-yes?" 

" Whats wrong? I've been calling you. " Dahae worriedly said. 

" S-sorry, Im just tired. " She forced a smile. 

She didnt believe her and sighed, " Where's Dongwook?" 

" O-Outside. " She stuttered. 

Dahae nodded, " Alright, I'll go talk to him. Why dont you go to Eunhyuk, he's looking for you. " 

Hyoyeon nodded and walked away. 

Dahae frowned and stomped outside to confront her husband. " Dont tell me you did it again, Dongwook. " Was the first thing she said when she saw him standing there. " Answer me right now, did  you tell Hyoyeon to leave again? " 

Dongwook shook his head, " I dont think she'll listen to me even if I tell her to leave. " 

Dahae crossed her arms, " Good. " She mummbled. 

" Hyukjae taught her well, she's finally fighting." He scoffed, getting his wife's attention. " I dont know what took me so long to realize how much he loves that girl. He didnt even care that he almost died, he just went out and ran for her. " 

" The fact that our son almost died fighting for Hyoyeon finally gets your attention?! " Dahae exclaimed and slapped him on the face, shocking him.  " For once, listen to him! Before he met Hyoyeon, he was always doing stupid things, and do you know why?" She asked, making him look at her, " Because he wanted attention from his father. When Hyoyeon came, Hyukjae changed, but you didnt notice because you were too busy with that damn company. " 

Dongwook was shocked but at the same time, he was expecting it. He didnt know what to say and looked away from his wife. 

" The reason why he always fought was because he was fighting for Hyoyeon. " Dahae's tone was calm again, " But then again, you didnt listen to your own son and chose to believe what the media said." She stopped from a moment and made Dongwook look at her by placing her hands on his cheeks and turning his head towards her, " What if Eunhyuk died? Who are you doing to blame? Hyoyeon?.. Dongwook, you and I know that deep in your heart, the one to blame would be you, you pushed Hyoyeon away from Eunhyuk just so you could get what you want. " She was beginning to cry, " Please just stop with whatever you're planning to do next. Our son almost died and I would hate to think that he died fighting for someone who was sent away by his own father. " 

Dongwook frowned and couldnt stop staring at his wife who was crying in front of him. He placed his hands on her cheeks and wiped her tears away. 


Inside the hospital, Hyoyeon came in the room to be greeted with a big hug. 

" I am so sorry, I just got here - I havent been here for you. " Yuri spoke once she let go of her. " I had no idea you were hurting and I was too busy with the company and Jongsuk is out of town so I was kind of depressed but - " 

Hyoyeon laughed by cutting her off, " Its alright, dont worry about it. " 

All six of them joked around and kept smiling. Of course, Hyoyeon was still caught up in that moment with Eunhyuks dad but seeing Eunhyuk alive and well, it made her go through the day. The happy moment was cut off by Eunhyuks parents walking in. Everyone's attention laid on Hyoyeon and Dongwook. 

" Hyukjae, are you sure you're feeling okay?" Dongwook ignored the bad atmosphere. 

Eunhyuk nodded and held hands with Hyoyeon who was sitting on the other side of the bed. 

Dongwook obviously saw it and nodded. " Alright, I talked to the doctor, its best if you stay here for another night. " 

" Aweh, he's not coming home?" Donghae frowned. 

" Stop acting like a baby, I'll be fine. " Eunhyuk chuckled. 

Dongwook cleared his throat to get everyones attention, " Anyways, I think we should all leave now, we'll let you rest. " He said. 

Heechul and Donghae whined. " Fine." They said before walking towards the door, followed by Jessica and Yuri. 

Hyoyeon forced a smile at Eunhyuk, " I'll come here first thing tomorrow. " She said. 

Before Eunhyuk could say anything, Dongwook spoke, " No you're not. " He looked at Hyoyeon.

Once everyone said that, the whole atmosphere was quiet. No one dared to speak. Both Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk got nervous but still kept their hands interwined together. " Im sorry to disagree, appa, but Hyoyeons coming back tomorrow. " Eunhyuk spoke. 

