Their December Story

Miracles In December
author's note:
 So here's the story guys! I hope you'll all like it. Merry Christmas to everyone! :))
                           Yooseung pulled her jacket around her as she sat infront of a wishing fountain in Yeouido Park. It was 6 in the evening, the cold breeze proved that December is coming. Tree scathered around the park with christmas lights decorated on it's leaves, branches, and trunk. Snow mans, life-size Santa Clause and ofcourse, the main attraction, the twin-Christmas trees, was some of the beautiful things you can see around the park when it's Christmas season. Yooseung looked at the huge twin-christmas trees beside the fountain. It was 20 feet high, with a theme of gold-red and silver-green, decorated with different ornaments and a huge twinkling star on top. 
She walked to the fountain and stood infront of it, she shove her hand on her pocket and grabbed a coin. She gazed at the christmas trees then to the fountain again as she pushed her thick frames on the bridge of her nose. She closed her eyes and mouted her wish, "Let me find and choose the right one". She throwed the coin to the water and it submerge slowly until it landed on the marble floor. She opened her eyes and she saw a boy. He looks like in the same age as her, he had brown hair and frames like Yooseung and slender body. She looked at him for moment. She watch him gaze at the top of the christmas trees then to the dark sky that is full of stars. He closed his eyes and smiled. After a minute, he opened his eyes again and sighed, then he left.
Yooseung walked around Gangnam district for almost 2 hours, finding a place to stay. She sighed as the lady shooed her away. She heard her stomach grumbling. She looked at her wallet and closed her eyes. I need to save this money, she thought. She putted her wallet back to her backpack and continued to walk around. After another hour, she stopped her tracks and putted her hand on her forehead, she felt dizzy, her eyes went blurred and felt a sudden pain in her chest.  No, not now, she thought. She quickly unstrapped her backpack and grabbed her bottle of aspirins, taking one and swallowed it. She shove the bottle back to her backpack and everything went black.
Yooseung felt something soft and her face damped. She slowly opened her eyes and everything was blurred at first, but after blinking a few times, she regain her vision. She can't help but to stare at two beautiful black orbs of the boy whose infront of her. He stopped wiping Yooseung's face with a damped cloth and help her sit up.
"I'm glad you're awake" he said as he put Yooseung's frames. "How are you feeling?"
Yooseung looked around and found herself in a small apartment. The room was painted white, the single bed she was lying at is in the corner right side of the room, small table and a chair to it's left and a small sink, a small stove and a small fridge on the other end. A closet is also can be seen beside the small door and another door it's side. She looked at back at the boy who is watching her look around the room. She can see the worriedness on it's eyes. 
"How are you feeling?" he asked again as he stood up and walked to the table, getting his frames.
Yooseung motioned her hands to answer.
The boy was just staring at her. "Huh?"
She sighed and did her sign language again.
"Are.. are you mute?" he asked, Yooseung nodded. "Ah, is that so?"
Yooseung nodded once again and stood up. She felt weight on her head and collapsed again but the boy ran and catched her in time.
"Did you eat?" he asked. Yooseung gave him a sheepish smile as she push her frames and shaked her head slowly. "Aigoo!" he carried her bridal style and sat her at the chair. 
Yooseung curled her hand as she was surprise that the boy carried her.
"Wait here, I'll buy you food" he smiled as he pushed his frames. He walked to his closet, yanked his jacket and walked out the apartment.
Yooseung watched him leave. She remembered him, he was the boy she saw earlier. She never thought that he would be so handsome with or without frames. He was the first boy she stared directly in the eyes. She can't help to see flashbacks of his black orbs and beautiful eyes.
After 10 minutes, the boy returned with a plastic bag on his hand. He walked beside Yooseung and placed the plastic bag. He brought out the styrofoam food box and slide it infront of Yooseung. He smiled at the thought that she didn't even moved when he left. He saw her in the same position when he arrived.
"I bought Kimbap and Bulgogi rice" he said as he open the styrofoam.
Yooseung bowed as her gestured for her gratitude.
"Ah.. Don't do that" he sat on his bed as Yooseung started to eat. "I'm Minseol" he introduces. "You?"
Yooseung stopped eating and looked at him. She looked around, finding her backpack.
"Oh! You must be looking for your backpack" Minseol stood up and went to his closet. He grabbed her backpack and handed to her.
She bowed again as she recieved her bag. It's like his reading my thoughts, she thought. She looked inside her backpack and saw the bottle of aspirin, some clothes, and her money. My things are still complete, she thought. She grabbed the small notebook and ballpen beside her wallet and set aside her backpack. She started writing and when she finished, she slide it to Minseol.
'Yooseung.. I'm Do Yooseung'
"Oh! Nice to meet you Yooseung" he smiled as he bring back her notebook.
She started writing again. 'How long did I passed out?"
"For about 3 hours" he answered.
Yooseung's eyes widen and choked on her food. She coughed as she tried to get rid of the food.
Minseol ran to the small fridge. He ran back to Yooseung with a bottle of water in hand. "Are you okay?" he asked as he rub Yooseung's back.
Yooseung nodded after she drank the water. She started writing again. 'I'm sorry Minseol. I didn't know that I passed out that long. I'm sorry for being a burden. I'll leave immediately, I promise'
"No. No" Minseol exclaimed. "Your not a burden. You can stay here for the night, it's not safe for someone like you to go home at this hour" he said.
Yooseung shook her head but Minseol insisted.
"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you if that's what your thinking"
'No, it's not that'
"Then stay for the rest of the night, then tomorrow I'll walk you home. Have you contacted your parents when I left?"
'No. I don't have any parents. I ran away from the orphanage'
"What?" Minseol's eyes widen. "Where are you staying?"
'Nowhere. I just ran away this afternoon. I was finding an apartment to stay at but... no one can understand me and no one wants to help me'
"I'm here, I'll help you so don't worry okay" he gave her a comforting smile. "Stay here" he said as he stood up and left.
