you're hurting me

Big Mistake

“Taem, it hurts so much” 


After that day, Jinri keeps avoiding Taemin. In morning – after prepared his breakfast – Jinri will leave some notes ‘I’m going to market’ or ‘I’m going for a jogging’ even she not that type of girl who love fitness. She just makes excuse, and Taemin knows that she lied. He just doesn’t care and feels happier for her absence.


He hates to see her face because it makes him remembered about she isn’t happy and he is the one that makes her hurting. And about her dead.


In night – after doing his dinner – Jinri will go to bed even early in the night. She just can’t see his face. It’s making her heart full with hatred and feel like want to cry. And she doesn’t care if Taemin want to be mad at her because not accompany him for a dinner. She doesn’t care anymore – she is hurting too much already.


She is watching television when she hear Taemin’s car. She turned off the television and get up from the couch. The doors opened, revealed a tired Taemin. Jinri missed him so much but she just passed by him and mumbled, “Dinner is ready,” and walked to the stair.


“Let’s eat together,” Taemin said in a faint voice.


It stopped her to climb the stair and turned her feet and walked down back, she just nodded. She tailed him from behind. Jinri takes her plate and sits on the chair – in front of him. She slowly eats her pasta in silence.


“It’s been a while since we eat together,” he sipped his orange juice and stared into Jinri.


“Yeah,” she nodded and her lips curled into a small smile – he cares even a bit.


“You look skinnier, you need to eat more,” he said as his hand puts more of pasta on her plate.


She stared curiously at this caring side of him as she stopped his hand and pushed a bit, “No. I’m already full.”


Taemin stared in disbelief and taken aback his action by her word, in sudden, his blood is rising up in his body, “Can’t you be thankful that I’m being a good to you?” he said in anger.


Jinri jolted down on her place as she heard his voice. She frowned, “You know what? I’m going to bed,” she gets up from her chair and put her fork hardly on the table, makes a loud sound.


Before she walked passed by Taemin, he takes her wrist firmly and said through the gritted teeth, “Get back to your chair.”


She pulled her hands away harshly, “No, I won’t.”


Before she can continued her walked, Taemin get up and his palm takes her shoulder and she can feels his nail is digging into her flesh as her clothe not so thick.


He turned her body and in seconds, his palm landed on her cheek hardly. Taemin slapped Jinri. He pushed her body to the wall and put his palm on her shoulder tightly, “Since when you start to fight me back huh?” angrily he slapped her again.


A red liquid comes out from her tips of lips. Tears escaped her eyes, her head start to dizzy as his hand not stopped from hurting her body. Her mouths let out a loud groaned, her heart start to beat fast. She puts her hand on her chest and clenched it tightly.


Her weak hand stopped Taemin’s hand. She gazed into his face, and deeply she stared into his eyes, “Stop–” she sobbed, “it hurts, Taemin.”


Taemin stopped and looks to her. Her face is pale, she is groaning in pain, her eyes reddened and there is blood comes from her lips and at the end of her eyes. He walks backward and let go of her. Slowly Jinri body slipped down to the ground.


He runs his finger in his hair and messed it frustrated.


“Taem, it hurts so much,” she said in so slow voice as she feels the pain in her throbbing heart.


He moved his consideration to her, he startled. He walks to her and get her other hand, it feels cold like an ice. He holds it tightly, “Where is it hurt?” he said in panic.


“My heart–” her vision is blurring, she can’t see Taemin’s face anymore. The world is shaking and her eyes slowly closed. Her groaned vanished. Jinri is drowning in a deep black.



“What have you done to her, Taemin?!” he asked curiously as he examined her bruises face and there is cut on her lips.


Taemin sighed, remained silence and watched Jongin as he slowly wiped the blood that comes from the cut that he makes.


Jinri’s face is still has calm on it. She looks like an angel even when she hurts. He puts his face in his palm.


“Why you didn’t bring her to the hospital instead of calling me?”


He lifted up his head, “Are you crazy? What I need to answer the doctor if he asked what happened?”


“Just said the truth, that you beat him and she fells unconscious.”


“Screwed it up, Jongin. You’re not helping.”


Jongin sighed. He turned his head to Taemin. A worried expression is paste on his face, “What are you thinking?”


“Before her faint, she told me that her heart is hurting. I’m feeling worried about that.”


Jongin stared into Jinri face; you must’ve been in a hard time. “I told you, we need to take her to the hospital,” he said in slow voice.