Dongwook looked at Eunhyuk, " No, she's not. " He then looked at Hyoyeon who was looking down from fear. " Hyoyeon. " He looked at her. Hyoyeon looked up but didnt say anything. " Didnt you say that you're not scared anymore? What do you think you're doing now?" He said which made her sweat and tremble. Everyone was ready to defend Hyoyeon when his lips curled into a small smile which confused everybody. " Just stay here with my son. " 

Once he said that, everyone was shocked and couldnt believe what he just said. Dongwook didnt wanna repeat himself and turned to look at Dahae who smiled and nodded. " Good night, Hyukjae. " He said before walking towards the door. Before he could walk out, he turned to Hyoyeon, " Make sure he eats well, he hates hospital food, right Hyukjae?" He said as he turned to Eunhyuk who was widely smiled at him. 

Dahae smiled at his husband then walked to Eunhyuk to give him a kiss on the cheek, " Dont do anything stupid while we're gone. " She joked and followed Dongwook to the door.

Eunhyuk couldnt his gummy smile and nodded. Hyoyeon smiled at Dongwook and mouthed, " Thank you. " with a bow. 

Dongwook nodded and walked out followed by Dahae who was smiling proudly at him. 

" NICE!! " Heechul exclaimed once the door closed. 

" That was so weird.. " Donghae was still caught in the moment. 

" Wow, well- hey at least he changed." Jessica smiled and began nudged Hyoyeon, " So how does it feel? huh? huh?" 

" Guys, just shut up and leave. " Eunhyuk laughed and pointed to the door. 

" Arasso. " Heechul chuckled, " Dont do anything . " He sang as he walked out. 

" There's a convenience store just outside the hospital. " Donghae winked and hid behind Jessica to dodge Eunhyuks pillow that he threw. 

" It'd actually be weird if a child was concieved in a hospital.. " Yuri wondered and recieved a hard hit from Hyoyeon. 

" I will be a good friend and wont say a word. " Jessica smiled and began walking out the door followed by Donghae. " Just kidding! Be careful, Hyoyeon! With his injuries and all that, you could break him! " She said before rushing out the door along with Donghae and Yuri who laughed. 

Hyoyeon cursed at Jessica under her breath and couldnt stop blushing. Eunhyuk saw her and smirked, " Yah, what are you thinking right now?" 

" nothing!! I swear! " Hyoyeon defended herself. 

Eunhyuk laughed at her reaction, " I was just kidding, come here. " He said as struggled to move over to make room on the bed. 

Hyoyeon didnt hesitate and laid beside him. " Does this hurt?" She asked as she placed her head on his chest. 

" Its a good kind of pain. " He replied with a smile. 

She chuckled at his response, " Your dad just approved of me didnt he?" 

" I guess so. " Eunhyuk smiled, " What was he talking about earlier? ABout you being scared or whatever. "

" We were talkng outside and I made this whole speech about fighting for you and all that. " Hyoyeon answered. 

" Aweh, so sweet. " Eunhyuk . 

" Yah, stop, do you want me to leave?" She playfully threatened him. 

" I was joking, " Eunhyuk hugged her tighter and didnt care about the pain, " It's good, he finally listened. " 

Hyoyeon nodded and smiled before looking up at him, " Anyways, stop talking and get some rest. " 

" But Im not tired, " He whined. 

" Well- I am so let me rest. " She cutely smiled and cuddled closer to Eunhyuk. 

Eunhyuk smiled and mummbled something, " I would kiss your head right now, but I cant really move my neck. " 

This caused Hyoyeon to giggle and got up to kiss his forehead, " There, now go to sleep. " she said, but before she could get comfortable, Eunhyuk spoke again. 

" Yah, you forgot something. " He said which got her attention. She looked up and saw Eunhyuk making a kissy face. 

" Aish, are you serious?" Hyoyeon giggled. 

" Im deadly serious. " Eunhyuk smiled. " I missed you, I at least need a kis- " 

Hyoyeon didnt argue and kissed his lips. It wasnt to shut him up, but because she also missed Eunhyuk, she needed a kiss. Eunhyuk happily responded by kissing her back. They knew where this was going to lead to, but they couldnt stop themselves. Her body was already climbing on top of his and his hands where already under her shirt. Hyoyeon was too into it that she didnt even realize Eunhyuk was groaning from her sudden weight, but Eunhyuk didnt even care and continued kissing her lips.

