Chapter 11

겨우살이 (Mistletoe) -HIATUS-

Yung-Hee's P.O.V

 As he hugged him back , I pulled away and he looked at me with a puzzled face."What's wrong?" He asked."Nothing...I felt your phone vibrate." I answered and smiled shyly."Oh? Thanks for telling me.I can be quite deaf sometimes." He chuckled.Kai took out his phone from his pocket and unlocked it , reading the text message he received.

 "Uh oh." He sighed and looked at me with puppy eyes."Did something happen?" I questioned , concerned."Well , A-Ra got in hospital." He heaved and wrapped his hands around my waist , putting his chin onto my left shoulder , whispering sweet nothings into my ear."Kai , you should go visit her." I said with a slightly cracked voice , not actually wanting to let him go.I don't know why , but I feel like I need to keep him away from A-Ra.

 "If you don't want to let me go , I won't go.I don't want to anyway." He assured , still hugging me."But , Kai.What if A-Ra had a serious injury." I stated and bit my lips." I don't care.I have you." He whined.I removed his hands from my waist and stared at him deep."Look , Kai.I know she's your ex and she broke your heart but I still think you should go visit her.I know, a part of your heart still has some feelings for her." I persuaded and kissed his lips softly.

 "I guess you're right , babe." He said , as he realized."Wanna come along?" Kai continued to ask , playing with my hair."No thanks." I refused his offer and he , once again looked at me with a puzzled face."Why?" He whined and hugged me tight."Well , for one , A-Ra will be insane if she sees me with you.And two , I think it's best if you have some private time with her." I said while fondling with my little fingers.He grabbed my arms which made me stop fondling with my fingers.

 "You have to come along." He begged."I don't know Kai ... I don't want to break her heart even more." I hesitated."Please? For me? She's your roomate , and we already broke up.I'm sure she'll understand." He continued to beg and beg , until I was fed up with his childish acts."Okay , okay.I'll come with you." I gave up.

 He kissed my lips and whispered , "Thanks , baby." i smiled and whispered back , "You always change what you call me , huh?" He smirked and said , "Well , I like calling people with many names." I rolled my eyes , "Whatever." He grabbed my hand and brought me to his car.We went to the hospital and asked the staff there.

 After getting the information and permission we needed , we entered A-Ra's room.A-Ra looked horrible."A..A-Ra?" Kai stuttered as he touched her right hand."Whoa,she's cold." He said and pulled his hand back.I asked the doctor there , who was getting ready to inject her or something.I'm not a nurse , you know."Doctor , how did A-Ra got in the hospital?"

 "A-Ra was found collapsed behind the boys' dorm of Prince High.She was also suspected to be the one who yelled so loud." The doctor explained and injected A-Ra's arm.A-Ra suddenly shot her eyes open as the doctor injects her."Ouch! What am I doing here? Where am I?" She moaned."Relax , miss.You're in the hospital , because you were found collapsed." The doctor explained and smiled warmly."O-oh.How's my baby?" She continued to ask and stared at her big tummy."It's fine.Who's the father?" The doctor asked."S-Sungyeol.Lee Sungyeol." A-Ra stuttered.

 The doctor nodded , refusing to ask more questions regarding her personal information.A-Ra looked around , and finally realized that me and Kai were here."Kai? Yung-Hee? What are you guys doing here , in Frozen costumes." She asked with a cracked voice.I can see she's trying not to cry."Um , we just got back from my sister's birthday party.It was fairytale-themed." Kai explained and held her hand."Let me guess.Sungyeol didn't want to be responsible towards the baby , eh?" He asked , frowning."Yeah..but I wasn't really looking forward to it now , because I just found out he smokes." A-Ra sighed.

 "A-Ra , I would really like to be responsible , but I can't." Kai bit his lips."Why?" She asked.I just watched them , deep inside I feel sad and sorry for her , but a part of me says that I can't let A-Ra get any nearer to Kai.Am I actually starting to fall for him? "Yung-Hee's my girlfriend now..." He admitted and looked at me with a sad look.

   "I..understand." A-Ra half-smiled."You do?" Kai asked , a bit shocked at her drastic change."Nae..sorry for burdening you all this time , I knew you didn't bare to break up with me but you had to.Taemin told me everything.He said there's this one time , you were in detention because I called you to come to the dorm and sing for me.Glad you have someone better than me now.And , um Yung-Hee.I'm also sorry for being mean to you all the time.But you know , I always have secretly thought that you were pretty." A-Ra admitted.

 I tried not to cry there and instead I went next to her and hugged her , not too tight.Because I knew she wasn't stable enough."I hope , if I ever recover , we'll be friends." She smiled and heaved a sigh.I pulled away and smiled at her while wiping away the tears forming in my eyes."Sure.I can introduce you to Min Jae if you want."

 Kai held out his hand and helped me stand up.From his look , I could tell he was really sympathetic towards A-Ra.He's really a nice guy , even though A-Ra is his ex , he still cares about her."Well then , A-Ra.We're going now.I need to drop Yung-Hee off too.See you ... someday." Kai smiled sadly at her and dragged me out of the room , back to his car.He drove off and drop me off behind the girls' dorm.He opened the door and kissed my cheek."See you tomorrow darling." He cooed and winked at me.I blushed and quickly went into my room.It's good thing that no prefects were around.

 After taking a shower and changed into comfy clothes , I laid down on my bed , thinking about what just happened all this time.First , Kai kissed me in public then A-Ra suddenly changed into a nice girl.That's good , actually.

 But , it's not that I don't like Kai.I like him , I just don't look at him the way he looks at me or used to look at A-Ra.Kai , if you ever had time to listen to me , I would say , even though I don't like you the you do , I will try to.I will try to love you.I sighed and looked around , feeling quite lonely without A-Ra.

 I grabbed my phone and I had an unread text message from an unknown number.It read ,

   'Eyy honey ~ I had lots of fun tonight , thanks to you <3 well then , I know you are probably sleeping right now , at the time I sent this message.But if you're not , I just want to say , I love you :D sweet dreams.Don't forget to dream about me. :* - Kai'

 This guy ... seriously? That's just so cheesy.I laughed , put my phone under my pillow and tucked into the blankets , slowly closing my eyes and eventually fell asleep.


                                                                     Author's note

heyy! another update :D so I got a few more subs and a new comment . omo! thanks <3 I never thought this little story I made is getting positive feedbacks. :)

 this story will end in approximately 9-12 chapters more.if you liked it and want a sequel (when it already ends ofc) just tell me! I'm happy to do it for you , but I'm afraid it will be a bit short.About 5-10 chapters because after the sequel , I will make another story :3

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keuleodiack #1
Chapter 10: Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. Can't help but be happy seeing them together♥
Chapter 7: Omgg this story is soo good so far!! When is kai going to meet yung hee??