Not so Idle Days - Part 1

Not so Idle Days





Gilbert exclaimed; Antonio and France followed, each with awkward grins as they thought, not this again.


Though used to this scenario, Isabel ran up to the porch, watching the three men’s back as they left.


The house was empty. No Italians. No brother. No company. No Gilbert.


I’m alone again.




“ -hic- ”


Stumbling on the pavement, the trio mumbled words that could barely be deciphered. Isa sighed and dragged the three to the living room; accidentally hearing a certain drunkard’s murmurs. “..mine.. she’s mine..”


“Signora Elizabeta.” Empty. Her voice was empty.


He was probably in bad terms with the Hungarian again, as usual. Per se, he never gives up. Admirable. Simply admirable.


“Uggh-” He rolled on his back, muttering more words. Being drunk could lead to the most absurd, yet interesting statements. Right now, they’re simply too sad. “..someday.”






“Guten Morgen!”


Cheerfully, he greeted everyone in the household. His voice, effectively killing the silence. “Tonio’s sis, morning!” He grinned as he passed by Isa, grabbing the coffee she was currently drinking. “Danke~”


He casually left; kesese-ing as he drank the “stolen” coffee. 


Isa trailed off, day dreaming.


An indirect kiss.




Summer has ended, the heat slowly dropping as Fall arrived. It was still mildly hot in Spain, but the days were perfect for sleeping in the afternoon.


The Italian twins, visited, admiring the temperature that they automatically loved. When the clock struck 2, everyone was asleep.


After a few hours, Isa was the first to wake up, cuddling a certain Feliciano. He was so cute!


Tightening the hug, she was surprised to feel someone else. Right behind Feliciano, was Gilbert, joining the cuddle, smirking in his sleep as his arms rested around the clueless Italian’s waist.


Closing her eyes, Isa allowed herself to pretend, it was a moment, between parent and child.


I’m Mama and you’re Papa.




“He’s out.”


 She said, as she wiped the right corner of her lips, bits of Churros still visible.


“Was?! But I had my day all planned out!” He grunted, pouting a bit before continuing. “Tonio was going to help me out today!”


He sat on the ground, messing up his hair as he continued to complain about Tonio’s disappearance.


“If you want to-” Isa sat beside him, handing him a piece of churro. “-you can stay here for a bit?”


“Danke-” He took a bite. Swallowing the small chunk of the pastry. “-Isa.”


A smile entered her face.


Finally. He called me Isa.


He laughed.


“You really are Tonio’s sis!”






Laughter came from downstairs.


Isa looked at the clock; squinting her eyes as she fought back sleep. 1:25 am.


At her own pace, she managed to take a peek at the source of the laughter. The trio once again.


They were watching a movie, Francis was doing his best to hide his urge to accompany Gilbert as he laid flat on the floor, hand at his stomach, a finger pointed at the TV screen as he laughed. Antonio on the other hand was already doing the same, minus the pointing.


Before heading back to her room, Isa took one last glance at the Prussian, admiring his constant cackle.






It was another lazy afternoon, Antonio was out, and Gilbert was back. He stayed again, this time, not minding whether or not Tonio was there.


“You’re not going to complain?” She teased.


“Nein!” He managed a snort, crossing his arms as he talked about how ‘offended’ he was. A joke of course, but Isa took it seriously. “Really? Lo siento, Gille, Lo siento!” 


The scoff turned into a chuckle. He ruffled her hair as he sat on top of the kitchen table. “Are all Spaniards easy to trick?”


She continued to watch him laugh, still amused at how he always appeared to be so cheerful.


“Say, you don’t say much.” He said bluntly, scratching his chin as he looked at Isa. “I have nothing to say?” She questioned her own answer.


“Kesese, then let me do all the talking!”


Ever since that conversation, Gilbert began telling tales of his “Awesome-est” days. How he fought off the countries that dared defy him. How his strategical ingeniousness made him known far and wide. How he kicked everyone’s sissy butts. And how awesome he was!


Isa could only respond with a soft chuckle.


I know.




A frown was on his face. It was too noticeable to ignore. The rain seemed to match his mood too, it poured heavily.


Gil stared outside the window, watching the rain, idly, silently. Isa did too, watching the man that used to be so hyper be so…different.


“Gil?” She finally spoke up. He replied with a soft ‘hmmn?’, his eyes still locked on the rain. “What’s wrong?”


With one eye closed, he looked at her, with a softer expression. The frown was still there, but was covered in the faintest of smiles. “Nothing.”






“Hey, Isa.”


He was a bit better when he visited them again, a few days after his sullen mood. “Do you like someone?”


