

"Okay class, so don't forget to do the assignment! Page 253, all 60 problems!"

The entire class groaned while putting away their notebooks, giving Mr. Park dirty looks, full of words that would get you a referral to the principal's office. Not minding the immense amount of homework assigned and while putting her math book into her bag, she caught sight of him. He was talking to his friends, laughing and clapping his hands as he did so. "Idiot," she thought to herself, smiling. She'd always been sort of attracted to Chanhee, but when the feeling has blossomed, she couldn’t remember. She had to admit he was cute, but she'd never say that to his face. Given the fact the Jenny found most boys repulsive and “disgusting,” it was very rare for her to like someone. She didn’t think of it as a serious crush- yet. But many things can change during the course of the school year, and that was what Jenny feared the most.

The bell rang and Jenny woke up from her thoughts. Unaware that she’d been facing Chanhee's direction, her gaze met with his and her heart stopped. For a couple of seconds, he looked at her with a blank expression, but then he gave her a nod and smiled. That just made Jenny's heart race and her face glow an embarrassing shade of red. Coming to a realization of what was going on she quickly broke their gaze, stood up, and walked towards the door, looking down.  

Chanhee laughed and got up right away, too, following her disappearing image, leaving his friends who had been watching the situation, snickering and whispering to each other. “Wait up! What’s the hurry?” asked Mingyu, grabbing his bag and chasing after his friend. “Don’t ignore me, hey!” He grabbed onto Chanhee’s shoulder as he was about to turn the corner.
“What?” asked Chanhee, sounding particularly annoyed.

“Where are you going we have like 10 minutes. What are you gonna do? Are you hiding something?”

“Stop assuming. I just need to be somewhere right now, okay?”

“Then tell me where you’re going.”

“Why do you need to know?”

“Just tell me,” Mingyu said with a smirk, annoying Chanhee was one of his favorite things.

“Will you just leave me alone?!” He looked around the corner to see if the one he was following was still in sight. He broke free of Mingyu’s hold and followed Jenny, trying not to look too obvious and odd.

The rest of Chanhee’s friends, “disgusting losers,” as Jenny called them, caught up with Mingyu, looking as bewildered as he.
“What’s his problem?” Byunghun asked, curious at his friend’s sudden departure. He looked over at Doyoon and Niel, and they shrugged and exchanged looks of confusion. You see, the five of them would usually stay in a bit after class, and then run over to their next class, barely making it before the bell rang, which was a bit stupid, but made perfect sense to them.  

“I don’t know, man. He’s been acting a little weird lately to tell you the truth,” Niel pointed out.

“Now that you mention it, he has,” said Doyoon, “Ever notice how he’s always talking about this one girl? What’s her name? Uh, Jenny I think.”

“Yeah what about her?” asked Mingyu.

“Well, you know Jenny from math class, didn’t they like have a moment just 3 minutes ago?”

“So?” asked a dumbfounded Mingyu.

“He practically chased after her as the bell rang.”

“Okay, so what?”

“Idiot! Aren’t you following this? Our Chanhee is in love,” said Doyoon with a laugh, crossing his arms and going deeper into his thoughts, “He’s probably going to meet up with her to talk or I dunno stalk her, either makes sense.”

“Oh, that makes sense! Good thinking Dodo,” said Mingyu, punching his arm playfully.

“Don’t call me that!” scowled Doyoon.

“H-hey guys look over there,” said Byunghun, smiling, pointing ahead of them.

There they saw Chanhee, standing with a girl, but they couldn’t tell who it was. However they had a pretty good idea they knew who.

whew ok that was the first chapter. i apologize because my ideas are still jumbled together so i don't really know where i'm going with this story, gomen u-u jenny if you're reading this, i hope you like it! ^_^ 
thank you for reading^^ ;; ____ ;; <33

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opparisgay #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^