First Period: Home Ec

Maknae Academy - DISCONTINUED

"Ah, that pop quiz that Professor Shim gave last week was unfair," Lee Sungjong whines, pinching his friend, Lee Hongbin, on the arm. "Why are you here anyway? I thought Sanghyukkie was your maknae."

"Me? I'm here taking notes for him since he landed himself in a full-body cast after serving Leo-hyung a latte made with vineagar," replies Hongbin, opening a textbook. "What are we learning today? This is home ec, right?"

"Why would he serve the scariest hyung vineagar?" asks Yook Sungjae from the table infront of theirs.

Hongbin chuckles. "Well . . . Your look-alike mixed it and told Sanghyuk to serve it to Leo-hyung . . . So now Ravi and I are taking turns to collect class notes."

"Did you hear? Professor Shim is co-teaching with the headmaster today, and Taemin-hyung is our TA this semester," Oh Sehun says, pulling out a chair across from Hongbin. "Ya, Tao, wake up!" He lightly slaps the exchange student seated to his left as Taemin enters the lab.

"What?" the panda growls, quickly scrambling to greet Taemin as Professor Shim Changmin and Headmaster Jo Kyuhyun entered. 

" 'Sup class," smiles Professor Shim. "I have a schedule today, so I'll be leaving you kids in the headmaster and Taemin's hands after taking attendence--"

"Professor, please don't mark our Hyuk absent, Ravi and I will fill in for him while he's recovering," Hongbin says, raising his hand.

"Ok." Changmin checks off the maknaes. "Well, I'm off. Kyuhyun-ah, there's a fire extinguisher located under the demo table if you need it. There's also one at the back station, and the showers are automatic and will shut off after minute and ten seconds after you press the blue button." And the teacher rushes out, phone in hand to contact his manager.

Kyuhyun sets a basket full of various ingredients on the demo table, calling all the maknaes to gather around.

"Ok, class. What's the best way to get out of dinner duty?"

No Minwoo raises his hand.

"Yes, No Minwoo?"


"Ttaeng! Please open your textbook to page ninety and study. Anyone else?"

Sungjae raised his hand.

"Yes, Yook Sungjae?"

"Throw honey and banana milk into the ramyeon."

Taemin laughs. "Yes, but Kyuhyun-hyung is looking for a less specific answer. So ttaeng!"

"Make it absolutely disgusting and inedible," the Jo twins say at the same time, raising their hands and looking at each other.

"Correct!" Kyuhyun claps. "Two bonus points for the two of you on the next pop quiz!" He takes out the ingredients, giving various maknae teams different ingredients. "Do your worst. Your hyungs will taste these for lunch in two hours, and your grade will be determined via CCTV to monitor their reactions and how you handle the situation afterwards. Good luck!"


END - First Period: Home Ec

20140102 - decided to load the first installment with a lot of maknaes instead of focusing on just one. Sorry if it's no good.


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newtokpop09 #1
Chapter 3: lol...little confusing..but nice!:D
newtokpop09 #2
Chapter 2: k its fine!:D hwaiting!:D
newtokpop09 #3
Chapter 1: PLEASE start off with Sunjong!!!!!!:D^^~