“No!” he snapped, “Can’t you understand that I won’t!?”


“Then, let me take her,” Jongin angrily shouted back to him.


Taemin sighed annoyingly, “Let her be like that, we see her condition in maybe 2 or 3 day.”


“Are you insane? I know that you don’t love her anymore, but how could you seeing her dying?”


“She won’t die okay!” he shouted back at Jongin.


“How you feel so sure about that?”


Taemin inhaled heavily as a loud groan slipped out from his mouth, “I don’t know, Jongin”


Jongin chuckled sarcastically, “I’m disappointed in you, really. What had happened to Naeun is not Jinri mistake. She died in that accident not because you nor Jinri,” he said in slow voice.


“She died on her way to our wedding. It won’t happen if we’re not married that day.”


Jongin get up from the bed and walked to him, he holds Taemin’s shoulder as he stared deeply into his eyes, “Woke up, Taemin! Naeun already dead and you can’t change it! And Jinri can’t be blame because of this!”


He stared angrily as he pulls Jongin’s hand away from his body, “Enough, I’m going out for a walk,” he walked out from the room and closed the door it hardly – because he really had enough, he don’t want to fight with his best friend after all.


Jongin sighed.


“Hey–” he turned his head to Jinri as he heard her soft voice called him. He walked to her and flashed a small smiled.


“You’re awake,” he said gladly, “Did you feel any hurt?”


Her lips curled into a soft smiled, “No, I’m okay, Jongin.”


“Good, you remember my name,” he smiled cheekily.


She bites her lower lips and replied back with a hesitating smiled, “Can you please tell me what happened to Naeun?” She pulled her body into setting crossed-leg and leaned her back on the bed-frame. Her heart still feels a bit pain but she just shrugged it off.


“I bet you already heard just now.”


“I want to hear a whole story,” she smiled hopefully to him.


He inhaled heavily and sighed, “The day you married with Taemin, Naeun had been in an accident on her way to your wedding. And as you can see, Taemin changed. For him, she won’t die if you and he not getting married on that day, he blamed his self.”


She shakes her head, “He blamed me.”


“Look! For now, he can’t accept her dead but we can change it. We can make he feels in love with you again, like before.”


She sighed, “He won’t, Jongin. He never tried to open his heart for me. You can see my condition right now, he hits me. Did you remember the day when you send him home? He thought that I am Naeun,” slowly tears streamed down into her cheek.


Jongin startled, he pulled her into his embrace, “Shh–” he calmed her down.


“He doesn’t love me anymore, he hates to see me,” she sobbed hardly, the tears won’t stop streaming down. "Taemin hates me.


He hugged her tightly and caressed her back softly. Pity you, Jinri.




The door opened, he walked in and goes to the couch – where Jongin is sitting silently. He throws his self on the couch and slowly sighed, “Did she already awake?”


Jongin hummed as he nodded his head repeatedly.


Taemin get up from the couch, but before he can walk, Jongin holds his wrist, “Sits, she won’t opened her door. And I want to talk with you,” he demanded.


He sighed. “Why she won’t open her door?” he sits back beside him and stared curiously.


“She is crying–” he inhales heavily. “She heard what we are talking about just now.”


“So what?! Let she cried her lungs out, I don’t care,” Taemin said in faint voice – no emotion in it.


“ Taemin! Don’t you feel bit sympathy towards her? She is your wife, the one that you used to love, to care about and to life until death. Can’t you see she is suffering right now? You’re married with her. Her name is Lee Jinri, and you’re her husband, Lee Taemin. Just accept that Naeun is dead.”


“Enough, Jongin! Just stop! You’re not in my situation so you don’t know anything about me. She is the one that need to blame in this situation. Naeun is coming because Jinri invited her. I’d already said no to the invitation but she just being stubborn.”


“But that accident is not her mistake, she doesn’t know that Naeun will involve in accident on her way to your wedding. For God’s sake, Jinri is human and she can’t see the future.” Jongin said angrily as he stared deeply into his eyes. If stared can be kill someone, Taemin surely will die now – that’s for sure.


“Stop defending her, Jongin. She is not worth to be defended.”


He sighed, “Then divorced her.”


“Fine, I will–”


“No!” a soft voice comes from the stair, her eyes is red, her face is pale, her hair is messy. Jinri slowly comes down from the stair and walked to the front of Taemin. Slowly, her kneel dropped to the ground. She is kneeling right now. Jongin startled same as Taemin.