Is he the one I'm looking for?, she thought.
The sun shone brightly across Yooseung's apartment. She got her new apartment when Minseol came back and told her that he talked to Mrs. Heo, the owner of the apartments. She letted her stay there without paying for the meanwhile. The apartment was just small as Minseol's, perfect for one person only. The walls are painted white; a single bed on the left corner of the room, beside the window; small sink, stove and fridge; a table; and a bathroom. She stood up, grabbed her frames and went to the bathroom to wash-up.
"Yooseung?" she heared a knock on the bathroom's door. She jumped in shock of the sudden knocking.
After a minute of no response, Minseol knocked again. Another minute passed again but there's still no response, Minseol panicked. "Yooseung? Yooseung? Are you okay in there?" he almost destroyed the door from excessive knocking.
The doorknob twisted and revealed Yooseung. She was damped with sweat, her eyes were red, she gave Minseol a weak smile. She gestured her hand saying 'Good morning'.
"Oh my God!" Are you alright? What happend?" Minseol pulled Yooseung out of the bathroom and wiped her sweat with his hands. He brushed her bangs to the side and ponytailed her hair.
She did her sign language again, 'You scared me'.
Minseol stared at her for a moment and spoke, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you"
She did her language again, 'It's okay'.
"Come on, you go eat" he pulled her towards the table. On the table, omurice was served with milk. "I cooked it for you since I know you won't have breakfast" he said as he push his frames up.
Yooseung looked at him and smiled. She stood up and bowed, saying how thankful she is.
"I told you not to do that!" he exclaimed and stomped his foot. "I'll go to work now. Mrs. Heo will be here later to tell you everything around here, okay? I'll go now, bye!" he waved and walked towards the door but Yooseung ran to him and grabbed his arm. "Huh?" he turned around and saw Yooseung say, 'Thank you very much'. "Nothing biggie!" he smiled again and left.
It was already 11 in the evening, Yooseung is still awake, looking out her apartment's window. She sat on her bed, with her legs crossed underneath her. She looked at the view of the city. The city looks its best especially at night where all the light will light the city. Since christmas is just 28 days away, you can see christmas lights and christmas decorations decorated at each houses.
While she was still amazed to the view of the city, she didn't noticed that someone came.
Minseol walked to her bed and sat, Yooseung's back was facing him. He scooted beside Yooseung and looked at the window. "Such a great view, isn't it?"
Yooseung quickly looked at her left and saw Minseol sitting beside her. She clutched her chest as her heart pound violently against it. Not now, not now, she thought.
"Why are you still awake?" he asked.
She motioned her hands, 'I was waiting for you'.
"Why?" he looked at her as he pushed his frames. "It's already late, you should be asleep"
'I can't sleep either'
"Ah is that so? So, did Mrs. Heo introduced you to the others that are living in this floor?" he asked.
Yooseung nodded, 'I already met some of them'.
"Really?" he smiled. "So how are they?"
'They're fine. They're quite friendly and welcomed me to their apartments whole-heartedly'
"Such great people" he smiled again.
Minseol kept asking her about her day with the others and Mrs. Heo. Yooseung gladly told everything that happened to him. It lasted for 2 hours until she noticed something.
'Wait. You can understand me?'
Minseol stopped talking and stared at her for a minute. Then he laughed, "Oh yeah. I knew some of sign language since I had a mute friend before" he explained.
So that's why, she thought. Since earlier morning, Minseol kept talking to her. She didn't noticed that they were actually talking by using her hands, not . She was so engrossed in their conversation, that she didn't even noticed.
The next day, Yooseung and Minseol walked to the market to buy some meat. They went to the grocery next and bought food. Minseol kept buying many foods that can last a month and payed for everything. Yooseung tried to stop him, saying that she have a little money in her wallet and she didn't need many foods since she'll leave soon.
"Ah is that so?" Minseol's face saddened on the thought of Yooseung leaving soon. "But where are you going?"
Yooseung shrugged, 'I don't know, but I'll leave soon'
Minseol sighed and continued walking. "Come on," he called her.
Both of them rode a bus home. After 15 minutes, they arrived infront of their building and walked inside. They were greeted by Chanyeol and Kris, some of the people that is living on their floor. When they reached Yooseung's apartment, Minseol placed the meat and foods they've bought on the fridge.
Yooseung let her body fall on her bed, feeling extremely tired even they've only been out for 3 hours. She rolled to her left, her back facing Minseol as she gasp for air.
"Yooseung?" Minseol placed a hand on her shoulders.
Yooseung turned to face Minseol and asked, 'Why?'
"Let's go to Yeouido Park" he pulled her up. "It's still early and you don't want to waste your time here right?"
Yooseung's tired eyes' looked directly at Minseol, 'But I'm tired, Seol'
Minseol's expressions turned into concern when he saw Yooseung's tired eyes. "You're tired already?" he asked as he sat her down. He kneeled infront of her and examined her face. He removed her frames and placed it beside him. He beautiful eyes were tired and her lips became paller. "You really looked your sick"
Yooseung quickly denied that she's sick, 'I'm just tired from walking around for 2 and a half hours'
"Okay. Just get some sleep now" he smiled as he watch Yooseung nod and lie back on her bed.
Yooseung opened her eyes and body was facing the window. She sit up and noticed that is already dark. She smelled something good. She turned around and found Minseol cooking.
"How's your sleep?" he asked as he transfer the food he's cooking to a plate.
'Its okay, I don't feel tired again'
"Great!" he beamed. He walked to her and putted Yooseung's frames on her eyes. He held her right hand, pulling her to the table while his freehand push his frame up. "Let's eat"
The two of them sat on the table and started eating. Minseol cooked Jaeyook Bokum for dinner. 
The both were eating peacefully the Minseol spoke, "How old are you Yooseung?"