Blink. Think. Respond.


“Yes, do you?”




Look away. Breath. Look back.


Signora Elizabeta?”


He looked away, flustering. “Ja.”


Smile. Walk out. Die.


“Wait up, no fair! What about you? Lovi?”


Alive once again. Look back. Muster. “Si.”


I’m a liar too.




Winter came. 12 more days before Christmas.


The Italians invited almost everyone to join them celebrate the festivities at their household. And everyone, in return, was more than happy to do so. Most that is.


“Kesese, are you coming?” He cheerfully asked as he prepared to leave. “Si, si, si!”


“Bruder, hurry up!” Ludwig yelled but quickly shut himself up as he was stared at. He and Gil were asked by Feliciano to send the invites, much to Gilbert’s dislike. But hey, the little guy’s cute, why the heck not?


“Now’s your chance, go get ‘em!” He gave her a sly wink before leaving.


If you say so.




Christmas Time! The Vargas’ household was as lively as it can be. Food, food, and more food!


The music started to play and Feliciano suddenly called everyone’s attention.


Gilbert frowned as Feli announced a “Christmas Dance”. His frown turned into a complete scowl as Roderich asked Elizabeta. She accepted his offer of course.


He turned around, tempted to leave. But as he did, Isa stopped him, asking him to dance. “Now, now, I know I’m awesome but you should go ask Lovi!”


Isa shook her head frantically, insisting for the two of them to dance. He continued to reject her offer though.


She looked down. Her expression growing darker by the second. “But I just want to dance.” She looked up. A dark twinkle appeared in her eyes as she grinned. “Please?”


“ON SECOND THOUGHT, I WOULD LOVE TO.” He quickly gestured for them to start dancing. But as he did, the music stopped. There was a power shortage.


The two were at the middle, and it was as dark as can be. Moving through the crowd, they found their way to the balcony. At least it was brighter.


“Ve.. Sorry for the trouble~” The lights went back on. And everyone started dancing again.


Gilbert was about to go back inside, when his neck tie was tugged. Bad timing to wear them.


“Was?” Isa pointed up; towards a tiny mistletoe.


Confusion filled up the Prussian’s mind. I thought she likes Lovi?!


His lack of response made her frown. If he wasn’t going to do it, then she would.


With a tug of his tie, he was forced to stoop down, their lips being forced to meet.






New Year was two days away, and Isa was sulking in a corner.


After she and Gilbert kissed, he never visited again. Does he hate her now?


That would be too much. It was just a kiss…


Slapping herself, she reached for her phone and dialed Gil’s number. The phone kept on ringing, making her theory more legit.


After the fifth ring, someone responded. “K-kesese, awesomeness isn’t at home right now. So leave a message after the uhh, the tone. Yeah! BOING!”


He hang up.






New Year’s day arrived. Isa prayed hard for her love life to blossom this year. She can’t remember the last time she dated someone, even just a casual date. And it was getting annoying!


“Gil! Haven’t seen you in a while!” Antonio’s voice caught Isa’s attention immediately; hiding behind a table as she took a peek to see if he was really there.


“Miss me already?” He proudly said as he punched Tonio’s right arm. “So where’s your sis?”


Confusion. Excitement. Joy.


All those mashed up together in Isa’s head, making her grin as awkward as can be. And then, she fainted. The emotion too much for her.




Gil and Tonio looked behind them, noticing her body from behind the table. Why she was there, they would never know.


He was looking for me!




He said sorry.


Sorry for suddenly avoiding her. Sorry for making her feel bad. And sorry for not taking a hint.


Antonio told him about how she became depressed lately, and Gilbert knew he was guilty, so he came over.


Not because he came to sweep her off her feet, and express his undying love, but because he was forced.


“You don’t like me, do you?” She asked him, clinging to him unconsciously as she waited for his response.


Gil was beyond confused. If he didn’t respond properly, who knows what will happen!


“Of course I like you, just not in a-”


She hugged him, tightly. “You meant what you said, si?”


Her eyes weren’t dark, but it was far worst than the dark ones from before. It was filled with too much joy.


He gulped, hugging her back. “Ja.”










Side Notes



I at making titles, so yeah =,=

To be clear, part 1 is Isa's moment to shine XD The little one liners at the end of each uhh, something, are suppose to be better, but it ended up leading to...whatever you read right now o,O And for the last part...haha I ran out of wrods XD

Part 2 will be Gil's turn. And the events will be after the hug thingy o,o 

Used a different writing style here, just for the heck of it. Coding stuff before making a fic = bad idea XD I need some Gil x Isa inspiration! I'll make a decent one someday XD 



Word Count : 1,644

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