
Christmas Surprise

Mai sighed as she glanced once more at the clock, having to stop herself from picking up her phone and messaging her boyfriend at his work and asking him when he was coming home. She knew it would be tough to date an idol, but until that moment, she hadn't known just how much. It was frightfully stressful, to wait around for him to return home for Christmas and still not be certain that he was coming.

It would be a very sad occasion if she was home alone for Christmas.

Of course, she could spend it with friends, but it wouldn't be the same as spending the time with her love. Pacing around her living room for the nth time, Mai finally gave up on watching the clock and waiting for his call.

"A watched clock never ticks." She muttered, making her way into the kitchen and fixing herself a mug of eggnog - to ward off the wintry chill.

A few minutes later, Mai found herself curled up on the sofa, Christmas reruns of the Muppets and Carols. Humming along to the tune of some random carol, Mai almost missed the beeping of her message tone and jumped as it vibrated against her leg.

Picking up the object, Mai opened her messages to find one from her boyfriend;

Meet me at Namsan at 11:45, got a surprise.

Mai frowned, as the message was fairly vague. Still, she looked at the clock and jumped high when it read 11:15. She dashed for the bedroom, throwing on as many matching layers as she could find, opting for some light makeup and bustled to the front door.

Shoving her feet into thick winter boots, Mai was just about to leave when she remembered the television was still on. Grumbling about her lack of attention, Mai switched off the TV and patted her coat pockets to be sure she had absolutely everything.

With her phone, wallet and keys safely tucked away, Mai headed out into the streets.


Breathing out a warm gush of air, Mai watched it turn to steam in the cold frigid air of Namsan Tower. She had been met at the gate by security, who refused to let her pass until the pre-arranged time. Sighing at the persistency of the guards, Mai decided it would be best just to sit and wait.

It took a few more moments of waiting, but at exactly 11:45, the guards stepped aside, after instructing her to ascend to the top-most level of the tower. Scurrying inside, desperate to be out of  the biting cold, Mai hurried into the waiting elevator and started to rise to the viewing deck of the tower.

Once there, she stepped out of the elevator and onto the deck, greeted by a fully set dining table and numerous candles that lined the walkway. Gazing around in awe, Mai didn't realise she was walking forward until a cough sounded behind her.

Spinning around, Mai's breath caught in and she felt her eyes becoming teary, as Yesung moved from the shadows towards her. He was dressed in plain black and his brown hair stuck out against the black beanie and the paleness of his skin. Boots crunching against the fallen snow, Yesung moved forward slowly, until he was standing directly in front of Mai.

As the clock struck twelve and the bells chimed - ringing in Christmas, Yesung got down on one knee in the snow, pulled a small velvet box out of his coat pocket and asked;

"Will you marry me?"


Short, corny and eh. My lil Christmas present to my friend :3
Hope you liked it Mai Mai

xoxo Raine

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ChocoCaramel #1
Chapter 1: so sweeeet ^^