Have a Merry Merry Kreasemas

Have A Merry Merry Kreasemas

Have A Merry Merry Kreasemas

Sehun didn’t expect this. Then again, who would expect to run into your hyung (who is 2 years older than him, for god’s sake) who is wearing some kind of tight elf costume. It was horrendous to the eyes.

“Sehun!” Suho stammered. “It’s not what it looks like!” Sehun shut his eyes and turned back.

“You’re right. I’ll just pretend I didn’t see that.” Sehun said as he rushed out of the room, completely mortified. He shook his head as he walked straight to the practice room. In there, he saw Kai and Lay piling over a gasping Luhan underneath.

“Sehun!” Kai, who was on top, greeted the younger with a raised hand. “Come join us!”

“Augh! No,” Luhan gasped. “Help me,” Luhan groaned as Kai pressed himself even harder on Lay, who was grinning widely at his gege’s torment. Sehun decided he had seen enough madness when Luhan started wheezing and spluttering underneath the weight of other two men. He quickly exited the room, just in time to hear Luhan let out a girly scream before passing out.

“Idiots.” He murmured to himself as he headed down to the cafeteria instead, hoping for a nice hot cocoa to warm himself. When he got there, he saw Xiumin and Chen laughing, and a spluttering Kris.

“Sehun-ah! Come over here!” Chen noticed him and ushered him towards them. To avoid any more trouble, Sehun shook his head, turned around and left. Chen was mildly confused but soon burst into laughter as Kris started sneezing bread crumbs out from his nose.

Sehun thought it would be better if he went back to the dorms. It was the day off, anyways. When he entered the lift, Tao scurried in before the doors close.

“Hi hyung,” Sehun greeted, finally relieved that one of s are actually sane today. Strangely, Tao didn’t answer. He saw Tao pressing his lips in a thin line. “Hyung?”

“Don’t you think Korea is pressing on honorifics a little bit too much?” Tao said suddenly. “I mean, when we see Super Junior, we were all ‘sunbaenim’ here, ‘sunbaenim’ that.” Tao turned around and faced Sehun.

Okay, Sehun thought. Maybe Tao is a little bit grumpy. And weird.

“Also, why do we have to say thank you to everything?” Tao said again.

“Uh…” Sehun mentally cursed the elevator to be so slow today. “Because we’re thankful?”

“But what if we don’t mean it?” Tao pressed on. “What is the use to say thank you if we are not actually thankful for the gift? It’s lying, Sehun. And lying is bad.” Tao turned back to the front and sighed. “Humanity is going insane, Sehun. They are asking us to lie. Isn’t lying a bad thing, Sehun?”

This is getting ridiculous, Sehun could probably hear his eyeball rolling. Is he PMSing or something?

“Also, why should we smile in photographs?” Tao asked. Before Sehun was about to answer, he held a hand up. “If you are going to say ‘to look nice’, then that is an invalid answer. People actually believe smiling can make a photograph better because people kept telling them that. What if people told you that frowning would make a photograph better, people will loath to smile. See Sehun? This is humanity. It is unfair, and we have to follow every one of the stupid rules it set. And who said being fat would make you ugly? Sure you can die easier, but wouldn’t it make you happy if…” Sehun tuned out Tao’s incessant babbling.

Wow, he is PMSing.

When the door of the elevator opened, Sehun quickly dashed out and ran through the corridors to get to the dorms. When he punched in the pass code (with much more force than it needed), he bolted in and kicked his shoes off. Kyungsoo, who was cooking was startled with all the sound and peeked through the door to see what all the commotion was about. His tongue made a clicking sound as soon as he found Sehun’s sneakers not on the shoe rack and the door not closed properly.

Not in my house, . He thought. Kyungsoo closed the door and arranged Sehun’s sneakers on the shoe rack. He got ready for the nagging he was about to blast on maximum to Sehun as he walked towards the younger’s shared room with Suho.

“Sehun,” Kyungsoo went in without knocking, and saw Sehun lying on the bed. With his socks on. With his jacket still not hung. Kyungsoo felt like screaming. “How many times do I have to say to close the door? I mean, people could get in! What if a sasaeng sneaks her way in here, hides in Chanyeol’s crack stashed wardrobe, wait till everyone is sleeping at night, sneaks out, either Xiumin or Luhan hyung and went out, already on her merry way?” Kyungsoo’s babbling made Sehun groan.

