25th ♡ December

Christmas Special'13 : 25th December.♡
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“Heartless, heartless, shoot anonymous, anonymous..” Tiffany sang along to Luhan’s holding tone as she waited for her boyfriend to answer the phone. “Hello?” he answered just before they were going to sing the first verse. “I might need your help here, Lubaby,” Tiffany told him, eyeing all the Christmas decorations on the floor. “I’m so not gonna fall for it again, you tricked me over by saying you are in need of urgent help but I help you do your Chinese homework instead,” Luhan said, being cautious. “Beep!” Luhan shook his head as he heard Tiffany end the call.  Then he received a message from Tiffany. She sent a selca of herself with all the Christmas decorations on the floor. He laughed and replied her, “I’m coming,”

 “Just like the Christmas day that I’ve always waited for. Just like the Christmas day oh! When I think about you. I get excited like a kid just like those days, just like that time. You’re just like Christmas day,” Tiffany sang along to Exo’s new song as she waited for Luhan. “Ding!” the doorbell rang and she rushed to the door. “Nice music, I could hear it all the way from my car,” was his first comments. Tiffany just giggled and closed the door behind him. “So, what’s my task today?” Luhan  looked from Tiffany to the Christmas decorations on the floor. It was pretty obvious. Tiffany threw a bottle of chilled drink to  Luhan and he caught it with his instinct. “Woah, do you want to kill me, throwing me a bottle of coke I saw you shaking in the kitchen,” Luhan put the Coke on the floor and went far away from it. “Too bad, I can’t kill you,” she shrugged as she sat on the floor and starts assembling the Christmas tree. Luhan just walked over and helped her, “I can’t believe you want to kill your dear boyfriend.” “That can’t kill you, you fool,” Tiffany used her index finger and pushed Luhan’s forehead lightly. As a revenge, Luhan grabbed the Christmas lights beside him and wrapped Tiffany up with the lights, quickly and tightly. “Heyyyy! What was that for!” Tiffany pouted, not able to move even a bit. Luhan just laughed while holding onto his stomach. Swallowing down his laughter, he took out his phone and snapped a selca of the grumpy Christmas tree and him. “Oh my god, delete it!” Tiffany’s jaw dropped as she saw him post onto his instagram. “New Christmas tree?” He tagged her on the post. “I hate you Lulu,” Tiffany grumbled as Luhan carried her to the spot where the Christmas tree is supposed to be placed. “I love you too, Miyoung,” he kissed her cheeks before hanging a glitter ball onto Tiffany’s ear.

“You already have 32 likes in Instagram already, dear,” Luhan giggled as he scrolled down the comments and replying the comments with, no I won’t release my new Christmas tree. Tiffany sulked as she sat on the floor beside the Christmas tree Luhan assembled and decorated himself. “Won’t you let me go already,” Tiffany sighed. Luhan walked over and poked his cheeks. “Kiss me jutheyo,” he sat down beside Tiffany and mimicked Sehun’s lisp. Tiffany leaned in and pecked Luhan on his lips. “Here,” Luhan then turned to face Tiffany, pointing at his lips. Tiffany sighed and kissed him on the lips. Anything to get herself out of the lights. “Yehet,” Luhan mimicked his best friend again and untied Tiffany. When Tiffany was untied, Luhan ran away immediately with Tiffany running after him. “Hey, hey, Fany, chill, it was a joke ok,” he shot a smile at her before she stopped chasing and crossed her arms. Whoops. Luhan ran back over and hugged her. “Hey, baby. You’re really pretty today,” he sweettalked her. That was the only way to calm her down. She giggled immediately. “You always know what to do,” she sighed and went back to the spot she sat half an hour ago. “Do you want to hang your stocking here?” Tiffany asked Luhan, showing her extra stocking. “Sure, nothing’s bad having 2 stockings,” he shrugged. Tiffany nodded and laid the 2 stockings on the floor before disappearing into her room. Luhan looked into the room in curiosity, “What you doing?” Tiffany reappeared with 2 pieces of paper and 2 pens in her hands. “My family believes if you write your wishes on a piece of paper and put it in the stocking, Santa will give you what you want,” Tiffany stated, passing the pen and paper to Luhan as she walks past him. “Heol. Did it even happen before?” Luhan asked as he follows Tiffany to the dining table. “Nope. But who cares,” she shrugged before sitting down and starts writing down her wish with her pink pen. Luhan sat beside her and wrote down

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Chapter 1: I hope Luhan actually posts something like that on IG XD
AngelAllan #2
Can't wait for MORE great stories like this one.
AllanAngel #3
Great! Fantastic!
AngelAllan #4
Can't wait for more
Chapter 1: Yehet~情爱的我爱你〜haha...so romantic
someasiangurl #6
Chapter 1: Oh gosh that was beautiful!!
Make another one please!
Chapter 1: So sweet..
Lufany (^3^)
Chapter 1: it's just simple fic but so sweet ^^
thanks for this beautiful story ^^
Lufany jjang \^.^/
Chapter 1: Cute, they are so lovey dovey
tiffany_pink_monster #10
Chapter 1: merry xmaa and thx for the lufany fanfic