
Young, Wild and Free

Regret- remorse, repentance, guilt, compunction, shame. One of the emotions Hanbin has never felt. 18 years of life, alone and independent, what more could he ask for? However much responsibility he seemed to have, he was still a boy. Throughout his youth, he’s always been the villain amongst couples. Solo, lonely, solitary, no strings attached, free, lone ranger. He was content; after all, why would you need someone beside you when you keep all the money for yourself and chill all you want. There was nothing wrong in being single, butin the end, he was just a boy who needed love. Just another boy. Regret though? He had none. He had already learned to let all the guilt flow out of his system and now, he had no burden.


He was the kind of boy who lived for today, so he took every chance at life. They say opportunities knock at your door so do not be scared to grab it by the neck and embrace it. So what did he have to lose? He had nothing to be scared of, and nothing to give up. He still had no regret when it came to his passion. Music and rap was something he could not live without. And when put with 5 boys who made up his close friends who were like brothers, he still had no regret. Giving up his youth for 3 years, shaping up his talent, away from home, with a heartless goodbye to family and friends, living each day while being nervous about tomorrow, he lived in a closed space. How he managed to live, he doesn’t even know. He learned to let go; all those times of crisis, pain and sorrow, he knew he was supposed to give it all up. And anyways, there is always sunshine after torrents of rain and thunder. He had no choice but to throw away the pressure and failures to start afresh. Long gone was the little bewildered Hanbin, and rose the new, carefree B.I. Regret, he still had none of it.

One may wonder how is it possible to live without feeling regret, there was supposed to be a mtter you wish did not happen, etc etc etc. You can live without it, once you learned to forgive yourself, forget about what happened, smile, stand tall and move on.

“The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.” ~ Unknown

We all have something stored in our memory banks of the past that we wish we could have done differently, or something we wish we didn’t do.

As we get older we learn and grow, but that doesn’t mean we have to regret what we did before we learned how to do things differently. If we didn’t go through those experiences, we might not have grown into the strong and knowledgeable people we are today.

What I’m proposing is that we get rid of the negative thoughts—the could haves, might haves, and should haves—and start living a life that won’t make us feel regretful. Not even at an older, wiser age. Regret will only hold you back on your dreams and a human cannot afford to watch life go by.

This is only an insight on what B.I's philosophy about life is like. Jenie talked about freedom so all that was left for me to write about was regret.
Again, this first two chapters are sort of fillers. The true story begins in the next chapter.





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Chapter 5: waaah! New chapter is the best, seriously! Alyyyy, update faster ;~;
And you have a lot of readers btw :P : D
Chapter 5: Hahha..Mark is my bias as well!
Now I wonder what make them apart.
perfectlyangelic1 #3
Chapter 4: oooh I read this before then forgot to save it D: can't wait to read more~
Chapter 2: This chapter rremind me to tbh