Say U Say Me

Voodoo - The aspects of love

’What can’t you understand from NO?’ Taekwoon asked in annoyment as he flopped down on his living room couch, fuming as his supposedly best friend invaded his home.

‘Come on, you can’t back out from this again…’Hakyeon chided, sitting across from him on a sofa. ‘You ditched every single club reunion. You absolutely can’t call this off as well!’

‘Of course I can. I haven’t talked with any of them since we stopped doing that silly music club.’ Taekwoon said, sending his best glare at Hakyeon.

‘Exactly, if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even know a thing about them!’ Hakyeon exclaimed throwing his arms into the air. ‘And they all want to meet you.’

Taekwoon knew he was probably fighting a loosing battle but the last thing he wanted to do was meeting people… especially with Hakyeon and his big mouth as an attendant.

‘I know what you are thinking! I promise I won’t do that again!’ Hakyeon said, still embarrassed about the incident.

‘Yeah right.’ Taekwoon said skeptically. ‘Because if you think starting a conversation with the change of my ual orientation on a class reunion is a good idea I have to tell you it isn’t.’

It would have been only slightly worse if Hakyeon broadcasted it on his radio program…

‘But… I just… I don’t know.’ Hakyeon whined. ‘I just wanted to get you together with a nice guy I guess… but I haven’t said anything to the guys! Not even when we got drunk together last month!’

‘Good. But I still won’t go.’


Nope, that didn’t go as planned. Taekwoon sighed looking at the entrance of the small restaurant they were holding their little reunion.

Their little music club… how silly, yet it motivated him to do what he did now as his profession. He guessed it was the minimum to finally meet the guys after not keeping in contact with them… but he still hated talking with people… writing music was so much easier.

He sighed again and pushed the door open that revealed a staircase, leading downstairs to the restaurant. He arrived a bit late, as usual, not wanting to greet everyone separately… better to get it over and done with as soon as possible.

‘Taekwoon!’ Hakyeon’s loud voice came from the back as soon as he stepped down the last stair.

He waved slightly and counted… only four.

‘And Jaehwan-hyung is being last again! Who would have guessed!’ Taekwoon recognized the unmistakable booming voice of Wonshik, who stood up immediately to give him a hug. ‘Hyung, you haven’t changed one bit!’

‘You didn’t either.’ Taekwoon smiled, and it was true. The younger was as lively as ever but more mature, his hair also a natural color instead of the loud ones he used to sport during high school.

‘Hyung, finally!’ the ever dashing Hongbin smiled and Taekwoon hugged him as well. Nothing changed he observed, still handsome and dimples intact.

‘I thought you would come up with a lame excuse again. Glad you didn’t, hyung!’ the maknae smirked, still snarky but a hell a lot bigger then he remembered.

‘You’ve grown a lot.’ Taekwoon said and shared a smile with Hyuk as they shook each other’s hand.

‘Won’t you give me a hug too?’ Hakyeon pouted and Taekwoon hit his head lightly.

‘I saw you three days ago, not like I missed you.’

Wonshik laughed at the familiar display and soon they eased into a very comfortable conversation, Taekwoon didn’t think it would be this free of awkwardness. But then he remembered how easy it was to be around them, and kind of regretted not meeting them sooner…


‘No way… how could such a small dog eat a phone?!’ Hyuk exclaimed, looking in disbelief at Hongbin.

‘Well that’s what I thought too… until I saw the radiograph.’ Hongbin chuckled, as he told the details of his life as a vet. ‘I’m sure Mr. Lawyer never experience things like that.’

‘Well, duh. But I see enough animals, thank you very much.’ Hyuk laughed and earned a neck-chop from Hakyeon.

‘Don’t be rude, maknae.’ he chided and Taekwoon rolled his eyes at their mother-figure.

‘But that’s true for these hyungs too, Wonshik-hyung only sees reports he needs to write anyway.’ Hyuk continued, sending a smirk at Wonshik.

‘The exciting life of a rookie police officer…’ Wonshik said as his eyes wandered to the entrance and a grin spread out on his features. ‘Look who is here finally!’

‘Guys!’ came a shout from the stairs and Taekwoon turned around to see the oncoming storm of energy.

And kind of stayed like that… Was that really Jaehwan? The slightly chubby, curly haired and bearer of hideous glasses Lee Jaehwan? No way…

‘You are late, hyung!’ Hongbin waved with a laugh.

‘Sorry, sorry! One parent was late for his kid, I couldn’t just leave him there alone!’ Jaehwan explained as he came to a full stop at the table.