“And what have I told you to arrange your shoes on the shoe rack? Suho hyung bought that for a reason, you know? And don’t you dare be an ungrateful little midget because I am the one who cleans this place up, and Suho hyung always buys things for this house,” Sehun got up and walked towards his nightstand.

“I also told you to take off your socks and your jacket before sleeping. Do you not know how many germs are going to germinate in your damp and stinky socks? You sleep like a log, and I do not want to imagine all those fungi on your feet after your nap. Your feet might as well turn into mushrooms from all those bacteria and – what are you doing?” Kyungsoo asked when he saw Sehun popped out two pills from a bottle. “Are you committing suicide?” Kyungsoo suddenly went ballistic and pounced on the younger. Sehun yelped as he held onto the pills.

“Sehun, how dare you to even think of killing yourself. Don’t you care about me? Sure I nag a lot, but that is because I love you.” When Sehun brought the pills over to his lips, Kyungsoo panicked. “Wait no! Don’t kill yourself! If you don’t want to do it for me, then do it for Luhan hyung who you didn’t have time to confess your unrequited love for him!”


“Or maybe Kai. I know you love him too, but you are too shy to admit it out. Don’t worry Sehun, he likes you too, I know. So don’t kill yourself now and go down to the practice room to confess,” Sehun rolled his eyes at Kyungsoo and swallowed the pills dry. Kyungsoo shrieked in horror.

“Sehun! How could you do this to me?” He grabbed Sehun’s collar and shook him. Sehun felt dizzy, and the pills are taking on their toll. Sehun’s eyes drooped and fell limp into Kyungsoo’s hold. Kyungsoo’s already large eyes became larger. “Noo! Sehun! How dare you leave me!” He wailed. His eyes traveled to the fallen bottle of pills on the floor. “You murderer!” Kyungsoo said accusingly as he picked up the bottles. “What are you until Sehun could die the moment he ate you?” His narrowed his eyes to read the label.

“Oh, sleeping pills.”

No wonder.


When Sehun woke up, he was already on his bed, his blankets tucked around him.

Strange, he thought. He remembered being manhandled by Kyungsoo on the floor. Oh well, he shrugged and stretched. He looked at the clock.

10 p.m.

Wow, he slept through the afternoon. Maybe those pills were worth 70,000 won. He then snuggled back in his blankets, planning another trip to dreamland when his phone rang. Sehun ignored it. When the ringing subsided, he smiled as he snuggled in deeper into his soft pillow. The phone rang again. With a frown, Sehun took his phone and looked at the caller ID.


Sehun tossed his phone across the room, ignoring the fact that it was the new S4 Zoom and the fact that he will get a hell of a lecture with his manager(s) if that expensive phone is broken, and closed his eyes. At first, it was nice. Sehun almost drifted into sleep when the door was smashed open. Sehun’s head shot up. He stared at the remains of his door and his eyes traveled up to see the culprit.

It was none other than Luhan with a hammer in his hands. The deer tossed the hammer away and went over to Sehun.

“Hyung, why did you break down the door?” Sehun asked. Luhan rolled his eyes.

“To wake you up, stupid. Everyone knows you sleep like a dead elephant.” Luhan grabbed his collar and yanked him off the bed. “And get ready. We’re gonna get ourselves wasted tonight.”

“But I don’t want too. Clubs are always too noisy,” Sehun whined.

And a drunken Kai is not a pretty sight, he added in his head.

“I will not take any of that bull. Get ready,” Luhan instructed. Sehun crossed his arms over his chest.

“I do not want to go,” he said firmly. Luhan looked at him in disbelief.

“Don’t make me come there and strip you myself, Sehun,” he threatened. Sehun raised an eyebrow, as if daring him to. Luhan growled. “You asked for this,” He lunged at Sehun (who let out a very manly squeal, mind you) and tackled him to the ground.

“Hyung! Stop! What the hell?!” Sehun cried as Luhan started yanking his shirt off.