" AHA, I KNEW IT, OH MY GOD. " They heard Heechul's loud voice. The couple was shocked, which made Hyoyeon fall off the bed. 


" Do you guys ever hear of knocking?" Eunhyuk mummbled and looked down to see Hyoyeon, " You okay?" 

" Of course she's not. " Donghae answered, " We just ruined their moment. " Hyoyeon stood up and threatened to hit all of them. 

" Uh oh, blondie's getting mad. " Jessica teased. 

" Aish, why did you guys come back?" Hyoyeon glared at them. 

" I forgot my sweater. " Heechul spoke. 

" Heechul forgot his keys. " Donghae spoke.

" Donghae forgot his jacket. " Jessica spoke. 

" I forgot my hair tie. " Yuri spoke which caused everyone to look at her. 

With different answers at the same time, the couple glared at them, " You guys came back to spy on us! " Hyoyeon yelled. 

" No! You cant prove that! " Jessica defended them. 

With all the yelling, a nurse came by, " Im sorry, but all of you guys have to be quiet or leave. A lot of our patients are complaining. " 

" Yeah, go leave. " Eunhyuk scoffed. 

" Sorry. " All 4 bowed, then turned to the couple, " Just to remind you, we'll be back tomorrow. You better be ready with all your clothes and stuff. " They all sang before walking out of the room. 

The couple couldnt stop and look at each other. " At least my parents didnt see it. " Eunhyuk smiled. 

" Aish, that would've been embarrassing. " Hyoyeon shivered at the thought. She began taking the extra blanket by Eunhyuks bed and placed it on the couch. 

" What are you doing? " Eunhyuk asked. 

" Setting up my bed, what do you think?" She said like it was obvious. 

" But I thought you were gonna sleep here. " He frowned as he pointed on the bed. 

Hyoyeon chuckled and ignored his puppy face. " Good night, Hyuk. " She chuckled as she went under the blanket. 

" Fine. " Eunhyuk pouted then smiled when he looked at Hyoyeon, " Night, Hyo. " He said. 



" Where are you? " The blonde girl said on her phone and took off her sunglasses once she entered the building. 

" Sorry, Hyo, I cant go right now. " The person said. 

" Aish, but you promised you'd come with me! Im already at the mall. " Hyoyeon whined. 

" Something  came up, dont blame me. " 

" Aish, you owe me an explanation. " 

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll talk to you later, alright?" 

" Fine. " Hyoyeon pouted and hung up. " Stupid Yuri. " She spoke to herself. She then sat on one of the chairs and looked around, " What the hell am I supposed to do? I look like I have no friends.. " She mummbled to herself. She then sighed out of frustation then shrugged, " I might as well go back to the studio. " She said before standing up. 

Hyoyeon was too busy going on her phone that she didnt realize someone was walking in her way. She accidently bumped into her then heard a baby cry. " Im so sorry! " She apologized when she looked at the baby in the strangers arms. 

" Hyoyeon?" The person called her. 

She looked up and was surprised. " G-Gyuri. "

Gyuri kindly smiled, " I havent seen you for a long time, how are you? and Eunhyuk?" She said as she rocked the baby in her arms. 

Hyoyeon was still shocked, but not because it was Gyuri but because she was with a baby. " G-good.. We're good. Uh- I-I see a lot ch-changed. " She stuttered as she thought of the worst situation. 

The girl smirked in front of her, " Yeah, he looks like Eunhyuk oppa doesnt he?" 

Hyoyeon was wide eyed and gasped as she looked at Gyuri in the eyes. " E-Eunhyuk o-oppa?" She stuttered. She didnt know why but she suddenly felt guilty but at the same time, she was pissed at Eunhyuk. 

Gyuri then giggled, " Im kidding! Dont worry. " The blonde girl sighed very loudly out of relief. " Sorry, if I went overboard. " She apologized. 

Hyoyeon was still caught in the moment and shook her head, " I-Its okay.. " 

" Anyways, if you're still thinking she's my baby, well- actually she's my boyfriends baby." She awkwardly laughed. " His ex abandon him and well- I stepped in and helped. " She proudly smiled. 