And Taekwoon blinked in disbelief again. Was it really…

Then Jaehwan turned to him and after a full second a wide smile broke out on his features and Taekwoon guessed that it was really him after all, his contagious smile was as cute as ever.

‘Hyung!’ Jaehwan exclaimed tackling him into a hug. ‘I know you hate it but bear with it.’ he chuckled and hugged him tighter.

Taekwoon had the slightest idea that he shouldn’t notice how good he smelled.

When the younger pulled away Taekwoon had a moment to fully take in the changes and handsome was the word that came into his mind. The chubbiness disappeared and a lean, muscular figure took its place, thick-rimmed glasses also disappeared finally revealing his attractive features… Taekwoon had to stop staring, since it was already bordering on awkward.

‘I nearly didn’t recognized you.’ was the very tactful thing that came out his mouth, but Jaehwan always took everything as a compliment and smiled wider.

‘You look good, too.’ he chuckled and dropped down beside him on a chair and the dynamics of the old team returned.

‘So how is our teacher doing these days?’ Hakyeon asked Jaehwan and the stories of past and present started to flow again. Sometimes it was embarrassing and Taekwoon had the urge to hide his face, sometimes it was serious and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so comfortable with this many people.

Even if his new found interest in Jaehwan was unexpected, and even if he knew Hakyeon’s smirk meant he noticed it already he didn’t feel weird because everything was the same, just they’ve all grown up… and maybe everyone chased new dreams but they did with the same passion they had during their awkward, embarrassing but unforgettable teenage days.


‘Hyung.’ Jaehwan said as they waited with Taekwoon at the entrance for Hongbin to get his car. ‘I don’t know why you didn’t contact us before, but I’m really glad you do now.’

‘Sorry, I just had some complicated matters to deal with… ‘Taekwoon answered as he glanced at Jaehwan, admiring the younger discreetly.

‘Hmm, well whatever was your reason, and since it’s you I’m sure it’s a really good one…’ Jaehwan smiled while he turned to him. ‘I’m expecting to hear a lot more from you, hyung.’ he said with a wink.

Taekwoon knew he blushed, but he didn’t look away as he nodded in answer and Jaehwan continued to smile at him.

‘I stole your number from Hakyeon-hyung.’ Jaehwan said finally as Hongbin’s car turned the corner. ‘I will call you later if it’s okay with you.’

Taekwoon blinked in surprise and could just nod in answer.

Jaehwan beamed at his awkward answer and gave him a parting hug before opening the car door for his hyung.

‘Later then.’ Jaehwan said, leaning against the open window of the car.

Taekwoon managed a soft smile in return from the front seat.

‘Bye hyung, take care!’ Hongbin smiled and Jaehwan waved at them before stepping back from the car as it pulled away from the small restaurant.

Taekwoon turned to glance once more at the younger and caught Jaehwan’s farewell smile that evoked a familiar tug of attraction in the pit of his stomach…

Maybe he should listen to Hakyeon more often…

Well, at least consider his ideas.

I had such a hard time with this little AU, I hope it turned out okay! :)

Inspired by the lyrics and overall cuteness of the song.

Question time: Should I write fics for the songs after Thank you for my love too?

Because I originally thought of stopping there, but if you like it then I'll write for the other four too~

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13.01.14 600 Days With Lovely VIXX! Go and celebrate!


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Chapter 14: Oh my Good!!! You are the one who made Art of loneliness??? I didn't even notice you. Sorry >< nice story like always. you got me again~
But I love you more more more more <3
Chapter 14: Hay!!! I'm stumble accros your fics when boring and this is more than amazing. I mean, I didn't even know how many laugh coming when reading your fics. This is nice, soft, smooth, slow but sometimes hard. my favorite is beautiful killer!! Cutie Jaehwan and all hot Taekwoon. I like how jaehwan acting all embarrassed around taekwoon when the reality taekwoon take a notice about him. But really, I like all your chap to be honest. They are perfect! Thank you and I love youuu!! :*
daejaeee #3
Chapter 14: Who is the dangerous man, Jaehwan or Taekwoon ?
Chapter 4: don't understand the story,you make it related or it's in different story.each one of the chapter?
Chapter 14: i love the Hyde was so unique
i hope you made it longer
but it was so good anyway
Chapter 9: awwww so sweet
yet sulking taekwoon very cute..kkk
i realllly love this song..
so i'm glad you write this
Chapter 6: so hot..
i love each and every one of it
every chap is sooo interesting
Chapter 14: I simply loved every single one of them <33 Though I might like Super Hero and Rock Ur Body just a little bit more than the rest (:
Chapter 7: I wish you would continue this one! So good! :)