“I told you,” Luhan puffed as he tried to take Sehun’s pants off. “That I would do it!” Sehun tried to push Luhan off him, but the usually weak deer hyung suddenly possessed inhuman strength as he pushed back Sehun on the floor and slid Sehun’s pants off. When Sehun was in nothing except for his boxers, Luhan smiled in satisfaction as he climbed off the younger.

“Now for your clothes~” Luhan sang cheerfully. Sehun pulled himself off the floor with a frown. “Sehun, what the hell? You have no extravagant clothes in here. How do you even live?” Luhan called from his wardrobe, flinging clothes everywhere.

“Well, we just have to settle with this, then,” Luhan threw Sehun a white button down shirt and black jeans. “Get dressed,” Luhan said and went out. Sehun groaned at his fate as he slipped the shirt on.

What did I do to receive such a punishment? He thought to himself as he halfheartedly yanked the jeans on. The sleeves were too long for his arms, so he rolled him to his elbows. Why did I even agree with this, he thought as he fixed his hair in the mirror. Deeming himself passable to go outside in public, Sehun stepped through the hole in his door. He saw all the other members in the living room, all dolled up.

“You’re done? Let’s go. Cab’s already here,” Suho said as he went out. Sehun wished that he was on the dorm’s couch, a warm blanket wrapped around him, popcorn on his lap and a movie playing on the television as he was squished in between Lay and Baekhyun.

He then suffered 10 consecutive minutes of hearing Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s unending bickering about a staring contest, Luhan babbling to Xiumin how awesome the night it going to be and Kyungsoo persuading Suho to buy him beef the next day for lunch. When the cab halted to a stop, Sehun quickly scrambled off the vehicle like his life depended on it.

“Here we are boys,” Luhan announced proudly. “Welcome to Viva la Everybody’s Gonna Get Drunk As In Here. The best club in town,” Sehun almost screamed at the name of the club. It is so obvious that everyone is going to get drunk as in there. The twelve of them walked inside, music blaring into Sehun’s ears as he pushed his way towards the bar.

“Give me coke,” Sehun ordered. He will try to stay as sober as he could and get his out of here alive. As he sipped his coke, he saw Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo already having a shot battle. Chanyeol looked a bit hazy as Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are still going strong.

Kai already dragged Lay towards the dancefloor. Tao was nowhere to be seen, but that suspicion soon subsided when he heard the said voice on the speakers.

“ARE YOU READY TO CRANK THE PARTY UP?!” He yelled. The whole club cheered as Tao let out his hidden DJ skills and whipped out a few songs. Sehun wondered what happened to the original DJ. He then peeked through Tao’s legs and saw him unconscious on the floor.

“Sehun,” an already drunk Baekhyun headlocked him and dragged the poor maknae towards a cheering Chanyeol and Kyungsoo who was chugging down something in his shot glass. “Join us,” he slurred. “Kyungsoo’s on his fifteenth shot now,”

“Woo! Woo! Go Kyungsoo!” Chanyeol cheered as Kyungsoo finished yet another glass, and the unknown man next to him passed out. The small crowd that gathered around them cheered. “You are a beast!” Chanyeol cheered.

“Bring me some more!” Kyungsoo yelled as he slammed his shot glass down. “Motherer! Bring me some more!” Kyungsoo yelled. When the (rather terrified) bartender filled his glass, Kyungsoo scoffed.

“Bring me a whole bottle!” he said. The crowd cheered as the bartender placed the bottle in front of Kyungsoo slowly, unsure written in his face.

Kyungsoo grinned as he uncorked the bottle and chugged the alcohol down his throat. The crowd screamed a ‘one shot, one shot’ and that is what Kyungsoo did. He let out a loud ‘ahh’ as he placed the empty bottle on the counter. The crowd cheered as he lifted a very drunk Kyungsoo.

“I am the king!” Kyungsoo yelled as he crowd surfed. “MOTHERING CHUGGING KING!”  Thinking this was really ridiculous (because he suddenly started bleating Chuggington’s theme song); Sehun escaped from Baekhyun’s sloppy headlock and went back to his place at the bar. Thinking that he had enough coke, he walked over to the edge of the dance floor, observing people dance. He saw Lay in a middle of a crowd, dancing. Sehun nodded his head to the beat as he watching his hyung dance.

