Hold Me


Kyungsoo wakes up with his head buried in his boyfriend’s chest and an arm wrapped around his waist, smiling to himself as he enjoys the warmth of their shared body heat. He looks up and of course, his boyfriend is still sound asleep. He remembers that they had plans for the day and glances at the clock. ‘8:00 AM’  Kyungsoo doesn’t want to leave the warmth but finally decides to wake his boyfriend up.


“Jongin-ah. Wake up,” he quietly said as he poked said boy’s cheek, giggling at how soft it felt. Kyungsoo giggles every time his finger touches the squishy flesh. *Poke. Poke. Poke.*


Jongin groans in displeasure, “Mm.. Let me sleep hyung.”


“We had plans for today though,” Kyungsoo whines. Jongin opens his eyes, only to see his boyfriend pouting at him.


“Come on Kyungsoo-yah. Can’t we sleep for a little longer?” This time, it’s Jongin who pouts, hoping to get at least five more minutes of sleep.


“Only if you do aegyo,” Kyungsoo says, his pout instantly turning into a smile, the heart shaped smile that Jongin fell in love with.


Jongin groans again, “Hyunggg! You know I hate doing aegyo.”


“But I like your aegyo. It’s cute.”


“I hate you.”


“I love you too Jongin.”


“Bbuing bbuing,” Jongin quickly did the aegyo that promised him extra sleep, face burning from embarrassment. He pulled the blanket over his head, hoping Kyungsoo wouldn’t see the redness on his cheeks.  


“Aww. Our little Jonginnie is blushing,” Kyungsoo cooed as he lifted the blanket, exposing the younger’s rosy cheeks.


“Shut up and go back to sleep,” Jongin wrapped his arm around Kyungsoo and pulled him in, tangling their legs and cuddling until he fell back into his deep slumber. Kyungsoo had no choice but to oblige, especially when his boyfriend was wrapped around him. Literally. He gave him a small kiss on the lips and soon fell asleep to the soothing feeling of Jongin’s chest moving in time with his deep breaths.




“But I want to go to the amusement park!” Jongin whines as he looks at the snow collecting on the window.


“I know. I wanted to go too but it’s snowing now.”  


“But hyung, it’s not snowing that hard.”


“The amusement park is probably closed now. Besides, we can go some other time.”


“Fine,” Jongin sulked.


“How about we watch a movie then?”


“I get to choose the movie!” shouts the younger one as he runs off in search of movies.


“Alright, I’ll go get blankets,” Kyungsoo goes upstairs. By the time he comes back with the blankets, Jongin is done picking the movie. They wrap themselves up with the blankets and get into a comfortable position, Kyungsoo’s head resting on Jongin’s shoulder.


“What movie did you pick?” Kyungsoo asked as they waited for the movie to begin.


“You’ll see,” Jongin smirked, but Kyungsoo was too engrossed in the previews and didn’t catch Jongin’s smirk.


After what felt like hours of previews, the movie began. The title was displayed on the screen and eerie music started to play. Kyungsoo looked at Jongin with a frightened expression and managed to whisper, “Jongin-ah. Y-you chose a h-horror movie d-didn’t you.”


“Yeah I did. Why? Are you scared?” Jongin smiled as he ruffled Kyungsoo’s hair.


“N-no,” the smaller boy stuttered as he tried to focus on the movie. As if on cue, a blood curdling scream made him jump and cling onto Jongin.


“Right…” Jongin wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo and whispered, “Don’t worry. I’m here. I’ll protect you from all the ghosts and monsters.”


Throughout the movie, Jongin kept his word and held Kyungsoo tightly in his arms. Every time someone screamed, Kyungsoo would tighten his grasp on Jongin’s shirt and every time something popped up, a small scream or whimper would escape his lips and he would bury his head in Jongin’s chest. Jongin thinks his shirt will probably be stretched out and wrinkled but it’s worth it, especially if he gets to hold Kyungsoo in his arms.


The movie ended and the credits are on the screen. Jongin looks at his boyfriend and guilt washes over him. Kyungsoo is still trembling, face stained with tears. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have chosen a horror film...’


“You know I h-hate those kinds of m-movies,” Kyungsoo mumbled.


“Kyungsoo-yah. I’m sorry, don’t hate me,” Jongin whispers as he hugs Kyungsoo. They stay in that position and Jongin keeps whispering apologies until Kyungsoo stops trembling.






“I don’t hate you. It’s just that I- I don’t like horror movies.”


“I know you don’t like them. That’s why I’m sorry,” Jongin started to run his fingers through Kyungsoo’s hair.


“Then why did you choose it?” Kyungsoo pouted.


“It’s a stupid reason,” Jongin starts to redden.


“Then you have to tell me!” The smaller boy exclaimed, lifting his head from the comfort of his boyfriend’s shoulder.


“It was a stupid excuse for me to hold you tight and protect you.”


“You’re such an idiot Jongin-ah,” Kyungsoo giggled at his cute explanation. “You can hold me whenever you want!”


“It’s not funny!” Jongin pouted.  


“Little Jonginnie is getting angry.”




“Aww come on. You know I love you,” Kyungsoo gave Jongin a kiss on the lips.


“Hyung is a meanie!”


“How should I repay little Jonginnie?”


“Let’s cuddle for the rest of the day hyung. Then I can hold you all I want!” Jongin blushed instantly after the words left his mouth.


“Okay! One cuddle for two coming right up sir!”


The two wrapped themselves with a blanket and held each other close, Jongin’s arm finding its way around Kyungsoo’s waist and Kyungsoo’s head settling on Jongin’s chest. They stayed silent for awhile, content with the warmth that engulfed them.






“I love you.”


“I love you too.”


“I love you more!”


“I’ll love you forever hyung!”


“I’ll love you forever too!” Kyungsoo sealed his love with a sweet kiss and the two spent the rest of the day in each other’s embrace, slowly falling asleep as the night comes.   


There’s one thing that they both love (besides each other).



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Chapter 1: so fluffy i envy kai cause he can hug kyungsoo forever T____T
Chapter 1: Dayuuuum it's my third time reading a fluffy KaiSoo fic and asffhkajajd my feeeels ^-^ <33333
Chapter 1: man I'm gonna die from all the fluff XD
Chapter 1: OTL hyung, I can't believe you wrote all this. Loved it though. <3
Chapter 1: The fluff
The feels
Mah kaisoo feels
Para-sungmin #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^