Chapter Two

To Die For You [Status: Being Edited]

Chapter Two:


Haneul was now sitting in the Vice-Principal’s office listening with a bored expression Ms. Jin’s long lecture about being punctual and obeying school rules. She suppressed a yawn pretending to pay attention to what Ms. Jin was saying. Ms. Jin was going on and on about punctuality and cited a few sections of the student handbook.


After an hour of lecture, Haneul was finally set free from Ms. Jin’s room. She got detention of course which added more to her bad luck. She went to the rooftop of the Arts Building and screamed with all her might. She let out her frustrations and even cursed a little.


“Aish! Can’t you let out your frustrations in a subtle manner? You’re about to burst my eardrums apart!”


Haneul turned around and saw a guys standing in front of her with his hands over his ears. He was wearing their school uniform. Haneul was embarrassed that someone heard her shouting and cursing out Ms. Jin. She was more afraid that this guy would tell on her and get her to even more trouble. She nervously bit her lip and looked down on the ground.


“You really are a troublemaker aren’t you Kim Haneul?” The guy said to her placing his hands on his hips.





Haneul looked up again this time she took her time looking at the guy in front of her. He had short brown hair and stood a few inches taller than her. He wore a crossed shaped earring on his left ear. He kept looking at her with an annoyed expression.


“Who are you?”Haneul asked him.

“It’s not important. Just come with me okay?” He answered taking a step closer to her.

“Why would I come with you?” Haneul asked again taking a step back.


The guy took another step forward and Haneul stepped another step backward until her back was against the railing. The guy had stopped inches from her and looked straight in to her eyes. Their faces were so close that Haneul could feel the guy’s breath on her face.


“Let us get this over and done with. I’m behind schedule as it is.” The guy said to her placing his hands on her shoulder.


Over and done with?

Behind schedule?


Haneul’s eyes grew wide upon realizing what the guy was after. She instinctively placed her hands to cover her chest and stared at the guy with eyes wide open.


“Don’t you dare touch me, you ert!” Haneul shouted at him.

“What? ert?” The guy asked with disbelief.


Haneul said nothing. Her heart beat was beating fast. She thought of ways on how to run away from the guy who she assumed was after her body. There was no one else on the rooftop but her and the guy.



I can’t lose my ity without a fight.


Come on Haneul…


Think of ways to get away.


Gathering all her strength she took a deep breath then kicked the guy at his most sensitive region. The guy took a step back surprised by her attack and crouched in pain. Haneul took that opportunity to run towards the door. She hurriedly pulled it open and ran like hell down the stairs.


Where do I go now?

Should I go to the principal’s office?

Should I call for help?


Haneul was puzzled why the hallways were empty when it was lunchtime.


Where is everybody?


She turned to a corner and saw a door to a classroom she pushed the door open and jumped in surprise when the guy stood in front of her. Haneul screamed before turning around to run away.


How did he get here so fast?


With a blink of an eye the guy was standing in front of her again. His hands were crossed across his chest and he looked really angry.


“D-Don’t come near me!” Haneul said taking a few steps back.


The guy didn’t say anything. He walked closer and closer. Haneul wanted to run but she was too scared to do so. Haneul’s back was against the blackboard now. The guy slammed his hands on the blackboard and leaned close.


“You really are a troublemaker K-I-M-H-A-N-E-U-L.”



Luhan placed a hand over his chest and stopped walking. He was on his way to the library when his chest hurt all of a sudden. He took a few small breaths then started walking again.


What is wrong with me?


He stopped again when he thought of Haneul all of a sudden. He turned around expecting her to be near but she was nowhere in sight.


Did something happen to her?


The pain in Luhan’s chest grew stronger and he fell on his knees with his hands on his chest.



Something did happen.


Luhan closed his eyes and took small deep breaths. He slowly stood up ran inside the school’s main art building. As he took one step after another he couldn’t help but think of Haneul. He didn’t know why but he senses that there was something very wrong.


Did she get in to another accident?


Luhan looked up and saw through a window not far from the left side of the second floor Haneul. She was pressed against the blackboard and looking horrified.




Luhan ran with all his might up the stairs and reached the classroom in no time. The door to the classroom was ajar and Luhan saw Haneul. He immediately opened the door to rescue her.


“Don’t come near me! I hate those things!” Haneul said closing her eyes and turned away.


Right in front of her was a classmate holding a rubber toy shaped like a cockroach.


“It’s just a toy.” Her classmate said walking closer.

“No!” Haneul said moving a step away.


Luhan breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that nothing happened to Haneul and that she was only being teased by a classmate. Haneul turned towards Luhan’s direction. Luhan was certain that she saw him but her face didn’t show any reaction.


Is she pretending again not to know me again?


“Okay. Okay. I’m sorry I scared you.” Haneul’s classmate said putting the toy away.


Luhan took his eyes off from Haneul just long enough to look at her classmate. Her classmate had brown hair and had a crossed-shaped earring on his left ear. It was the first time for Luhan to meet him.


Is he from another class?


Haneul walked towards a chair where her things were. Without saying anything she took her bag and walked out of the room. The guy swore then took his bag as well and followed Haneul. The two ignored Luhan completely much to his puzzlement. His eyes followed the guy as he turned to a corner following Haneul.


I haven’t seen him before…

But why is that guy so familiar?


Have I seen him before?


Hi guys!

I updated! Yey!

I hope you guys like the update.

I understand thatthe updates may be a bit confusing right now or is really boring but I hope I can make it better in the followin chapters.

I love you guys and thank you for supporting this fic.


Seul Young


Comment Replies:

@KUROBARAHIME Update coming right up! I'll reveal everything in the following chapters. Don't worry about asking. It's good that you did. It made me more determined to write this fic and tell you the story. Thank you for beingthe first to sub and for commenting! *hugs* (^_^)...

@kimjaeren Hmmm... not going to answer that question yet Babs. Hehe... I'll explain in the upcoming chapters. Thank you so much for supporting me and my stories! I love you! (^_^)... Btw, you'd better update soon as well... Araso? Haha...


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kim_seul_young #2
Chapter 2: posted an update!
Chapter 2: NEH, I will.. Btw, I really like were this story is going...:D Update update!! Love u too..:D
kim_seul_young #5
Chapter 2: posted an update
Chapter 1: So haneul didn't die? Hmmm... This is interesting...:D I'll wait for your update..:D