Not bad, Sehun’s eyebrow creased. But where’s Kai though?

“KAI IS IN THE HOUSE, ES!” A holler made Sehun cringe.

Please don’t tell me he’s…

Sehun turned around and grimaced.

Oh , he did.

Apparently, Kai drank enough to get completely woozy and drunk. There, he was standing on a table, a bottle of booze in one hand and holding his shirt in another. He was doing some kind of awkward pole dance without the actual pole, swinging his shirt over his head. The people loved it, actually. They cheered as Kai did some awkward body wave (that he failed at) and ended up flailing like chicken on the table.

Sehun didn’t want to see any of this. He needs to get Kyungsoo or Kris hyung to bring Kai down.


Well, Kyungsoo was out of the story. Sehun weaved his way through the sweaty, grinding bodies to find Kris. He saw Kris on the round sofas, drinking while having two lady friends around him.

“Sehunnie!” Kris said as he hiccupped. “Come down and have a drink, my friend.” He pushed away a blonde haired girl and patted the empty spot next to him.

“Uh, no thanks hyung. I actually need your help with Kai-” Kris silenced him with a frantic wave of his hand.

“Nonsense! You (hic) need a (hic) cup for your(hic)self!” Kris said with a loopy smile plastered on his face. “Hey Lola,” he nudged the red head.

“It’s Layla,”

“Whatever, Lisa. Listen Lydia, my friend Sehun here needs a drink. Go get some for him, Lily,” The red head rolled her eyes but got up nether less. She shot Sehun a smile before going to the bar.

“Hyung, I need your help.”

“What is it?” The red head returned with a bottle in her hands. Kris made grabby hands towards her. “Hey, Lorance is back! Luna, pour a cup for my mate here,” Kris forcefully pulled Sehun to sit next to him. “Hey Lucy, gimmie a cup too!” he said when the red head handed Sehun a cup. The red head handed Kris a cup, and Kris chugged it down in one shot. “Ahh,” he then squinted his eyes at the red head. “Luhan? Since when you have red hair? And why do you have s?” He questioned. Sehun sighed as he pushed Kris’ hand off him.

“You know what hyung, I’ll bring Kai down myself.” Sehun said as he got off.

“Nuuu!!! Sehunnie, where are you going?” Kris wailed. “Sehunn!” Kris then started crying. Sehun paid no attention as he pushed people to get to the table Kai was currently dancing on.

“Kai hyung!” Sehun shouted. “You need to get off there! You are an embarrassment!” Sehun yelled. Kai noticed the blonde haired boy. He grinned and pulled Sehun on the table.

“Hunnie! Dance with me!” Kai yelled right in Sehun’s face as he wiggled his body. Sehun wiped Kai’s saliva off his face in disdain. His breath smells like alcohol, and it wasn’t a very pleasant smell.

“Hyung, this is ridiculous. Let’s get off,” he tugged Kai’s arms. But Kai wasn’t having any of it.

“Yo need to loosen up, bro!” He forced Sehun’s mouth open. Before Sehun could register what was happening, Kai dunked the contents of the bottle of booze in his hands into Sehun’s mouth. Choking on the alcohol, Sehun pushed Kai’s hand away. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hands while Kai smiled at him till his eyes were crescents.

“See?! It tastes good, right?” Kai shouted as he shook Sehun’s shoulders. Sehun, already a tad bit dizzy on the sudden alcohol, pushed Kai away.

“You know what, you. I’m out of here.” Sehun mumbled as he jumped off the table. Kai was about to call him, but he then realized that his crowd of fans are more important, so he continued dancing.

Sehun spitted out the remains of the alcohol from his mouth in disgust. He may have reached 18 and is legal to drink, but he always hated alcohol. Maybe it’s because he never tried drinking that much, but he wasn’t even going to try. When he pushed his way through the crowd, he saw Chen hissing at a girl, his shirt already stained. Luhan was trying to calm him down (calm as much as a drunk and stumbling Luhan could do).

“, you will pay,” Chen sneered as he took his cup and dunked the whole thing on the girl’s head, ice cubes and all. The girl and her cat posse gasped.