'I'm 19, you?'
"20" he smiled. "I thought we're in the same age!"
'Why are you living alone?' she suddenly asked.
The smile on his lips faded, he looked down and answered, "I need to" he mumbled. "You? Why did you left the orphanage?"
'To enjoy my life even for a short time'
Minseol bowed to the lady and left. He bought some French Fry Corn Dogs and Hotteok for him and Yooseung. Today was his day-off from work. He decided to spend it Yooseung at Yeouido Park. He was walking back and spotted Yooseung. He dropped the foods he's holding and ran to Yooseung. 3 boys in their age was making fun of her. Yooseung was lying on the floor, eyes were closed tight, her hands were clutching on her chest.
"What a mute!" the 3 of them laughed.
"Ooh! Her prince charming is here!" the other teased when they saw Minseol running to Yooseung.
Minseol glared at them and punched the boy who's infront of him. "What did you do to her?" he shouted angrily.
"YOU!?" the one he punched stood up and punched Minseol.
This marked the start of a fight. Minseol furiously ran to them and started punching them one by one. The first boy kicked Minseol on his back. Minseol growled and kicked the boy on his gut then he ducked, dodging another attack. Because of this the other boy puched the other, not him.
"Hold him!" their 'leader' shouted. The two other boys held Minseol's arms.
Yooseung was sweating buckets as she fight the pain she feels. She weakly reached for her pocket to get some aspirins. She swallowed one and tried to see Minseol, but her frames were missing. She tried to stood up but she's too weak to do it. She can hear screams and the sounds of kicking, punching, everything.
Minseol tried to get out of the two's boys grip as the other punch him on the gut. He already got a cut on his lips. He gaze around them and saw people avoiding them. He gazed again and saw Yooseung lying on the floor lifeless. Minseol fumed in anger. "You'll pay for what you've done!" He grabbed the arms of the boys who's holding him and did a back-flip. Their bones twisted then Minseol kicked both of them on the back of their knee, the both of them groaned in pain and collapsed on the ground. Their leader's eyes showed a glint of anxiety as he looked at Minseol. Minseol kicked him and puched him hard in the face, almost destroying his face. His nose and lips bled. Minseol was about to throw a punch to him again when he heard a whistle. He turned around and saw a cop, running towards them. Oh no!, he thought. He stood up and looked at Yooseung. He wanted to carry her home to treat her wounds but  it's not the right time, if he won't run, he can never see Yooseung if she's alright once got caught.
Minseol ran away as the cop chase him. "Ya! Ya! Where are you going?" he shouted.
Oh no! It's Officer Kim! Why would he be here?, he thought. He continued to run, he crossed the street and luckily, he saw Tao walking with Xiumin. Tao and Xiumin lived in their building too but their on 4th floor. He quickly ran to them.
"Oh! Minseol!" they greeted. "Why are you running?"
"I need your help" he said. "Go to the park, near the wishing fountain, you'll see a girl there lying on the floor. She had bangs, medium length jet black hair. She is wearing a white t-shirt, pink jacket and jeans. Quickly help her. Bring her to our building, apartment 62, okay? Thanks!" he tossed them the keys and ran away. "And oh! Look for her black frames!" he shouted.
Yooseung stirred a little and slowly opened her eyes. Everything was blurry, she putted a hand on her head and felt something, it was bandage. She squinted her eyes to get a clearer view and looked around. She was back at her apartment. She sat up and expected Minseol to greet and to check on her, but to her dismay, 2 boys he didn't know showed up. 
"Hyung, she's awake!" Tao nudge Xiumin.
Xiumin walked to Yooseung and handed her frames. "Hmm.. Hi, how are you feeling?" he asked.
She did her sign language but the two boys just stared at her, shocked. She grabbed her notebook and started writing, 'I'm fine now but head still kinda hurts. Can I know where Minseol is?'
"Hyung, she's mute" Tao whispered while Xiumin elbowed him.
"I apologize for him" Xiumin said. "I'm Xiumin and this is Tao" he swung an arm to his companion's shoulders. "We're live here too. Our apartments is on 4th floor. We don't know where Minseol is right now" he answered. "He just asked our help to bring you here"
"He was like being chased by a cop earlier, but we don't know why" Tao added. "Do you need help on something while Minseol is not back?"
She wrote on her notebook again, 'No, thank you. Thank you for your kindness. I'll just wait for Minseol'
Just then, Minseol came panting. He was sweating buckets and looked really tired. He lips is still bleeding. He closed the door and sat on the floor.
"Dude! Are you alright?" Tao asked.
"Yeah" he answered while panting. "You.. you two can.. can go now.. Thanks.. thanks for everything.. I'll.. I'll make it.. it up to you.. you both.."
"Nah! It's okay dude" Xiumin gave him a pat on his shoulder. "You sure you're okay?"
"Ye.. yes.." he gave them a weak smile as he stood up.
"We'll get going then" they said. "Bye-- wait, we haven't got your name"
"She's Yooseung" Minseol answered.
"Oh! Bye Yooseung! Get well soon!" they waved and left.
"Hey" Minseol walked to Yooseung. "Are you okay now?" he caressed her hair.
'You? Are you okay? Tao said that you were chased by a cop earlier'
Minseol bit his lip and sighed. "I'm sorry for leaving you earlier"
Yooseung pulled him next to her, 'No, you didn't leave me. You asked Tao and Xiumin to come back for me, right?'
"I'm sorry again" he hugged Yooseung. "I don't know if you'll still be good to me once you know more about me"
For the first time in his life, Minseol felt really scared not for someone, but for himself. He was scared that Yooseung might be scared of him, or she'll avoid him, or she'll leave earlier than her 'soon' once she find out who he really is. Before, Minseol just wanted to help Yooseung. He panicked when he almost stepped on her lifeless body in the middle of the street. He looked around and saw nobody has the interest to help her. He felt the urge to carry her to his apartment and take care of her. Her face was just innocent as a baby. Now, he feels happy when he's with Yooseung. Even they have met each other for almost a week now, he was comfortable with her. Her quiet laughs makes his stress go away, the way they push their frames together, the way he feels excited to go home after work. He abled to laugh and be happy whole-heartedly again since Yooseung came.
