Chapter 2

Finding You

Jen’s POV


Okay, I’m not really the prettiest person out there. Nor am I the iest. I don’t even think of myself as cute. Just an average plain Jane that gained fats over her high school years.


I know.


I at this.


What you ask? Life, of course. I don’t have a particular dream. Nope. My goals in life are pretty much vague. And it frustrates me that I can’t have a solid foundation to motivate me for my future. I lack initiative. It saddens me that I am like this. But I guess, there’s a reason for this. I mean, everyone has a purpose why they are living in this planet.


Here I am in front of Henry’s friend’s house with a broken right arm just because I fell on it when Krystal opened the door while I was still unconscious.


That girl will definitely receive a beating from me when my arm heals. I mentally kicked myself on the shin for being stupid. Oh well, at least my headache is gone. I sighed. I was about to open the door when someone already opened it. Surprising me completely.


“What are you still doing here fatso?” Krystal sneered at me.


I tried to ignore her and get passed her. She held me back. Gripping my bad arm. I hissed at her.

“Look here.  I don’t care, what and who you are. But try to spread about me and Amber back at school and your life will be a living nightmare.” She stared straight at my eyes.


Her eyes had a fiery look to it. She was serious about this. Even if I don’t spread stuff around my life is already a living nightmare because of all this things that are stressing me out.


“Can you get out of my way? You’re blocking it. And while you’re at that, let go of my arm.” I glared at her.


It took me a lot of strength to pull my arm away from her. Especially, since I probably sprained it. I winced a little trying to hide the pain I was feeling.


I really wanted to cry because of my arm.


I went in the door and I was greeted by a bear hug from Amber’s cousin, Henry.

“MEI MEIIIII! I missed you so much!”


“Yeah. I missed you too you oversized hyper chipmunk.” I chuckled at Henry’s welcome.


I kinda wanted to smack him right across the face since he hugged me with my arm between him and me. I cried out in pain.


“Jen are you okay?”


I shook my head. “ Do I look like I’m fine? I sprained an arm and you squish it between you and me. AND YOU STILL ASK IF I’M OKAY?”


“What happened Jennie?!” His face showed so much worry towards me.


“I was clumsy and I fell on my arm just now.” I wanted to slap myself for even admitting to this stupid lie.


“We’ll get you to a hospital later then. I’ll go change and bring you there myself.” Henry offered.


I warmly smiled at him and nodded.

“Thanks chipmunk.”


He rushed off to somewhere and Amber decided to pop out of no where, scaring the living day lights out of me.


“Can you not do that Amber?” Seriously though, if I didn’t know Amber better she could pass up for a ninja.


“Jen! I want you to meet Henry’s friends.” She pulled me by the hem of my shirt.


“Heeey. My shirt will stretch out.” I smacked her hand away.


She pulled off when we reached the kitchen.

“Guys, I want you to meet my bestfriend.” Amber smiled at the five good-looking guys standing in the kitchen.


“They speak mandarin so… you could pretty much talk to them.” Amber whispered at my ear.




“Anyway, I’m Zhang MeiXing. Or you guys can call me Jen. Its my English name.” I told the guys.


“Nice to meet you Jen. I’m Tao.” A tall guy with dark circles under his eyes.


Must’ve been a long trip from China.


“Call me Xiumin. Or Minseok. Whichever you prefer.” The shortest of them said. He was cute with huge cheeks.


“I’m Junmyeon. Nice to meet you.” He extended his arm to me to shake my hand.


For the sake of courtesy, I returned his gesture and shook his hand.


Someone on the far side of the kitchen smirked at me. He was a tad darker than the others. Nonetheless, he was still pretty much white.


“I’m Jongin, you can call me baby if you prefer.” He said confidently.


I started to chuckle at his confidence. What a flirt.


“Right. Thanks but no thanks.” I said.


“And this is Kris, he owns the house.” Amber motioned towards the tall man who was leaning his body onto the kitchen counter drinking a glass of water. He raised his right hand signaling us to wait for his reply.

“Hello, I’m Kris.” He smiled widely at me, showing a bit of his gums.


Right at that moment, I melted.


He had me at Hello. 

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Isamost2012 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^