Mr. Lee and cross-dressing?!

The Choice

2. Mr. Lee and cross-dressing?!


            When Kris opened the door to his first class, he quickly scanned the room to find an empty seat near the back next to the windows. As he made his way to his seat surrounded by excited whispers of both girls and boys, he looked among the faces of his classmates to see if he could recognize someone (and impress ladies). His search ended up with no success even though he saw a face which looked familiar to him, but he couldn’t put a name on it. He sat on his chair, took out of his bag a pen and a notepad, and looked outside with his head resting on his palm. While he waited for their teacher to show up, he began dozing off still trying to remember where he saw that face.

            On the opposite side of the room seated an impressed Zitao, whose eyes never left Kris’ frame since his entrance, next to the significantly less impressed Minseok and Luhan who didn’t even bother to turn their heads and continued their chatting. However, they all were forced to turn their heads in the direction of the board when their teacher cleared his throat to have the students’ attention on him.

            “I told you it was him...” sighed Minseok.

            “Oh please no!” exclaimed Luhan, letting his head bang on the table.

            The teacher looked at the boy before beginning his speech. “Good morning students! I’ll be the teacher in charge of your class for this year, Mr. Lee.”

            Groans and sighs could be heard through the whole class. Zitao turned to look at the class, surprised by their outburst and looking lost.

            “What’s happening? Why these reactions?” he asked Minseok next to him.

            “I think you’ll see by yourself soon enough” Minseok said, smiling next to him.

            Zitao shrugged and resumed to give his full attention on Mr. Lee. After 10 minutes, Zitao has made his opinion (the same as every one of his classmates, even if he didn’t know then): this teacher is really clumsy. Like, really. With everything. Even his lectures. Zitao sighed in symphony with the class when he, once again, said something completely wrong. ‘So much for a first day…’ Zitao thought before he put every cell of his brain at the difficult task to decipher the words that left Mr. Lee’s mouth.




            Baekhyun was smiling brightly when he saw that he hadn’t Mr. Lee for another year.

            “Hello class! I’m Mrs. Choi and I’ll be the one who will help you for this year!” their teacher said.

            “She seems funny.” Yixing whispered quietly to no one in particular.

            “Of course she is! I had a few classes with her last year and she’s really the best!” Baekhyun exclaimed, turning to properly face Yixing with sparkling eyes “This year will be fantastic!”

            “I bet it will” a deep voice behind them said. They both jumped and turned with shock written on their face to see one of the Kingkas smiling at them. “Hi!”

            “Uhm… Hello” Baekhyun said coldly before turning back to Mrs. Choi.

            “Hi” Yixing said and smiled back to Chanyeol.

            Chanyeol was about to start a conversation (most probably cracking a joke) before his classmate next to him elbowed his ribs and made a quick look to their teacher signaling him to be quiet. Chanyeol whispered a quick “Okay Junmyeon hyung…” However it was too late and Mrs. Choi was dangerously approaching in their way.

            “Really, boys? You start chatting after 5 minutes!” she asked looking a bit irritated. “This is your first warning, at least be discreet next time.”

            “Sorry Miss… “Yixing and Chanyeol both said in unison.

            “So... Where was I already?” she questioned herself before resuming her explanations about the campus.

            “Yixing, I already told you to not speak to them” Baekhyun scolded after a few minutes. He didn’t hear Yixing apologizing because Mrs. Choi raised her voice with a menacing look directed to them.





            Kyungsoo woke up of his semi-conscious state to look at the door which was opened rather violently, only to see the cause of his despair for the months to come. Three of the Kingkas stood there before making their way to the back of the room. The whole class was silent. Kyungsoo was mentally panicking and trying to hide behind his notebook and hoping not to be seen. He thought he was successful when none of them seemed to notice a guy awkwardly trying to hide behind his pad and went straight for their chairs.

            A few minutes after their entry were another one which was also remarkable, although in its own style. Just after the door opened they saw their teacher, Mrs. Jung, who immediately started rambling about having to take care of them, that she was teaching them law and finally seated herself behind her desk.