Minseol letted go of his hug and looked down to hide his blushing face.
Yooseung's eyes went back from being big to normal. She felt her heart beats faster than before. She poked Minseol's arm to get his attention, 'Good thing you wore your contact lenses, huh?' 
Minseol laughed and nodded. "I'll remove this first and wear my frames then I'll cook dinner" he said, standing up. "I'll tell you something later"
Yooseung looked at him for a moment then she shook her head, 'This time, I'll cook dinner. Go treat your lip!'
Minseol smiled, "Okay. Be sure that it's delicious like my cooking or else I won't eat" he joked.
Yooseung laughed quietly, 'Okay! Fine! So boastful with his cooking!'
Minseol stood behind Yooseung and placed a flower on her ears. Yooseung slightly jumped because of the sudden action. 'What are we doing here?'
After Minseol and Yooseung ate dinner. Minseol pulled Yooseung to the rooftop of their building. A small garden decorated with christmas lights is the scenery you will see once you arrive and when you walked further, you'll see the view of whole Seoul. The garden there was Mrs. Heo's. She's the one one who plants and take cares the plants. The two of them sat at infront of the garden, the view of Seoul to their back.
"I told you I'll tell you something right?" he asked, Yooseung nodded. "Remember the night you asked me why I live alone?" Yooseung nodded again. "And I told you because I need to" Yooseung nodded again. "I need to because I'm a killer, Yooseung" he burried his face with his hand.
Yooseung's eyes widen from what she heard. Minseol? A killer? No, it can't be, he's too kind to be one, she thought.
"I live alone because I'm a killer" he lowered his hand and looked directly at Yooseung's eyes. "I'm not the one who you think I am. I'm not Minseol" a tear fell from his eyes.
'What are you talking about?'
"My real name is Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. I live in Bucheon. I ran away because I'm a killer. I killed my own father"
Yooseung remained silent, not knowing how to react.
Baekhyun leaned against the bench. He closed his eyes as he told the story of his life. "I grew up with a happy family. I have a brother, he's 13 years younger than me. My dad was loving, caring and a successful business man. My mom was also one of the best. She really loves my dad more than us. I understand her why she's like that. Every sunday, dad will come home and the 4 of us will go somewhere beautiful and fun. Dad will always surprise us everytime he'll come home. It's either he have something for all of us or he already planned what will be our bonding activity" he wiped the tears coming from his eyes. "But everything changed when dad got fired. He was accused of stealing money from the company he's working at. Since then, every night he'll come home drunk. He becomed hot-tempered and he changed completely. He became someone we don't know. Everytime I walked passed their bedroom, I hear mom cries. I hear her always pray to help dad to find a job again, she always pray that dad needs help, I always hear her wish everything to turn back like the way it was. But that day never happend, and everything got worse. Dad went to the level that he's already hurting us. He always hit mom everytime she stops him from drinking alcohol. Then one night, I came home from school. I was so happy as I carry the trophy I got from the quiz bee I joined. When I was going to enter our house, I head shouts and cries from inside. I dropped the trophy and my bag and rushed inside. I saw dad slapping mom. She was lying on the staircase and shouted at my younger brother to get out. I quickly carried my brother and brought him to our treehouse. I really don't know what to do that time. My brother kept crying as I covered his ears to prevent him from hearing mom's cries. I went back inside when I heard mom's high-pitched scream. I found my dad pointing a knife towards mom's throat. He was about to stab mom but I pushed him away from her. I tried to stop him but he slammed me on the floor and he tried to kill me too. I pushed him and ran to yanked another knife, and just in time, before dad can stab mom again, I stabbed him first directly to his heart. I cried and cried after I saw that I killed my own dad. My mom didn't spoke at first then she cried out loud and ran to my dad. She shouted at me and hit me. She was so mad that I killed the man she loved. The police came to our house and my mother asked the police to arrest me for killing dad. I was so scared that time and I ran away. I'm 19 that time so I'm already at the age to be in jail" his eyes were red from crying. He removed his frames and took Yooseung's hand. "I didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted to save mom" he cried. "Then I found out that mom filed a case against me and until now, the police is still searching for me. I used the identity Han Minseol and started again here at Seoul"
Yooseung looked away and pulled her hands away from Baekhyun's grip. Tears kept falling from her eyes as she feel a sudden pain in her chest.
It's been already 3 days since Baekhyun's revelation happend. He felt so lonely again as he avoid Yooseung. He always finds himself standing infront of Yooseung's apartment, He wanted to use his spare key so badly to open the door, then he'll see Yooseung looking at her window, waiting for him. He wanted to chat with her until morning. He missed eating with her. He missed not getting enough sleep due to their late night talks and work. He missed cooking for her. He missed the times they both push their frames up in the same time and laughed about it. He missed looking at her beautiful eyes. He missed everything about her.
Baekhyun hugged himself as he feel the cold breeze brushing to his face and body. He was standing infront of their building in 11 PM in the evening. He looked at the windows of the 6th floor and saw no lights in Yooseung's apartment. She must be asleep already, he thought. He sighed as he go inside the elevator. He proceeded to his apartment and grabbed the keys on his pocket. Due to his carelessness, he dropped the keys on the floor. "Aish!" he bent down and yanked his keys. He stood straight and stared at a distance, then he looked down again. He saw a small light coming inside through the space between the door and the doorframe. Baekhyun quickly unlocked the door and opened it, then he was dumbfounded by the sight. In the end left corner of his apartment, next to the table, was a small christmas tree. It was 7 feet high, it had christmas lights around it with blue and silver tinsels and balls. On the table, there were food prepared. Kimbap, Kimchi Fried Rice and Bulgogi was on seperate plates. Baekhyun noticed a note beside the foods. He grabbed it and pushed the switch upwards, making the lights lit up. He sat on his bed, he removed his jacket and bag.
