
That Person From The Past



               With both his hands resting on the table supporting his upper weight, Myungsoo leans forward, closing the little gaps between them while she just sat there, immobile. A smirk crept onto the corner of his lips seeing the girl before him as she begins to back away from him, slumping even further into the chair, shivering as if she was praying for the chair to swallow her alive there.

               "Why are you looking so tense? Relax a bit Ms. Lee, it's just me though." He spoke ever so calmly before a snigger escapes his lips that he hides behind his palm, shaking his head sideways in a playful manner at the girl. 

               With her eyes firmly fixed on the gold nameplate on top of the mahogany furniture before her, Jieun continuosly bit on her lips, still trying to outcome the nervous feeling as her manager leans closer to her. His gaze alone is enough to burn holes into her. Hesitantly, she backs away to recline on her seat, trying to find a relaxing position as her eyes now trained on her laps where she keeps playing with her fingers wishing to lessen the anxieties that trying to consume her. Her eyes once again found his as his voice rang followed by a playful snickers. Lowering her head a bit , Jieun gathers herself to look into the guys' eyes for a split second as her lips starting to tremble. 

               "I'm sorry, Manager Kim..." 

               If it was possible, his smirk grew even wider leaving a permanent trail on his lips at hearing the girl's voice which drips with fear on each words she utters. 

               Now resting his elbows on the table, he lowers his head and let it rest between the fingers that he entwined together, eyeing the girl before him with his judging mocking stare as he tilts his head to sides a little. 

               "You know what Ms. Lee? You're such a fascinating woman to be stared at. I don't think I would ever get tired at this." He mumbles as his finger reach under her chin coaxing the girl to look into his eyes once again. The unexpected skin contact made Jieun flinch in surprise, almost stumble back crashing onto the floor along with the chair she was sitting on. 

               The finger that was under her skin was now tracing lines on her jawlines ever softly, moving with full of care like her skin was some kind like fragile object that need to be handle with cautions. Every moves he made sent shivers down her spine, goosebumps forming all over her skin.

               "Manager Kim, please be alert that we're at the office. You're my manager and I'm your secretary - we must stop this." Her whispers was almost inaudible to his ears, but however, the guy heard it, that she said he - no, they need to stop.

               "But you know, the wall of this room was too thick for even a high pitched scream to leak out so I guess it's alright, right?" He questioned as his thumb made its way tracing her red tinted lips with a cheeky grin displayed on his lips, making Jieun mentally scrunch her nose in disgust. However, shrugging off those feelings that bugging her soul, an audible sigh escapes her lips.

               "No, Manager Kim, please. Let's just forget about what ever happened between us. Today is my first day working here meeting you, let's not ruin our first encounter with such inappropriate behaviour..." Remarked the girl as she pushed the guy's hand that was about to caress the side of her face as she shot him a glare.

               Myungsoo didn't really expect she'd be pushing him further away more than she've done before but that doesn't shock him though. But by just thinking about what she've done to him in the past only enough to make him slap her across the face and pull a handful of her auburn hair while banging her head onto the office table senselessly. But as the gentleman he was, he didn't. He wouldn't ever did even if he have the chance though.

               As the gentleman he was trying to be, he simply retreats from her and leans back on his chair while nodding half understanding -half mocking at her firm statements with a playful smile tugged on the coner of his lips.

               "Like what I've said before, you're such a fascinating woman -oh, and please call me Myungsoo, you know, you didn't really have to be too formal with me, Jieun-ah." He remarks playfully as he rolls his chair in a circle, stopping soon after he finish before flashing her a playful cheeky wink.

               "Manager Kim, I can't just address you by your name just like that-"

               "Goddamnit Jieun! Stop calling me Manager Kim, will you?! Can't you just call me like you used to instead of torturing me with this ing formalities?!" He cut with his sudden outburst, banging his fist on the table in frustration making the girl flinch in her seat leaving her sentence unfinished. 

               Clutching his hair in his fists stressfully, he let his head falls carelessly crashing onto the surface of the mahogany furniture. 

               Worried at seeing the guy groaning as he keeps pulling on his hair, Jieun tries to reach for his hand, in hope that he would stop hurting himself. Biting on her upper lip, she hesitantly reach his hand as she mutters his name. 


               He slowly lifts his head up from the surface as her voice called for his name reach his hearing followed by a sudden contact of warmth that is her hand on his skin. Her beautiful brown orbs bore into his, a sympathetic smile flashed in her expression. Unable to utter any words, he proceed to eye the girl with a blank stare seeing her lips starting to tremble.