Hyoyeon smiled at her and how much she changed over the year. " How did you two meet?" She asked. 

" Its kind of weird, it all started off with me hating him but then suddenly I started liking him, you know. " Gyuri smiled. 

She smiled at Gyuri and could tell that she was in love because of the way she smiled. " I know exactly what you mean. I hated Eunhyuks guts but look at me now. " She laughed. " You still didnt answer me, how did you two meet?" 

" Well, lets just say he was the one who got me in trouble with my dad and also my mom. " She shook her head in disappointment but laughed at the same time. " He was the one who bumped into my car and he kept blaming me- so I was late for work which pissed off my dad and the car had a scratch which pissed off my mom. Now, I thought that was the last time I would meet him, but somehow, we ended up being partners since he was a saleman and my dad trusted me with this whole new project." 

" Well, I can already tell that worked out fine. " Hyoyeon smiled. She then remembered something and exclaimed, " Oh yeah! I forgot to thank you. " 

" For what?" Gyuri tilted her head. 

" For letting Eunhyuk go. I know it was hard bu- " Hyoyeon was cut off by her. 

" Dont worry about it, I know I treated you badly and I should apologize. " Gyuri frowned. 

Hyoyeon opened but was interuppted by her phone. " Hello?" She answered. 

Yah, where are you?" They spoke. 

" At the mall, why?" 

" Come to the office. " 

" Now?" 

Yes, no questions ask. Just come! " They said before hanging up. 

Hyoyeon sighed and chuckled at Eunhyuks childish behaviour. She turned to Gyuri who was busy with the baby, " I have to go now, Eunhyuks calling me. " 

Gyuri nodded with a smile, " Alright, it was nice seeing you. " 

" You too. " Hyoyeon smiled before both of they walked seperate ways. She was proud of Gyuri, she changed so much that Hyoyeon even thought that Eunhyuk would give her a chance. The thought made her laugh by herself and made it look like she was crazy as she walked into her car. 


Hyoyeon drove to the company building and couldnt help but smile when everyone began to bow once she entered. " Annyeonghaseyo. " People bowed once they saw the blonde girl walk in the office. 

" Yah, didnt I say not to bow to me?" The blonde girl chuckled. 

" Sorry, Hyoyeon-sshi. " They apologized. 

Hyoyeon chuckled, " Aish, you people are making me feel so old, I need my swag on, come on, guys. " She said as she crossed her arms like a gangster. She laughed at her own joke and couldnt help but get embarressed. " Im gonna go. " She couldnt stop thinking about what she just did and quickly ran to the elevator. 

Right when the elevator opened, she was greeted by another group of employees.

" Ms. Kim! What brings you here?" Eunhyuks secretary asked with a smile. 

" To see Obama, what do you think?" One of the employees laughed. 

Eunhyuks secretary glared at them, " Yah, just because Ms Kim is here doesnt mean she's for CEO. Plus, Mr Lee isnt even here. " 

Hyoyeon tilted her head in confusion, " He's not here? Do you know where he went?" 

The employees shook their head, " Nope, he left about 10 minutes ago. It was weird actually, Mr Lee couldnt stop smiling the whole day. " They giggled. 

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes and took out her phone, " That Hyukjae told me to meet him here, aish. " She scoffed and dailed his number. Once he answered, she began yelling at him, " Yah! Where the hell are you? You told me to meet you here, but you're not here. Im supposed to be at the mall right now- well, actually in the studio, but you - " 

Change of plan, meet me at the roof of the building. " Eunhyuk interuppted her. 

" What? why?" Hyoyeon frowned. 

" Please. " 

" I bet you anything you're not there. " 

" I am, I swear. You can go take all of my wine bottles at home if Im not there. " 

Yah, you're making me sound like alcoholic. " 

" Well- you are actually. " 

Hyoyeon gasped at his honesty and scoffed, " Just come here. " 

No, please just come here. " 

" Its too far. " 

" We'll go to the club later! Bangkok?" 

