First Day

It's Just A Crush

"DO EUNJI WAKE UP NOW, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I heard the voice of my screaming mother from the kitchen and sat upright instantly, clambering out of bed as quickly as possible, wanting to shut my mother up. I was about to scream back to her that I was coming but slipped on my blanket instead and fell out of bed, landing on my . 



"What the fu-" I was cut off by my mother slamming the door open and glaring at me. 



"Young lady, did you hear what I just said?" 



I nodded my head furiously, not wanting to get scolded in the early morning. My mother simply sighed and closed the door again. Glancing at the clock, I realised I had about fifteen minutes to get to school and scrambled to get back up. Ugh, are you even serious.



I changed in a hurry and ran to the kitchen, only to realise I forgot my bag in my room and I hurried to get ready on time. Do Eunji you're such an idiot. Grabbing a slice of toast from the kitchen, I shrieked at my mom, "BYEMOMIMGONNAGONOWOKAYLOVEYOU!" Then, I sprinted off.



I can't be late on the first day of school oh gosh damn it. Well, first day of school here anyway.



You see, I wasn't actually in the school at first, I used to live in quiet, nice and friendly Busan. Well, until my mom got a job offer in Seoul and we had to move here, which meant I had to leave all my old friends behind and come here. Just thinking about them made my eyes watery. I still remember that last day of school when I had to leave. 



Eunji-ah, we'll never forget you! Come visit us someday alright, we'll always be here for you! Those were the very last words I heard.



Now, I have to go to Woolim High, where I have no idea whether I'll be an outcast or not. Sighing, I managed to reach the school gate in record time. 



Checking my watch, I realised I still had about a minute or so to get to class. Oh . 



I burst into class, and saw that there was only two seats availiable, and they were right next to each other. Damn, am I gonna be alone on the first day of school? I pouted slightly and took the seat on the right, next to the window. Right at that moment, the teacher came in, and he glanced at me, before giving a bored look and motioning me forward to introduce myself to the class. Everyone settled down and looked at me, and I could hear hushed whispers about me. "Is she the new girl?" "Hmmm she looks ordinary, nothing much"



Ignoring them, I proceeded to introduce myself. "Annyeonghaseho, I'm Do Eunji, nice to meet you al-" Before I got to even finish, a guy barged into the classroom and shoved past me, before throwing my bag onto the other empty seat and sitting down. I could hear a few girls swooning and saying "Oh gosh he's so hot can I die". I rolled my eyes and stared at the guy, furious. 



Finishing my introduction, I stormed back to the seat, and sat down, before snapping at the guy, "Excuse you mister, you don't just rudely throw my bag and change seats without my permisson!" He slowly turned his head to me and stared. My eyes widened, because that look that he gave me was so cold and they practically screamed "do I look like I give a ? Now shut your mouth" 



I swallowed slowly and turned away, muttering a high-pitched "nevermind" that was barely audible.



When the class was over, everyone got up and started to leave, including the dude next to me. he got up swiftly, leaving the classroom without even sparing a glance at me. I could simply shake my head, absolutely baffled. 



Suddenly, the girl infront of me turned back and woah, was she pretty. With pretty big eyes and a perfect smile, she looked gorgeous in just even casual clothing. "Hi! My name's Sooyoung and since you're new here, want me to show you around?" 



I smiled, thinking that maybe this school won't be so bad after all. I followed her around school and she introduced me to everywhere in school, so that I knew the school much better than before. Later, we went to the cafeteria to get a snack before class started again. I got to know Sooyoung alot better after we talked and soon we became good friends, which made my day x1000000 better than it was before.



All of the sudden, the whole cafeteria seemed to increase in volume, as if some American celebrity walked in. When I looked, I saw seven boys walking in and sitting down at a big round table, which was empty until they had sat on it. They were instantly surrounded by fangirls, all squealing at each other. With a confused look, I glanced at Sooyoung for an explanation.



When she followed my gaze towards the boys, she said in realisation, "Oh! Right, I forgot to tell you about them! How could I forget! They're Infinite, the kingkas of this school, made out of seven boys, all with tons of fangirls! The guy you sat next to today, was the most popular one, L, usually he doesn't let anyone sit next to him but you were an exception I guess. Oh and usually everyone fangirls over them, why don't you?"



"L? Are you even serious soo? And why would I fangirl seriously, it's not like I'm in love or anything!" I doubled over in laughter at the ridiculous name.



"Well, that's what people call him, I guess, no one else knows his real name. Also, you're a weird person, Eunji." She says, shrugging thougtfully. 



I glanced back at them but couldn't get a clear view of them due to all the fangirls. Well, all except one, the L dude, who was staring at me intently from his seat, ignoring all the fangirls. I tore away from his cold and intent stare and shuddered. That stare.




Hi guys! Another update! I hope you guys liked the chapter hehe, even though its mainly the intro and nothing special! Do suscribe and comment ((: Future updates might be slow >.< due to personal reasons 

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EXO1127 #1
Chapter 12: Such a great story!!!! Please update soon!!!!!
ezzieloveskpop #2
Chapter 12: Is she calling myung?? Love the story!! Please update soon!!
Chapter 11: Wth? I thought this one is complete -.- ppali finish this one juseyooo
EliseNopuente #4
Chapter 11: Ahhhh update soon pleeeeeaaaasssee ^o^
Cuties ❤
C3cilia #5
Chapter 11: Kyah~!! They are so cute together!!>~<
Chapter 10: Update soon please ^^
In love with this story *--*
milkyyy #7
Chapter 10: URGHHHH borong -.- i love this story so much, please update soon, author-nim~^^
Chapter 9: Aye, stupid borong really really stupid .-.
cute L's pov xD aww /slapped
Chapter 9: Omo!I love this story soooo much!!!
Please update soon author-nim^__^