            “Does anybody have a question?” she asked after her monologue, elbows on the desk, hands joined in the air supporting her head.

            “Uh… Sorry Miss, but can you repeat please?” one of the students said timidly. Kyungsoo groaned. Their teacher sighed before repeating herself and immediately carrying on the lecture. Kyungsoo tried to keep his mind off from moping about his bad luck by being fully concentrated on the lesson for the next hours.




            “Hey guys, over there!” Baekhyun waved Minseok Luhan and Zitao to the table he, Yixing and Kyungsoo took in a corner of the cafeteria.

            “Why are you sitting so far from the other students?” Zitao questioned them as he put his tray on the table.

            “We don’t need them to have a nice chat at lunch” Kyungsoo answered. He then quickly dropped the subject at hand “How was your morning everybody?”

            “It was deadly boring!” Luhan quickly replied before he dig his fork in his plate. “We have Mr. Lee”

            “HAHAHA! So you have him?! He’ll scare Zitao in less than a week!” laughed Baekhyun.

            Zitao turned to Minseok “But what subject is really taught by Mr. Lee?” Silence. The table all looked at Zitao with round eyes.

            “Uhm… That is a good question that you have there Zitao… Actually I think everyone is calling it the ‘Lee Subject’ but no one is able to tell you what it consists in…” Minseok finally answered after a while.

            “Oh please enough of him in our discussions!” Luhan said exasperated his mouth full of food. “What’s new with you guys?”

            “Yixing got scolded after 5 minutes!” Baekhyun announced to them.

            “Please don’t…” Yixing sighed, looking completely regretful.

            “No, really? Yixing of all the people?!” Luhan exclaimed.

            “That’s not entirely my fault!” he said trying to defend himself and made movements with his arms to explain the situation he was on. “I’ve just said “hi” and the teacher immediately scolded us!”

            “So you both already have a warning?” Zitao asked, curious.

            “No, he wasn’t talking with me, it was Chanyeol” Baekhyun snorted “But yeah, they got their first warning.”

            “Oh my, with Chanyeol?! What has gotten into you?” Luhan’s eyes widened then turned to Kyungsoo and said with an apologetic tone “Sorry, I forgot to ask! How was your morning with the 3?”

            “Why, very good thank you for asking” he responded his voice full of sarcasm. He poked at his food once again before sighing “They all acted like I wasn’t there, even the guy next to me…”

            “Oh… Minseok, tell me what stupid things Mr. Lee said this time?” Baekhyun smiled to the latter, trying to bring the mood of his friends up. Quickly, they all returned to a somewhat playful atmosphere, laughing and joking between themselves, not caring about the glances from other students.



            “What is it Kris? You look constipated” Chanyeol joked waving his hand in front of his face, looking utterly amused. The Kingkas were sitting on a table a few rows behind the Nerds’ one. Kris slapped Chanyeol’s hand away, exasperated. “I know this guy over there, but I can’t recall where I saw his face” he muttered, looking straight to the Nerds’ table.

            “You know a bunch of people, man.” Sehun said as a matter of fact.

            “Thank you Einstein. It’s just that I can’t put a name on him.” Kris grumbled, still looking ahead of him.

            “Who?” asked Junmyeon, knowing almost everyone in school and hoping to help his friend.

            “The slender one with black hair and eye bags, 3 rows in front of me” he answered.

            “Oh.” Was all Jongdae said before he began laughing hard.

            “What’s wrong? Are you okay hyung?” Jongin asked in concern to Jongdae.

            Sehun saw the boy Kris was talking about and let a smirk be displayed on his face. “Oh I see… Isn’t it Zitao?”

            “This name tells me something. Come on guys, explain!” Kris demanded to the laughing pair before turning to Junmyeon “You, Junmyeon! Tell me who it is!”

            “Well, don’t you really remember anything?” Kris shook his head in denial. “It only happened this morning though…” Junmyeon whispered to himself. “He’s the guy who ran into you earlier, new student in his second year Huang Zitao. You were killing him with your eyes, that is why you remember his face.” He explained to a Kris who slowly reassembled every piece of his memory.