               "It's been seven years... Please... Let's forget about everything ever happens. I'm sorry..." She mumbles silently, hand squeezing his in desperation at her last words. 

               Staring a the girl before he with a blank stare, his eyes never left hers. His hand was still in her, making he feels the vibrations of her as her body starting to shake, just a few steps away from the edge of breaking down. Her eyes were also pooled with tears that she was trying to hold.

               "You left me all alone for seven ing years without any news, you didn't even bid any farewell to me before you go and now that you've come back, you simply say that you're sorry? Are you thinking that your ing apology would makes things better than it was? Gosh, you're just great! Almost just too great of a person who is at guilt!" He hissed as he harshly pulled away his hand from her, startling the girl with his sudden harshness.

               With a sly smile playing on his lips, he threw his arms in the air, stretching his aching limbs before folding them behind his head.

               Disbelief at what she heard from him, if possible, her eyes would widen even further. His harshness and cold treatments was a new thing. He had never been cold towards her before but what shoken her the most is Kim Myungsoo that she knew, had never curse before, no matter how mad he was, he never use the cursing words. Smiling melancholically at the old memories, she begins to wipe away tears that now under her chin.

               "Ms. Lee, you can go continue your works now." He simply remarks as he break off the staring contest they were sharing, making Jieun squint her eyes in confusion.

               "What?!?" She mumbles under her breath, making the guy who now reviewing some documents that was on the table earlier before she came in looks at her again, now showing no interest in her presence before him.

               "You heard me, you can go out of my room and continue your works now, Ms. Lee." He utters as he points her to the locked door, showing the girl the way out itself.

               Not wanting to start any further arguments, Jieun stood from her seat followed by a heavy sigh from her lips. Turning on her heels to the other direction, she walks to the door. Slowly her hands made its way reaching the knob as she reach the door. Hesitantly twists on the knob, she pulls the door ajar.

               The silence in the room makes her feels at unease because she knew well, a pair of eyes was staring at her, burning hole in her back, demanding for her to look back at him, she knew Myungsoo that well.

               But she didn't want to lose to him neither. She don't want to turn to give a look because she knew, if she did, he will just pretend to proceed with those files and simply shrug off her gaze. So she too, decide to ignore his and proceed to leave the room but as she was about to take a step out, his voice rang again, stopping her in her tracks.

               "Oh, welcome to L's Inc. by the way, Ms. Lee."

               Her head snapped back to him, but instead of seeing him in the position he was where she left him earlier, she got startled as she found the guy towering over her small frame with a wicked smile.

               "Others here used to call me Manager L. Kim, but you Ms. Lee, I give you an exception." He slyly remarks before harshly pushing her collapsing her back against the door, bringing his body pressing against hers.

               Freaked out at his sudden aggressiveness, Jieun tries to fight in order to get him off her but not to avail as the guy was totally far too strong for a small girl like her. As he was busy showering kisses on the crook of her neck, she manage to ask between the sobs.

               "Why did you do all this to me huh Myungsoo?"

               "Because I want to make you love me again..."



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There's so many IU shipper out there. This making me thinking about writing a sequel tbh. :'))


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Chapter 2: It was great authornim but why I can't open the link for the sequel too? It said the story under draft status
AdrianaLee #2
Chapter 1: kyaaaaa..... great and i love it so much!! I am a new subbies hear....^_^
Pinlyluv87 #3
Chapter 1: Loved it!!! Sequel for sure~~~
zoeclaude #4
Chapter 1: OMG..OMG..OW-EM-GEE!!!!..You made me very happy author-nim!!... Finally!! I was looking for this SPECIFIC type of storyline for a long time now!!! I hope you really make a SEQUEL!! Please I need a sequel sooo bad!! Please..
My God as in I'm excited.. There are still a lot to be told here that makes my imaginations go further!! But I hope to be able to read the next things coming straight from you... This is promising! feeling H-A-P-P-Y now!!
Chapter 3: Hey.. why i can't open the link? It's said "This story is currently in draft status" :(
Dhanaletta #6
Chapter 2:'re a bad author, author-nim...*crying in the corner* XD
You're making me wanna read the sequel sooo badly....
Pleeaasseee....make it the sequel, author-nim....your story its gr8,,,,;)
Fighting!! your new subbie here...^^
Chapter 2: kyaaa..i want sequel XD

jodriel528 #8
Chapter 2: yes...make a sequel pls... this story is so interesting =]
carok147 #9
Chapter 2: Pls make a sequel~~~
Chapter 2: I agree if you want to make a sequel to this story ^ ^