'Be strong. I'll help you in every way I can just the way you helped me when I needed one :)"
Baekhyun smiled as a tear fell from his eyes. He stood up and walked to Yooseung's apartment. He used his spare key and opened the door. He looked at her bed and didn't find her there. "Yooseung?" Baekhyun walked infront of the bathroom door. "Are you in there?" he asked as he leaned his ear against the door. There were no response but Baekhyun can hear Yooseung's heavy breathing. "Yooseung? Yooseung?" he called but there were no response again. Baekhyun ran to the side of the entrance door and opened the light. He ran back to the bathroom door and twisted the knob, he opened the door and saw Yooseung lying on the floor. "Yooseung!" Baekhyun ran to her and kneeled beside her. He scooped her and carried her bridal style. He lay Yooseung on her bed and sat beside her. She was sweating buckets and looked lifeless. Her red, tired eyes looked at Baekhyun, then she gave him a weak smile. "What happend? Are you okay?
'I'm just tired that's all'
"I'm taking to the hospital" Baekhyun scooped her again.
Yooseung weakly tug his shirt, 'Please, don't. I'm fine, okay?'
"Is this your definition of being fine? Look at your self! I'm taking you to the hospital" Baekhyun's face harden.
Yooseung weakly tug his shirt again, 'Please, don't. I'm scared of hospitals. I just need to rest that's all'
"But--" Baekhyun looked at Yooseung's tired, pleading eyes.
'I'm just tired, that's all'
"You sure?" he asked.
Yooseung nodded, 'Please'
Baekhyun sighed in defeat, "Okay". He laid Yooseung in her bed again and sat beside her. "Sleep" he said as he wipe her sweat away from her face and neck. He brushed her bangs away and kissed her forehead.
The next day, Baekhyun was still in Yooseung's apartment. He stayed up all night, taking care of her. This is the 4th time he saw her like that. He was getting worried about her condition now. 
His thoughts were cutted when Yooseung stirred. Baekhyun looked at her as she slowly opened her eyes. He smiled at her and so did she. "How are you feeling?" he asked.
'Much better'
"Great" Baekhyun smiled again as he tied her hair into a ponytail. "I've cooked you porridge"
'Thanks', she weakly gestured.
"Yooseung" he called her as he pour some porridge into a plate. "Do you have any kind of sickness?"
Yooseung shooked her head, 'I just can get tired easily. I'm not strong like others, you know'
Baekhyun walked to her and started feeding her, "But why?"
'I don't know. I'm like this since I was a child'
"Ah is that so?"
Yooseung nodded.
A week already passed, Baekhyun became more worried that before. Yooseung looked weaker than before, her skin was more pale than before, she always says that she's tired, even when their doing their late night talks, he'll see Yooseung already sleeping. Baekhyun knew something was up, but Yooseung kept saying that she had no sickness. Baekhyun wanted to bring her to the hospital to have a check-up but she kept pleading him not to, she kept saying that she's scared of hospitals.
Wednesday, December 18, Baekhyun went to Yooseung's apartment to check her after he got home from work but she not there. He tried to ask everyone where she is but no one knew. When he was about to ride a bus to find her, he saw her walking beside the street. She was walking slowly and her head was lowered.
"Yooseung!" Baekhyun called out.
Yooseung looked up and saw Baekhyun, she gave him a weak smile and waved.
"Where have you been? It's already pass midnight! What if something happend to you?" Baekhyun exclaimed and hugged her.
Yooseung's eyes widen from Baekhyun's actions. Moments later, she hugged him back. She letted go and did her sign language, 'The orphanage said that I have relatives here when I was a kid so I tried to find them'
Baekhyun frowned, "Your really leaving?".
'I've got to, but don't worry, I think I can still stay for days until everything is okay'
"Everything is okay?" Baekhyun repeated in confusion.
'Let's just go inside, the snow is freezing' she gave him a weak smile and walked inside first.
"Where are we going?" Baekhyun asked as Yooseung pulled him inside the bus. Yooseung pushed Baekhyun to sit as she pay. "Seriously? Where are we going?" he asked again.
Yooseung shook her head and smiled, 'Secret'.
Baekhyun pouted as he push his frames up.
Yooseung laughed quietly, 'You'll see when we get there'.
After two hours, Yooseung stood up and held Baekhyun's hand as the both of them get out of the bus. Baekhyun looked at the unfamiliar surroundings. There were a small path beside the deserted road. Yooseung pulled Baekhyun to the small path. The path had trees on each sides, covered with snow. On the end of the path, Baekhyun saw a small chapel.
"We're going into a chapel?" he asked.
Yooseung nodded and smiled, 'Christmas is just 4 days away. And I want to pray here with you. You should always pray too, God will be happy if you do and good things will happen'
The two of them pushed the royal doors together and entered. Inside was painted white and light brown. The walls are made of bricks while there are two rows of wood pews. The windows were stained glass. Yooseung kneeled infront of the small altar while Baekhyun did the same. They clasped their hands and closed their eyes.
After praying, Baekhyun did the sign of the cross and opened his eyes. He looked to his right and saw Yooseung still praying. Thank you God for making her come into my life, he thought. After a moment of silence, the chapel's door opened. Baekhyun turned his head quickly and his mouth went agaped.
"Hyung!" a 7 year old boy came in, running towards Baekhyun.
"Taehyun?" Baekhyun stood up and his eyes widen.
"Baekhyun hyung!" the young boy jumped towards Baekhyun, hugging him.