“You will pay for that!” She shrieked as she pounced on Chen, pulling his hair out of him. Her girlfriends sneered at Luhan as one clawed on him. Luhan narrowed his eyes.

“It’s on, motherer.” Both of them started clawing at each other. Sehun facepalmed as he tried to look for Suho or Xiumin or anyone who could break off this ridiculous cat fight.

“You ain’t touching this!” Chen cried when the girl started clawing on his jacket. “This costs me 150 dollars .” He cursed when the girl tore a little rhinestone (that wasn’t even that visible) off the collar. He narrowed his eyes on the girl. “That’s it you .” He pushed the girl away and took a whole bottle of champagne and drenched the girl with it. The girl screamed as her expensive new red dress was now stained. Not to mention that she smelt like and alcohol.

“You er!” she screamed. She took out her phone and dialed a number. “Anton! Get over here!” She literally screamed into the receiver. In a second, a really buff and tall man appeared. “Get rid of them!” she said and pointed at Chen and Luhan.

“What the hell?” Chen yelled when Anton picked him up with ease and slung him over his shoulder. “Get your filthy hands off me, peasant! I shall not be treated like this!” Chen threw his tantrum on the man’s shoulder. Anton rolled his eye as he picked off Luhan from pulling a girl’s hair and slung him over his shoulder too.

“What is this?” Luhan raged. “Get me down, you peasant! You can’t touch this!” The two boys were soon dumped in front of the club.

“This is madness. We’re bailing out of here,” Luhan said as he fumbled his phone out. He dialed a number that he knew won’t get drunk or whatsoever. “Hey, gramps! Round up the gang! We’re bailing out of here!” He yelled on the receiver. He received a confused question from the other, but Luhan ain’t gonna deal with like that now. “I DON’T ING CARE HOW YOU ARE GONNA DO IT, BUT YOU BETTER GET THE GANG OUTTA THERE NOW.” Luhan screamed. He waited for a moment as Suho let out a panicked outburst.

“I don’t know how you’re going to stop Kai from stripping on a table, but I don’t care. Go get Xiumin or Sehun. They won’t get drunk too,” Luhan paused to hear Suho’s frantic cries. “I don’t care about Kris crying. I want them out NOW.” Luhan said as he killed the call.


“What the hell Luhan,” Suho mumbled. “Hey Luhan! Luhan!” He yelled. No answer. The little spawn of satan must have hung up on him. He sighed as he looked at the stripping Kai.

“Hyung!” A hand tapped his shoulder. He looked back and saw Sehun panting. “Are you drunk?” Sehun asked warily.

“No I’m not. I doubt you are too,” he said as he eyed the younger. “Come on, we need to get Kai down from there. Luhan said we’re leaving.” Suho said.

“Thank god.” Sehun said. “Well, have any plans? Last time I got up there, he tried choking me with a bottle.”

“We’ll just have to use brute force.” Suho said as he and Sehun climbed on the table. “Kai, we’re going.” He said sternly.

“Don’t be a gramps, gramps.” Kai slurred. He has his pants ed. Sehun sighed as he buttoned them back. “Hey Sehun! Off my crotch!” He yelped. “I am straight, don’t you know?” Sehun rolled his eyes.

“I don’t how you got this drunk, but I don’t want to figure out either. We’re getting the out of here,” Sehun said as he pulled Kai down. When Kai whined, Suho slapped Kai’s head.

“Owwie,” Kai whined. “Fine, I’ll follow you guys.” A sly smile then found his lips. Without even bothering to wear his shirt back, he jumped on Sehun’s back. “But I want a piggyback ride!” he said and giggled childishly.

“What the hell hyung,” Sehun cursed.

“Just let him be like that and dump him in front of the club. I’ll go get the others.” Suho said as they both hoped off the table, Kai clinging onto Sehun’s back like an oversized koala while giggled madly. Sehun sighed as he exited the club with Kai. With Chen’s help, Kai unlatched from Sehun.

“Time to help Suho,”


Xiumin was indeed impressed by Lay’s dance skills. He was with DJ Tao next to the turntables.

“Wow, Lay’s on fire.” He praised.