            “HAHAHA! Really, he can’t remember him even if they’re classmates?! What’s his problem?” Jongdae continued to laugh and everyone in the cafeteria could hear him.

            “Shut it” Kris growled then realized something as he frowned “Wait, you said that he was in my class? Things get easier now…” he muttered the last part.

            “What did you say hyung?” said Jongin, still eating and not minding the others who laughed (even Junmyeon and Sehun cracked a smile).

            “Nothing! Hey guys, did you heard that we’re asked to join a club within a week?” he questioned. “Come on, stop laughing already!” he then stomped his foot like a child, making the others (are they really his friends? he asked himself) laugh harder.




            “Huang Zitao, you are wanted at the school office” their teacher announced after the lecture ended. Zitao nodded and grabbed his belongings then left the classroom and headed to the administrative hall. When he stood in front of the door, he knocked on it and waited until he was asked to come in. 

            A lady in her forties greeted him. “What can I do for you?”

            “I’m Huang Zitao and I was asked to come here”

            “Oh, right. Please have a seat.” She smiled at the young boy motioning for him to choose a seat.

            Tao sit on the chair, uneasy about why he was here in the first place. The lady then spoke.

            “Well Zitao, you do know that you’ll have to choose a club for your college years, right?” Zitao nodded. “Most of the second years already know what they’ll choose based on their clubs from last year. But since you are new here, and you probably don’t know anything about the clubs yet, we’ll let you 2 weeks to decide yourself. Is that okay with you?” She asked. Zitao smiled and nodded “Yes Madam”.

            “Good, well that was all I wanted to talk to you about. To have a first idea of the different clubs, here are the flyers they give to the first years.” She said handing him a handful of colorful flyers. “Have a good day!”

            “Thank you. Have a nice day too!” He greeted back before exiting the room and heading back home. He began looking through the flyers to pass time in the bus.

            ‘Chess club, reading club, theater club, cooking club, are they all boring?’ Zitao thought before his hand stopped and his eyes widened on a special bright pink flyer. ‘Cross-dressing club? Really?! Uhm… Well, I should put it on the side, you never know… Oh, why are the sports club right after this one? Football, swimming, and basketball club? I was pretty good at it a few years ago…. His ride stopped and it was his cue to go back to the small apartment he rented. From the moment he stepped out of the bus to when he was lying in his bed, only one thought stayed in his mind.

            ‘Who are the people in this cross-dressing club? And what are they doing exactly?




A/N : Hey, it's me again! I'm back with the second chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! I'm sorry I thought I would have been able to give it to you sooner but I had a mini panic-attack a few days ago and I didn't have the mood for writing for 2 days... (And I don't plan on taking the metro any time soon if it's to be stuck between 2 stops without lightning... And I almost missed the train!)

But to make it up for your patience, I have a fun fact for you about this story *wink*

Fun Fact #1 : Zitao's flat is only at a 15min walk from the university but he's taking the bus because he's (often) lazy!

Thank you to my beta, and thank you guys for reading this, upvoting and commenting! I'm really happy! I'll go back to work on the 3rd chapter right now! Love y'all!

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Writer's block... Sorry, I'll do my best!


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I hope you'll update this soon hehe..
Chapter 13: Thanks for updating...
DevilNextToYou #3
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 10: Daejaeeeeeeeee
Chapter 13: Still trying to murder Krissu!
Chapter 12: Ohhh the XiuChen! :) Also, poor Kris... He should just become friends with the other half instead of relying on his popularity... I look forward to your next update!
Hope u update soon..
Chapter 11: Oh no! Baekhyun was scholded! And Chanyeol didnt even tell him he was his date! Mannn! Yixing and Suho are starting to get to know each other more tho ;3 please update soon, i really cant wait for your next chapter
Eshinco #9
Chapter 9: omo soo goood our bacon needs to be happy!!!
update soon please!!!
Chapter 8: update soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~