"Nana-ah~" your bestfriend, crush and idol called you cutely while pulling your sweater as you are trying to concentrate on your winter break homework. "Wae~" you whined back as you try to stop him from pulling your sweater. "Play with me! It's winter you know!" He try to pull you away from your homework to go out to play. "Stop it Myungsoo, my sweater is gonna stretch!" You pout cutely as he do the same back. You guys had a small staring contest and in the end you lost. "Fine fine, let's go play." You gave up and went to prepare to go out. "Yay!" You can hear him cheer loudly. You can't help but giggle a little at his childishness. 
Kim Myungsoo, or best known as, L from Infinite, have been your best friend since you guys are in elementary school. Even after he became successful in his career, he never fail to pull out some time to spend with you. You two were inseparable. In high school, that's when you found out that you have actually fell in love with your best friend. You were scared to tell him as you don't want your friendship to be destroyed. Now you guys are in the final year in college and you have decided to confess to him on your graduation day. 
*Graduation day* 
Finally, the day have come. You look yourself in the mirror to make sure that you are presentable for this big day, the day whereby you'll confess to your best friend, Myungsoo. You reach school and wore the graduation gown that you have rented for this graduation day. 
The graduation ceremony have finally began. After the principal's talk, students start to go up one by one to receive their certificate, finally you hear Myungsoo's name being called, he look dashing as always and a smile automatically appear on your face as you clap for him. 
Finally the ceremony is over and everyone is free to go, you went to look for Myungsoo straight away. When you found him, you walk towards him nervously and try to memorize what to say in your confession. You finally walk up to him. "Hey Myung, congrats on graduating." You say shyly to him. "Thanks Nana! Congrats to you too!" He smile widely and hug you tightly. "Myungsoo, I have something to tell you..." You started. "Oh me too!" He interrupted. "Oh is it? How about you tell me first?" You offered. "Oh okay! Nana guess what! I have a girlfriend! I told my company about it and they agreed!" Myungsoo tell you excitedly. You froze. You did not expect that. You never knew Myungsoo have someone that he love. "So what is it that you want to tell me?" Myungsoo look at you. "I-I- never mind it's nothing. Anyway, Myungsoo, congrats." You force a smile and congratulate him even though you feel like crying. "I-I'll go home first." You did not wait for his reply and just run away because you can feel your tears rolling down your cheeks. "Nana... Mianhae..." Myungsoo whisper softly as his tears start to roll down his cheeks. 
You ran home all the way and lock yourself in your room, ignoring the calls of your parents who are outside the door, you just kept crying. 'I didn't know falling out of love is so painful, oh wait, it's just a one sided love, one unrequited love. It hurts so much.' You continue to cry and finally fell asleep. The next morning, you woke up with puffy eyes and everything just came rushing back into your mind, you control yourself and stop yourself from crying. You washed your face and try to cover your puffy eyes with make up before going downstairs to meet your parents. 
"Are you okay?" Your mum look at you worriedly while putting out breakfast for your family. "Yeah, why would I not be?" You force a smile. "Dear, you don't have to act strong in front of us, we saw the news. You don't have to hide it from us." You father gently say as he pat your head. That's it, you broke down in front of them and brawled loudly as you cling on to your mum as she hug you tightly, hoping it will help you feel better. After the crying session, you and your parents ate breakfast quietly. "Dad, mum," you suddenly call your parents. "Yes dear?" Your mum said gently. "Can I accept the job offer in Singapore that I received last week? The offer is still on." You said as you look up to see their reaction. Your parents look at each other and then your mum nod her head and they look back to you. "Sure. But make sure you'll call back when you are free okay?" Y
Your father agree. And for the first time on that day, you smile genuinely and thank you parents. 
*4 years later, in Singapore* 
"I look forward to working with you, Mr John." You thank your client in fluent English. "Me too. YG company is really lucky to have you in their company Miss Vicky." Your client compliment you. "Oh no, it's my honor to work in the company. Thank you. Have a nice day." You thanked him and bow as he walk out of the your office. It's been 4 years since you left Korea to come Singapore to work. You have now become a very successful woman because you have help your company to close the most number of important deals and now you are the manager of the whole company.
"Good job Vicky, you have successfully closed another important deal today." your CEO compliment you as you walk into his office to submit the report of the closed deal. "Thank you sir. Erm, may I ask if I can have a one month break?" You ask your boss. "May I ask what's the reason?" It's been 4 years since I last went back to my country so I want to go back to visit my parents and also spent Christmas with them." Your eyes softened as you mention your parents. "Sure, have fun." Your boss coolly agreed to your request and sign the form to approve your break. "Thank you so much sir!" You thank him and rush out to finish your work and tell your subordinate what to do when you are gone before rushing home to prepare to go back to Korea. 