" Yah! Are you seriously trying to buy with that?! " Hyoyeon scoffed when she heard Eunhyuk laughing, " Lee Hyukjae you better there, if you're not, you're dead. " She said before hanging up her phone. She rolled her eyes at her phone and quickly walked to the elevator and pressed the highest level of the building. 

She walked out the elevator and had to go up the stairs to reach the roof. Once she opened the roof door, she saw Eunhyuk across the roof with his cheeky grin. " Yah, why... the hell would... you make me ...climb all those stairs?" She tried to catch her breath.

Eunhyuk just chuckled, " Sorry, hyo. " 

" Sorry? You made me- " She stopped her sentence when she saw Eunhyuks hands behind his back. " What are you hiding?" 

Eunhyuk slipped the red rose into his sleeves and took out his hands to show here. " What do you mean?" He innoccently said. 

Hyoyeon suspiciously looked at him and began walking towards him, " Turn around. " 

" No. " Eunhyuk walked back, causing her to yell. 

" Yah! Are you stupid? You're on a roof! " She held her chest from a short heart attack.

He smiled at her and spoke, " Close your eyes. " He randomly said.

She looked at her with a confused expression, " What? " 

" Close your eyes. " 

" Why?" 

" Just do it. " 

" Turn around first. " 

" No, close your eyes first. " 

" No, turn around first. " 

" Nope. " He smiled like a kid. 

Hyoyeon crossed her arms and shook her head. " Lee Hyukjae, tell me what you're doing right now. " 

Eunhyuk stepped back to the very edge of the roof, causing her to yell at him as she ran to him, " STOP. " He yelled at her which made her panic even more, but because he was on the edge, she had to stop. 

" Eunhyuk, please, come here now. " Hyoyeon's heart was shaking. 

He shook his head with a kid-like smile, " If you dont want to close your eyes then fine. I'll just show you the magic trick I was planning on doing after this magic trick but since you wont close you- " Before he could finish, she cut him off. 

" Okay fine, show it but show me right here." She said as she pointed to the spot right next to her. She was so desperate to get him off the edge.

He shook his head once again, " Watch. " He smiled and started doing random things with his hands and made sound effects from his mouth. He then joined his hands together which gave him a chance to grab the stem of the rose and took it out. " Boom! Magic! " He said as he held the red rose up. 

Hyoyeon clapped but still had that nervous smile. " Wow, good job! Now come here! " She yelled.

He shook his head again, " Nope, one more trick. And this one is the best magic ever. " 

" LEE HYUKJAE! " She yelled louder. 

" If you want me to come there, you have to close your eyes. " He smirked. 

Hyoyeon glared at him and managed to calm down a little bit. " FINE, but you have to promise me, you're going to get off that edge. ARASSO?" She yelled. 

Eunhyuk smirked, " I promise. " 

Hyoyeon slowly closed her eyes and held onto her chest. She managed to control her breathing from being nervous and focussed on Eunhyuks voice. Everything was quiet and all she could hear was the distant car engines from the streets. 

She didnt hear anything and called his name, " Eun- " Before she could even say his name and open her eyes, he yelled. 

" Yah! No cheating! " He yelled. 

She immediantly closed her eyes, " J-Just be careful. " 

After a few seconds of waiting, she was about to open her eyes from frustation but only heard her boyfriend scream. " AHHH. " 

She immediantly opened her eyes and was shocked that Eunhyuk was no longer in front of her. Her heart dropped and ran to the edge. She looked at the ground but didnt say anyone there. Her whole body couldnt stop shaking and looked everywhere for him. 

" E-eunhyuk! " She yelled, close to tearing up. " This- this isnt funny! Come out! If you dont come out, Im leaving you! " She cried.

Hearing no response, she ran down the stairs and took the elevator down. She ran with her fastest speed and went outside the building. She looked everywhere and didnt see her boyfriend, but all she saw was a red rose on the ground. She was wide eyed and couldnt stop herself from shaking. She slowly walked towards it and picked it up. She gasped and covered , but before she could release her tears, she saw something from the corner of her eyes. 

She looked at the building wall and saw Eunhyuk hanging down from one of the windows. He still had his gummy smile on and his whole face was red from hanging upside down. 

