
XOXO (myungsoo wtf)

"Get a room, you guys," Sungyeol declares, throwing down his Xbox controller in disgust and glaring at two of his bandmates.

Blushing, Dongwoo tries to untangle himself from Myungsoo's arms. The younger man refuses to let him go.

"Why is he doing this," Dongwoo wails.

Myungsoo grins and pinches the rapper's cheek.

"Because you're so cute," he coos, and Dongwoo shrieks as Myungsoo attempts to peck his forehead.

"Help me," Dongwoo pleads. Sungyeol shakes his head and turns off the TV before heading into his room. He doesn't have time for this .

The older man is left to fend for himself, and Myungsoo is enjoying every minute of it.

"Askjdkafhlf," Dongwoo garbles as Myungsoo peppers his face with kisses. "Stop."


Dongwoo sighs and lets Myungsoo continue with his attack.

He honestly doesn't know why this is happening. One second he was sleeping on the couch, the next he was pulled into Myungsoo's warm embrace and having to shield his face from the younger man's lips.

Dongwoo secretly doesn't mind, though. He's had a crush on Myungsoo for forever, and if having some sort of affection means he has to be a temporary plaything until Myungsoo gets bored and decides to sit on Sungyeol instead, then he'll do it. Dongwoo's willing to take anything he gets from Myungsoo and it's kind of embarrassing but it's hard to think when the person you like very much is your left cheek.

Wait what.

"Myungsoo!" Dongwoo screeches, shoving the vocalist's perfect face away from his. "What are you doing?"

Myungsoo clicks his tongue and rubs his saliva off of Dongwoo's skin.

"Showing my love," he calmly replies.

Dongwoo chokes on air.

What the .

"You're so oblivious, hyung," Myungsoo sighs, resting his head on Dongwoo's shoulder. "Haven't you noticed by now?"


"I like you," the younger man says simply.

Dongwoo feels like he might throw up. Or giggle. Aren't they the same thing?

"I've liked you for so long, hyung," Myungsoo huffs. "Why didn't you see that? I'm always trying to kiss you. At night I pretend that I have bad dreams just as an excuse to sleep in bed with you." Myungsoo's cheeks are a rosy pink and Dongwoo is sure that they're matching.

"I hug you the longest, too," Myungsoo says insistently. "I stare at you all the time when we practice and I got mad when you told us that you were going to be in Infinite H with just Howon! How come you didn't notice?"

Dongwoo blinks.

Myungsoo turns his flushed face away. "I'm going to bed," he mutters, voice trembling as he moves to get up.

Dongwoo wraps his fingers around the vocalist's wrist.

"Stay with me."

Myungsoo looks down at him in surprise and slowly settles back in his position- back propped against the couch, sitting Indian style with Dongwoo enclosed in his arms.

"I, uh. I like you too. A lot. And I guess I thought you wouldn't ever feel the same way so I didn't realize when you did," Dongwoo says carefully. "But I really like you. And yeah."

Myungsoo is silent for a moment and Dongwoo is getting ready to run away when the younger man attacks his lips.


Dongwoo’s pretty sure nobody can understand him at this point.

Myungsoo smirks and stretches out on the wooden floor, cradling Dongwoo close to his chest as he snuggles his face into the rapper’s neck.

Oh my god.

The bedroom doors open and the members pour out, staring down at them. Dongwoo realizes that he and Myungsoo are currently in a very compromising position.

Oh my god.

“Finally,” Sungjong remarks. “We thought it would take years for you guys to get together.”

Howon arches an eyebrow and chimes in, “Were we interrupting something? Because-”

“No! No, you were not!” Dongwoo shouts. “We were just-”

“Uh huh,” Woohyun interrupts with a smile too wide to be innocent. “We’ll give you two some space. Let’s go shopping, guys. I need to get 2NE1’s new album and start a flash mob in the middle of the mall.”

The five file out the front door, and Dongwoo thinks he’s safe until Sunggyu calls out “Not on the couch!” and Dongwoo is so embarrassed that he buries his face into a chuckling Myungsoo’s chest.

Oh my god.









A/N: i'm very sorry. this is a product of my stress.

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Feraworld #1
Chapter 1: So sweet I really love Myungwoo
PrettyPotato1223 #2
Chapter 1: I ship them so much!!!
Chapter 1: Awwww this is so cute and sweet!!!
Myungie is so lovely!! Kyyaaa
Chapter 1: So accurate though xD Myungsoo is always so clingy to Dongwoo
hotterthanasummer #5
Chapter 1: the cutest and the fluffiest <3!
(lmao @ Leader embarrassing them at the end)
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl;' but it's cute though! lol
Dongsoo... it's a very interesting pairing LOL
Chapter 1: Gaaaaaaaaah that fluff tho asdfghjkl;
Why do you do this? Eh? EH?
And how do you make fluff from stress I don't understand how you do it man. When I'm stressed I just cry XD