Chapter 2 : The Secret

Summer in My Heart

U-Know : Uwaaaaaa!!! Sae...Saeng? You are kissing with....?!!!

Saeng : (Oh my gosh!) It's just a misunderstanding! I accidentally tripped on Kyu and...well, just like you saw. Bye! *runs*

---------- <3

They went out from Disneyland. In an alley...

Saeng : Shoot! It was so close. *pants*

Kyu : Why don't you tell him the truth?

Saeng : Well...

Kyu : Why?

Saeng : would not understand it! *runs*

Kyu : *grab his wrist* Tell me.

Saeng : Urrgghhh...

Kyu : Tell me!

Saeng : When I was still a kid, I move to Seoul. Every kids look at me like I'm their enemy. School time was a horrible period because the ignores me. One day, a kid named Yunho ( U- Know) befrinded with me. He made other people think positive of me. I really grateful to have a friend like him.

Kyu : Is that so? You don't want him to hate you?

Saeng : *nods* I even lied to him...*sad*

Kyu : *chuckle* You are so cute!

Saeng : What's so cute about being sad?!! *annoyed*

Kyu : *pat his head* Well, don't worry...I bet he will not hate. Tell him the truth and ask forgiveness for him.

Saeng : Alright. I will try.

---------- <3

U-Know's house...*telephone rings*

U-Know : Young Saeng? *pick up his phone* Yeoboseyo?

Saeng : Ummm...Y...yeoboseyo...

U-Know : Why did you stutter like a girl?

Saeng : Bo?! What the heck do you mean?

U-Know : I know why you call me.

Saeng : *gasps*

U-Know : You were telling me thet you are a G---*click* Huh? Why did he turn off his phone?

Saeng : (That bastard! How did you know about it!)

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Next day, Saeng met with U-Know.

Saeng : U-Know...sorry about the incident at Disneyland. I lied to you. *bows*

U-Know :'s ok...Besides, you really a GAY, right?

Saeng : Sheeeshh!!! Don't say it out loud! *hisses*

U-Know : With who?

Saeng : *blush*'s Kyu....

U-Know : Aigoo~ You looks so cute when blushes! *pinch his cheeks*

Saeng : Geh...Sop fit! (Stop it!)

U-Know : Annyeong! Be more intimate, ok?

Saeng : *annoyed* YEAH! Annyeong!

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Next chapter : Chapter Three : Third Party

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this is also my very first fanfic ^_^
Wah I love it.<br />
I enjoyed it a lot.<br />
Kamsamnida.<br />
Sarangaheyo SS501 <3
Who is ???