She slowly walked towards him with a mixed emotions; angry, relieved, hurt, shocked- a bunch of emotions. She didnt know what to do with him. She just stared at him with a blank expression once they were face to face. 

 Eunhyuk smiled and opened his hand to reveal a ring. He held it to her face with a huge smile, " Best magic ever right? Will you - "

Before he could even propose to her, she exploded. " ARE YOU FU CKING CRAZY?" She yelled and started hitting him. 

" Y-yah! Yah! " Eunhyuks smile dropped and used his arms to protect himself. Hyoyeon finally stopped and glared at him before stomping away. " G-guys! Bring me down! " He turned to his side. 

Hyoyeon heard people grunting and turned around to see Donghae, Heechul, Yuri, Jessica, and Jongsuk holding onto the rope that held Eunhyuk. She glared at all of them, " You even brought them too? Aish! " She yelled at all of them and stomped away. 

" Hurry! " Eunhyuk yelled. 

" Y-Yo-you're so heavy! " All of them yelled. 

The gang slowly brought him down and rushed to his side to untie him. Once he was let go, he rushed to her and pulled her by the arm. " Yah, wait. " Once he pulled her to face him, he saw her tears. " Im sorry okay? Im sorry. " He couldnt help but chuckle a little at her cute reaction. 

" Why would you do that?" Hyoyeon sniffed and constantly hit him. 

Eunhyuk stopped her by holding her hands, " Im sorry okay? I thought this would be the best proposal ever. " He wiped her tears away. 

She hit him once again, " You could have died! You couldve gotten hurt! " She cried once again. " Out of all the ideas you had, you had to fall of a building? You gave me a heart attack! What if you fell? What the hell am I supposed to do? You're such an idiot! " She hit him again.

" Hyoyeon, Im sorry okay? Sorry. " He couldnt stop himself from showing a smile, knowing how much she cares. 

" I TOLD YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA. " Jessica and Yuri yelled. 

Hyoyeon glared at them then turned to Eunhyuk, " Honestly, I dont even care how you propose, it couldve been something simple like a date or at the movies, at the mall or even at the park, I dont care okay? Just dont ever do something like that again. " She wiped her tears. 

Eunhyuk smiled, " Alright- alright, I wont ever do something stupid again, okay? I promise, just stop crying. " 

Hyoyeon sniffed one more time and nodded. 

Eunhyuk then went on one knee and looked up at her. " Last time I asked you, you werent read- " 

" Actually the last time you asked me was today and you gave me a heart attack. " Hyoyeon corrected him but still had that frown. 

He chuckled, " Okay- uhm, first time I asked you, you said you werent ready. I told you i'd wait and I did, but Im not really sure how long Im supposed to wait. I cant really say that I want you to be the first person I see when I wake up since that already happens everyday, " He gave a nervous laugh and caused Hyoyeon to smile, " But I want you to be the girl that gets my name, I want you to be the girl that will be beside me in that alter, I want you to be the mother of my kids, the woman that my kids will call ' their mom ' Kim Hyoyeon, I want you to be there for me everyday and every minute of my life. " He then took out the ring from his pocket and looked up at her, " Will you marry me?" 

Hyoyeon couldnt stop her tears from flowing down again and wiped them. She looked at her friends who gave a thumps up while Jessica and Yuri were shaking their heads but with a cheeky smile. Hyoyeon chuckled a little and wiped away her last tear before looking at Eunhyuk who's been waiting for answer. 

" Of course I will. " Hyoyeon smiled. 

Right when she said that, Eunhyuk immediantly carried her into a hug. " YESS! WOOOH! " He yelled and saw his friends smiling at them as they cheered. Hyoyeon laughed at his reaction and cupped his face to give him a kiss. 

" I love you, you know that?" Hyoyeon mummbled against his lips. 

" I know. " He smiled and put her down. He rested his forehead on hers, " I love you too. " He smiled. 

" GUYS, GET A ROOM! " Heechul yelled. 

" SHUT UP, YOU RUINED THE MOMENT. " Jessica hit him on the arm. 

Heechul glared at her and wanted to hit her but couldnt. Instead, he yelled at Donghae, " YAH, GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND TO . " 

" SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND. " Donghae defended himself.