You step out of the airplane and breath in deeply to inhale the air of your homeland. You smile brightly and quickly walk out to meet your parents. You step out and saw your parents waiting for you at the arrival hall. You run all the way there while pushing your cart which is full of your luggage to your parents. You hug them tightly and nearly cried loudly because you are just that happy. You walk out of the airport happily while linking arms with your mother while your father push your cart. You were so happy to see your parents that you didn't realized that you just walk past your first unrequited love. Unlike you, he stay rooted to the ground as he can't believe that you just walk past him. Your voice, your smell, your laughter, you. You came back. You are finally back. He finally snap back to reality to chase after you but you have already took your father's car and drove back home. 
"Ah~ it feels so good to be home!" You jump and lay on your couch. "Young lady, just because you just came back doesn't mean that you can just leave your luggage like this." Your mum glared at you playfully. "Fine fine I'll go pack now" you dragged your luggage to your room while laughing. You open your bedroom door and softened to see everything stayed the same as it was before you leave. You walk in and start to pack your stuff. When you are done, you walk to your study desk and sat down. On your desk are two photo frame. One is you and your parents and another is with your first unrequited love. Your eyes soften as you run your finger on his face. 'I wonder how is he, is he still with Kim DoYeon?' You found out the name of his girlfriend through the net 4 years ago. You put down the photo and went downstairs to have dinner. 
After dinner, you went to wash up and change into your pajamas and went to your bedroom after saying goodnight to your parents. You took out your phone and was shocked to see a message on your phone, you have not told anyone that you are back in Korea except your parents. The number was not from oversea so it's not from your colleague. You open it up and was shocked.
Meet me at the usual cafe in Myeongdeong on Sunday at 3pm. 
'Why did he text me? How did he know my number?' A lot of question ran through your mind. You decided to reply. 
Okay. See you then. 
'Thats the best response I can give. I wonder how he is now. I really miss him a lot.' You thought as you fall asleep. 
Finally Sunday is here, you woke up early today to prepare yourself to meet Myungsoo later. You finally settled with a white cute dress and also a pair of white wedges along with a cute white bag. After making sure your make up is okay, you head out to meet him. You are nervous and kept thinking of what to say to him when you two meet. 
You reach the cafe and was surprise to see him there already. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and scarf to disguise himself. He was looking out of the window and watching people walk by. Your heart skip a best when you see him, he is still perfect. Or maybe a little more mature now because it's been 4 years since you guys last met. You slowly walk up to him and sat down without saying a word. He look at you intensely after you sit down. You squirmed uncomfortably as he keep staring at you. You cleared your throat and asked, "so, why did you ask me out and how did you know I came back and most importantly how did you get my number?" You ask in one breath. "I saw you at the airport. You walk past me and didn't realized that I was there. I got your number from people I know. And I as you out to explain to you." He replied. You nearly faint when you hear his voice. But one of his reply captured your attention. "Explain to me?" You ask quizzically. "Yeah, actually the whole dating thing with Kim DoYeon is a hoax." He said as you froze, 'why is he explaining that to me?' You thought. "It happened because Kim DoYeon threatened me, she said that if I don't date her, she will spread fake rumors and destroy the group. I can't let that happen so i agreed to date her. I told the company and they agreed. Then after a year, everything was over, what she have done to me and my company was being brought up by our fans and she was arrested once and for all. After that, I was looking for you. I want to tell you that I love you. I told everyone in one interview that I have a girl that I love deeply and hope that our fans will support us. And surprisingly, they took it very well and congratulate me! They even cheer for me to work harder to find you and some even offered to help me look for you." He explained. You just stared at him eyes widely, trying to absorb everything he said. Myungsoo look at you expectantly and wait patiently for you to reply. After 2 minutes, you suddenly stand up and ask Myungsoo, "where's that Kim DoYeon? I'm gonna ing kill her." Your face show pure anger and look ready to kill that girl if she show up. "Woah, chill, she's in jail now." Myungsoo pull you down to your seat and you finish your ice lemon tea in one breath to stop your anger. "You!" You point at Myungsoo suddenly. "Me?" Myungsoo point to himself with his eyes wide opened. "Yeah you, why didn't you tell me anything about it?" You soften and pull his hand down gently. "Because I'm scared to lose you. Now I feel so stupid because I lost you because I didn't tell you. I don't want to lose you again, Nana, I don't think I can take it if you leave again." He said as he hold into your hand tightly and his tears start to form. You wipe away his tears and smile, "Pabo." You use your other hand to knock his head lightly. "I love you Nana, be mine forever and ever?" Myungsoo confessed. "I'll be yours Myungsoo. Forever and ever. I love you too." You replied and he kiss you ever so softly. Suddenly you hear the whole cafe cheering. The both of you turn around and saw a lot of people cheering for you guys and congratulating you two. 