"Taehyun! It is really you!" Baekhyun hugged his little brother tightly. "I've missed you so much!" tears kept falling from his eyes. "I can't believe this!" he stopped hugging his brother and stared at him. "You've grown up!" he ruffled it's hair as he wipe his tears away.
"Hyung! Look at you, your hair is brown!" his younger brother touched his hair. "Since when did you have frames?" he asked cutely.
"You still haven't change" he hugged him again. "How are you, huh? How's mom?"
"I'm okay hyung. I live with Sehun hyung now" he answered.
"Baek!" Sehun walked towards Baekhyun. "You gaved us headache. We don't know where to find you!"
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me 'hyung'?" Baekhyun jokingly punched him. "How are you guys? Where's mom?"
"We're okay. Auntie left Taehyun to us and" he paused. "We don't know where she is"
"Ahh" Baekhyun looked at the floor. "How did you know I'm here?"
"Let's just say, an angel found us" Sehun answered as he winked at Yooseung, who's smiling behind them.
Baekhyun looked behind him and saw Yooseung smiling. He walked to her and hugged her, "Thank you very much Yooseung"
'It's nothing compared to what you have done for me'
Baekhyun woke up and washed-up. He walked to his fridge to get some ingredients for breakfast when he remembered something. He went to the calendar and smiled, "2 days before Christmas. I need to prepare something for me and Yooseung on Christmas Eve". 
Baekhyun walked to Yeouido Park. He walked to the spot where Yooseung said she'll see him. He wraped his jacket around him as he wait for Yooseung. The snow was getting thicker around the park. After a few minutes, Yooseung showed up but she's walking really slow. Baekhyun stood up and went to her. "Your so naive, you know?" he smiled as he hold Yooseung's hand. The two of them sat on the bench infront of the fountain. "So why do you want meet me here?" Baekhyun asked while smiling but deep inside, he know something is wrong. Yooseung looked completely more pale than before, she was sweating again even it was really cold outside because of the snow, her eyes were red and looked more tired.
'Baek, I need to tell you something. Please don't be mad at me'
"Sure, what is it?" he remained patient and gave her a warm smile.
'I'm the daughter of Do Hojin, the owner of KY Company'
Baekhyun scooted back, shocked on what Yooseung said. KY Company? The KY Company? The biggest company in South Korea?, he thought. "What are you talking about?"
'Baekhyun, I want you to be KY Company's heir'
"What? Heir? Me? KY's?" Baekhyun asked in confusion.
'Please Baekhyun. I want you to be our company's heir. I'll di--'
Baekhyun turned around and saw two cops running towards him and aiming their guns. "What the!?"
"Don't move!" another cop that's handling his case pointed his gun directly at Baekhyun's head.
Baekhyun looked at his left, it was Yooseung who spoke. "You can speak?"
"Don't! Don't arrest him! Her mother said she'll cancel the case she filed against him!" Yooseung stood up weakly while her hand was cluthching her chest. "Please Jongdae and JongIn oppa, I'm begging you"
"Yooseung?" the two cops, Chen and Kai looked at her. Yooseung is the only girl that call them by their real names. At first, they didn't noticed her because of her bangs and medium length hair but when they heard the voice they rarely hear, they knew it was Yooseung.
"Oppas! Please.. please.. don'.." Yooseung closed her eyes ad collapsed to the ground.
"Yooseung!" Chen and Kai ran towards her.
Baekhyun looked at them. He stood there, doing nothing. He looked at Yooseung's lifeless body then to Chen and Kai. He turned around and ran away.
She's the missing daughter of KY? She can speak?, is one of the questions that Baekhyun had in mind.
A day passed since the incident in Yeouido Park happend. Yooseung never returned to her apartment and Baekhyun never saw her again. He was walking up to his apartment when he saw Kris.
"Oh hey dude!" Kris greeted him.
"Hey" he greeted back.
"What's with the 'hey'? You missed Yooseung, am I right?" he teased. "Where is she anyway? I haven't seen her since we helped her with her christmas tree" he commented.
"Christmas Tree?"
"Dude, are you awake or not?" he laughed. "The christmas tree on your apartment. We saw her carrying it by herself up to your dorm. Remember Lay and Luhan from 2nd floor? They and Chanyeol decided to help too. She really looked so tired. We were also the one who decorated the tree because she kept collapsing. We tried to make her rest but she won't. I didn't know she was so hard-headed"
"Kris!" Chanyeol called him and ran up the stairs. "Sorry to be mean dude" he looked at Baekhyun. "But were kinda late for the game, so is it okay if we get going?"
Baekhyun kept staring at the floor. She was tired? Maybe that's why I saw her like that, he thought.
"Minseol?" Chanyeol waved his hand infront of Baekhyun's eyes.
"Uh? Oh, yeah.. Sure.. enjoy the game!" he smiled and ran up the stairs.
"Yooseung!" Kyungsoo ran to his younger sister. "What happend? Where did you find her?"
"She's with Mr. Byun" Chen answered. "We were arresting him then she stopped us and collapsed"
"Take her to the hospital" Suho ordered. "I'll cover up for you two" he patted Kyungsoo's back.
"Thanks hyung" Kyungsoo gave him a weak smile and catched up to Kai, who's carrying Yooseung.
"Officer Kim" Suho called Chen. "Do you know where Mr. Byun is?" he asked.
"Yes, I've already got his background here. He lived here and he goes by the name Han Minseol" he answered.
" him here, I want to talk to him" he ordered.
"Yes sir!" Chen saluted and walked out.
Senior Police Officer Kim leaned on the backrest of his chair as he scanned Baekhyun's case. He frowned as he read it. A moment later, a knock came from his office's door. "Come in" he said without looking.
"Sir!" Chen saluted. "Mr. Byun is already here"
"Okay, let him enter" he ordered.
Seconds later, Baekhyun entered with his hand handcuffed. "Just throw me into jail already!" he demanded.