Jongsuk scoffed, " Not yet. " 

" Donghae, what happened to your game? You used to be so confident. " Yuri remarked. 

" Yeah, whats wrong with you?" Eunhyuk smiled and turned to his cousin, " I already asked her to marry me, when are you gonna ask Jessica to be your girlfriend?" He teased them. 

Donghae quietly cursed at him and Jessica couldnt stop but to blush. Everyone laughed at them and began nudging Jessica and Donghae.


Later that day, the gang had a party just for them to celebrate. Everyone was smiling and laughing, they all just enjoyed each others companies. As for Hyoyeon, she couldnt stop staring at Donghae who kept smiling and looking at Jesisca while she talked to him. Her eyes kept going back and forth to the 2 boys in her life, Eunhyuk who was beside her with his gummy smile and Donghae. 

" What?" Eunhyuk looked at her when he caught her looking at him. 

" Nothing, " Hyoyeon smiled then looked at Donghae, " It feels so different now- like good different. Donghae finally getting that girl he's always been looking for. You and I are finally together. I cant help but think about how much you 2 changed. " She giggled at the memories. 

" Tell me about it. Donghae used to be a player, look at him now. He's trying to get one girl. " Eunhyuk smiled. 

" Its not just him, " Hyoyeon laughed, " I remember when I met you, you hated everyone, wouldnt say sorry to an innocent girl that accidently spilled alcohol on you and you couldnt even read one page from a book. And now? You're the CEO of your company and you cant even stand it when I cry in front of you. " She said as she slipped her hands on his waist. 

Eunhyuk pulled her closer, " What do you expect? I spent like every week with you, your goodness just rubbed off me. " 

Hyoyeon smiled and gave him a quick kiss. Before she could even turn her head back to the front, Eunhyuk placed his hands on the other side of his cheeks and made her face him. He kissed her on the lips which made her giggle. Both couldnt help but smile between their passionate kiss, it felt like their story is about to begin all over again. 















Im finally done! Im so sorry for the long wait- I've been quite busy for a while and didnt have the chance to update it. Thank you guys for reading my story and I hope you guys willl read more of my stories. I am still thinking about my new story- I still dont know who and what I should write about. Anyways, feel free to make any suggestions. 

Thank you guys for reading my story again!!! Tell me what you guys think of it and especially tell me your most favourite part of my story - I'll be glad to hear it! :)) 

By the way, Im pretty sure some of you guys know where I got the ending from hahha, I didnt mean to copy it- it was just a favourite show of mine :)

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uswatun_elfishy #1
Chapter 28: Ahhhh love it ❤
uswatun_elfishy #2
Chapter 19: Aishhh you have to be responsible because it made me shed tears very much:"(
Chapter 28: One of the best stories here~
Well actually there are many fav parts i can't count them it will be the whole story LOL
Anddie #4
Chapter 28: I love this its awsm i cant stop smiling when reading this fanfic
Chapter 28: Aww you added the got to believe scene with kathniel right?? c'; (if i'm not mistaken..)
Chapter 28: The proposal was so wacky and cute XD I feel like this chapter is a coaster, it was funny,sad, dramatic, hilarious, and all of those things :') You did a really good job!!! I absolutely loved this last chapter, beginning to end! <3
Congrats on finishing this story! My favorite part of the story? Hmm I guess it's when Eunhyuk defended Hyoyeon at school. It was intense and touching that it showed that he'll turn into a violent badass when it comes to his Hyobaby lol. I have a lot of fav moments~ I hope you'll continue writing, you're a talented author and my favorite author on AFF :) You should write another supergen story (HyoHyuk?? *wink**wink*)
seulswept #7
Chapter 28: Your next story should be a sequel. I loved this story. You're a fantastic author. Thank you for writing this, especially bc I'm Hyoyeon biased.
myangelhyo #8
Chapter 28: Wow really awesome story & happy ending hope u mk another hyohyuk story
Chapter 28: What an amazing story. You are such a great author, you should write more story especially Hyohyuk. The alcohol and bangkok thingie is kindda funny. Great job author-nim