“I never knew he was this good,” DJ Tao admitted too as he remixed a few songs. “I never knew I was this good too being a DJ!” he said and cackled. Xiumin shook his head and sipped his champagne. Unlike the other members, he has a high alcohol tolerance. He won’t get drunk even if he chugs down three bottles (he knows, he tried it before). His phone buzzing cut his concentration on Lay’s awesome dancing.

“Hello?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “Sehun?” He paused. “Oh yeah, I can see Kris. Wait is he crying?” He could Sehun groaning at the other end. “Oh, so you made him cry?” He heard Sehun denying it and a garbled explanation. “Don’t worry. He is a cry baby after all.” He laughed at something the younger said. “We’re going? And you want me to take care of Kris?” he nodded as he Sehun said something. “Alright. Meet you in the front.” He ended the call.

“Hey Tao,” poked the younger. “We’re going. Could you round up Lay for me?” He asked. Tao, who easily agreed, much to Xiumin’s surprise, nodded.

“It’s getting boring being a DJ anyways.” He said with a shrug. Xiumin said a thanks as he made his way towards Kris.

“Hey Kris,” he poked Kris’s cheeks. The crying man looked at Xiumin.

“Xiuminnnnn!!” Kris cried as he latched onto Xiumin. “Sehun hates me. Arghhhh he hates me!!” He wailed. Xiumin awkwardly patted his head.

“Uh…” Xiumin didn’t know what to do. “It’s okay?” He said, unsure what to do.

“How can it be okay?” Kris wailed. “HE SHALL NEVER LIKE ME AGAIN. I might as well go die,” Kris said and sniffed. Xiumin had enough of this . He pushed Kris off.

“Look Kris, I don’t know what you drank to make you like this, but I’m going to say this. You are getting to drag your sorry out of here and wait outside with Luhan and the others.” Xiumin said, hands on his hips as he pointed to the entrance. Kris sniffed.

“But I don’t wanna go,” he whined.

“This is an order mister.” Xiumin said in a nagging tone. Honestly, he felt like Kris’ mother or something. Kris sniffed as he got up.

“Okay,” he mumbled as Xiumin watched him walked outside. He sighed.

“CHANYEOL GET THE OFF ME!” Xiumin turned around and saw Chanyeol trying to kiss Sehun on the floor. “WHAT THE HELL, GET YOUR OFF ME!”

“But I wanna kiss Sehun~~” A drunk Chanyeol said. “You know you love me Sehun~”Chanyeol sang happily.

“GET OFF, YOU OAF. YOU ARE NOT LIGHT, TO BE EXACT.” Sehun yelled as he pushed Chanyeol off him. Chanyeol gasped.

“I love you too, honey! Let’s get married!” He said with glee. He then proceeded to try to kiss Sehun. Feeling sorry for the younger, he walked over and yanked Chanyeol off him. Sehun muttered thanks and he mumbled something about getting Kyungsoo and Baekhyun.

“Time out, mister,” Xiumin said and dragged a hiccupping Chanyeol out of the club.


Suho has to pull away the bottle that Kyungsoo was chugging.

“Kyungsoo, stop. You are going to throw up,” he said worriedly.

“Don’t stop me! I am going to drink this baby,” Kyungsoo said as he hugged the bottle. “I love you, yes, I do,” he said as he rubbed the bottle on his cheeks. “I love you too, baby.” He whispered and kissed the bottle. Suho had to restrain himself to scream in agony. Getting Baekhyun out is hard enough, now he has to deal with a drunken loverboy.              

“This is ridiculous. Let go of the bottle, Kyungsoo.” Suho said as he yanked the bottle and threw it away. Kyungsoo gasped.

“Baby!” He cried as he scrambled off the bar stool. He knelt next to the broken shards of the bottle. “Baby, speak to me! I’m here, honey!” Kyungsoo yelled at the bottle shards. Suho facepalmed. “Don’t leave me, baby! I love you!” Kyungsoo then started crying. Suho pulled him up. Kyungsoo hugged him. “My baby’s gone, Suho. She’s gone.”

“Whatever. Let’s get out now, okay?”

“You didn’t say rest in peace,” Kyungsoo muttered. “I am not going until you paid my respects to my baby.” Suho rolled his eyes.

“Fine,” He huffed. “Rest in peace, and blah blah let’s go,” He pulled Kyungsoo out. When he and Kyungsoo got out, Luhan lit up.