"I can't do that" Suho unlocked his handcuffs. "My Yooseung wishes not let you go in jail" he sat down back to his chair. "Please sit, I just want to talk to you"
Baekhyun looked at him, confused then he sat.
"What did Yooseung told you?" 
"She said that she Do Hojin's daughter, that she wanted me to be the heir of their company"
Looks like she already made her decision, Suho thought. "Everything that she told you is true" he said. "You see, Yooseung ran away from their home almost a month ago. She seeked for my help. At first, I really think it was insane but after hearing her reasons, I helped her" he looked at Baekhyun. "Mr. Byun, Yooseung has a heart disease, Coronary Artery disease to be specific. The doctor already told her that she has less than a month to live. He said that the only way to save Yooseung was to perform a heart transplant but the problem is, we can't find a heart that is compatible with hers. Since then, Yooseung didn't speak, she use her sign language when she talks to us, she became scared of hospitals, she didn't even smile anymore.
She left and went to Seoul alone to find someone she can trust. Someone that can be the heir of their company. Yooseung has an older brother, Kyungsoo. He was supposed to be the heir but he refused, he's an officer like me now. There were no more heirs because me and my brother, Kai, chose to be a police. The 4 of us is only the possible heirs of the company. Kyungsoo wanted Yooseung to be the heir but when we found out that she has a disease, their parents had only one choice to be the heir, and that is Siyeon, the daughter of Mr. Jung, a very close friend of Uncle Hojin.
Yooseung doesn't trust Siyeon being the heir. She wanted to be the heir of their company but because of her disease, she can't. Everyday passes, she becomes more weaker. She get tired so easily, she always feel pain in her heart. The only thing she had was the aspirins, to lessen the pain. She's not allowed to stay late at night, to eat meat and to move or walk always.
Now that we found her, she chose you to be the heir and I respect it. I know Yooseung will trust and choose the right person. She needs you Mr. Byun. She's waiting for you at the hospital" Suho looked at Baekhyun with pleading eyes.
"So that explains everything" tears fell from his eyes as he recall times when he saw Yooseung in pain. "But I'm a killer, I have a case. How could I be a heir?" Baekhyun lowered his head.
"I've got a call from your mom, she wants the case she filed to you to be closed"
"I trust him mom, dad, oppa" Yooseung said weakly. "I wanted him to be our heir"
"But Yoo, he's a killer" Kyungsoo retorted.
"He's not oppa" she said in a low voice. "He did it to save his mom. You guys don't know the whole story. I trust him, he's that one who helped me when I'm in need, he took care of me everytime a feel a weakening pain in my heart, he makes me happy. Please, as my last request before I die"
"Don't say that honey" her mom cried.
"I want Baekhyun to be the heir. Don't you see? He's the reason why I'm still here, he's the reason I wanted to talk again, he's the reason why I smile and laugh again"
Baekhyun stood infront of Yooseung's room, hearing their conversations. Tears kept falling from his eyes as he remembered the times he took care of Yooseung. I'm so stupid! I should have brought her to do hospital! Atleast I'll know that she had this heart disease, he thought. The door infront of him opened and it revealed Kyungsoo. He's eyes were red from crying. He looked at Baekhyun blankly then he walked passed him. Baekhyun proceeded inside and found her parents crying. He looked at Yooseung, she was lying in hospital bed and in hospital dress. A heart monitor was connected to her. She was more pale than before, even her lips were pale, bags can be seen under her eyes. "Yooseung"
Yooseung weakly opened her eyes and saw Baekhyun infront of her. Her parents stood up and left so they could talk privately. "I love it when your the first one I see everytime I opened my eyes" she weakly said.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Baekhyun sat beside her as he caressed her hair.
"I'm sorry" a tear fell from her eyes.
Baekhyun can't stop his tears anymore and hugged her, "I love you Yooseung. Please, don't leave me. Don't leave your family"
Yooseung hugged him back and whispered, "I love you very much, Baek. Always remember that".
Then the heart monitor's line went straight. The noise become alarming. Baekhyun quickly broke the hug and ran outside. "Nurse! Nurse!" Baekhyun ran
and ran. He went to Yooseung parents and Kyungsoo, "Yooseung.. Yooseung.. we need to revive her!" he ran back to her room as the doctors and nurses came. They were stopped and asked to stay outside. Seconds later, a nurse came, shouting, "Doctor Lee! We've just recieve a heart donor. It is compatible with Ms. Do's"
"Okay, let's perform the transplant" the doctor ordered and all of them came rushing to the operating room.
It's been already 4 hours since the operation started. Baekhyun sat outside the operating room. He had his eyes closed and prayed "Please God, let Yooseung survive. Let her live longer. She doesn't deserve to die right now" Baekhyun felt a hand on his back, it was Kyungsoo. He gave him a weak smile, "She'll survive. She's a strong girl"
Moments later, Sehun and Taehyun came. Taehyun was crying as he ran towards Baekhyun. "Hyung! Mom.. mom is dead!"
"What?!" Baekhyun sat back at the chair.
"Hyung, auntie got hit by a bus and she was brain dead. The police got this letter from her hand" Sehun handed the letter.
Dear my Baekhyun,
  I'm so sorry for all the pain I've cost you. I'm sorry if I didn't become the best mother you should have. I know my sorrys are worthless compared to what happend to you and I know it isn't enough. 
  If I die tonight, I wanted my heart to be donated to Yooseung. She's a great girl, she's that one who maked me realize what I have done to you. If wasn't because of her, I would still have continued the case and you'll be in jail. She looked for us, she told me everything about you right now. I'm so proud of you that you still didn't change after what happend to our family. I'm so proud that you've become an independent person. I want to say that I'm so proud of you being my son but I can't say I'm proud that I'm your mother, because I never been your mother.