The new is you guys dating spread like wild fire and soon the whole world know. Of course there will be some haters but you guys stay positive and work together to make everything fine. 
*Chirstmas day*
It's Christmas and you woke up extra early today because your boyfriend will be arriving in 1 hour time. Not wanting to look bad in front of him, you woke up early to prepare. Right when you finish putting your lip gloss, you hear your mum calling for you from downstairs saying that your boyfriend is here. You wore jeans with sweater  and your favorite red converse shoe. You walk downstairs and saw your boyfriend, he was looking at you with a bouquet of roses and he smile gently at you as you walk down the stairs. "Merry Christmas dear." He wished you. "Merry Christmas." You say back. After saying goodbye to your parents, you walk hand in hand with Myungsoo to his car to go to the place he have prepared for you. The both of you sang carols that are played in the radio and was laughing happily throughout the whole trip. 
After an hour of driving, the both of you finally reach the destination. You were shock to see a whole piece of land covered by white snow. The whole scene was very breath taking that you forgot to close your mouth. You then snap out of your daze and ran to the plain to take a closer look. You look playfully at your boyfriend and threw a snowball at him. He look at you with disbelief before throwing a snowball back at you. You guys had a lot of fun but lunch time came and you were starving so you have to leave to go eat. 
You guys reach a restaurant that Myungsoo have booked and ate to your heart content. Then you guys went to Myeongdeong to go for a little window shopping before heading to your home for dinner with your parents and also Myungsoo's parents.
Your mum's cooking skills are always the best that when you took the first bite, your tears come pouring down. The dining table was filled with laughter and joy that you will never forget. You met eye with Myungsoo who is sitting opposite of you and you two exchange smiles, obviously very happy to spend that special day together. 
*The day for you to go back to Singapore* 
It's the day whereby you have to go back to Singapore to work. You are in the airport and Myungsoo is there unwilling to let you go. "Come on Myungsoo, I'll call back everyday, we can skype too!" You forced a smile to try to make him feel better. He still look very gloomy no matter what sweet things you said to pacify him. Just then, you receive a call and excuse yourself to answer the call. 
"Hello?" You answered. "Hello Vicky, congrats on your relationship." Your CEO replied. "Oh neh, thank you. I'll be returning soon. My flight is in one hour time, is there any problem?" You ask professionally. "Oh about that, actually I have open a new branch in Seoul, Korea. I called to tell you that you are in charge for that company. Please do help me take care of all the things there." You boss replied. "What?! Oh okay. Thank you! I'll work hard!" You thanked him while smiling widely. "Okay, I hope to hear good news from that branch." You boss said. "Neh! Thank you!" You replied happily. Then the call ended. You turn around to face Myungsoo and hug him tightly while screaming, ignoring everyone who are staring. Myungsoo was shocked but he still hug back. While hugging, he ask what happen and you told him everything. After explaining, he picked you up and twirl around definitely happy that you are staying. 
"But Myungsoo, I need to go back to Singapore to settle stuff first, I will be back in one week time!" You said as you pull back from the hug. "Okay, be back as soon as possible okay?" Myungsoo caressed your face ever so softly as he look at you with adoration before kissing you gently. "Okay! Bye oppa! See you in one week time!" You waved goodbye as he do the same back while you are checking in. 
After one week, you came back as promised and everything was just right for you and Myungsoo and your life was blissful with smiles everyday just as you have imagined when you first had a crush on Myungsoo.  
From the first crush to the first unrequited love and now the first never ending love. There's always first time for everything in our life. Just that some are painful while some are happy. Life is never perfect, we have to go through test every single day. Because without a first, there will never be a last. 
As I said in my foreword, this one shot is the worst I have written, writer blocks in every single sentence. Sorry if the plot doesn't make sense. I'll try my best to write a better one next time! Do comment and subscribe! :) 
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Chapter 1: I've actually read this story before but i didnt realise that my name is there hehehe.. I've read this story a millions of time and I LOVE IT... THANK YOU AUTHOR-NIM
I'm actually going to read all of your fics now :)
Keep writttttting! :D haha
Chapter 1: Auuw that's soo sooo soooo cute><
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa.. Happy ending! I love it authornim! Good job ^^