Jinri pulled his hand softly and she holds it tightly. She put her forehead on his hand and closed her eyes, “Don’t divorce me. Please, I’m begging you. I love you so much, Taemin. I’m sorry if I’m the reason of Naeun dead. I’m very sorry. I shouldn’t invite her. I’m sorry, don’t divorce me, I can’t lost you,” tears keeps flowing out from her eyes, her voice is trembling, her hand is cold.


Taemin’s eyes widened, slowly he pulled her shoulder and stared deeply into her eyes. There is no sparkle anymore in her eyes, “I’m sorry, Jinri. But this is the best for you. If I stayed by your side, I just hurting you. I can’t give happiness to you anymore.”


“But Taemin–” she inhales heavily, “You can learn to love me back. You can try. Right?” she fakes a smile.


“Stopped it Jinri,” Jongin pulled her hand softly, “She doesn’t love you anymore, let he divorce you. Let he realized that he still need you.”


“But–” she looks to Jongin, she shakes her head.


He cuts her off, “No but,” he turned his gazed to the startled Taemin, “Tomorrow, I’ll send you the divorce form.”




“You know, this way is not right. I will be a widowed in sooner, that I’m not expecting in this age.”


“Jinri, we need to give him a lesson after all. He needs to realize that he still needing you. And I’m very sure, you won’t be a widowed. I promised okay!?” he snapped at her.


“Can you please–” she trailed off, “slow down your voice, because I really hates people shouting.” Her body is slightly trembling because of the shouted and with her vein is starting to shiver a bit. Jinri gulped down her saliva nervously because this thingy is coming back. She felt scared in sudden, and feels very dry makes she can’t think straight. “Jongin,” she mumbled slowly for calling his name.


He looked to the passenger seat, he can see how tight Jinri wrapped her hand around her body and her face is coming back to pale. Her eyes are red and her lip is shivering. Jongin is feeling worried in sudden, “Oh my God, Jinri. What happened to you?”


She let out a hard breath as she shook her head rapidly. Jinri mouthed ‘I don’t know’ and her voice is not coming out even her force it. Her eyes are slowly closed as her heart is throbbing in pain. Jinri couldn’t open her eyes anymore.


Her world is slowly slipping away from the vision and the horror pitched black is coming into her. The black walls that never get a door for an exit that is making her feel scared.


Jinri can hear “Wait, we will arrive in minutes.” “, you scared me Jinri.” “Get up.” And nothing she can hear after that.


To Be Continued.



[a/n; holla my lovely readers /throws kisses/ first of all, thank you so much for voting and leave comments on this story, i really appreciate it like seriously thank you so much /cried of joy/ so now, you're know what happened to Naeun right? omg i really hates myself right now for always making Taemin as a bad character in all my stories. But hey /whispered/ taelli is really suitable for angst /chuckled/ this chapter is long because i wanted it to be that way haha. leave comment and upvote if you think i deserved. if you found any grammar errors, forgive me /winked/ oh btw, i'm in holiday for 2 weeks and half, i might be update this again. bye /this is so long, forgive me/]

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fairyshin_123 #1
Chapter 2: Update soon authornim~~~
cjapsf #2
Chapter 2: Ughhh taemin u jerk!! I hate him here, jinri in pain soooo sad TT
zangsia1 #3
Chapter 2: wow... will taemin realize or he really not able to see past naeun's death?
thanks authornim
azuraes #4
Chapter 2: please update again and I really hates why naeun's memories hunts them
its not fair, i just hope kai falls in love with jinri instead
Krystynah #5
Chapter 2: Thank you for updating! I can't stand how Taemin is treating Sulli. I hope they divorce soon and he realizes what he lost! Waiting for Chanyeol to appear! I love him with Sulli lol.
Brave_Heart #6
Chapter 2: Why these days i kept reading fanfic that taemin as d bad character,
Stay strong baby ssul!!
TaeJinLover #7
Chapter 2: Yeah thats right taemin always the bad character in your story, but i rather taem the baddest than ssul.
Channyeol please appear and make taemin jealous!
Chapter 2: new subscriber here. this is perfect . like really. even though i hate Taemin in here , but this is interesting . keep on update this story ~
Chapter 2: U stupid taem !! I want to kick ur and punch ur face !!
Jinri-ahh :'(
faithandpray #10
Chapter 2: Love the story!! Update soon ^^