  Now that I recall everything, I feel so bad. What kind of mother am I? What kind of mother wanted her son to be in jail just because he killed the man he ever loved for her safety? What kind of person am I?
  I won't say anything more because everything won't matter anymore. Just take care of yourself and Taehyun, okay? Remember that I will always look after you two. I love you both.
Baekhyun dropped the letter and hugged his brother tightly. Yooseung's mom walked to them hugged them. She rocked them side to side and caressed their hairs.
After another hour, Yooseung's doctor went out from the operation room. Baekhyun laid Taehyun on Sehun's lap as he walked to the doctor with Yooseung's family.
"How is she?" Baekhyun asked tiredly.
The doctor removed his gloves and mask then answered, "She made it"
"Thank God!" Kyungsoo hugged his parents as tears fell from his eyes. "I knew she'll made it"
Baekhyun smiled as he heard the good news. He was happy that Yooseung made it. He excused himself and walked to the chapel room in the hospital. He kneeled infront of the small altar. He did the sign of the cross, clasped his hand and closed his eyes. Thank you God for letting Yooseung survive. Wherever mom is, please take care of her, he prayed.
After praying, Suho, Kai and Chen came. Suho and Kai checked on their cousins while Chen escorted Baekhyun, Sehun and Taehyun to Mrs. Byun's body. Baekhyun hugged his mom tightly and telled her that he loves her and he's not mad after what she have done. He thanked her for donating her heart to Yooseung.
"I know you'll be home now mom, home where dad is. Home where you wouldn't feel the pain again and where you'll be happy. Don't worry about us okay? I love you mom" he kissed her mother's forehead and hugged her one last time.
"Baek! Come on! You'll be late for your meeting!" Yooseung shouted impatiently as she waited for her boyfriend to come down.
3 years already passed since Yooseung's heart transplant happend. Baekhyun was now the CEO of KY Company. It's also been 3 years since Baekhyun became Yooseung's boyfriend. Taehyun is already 10 years old now and in 4th grade. He's number 1 in their school and a member of the swimming team.
"I'm coming, okay?" Baekhyun shouted back as he ran down the stairs. "You sound like mom"
"We'll I have you mother's heart" Yooseung smiled. "Look at you!" she shooked her head as she fix Baekhyun's hair. "Your such a slow poke, you know?"
"Your such a slow poke, you know?" he mimicked her voice.
Yooseung slapped Baekhyun's arm and crossed her arms, "I do not sound like that"
"Your so unfair, Yoo! Today's our anniversary but your making me go to a business meeting?" he pouted.
"Gosh, Baek!" Yooseung facepalmed. "Stop pouting, your already 23. Even hyunhyun finds pouting childish"
"But I looked cute right?" he moved his face closer and smiled. "Right?" he opened and closed his eyes fastly, doing beautiful eyes.
Yooseung laughed, "You looked crazy, Baek!"
"Hmp!" Baekhyun crossed his arms and stomped his feet. He walked passed Yooseung, who's still laughing.
"Hey, Baekhyun! I was just joking!" she ran after him. "Okay, your really cute!"
Baekhyun rolled his eyes as he opened the gate. He sighed and looked at Yooseung. Moments later, he smiled, "I love you, Yooseung" he kissed her cheeks.
"I love you too" she wrap her arms around him.
"Come on, I'll take you somewhere" Baekhyun pulled his girlfriend inside his car.
After an hour ride, Baekhyun stopped the engine of his car and parked beside a very familiar street. He looked at Yooseung as she looked at the window beside her, "Yeouido Park?"
Baekhyun nodded. He went out of the car and ran towards Yooseung's side. He opened the door and pulled Yooseung out. He removed his jacket and wrap it around Yooseung who's only wearing a sweater. He placed a hand on Yooseung's shoulders while she wrap her arms around Baehyun's waist.
They walked around the park. It's already 6 in evening. The park was decorated just like 2 years ago. December was the best month for the both of them.
"You know, this is where I first saw you" Yooseung said as they walked through the snowed playground. They walked towards the wishing fountain, "This is the first place I went after I left our house. I wished on that fountain to let me find and choose the right one. When I opened my eyes, I saw you" she smiled. "And that's when miracles started happening to me"
"When I met you, that's when miracles happend to me" Baekhyun hugged her.
Moments later, Baekhyun started singing. "for meeting you and being able to touch your hair"
Yooseung stared at him, confused on what's happening.
"for meeting you and being able to breath, looking at each other
for being hugged and being able to let the tears flow when it's tough
I'm so fortunate...
for the beautiful world that knows you and placing you here
In the violent wind and under a wet roof, I'm not getting tossed there by myself.
Wearisome of daily life and survival,by some chance is not something meaningless
It's because of amazing that always be by my side,
for meeting you...
and being able to make meals we share
for meeting you and being able to hold your hands when it goes numb
for hugging you and being able to give you comfort even though it doesn't help
I'm so fortunate
for the beautiful world that knows you
for meeting you and being able to touch your hair..."
Baekhyun slowly kneeled infront of Yooseung and slid his hand on his pockets. He grabbed a small box and opened it, revealing an engagement ring. "Do Yooseung, will you marry and grow old with me?"
Yooseung's eyes widen from the scenario and after she processed what's happening, she widely smiled and answered, "Ofcourse Mr. Byun Baekhyun! I would love to marry and grow old you with you"
Baekhyun smied as he stood up. He pulled the engagement ring and slid it into Yooseung's ring finger. Yooseung jumped on Baekhyun's arms and hugged him tightly. "I love you Mr Byun"
"I love you more Mrs. Byun" Baekhyun smiled as he called her 'Mrs Byun'. "Let's start our forever from now on"
"Forever indeed" Yooseung smiled as Baekhyun leaned closer to her, arms still wrapping around her. He pressed his lips against her, having a long passionate kiss under the snow.
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Chapter 1: a happy ending!!!!!!
Kyumin #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Isamost2012 #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^