“Well, that’s everyone!” he said and clasped his hands. He looked at his wrist watch. “It’s only one. Who wants to karaoke?” He asked. The drunk members cheered as Suho, Xiumin, Tao, Sehun and Lay facepalmed simultaneously.

“Luhan hyung, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Sehun said. Luhan looked at him.

“Pish posh, Hunnie. We’re gonna go and karaoke.” Luhan said as he walked to the nearest karaoke bar.

This is gonna be hell, Sehun thought.


I knew it’s going to be hell

Sehun tried to drown himself in the plush red cushions as he watched Chanyeol and Baekhyun sing.

“TWINKLE TINKLE EOJJONA~” Chanyeol yelled through the mic. Suho (who surprisingly got drunk after half a bottle of soju) grabbed the mic from Chanyeol.

“My turn!” He said as he picked a song. When the familiar melody hits Sehun’s ears, Sehun knew what was coming. He buried face in the small pillows and screamed.

“ALL THE SINGLE LADIES, ALL THE SINGLE LADIES,” Suho sang. Luhan grabbed the other mic and started to sing with Suho as Kai tried to dance the Single Ladies choreography. It was horrifying. The only sober members were Lay and Xiumin, Sehun noted. But the boys had long gone in dreamland next to him, their snores blaring in Sehun’s ears.

After a horrible version of ‘California Girls’ by Kris, Sehun thought it was enough. He felt his blood boiling.

That was the last straw.


Luhan woke up, groaning. He has a massive head ache. Hangovers were always the worst. He stumbled out of his room, banging into Xiumin.

“Oh hey Luhan,” Xiumin greeted as he held Luhan up.

“Mreh,” Luhan whimpered.

“You look smashed. Painkillers are on the table.” He said as pushed Luhan away. Luhan had to support himself by leaning on the walls as he stumbled towards the kitchen. After chugging down two painkillers with a glass of water, he grabbed a cup coffee and went into the living room. There, he saw the others, each with either a black eye or a bruised cheek and ice pack. All except for Sehun and Lay who were happily sitting under the Christmas tree. Sehun was unwrapping his gift from Lay. Xiumin returned and sat next to Sehun.

“What happened to you guys?” He asked as he sat next to Kai who was holding an ice pack on his swollen cheeks.

“Wow, Luhan hyung had the hardest, didn’t he?” Baekhyun’s eyes widened and he flinched as he pressed the ice pack back to his black eye.

“What do you mean?” Luhan asked, confused. Tao pointed towards his left eye.

“You have a black eye and a bruise on your cheek.” He said in his accented Korean. Kyungsoo handed him a mirror and Luhan gasped at his face.

“How, what?”

Chanyeol pointed to a squealing Sehun that was hugging a broadly smiling Lay. “Guess we made Sehun reach his limits,”

“So he hit us?” Luhan said in disbelief.

“More less,” Kai said as he shrugged. Luhan stared at Sehun who was wearing a pretty new green sweater than Lay personally knitted for him.

“This is the best gift ever. Thank you Lay hyung. Merry Christmas everyone!” Sehun cheered as he clunked his wine glass with Xiumin’s and Lay’s.

“Can I have some of that?” Chen said as he reached out. Xiumin swatted his hands away.

“You guys got drunk enough. It’s our turn now.” Lay said as he refilled his wine glass.

Needless to say, the 9 members soon had to deal with 3 very drunk members that Christmas night.

-The End-


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Chapter 1: I didn't expect this to be this funny (well I did seeing "crack" in the tag)! I srsly let out giggles. At first it was giggles, then it turned out to guffawing xD
Chapter 2: Holy shisus this is perfection. I laughed too much on the sleeping pills part .
Chapter 2: Lol this was daebak
Iceuprncs #4
Chapter 1: Woah, this is great ^^
i was on total crack!
Chapter 1: This was utter perfection
DragonHeiress #6
Chapter 1: Crack overload! XD
DragonHeiress #7
Chapter 1: This fanfic is worth laughing your of like an idiot even if it made a complete fool out of yourself cuz it's so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stop laughing hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
houseki #9
Chapter 1: too much crack omfg